This study is prepared to examine the effectiveness of internal communication in managing ethnically diverse work. To do this Nakheel development company from Dubai, UAE was chosen. To meet this purpose, the topic was examined from both managers’ and employees’ aspects. To examine how effective internal communication is in managing ethnically diverse workforce interpretivist approach is followed. Accordingly, the case study approach was followed as the study conducted within a single organization – Nakheel. In collecting primary data from the company, in-depth interview method was used since carrying out this study required exploring thoughts and experiences of managers in relation to managing diverse workforce and methods they use when communicating ethnically diverse employees. The findings suggested that managers at Nakheel are aware of the diversity in their workforce and the consequences of not acting on smoothing the differences. The company employs various channels to establish a good communication with its employees and implemented open door policy to hear their voice. However, it is found that the main concern of Nakheel is to overcome the language barriers and the company started to use English in an addition to Arabic which is evidently the proof of ineffective way of managing ethnically diverse workforce
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Etnik Olarak Farklı İş Gücünü Yönetmede İç İletişimin Etkinliği: Nakheel Şirketi Üzerine Bir Çalışma
Year 2021,
Volume: 17 Issue: 34, 855 - 872, 28.02.2021
Bu çalışma, etnik iletişimin çeşitli çalışmalarının yönetiminde iç iletişimin etkinliğini incelemek için hazırlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, Dubai'den Nakheel geliştirme şirketi seçilmiştir. Bu amaca ulaşmak için konu, hem yönetici hem de çalışan yönlerinden incelenmiştir. Etnik olarak farklı işgücünün yönetiminde iç iletişimin ne kadar etkili olduğunu incelemek için yorumlayıcı yaklaşım izlenmiştir. Araştırma tek bir şirket özelinde gerçekleştirildiği için (Nakheel) vaka çalışması yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Şirketten birincil veri toplanırken, bu çalışmanın yürütülmesi için yöneticilerin farklı işgücü ve etnik olarak farklı çalışanlarla iletişim kurarken kullandıkları yöntemlerle ilgili düşünce ve deneyimlerinin araştırılması gerektiğinden derinlemesine görüşme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, Nakheel'daki yöneticilerin iş güçlerindeki çeşitliliğin ve farklılıkları yumuşatma konusunda hareket etmemenin sonuçlarının farkında olduklarını göstermektedir. Şirket, çalışanları ile iyi iletişim kurmak için çeşitli kanallar kullanmakta ve onların seslerini duymak için açık kapı politikası uygulamaktadır. Bununla birlikte, şirketin asıl endişesinin dil engellerini aşmak olduğu ve şirketin etnik olarak çeşitli işgücünü yönetmenin etkisiz bir yolunun kanıtı olan Arapça'ya ek olarak İngilizce kullanmaya başladığı görülmüştür.
Adler, N.J. (2002). International dimensions of organisational behavior. (4th ed.). Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing.
Armstrong, E.M. and Ferguson, A. (2010). Language, meaning, context, and functional communication.
Aphasiology, 24(4), 480-496.
Asif, S. and Sargeant, A. (2000). Modelling internal communications in the financial services sector.
European Journal of Marketing, 34(3-4), 299-318.
Banks, S.P. (1995). Multicultural public relations: A social interpretive approach. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Chang, S. and Tharenou, P. (2004). Competencies needed for managing a multicultural workgroup. Asia
Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 42(1), 57-74.
Cheney, G. and Christensen, L. (2001). Organisational identity linkages between internal and external
communication. F.M. Jablin and L.L. Putnam (Ed.), The New Handbook of Organisational Communication.
Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Clampitt, P. (2013). Communicating for managerial effectiveness. (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Elving, W. (2005). The role of communication in organisational change. Corporate Communications: An
International Journal, 10(2), 129-138.
Fatt, J.P.T. (1997). The role of communications in business success. Management Development Review, 10(3),
Fill, C. (2013). Marketing communications: Brands, experiences and participation. (6th ed.). New York:
Pearson Education.
Hall, E.T. (1990). Understanding cultural differences. United States of America: Intercultural Press
Hinner, M.B. (2017). Intercultural misunderstandings: causes and solutions. Russian Journal of Linguistics,
21(4), 885-909.
Hornikx, J. and Le Pair, R. (2017). The influence of high-/low-context culture on perceived ad complexity and
liking. Journal of Global Marketing, 30(4), 228-237.
Jamali, D., Abdallah, H. and Hmaidan, S. (2010). The challenge of moving beyond rhetoric: paradoxes of
diversity management in the Middle East. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 29(2),
Janelle, B.D., Bryan, W.H. and Timothy Mcmahon, J. (1998). Need for approval in low-context and high-
context cultures: A communications approach to cross-cultural ethics. Teaching Business Ethics, 2(2), 111-
Johnston, W.B. (1991). Global workforce 2000: the new world labour market. Harvard Business Review, 115-127.
Kamp, A. and Hagedorn-Rasmussen, P. (2004). Diversity management in a Danish context: towards a multi-
cultural or segregated working life?. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 25(4), 525-554.
Kundu, S.C. (2003). Workforce diversity status: a study of employees’ reactions. Industrial Management and
Data Systems, 103(4), 215-226.
Leveson, L., Joiner, T.A. and Bakalis, S. (2009). Managing cultural diversity and perceived organisational
support: evidence from Australia. International Journal of Manpower, 30(4), 377-392.
Miroshnik, V. (2002). Culture and international management: a review. Journal of Management
Development, 21(7), 521-544.
Oliver, S. (1997). Corporate communication: Principles, techniques and strategies. London: Kogan Page.
Ozkalp, E. and Kirel, C. (2000). Globallesen orgutler ve orgutsel davranisin bu surecteki yeri ve yeni ilgi
alanlari. Erciyes Üniversitesi 8. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 447-462
Quirke, B. (1996). Communicating corporate change. London: McGraw-Hill.
Rau, P.L.P., Li, Y. and Li, D. (2009). Effects of communication style and culture on ability to accept
recommendations from robots. Computers in Human Behavior, 25, 587-595.
Seymen, O.A. (2006). The cultural diversity phenomenon in organisations and different approaches for
effective cultural diversity management: a literary review. Cross Cultural Management: An International
Journal, 13(4), 296-315.
Torres, C. and Bruxelles, M. (1992) Capitalizing on global diversity. HR Magazine, 30-33.
Tourish, D. and Hargie, O. (2004). Key issues in organisational communication. London: Routledge.
Vecchio, R.P. and Appelbaum, S.H. (1995). Managing organisational behaviour: A Canadian perspective.
Toronto: Dryden.
Victor, D.A. (1992). International business communication. New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.
Von Bergen, C.W., Soper, B. and Parnell, J.A. (2005). Workforce diversity and organisational performance.
Equal Opportunities International, 24(3/4), 1-16.
Welch, M. and Jackson, P. (2007). Rethinking internal communication: a stakeholder approach. Corporate
Communications: An International Journal, 12(2), 177-198.
Wentling, R.M. and Palma-Rivas, N. (2000). Current status of diversity initiatives in selected multinational
corporations. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 11(1), 35-60.
Yeomans, L. (2008). ‘… it’s a general meeting, it’s not for us …’: internal communication and organisational
learning: An interpretive approach. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 13(3), 271-286.
Toksöz, S. (2021). Effectiveness of Internal Communication in Managing Ethnically Diverse Workforce: Case Study of Nakheel. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 17(34), 855-872.