Research Article
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İş-Aile Zenginleşmesinin Kadın Girişimcilerin Kariyer ve Yaşam Tatmini Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 18 Issue: 42, 5157 - 5186, 13.10.2021


Yaşamın iki önemli alanını oluşturan iş ve aile içerisinde üstlenen roller kadının hayatında çoğu zaman iç içe geçmiştir ve bu roller sürekli etkileşim halindedir. Bir alanda yaşadığı olumlu ya da olumsuz bir durum diğer alanı etkileyebilmekte ve duruma göre pozitif ve negatif etkide bulunabilmektedir. Bu doğrultuda gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, anne ve çalışan kadın olarak, aile içerisinde (ev işleri ve çocuk bakımı sorumlulukları) ve işlerinde çok sayıda rol üstlenen kadın girişimciler üzerinde bir araştırma yapılarak, kadın girişimcilerin yaşadıkları iş-aile zenginleşmesi ile yaşam ve kariyer tatminleri arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen Adana’da faaliyet gösteren 336 kadın girişimciden anket yoluyla veri toplanmıştır. Anket hazırlandıktan sonra Adana Alparslan Türkeş Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Kurulu'ndan (2018/3-4) gerekli izinler alınmış ve 5 Nisan - 5 Mayıs 2019 tarihleri arasında uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan ölçeklerin yapısal geçerliğini ortaya koymak amacıyla doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmış değişkenler, arasındaki dolaylı ilişkiler ise yapısal eşitlik modeli ile analiz edilmiştir. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonucu elde edilen değerler modelin iyi uyum sağladığını ortaya koymaktadır. Değişkenler arasındaki doğrudan ve dolaylı etkileri ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılan analiz sonucunda iş-aile zenginleşmesinin kadın girişimcilerin kariyer ve yaşam tatmini ile pozitif ilişkili olduğu ortaya konulmuştur. Benzer şekilde, iş-aile zenginleşmesinin yaşam tatmini üzerindeki etkisinde kariyer tatmininin aracılık rolünün bulunduğu belirlenmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Adana Alparslan Türkeş Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi

Project Number



  • Agrawal, S. and Srivastava, S. (2018). Organizational commitment & career satisfaction among women employees. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 54(1), 132-145.
  • Ahl, H. (2006). Why research on women entrepreneurs needs new directions. Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 30(5), 595-621.
  • Akpinar-Sposito, C. (2013). Career barriers for women executives and the Glass Ceiling Syndrome: The case study comparison between French and Turkish women executives. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 75, 488-497.
  • Anand, M. and Arora, D. (2009). Burnout, life satisfaction and quality of life among executives of multinational companies. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 35(1), 159-164.
  • Azeez, R. O., Fapohunda, T. M. and Jayeoba, F. I. (2017). Work-life balance and organisational commitment: Perceptions of working postgraduate students. BVIMSR’s Journal of Management Research, 9(2), 178-188.
  • Ballout, H. I. (2008). Work-family conflict and career success: The effects of domain-specific determinants. Journal of Management Development, 27(5), 437-466.
  • Baltes, B. B., Clark, M. A. and Chakrabarti, M. (2009). Work-life balance: The roles of work-family conflict and work-family facilitation. In A. Lingley, S. Harrington, & N. Page (Eds.), Handbook of Positive Psychology and Work. (p.491-521). New York: Oxford University Press, NY.
  • Barnett, R. C., Marshall, N. L. and Sayer, A. (1992). Positive-spillover effects from job to home: A closer look. Women & Health, 19(2-3), 13–41.
  • Beutell, N. J. and Wittig-Berman, U. (1999). Predictors of work-family conflict and satisfaction with family, job, career, and life. Psychological Reports, 85, 893-903.
  • Bruni, A., Gherardi, S. and Poggio, B. (2004). Entrepreneur-mentality, gender and the study of women entrepreneurs. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17(3), 256-268.
  • Buttner, E. H. and Moore, D. P. (1997). Women’s organizational exodus to entrepreneurship: Self-reported motivations and correlates with success. Journal of Small Business Management, 35(1), 34-46.
  • Carlson, D. S., Grzywacz, J. G. and Kacmar, K. M. (2010). The relationship of schedule flexibility and outcomes via the work–family interface, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25, 330-355.
  • Carlson, D. S., Hunter, E. M., Ferguson, M. and Whitten, D. (2011). Work-family enrichment and satisfaction: Mediating processes and relative impact of originating and receiving domains. Journal of Management, 40(3), 845-865.
  • Carlson, D., Kacmar, K. M., Zivnuska, S., Ferguson, M. and Whitten, D. (2011). Work-family enrichment and job performance: A constructive replication of affective events theory. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 16(3), 297–312.
  • Clark, S. C. (2001). Work cultures and work/family balance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 58, 348-365.
  • Coetzee, M. and Bester, M. S. (2018). Probing the role of psychosocial career mechanisms in the harmonious work passion-career satisfaction link. Personnel Review, 48(5), 1135-1149.
  • Collin, A. (2006). Conceptualising the family-friendly career: The contribution of career theories and a systems approach. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 34(3), 295-307.
  • Crouter, A. C. (1984). Spillover from family to work: The neglected side of the work–family interface. Human Relations, 37(6), 425–441.
  • De Klerk, M., Nel, J. A. and Koekemoer, E. (2015). Work-to-Family enrichment: Influences of work resources, work engagement and satisfaction among employees within the South African context. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 25(6), 537-546.
  • Diener, E., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J. and Grifin, S. (1985). The satisfaction with life scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49(1), 71-75.
  • Dries, N., Pepermans, R. and Carlier, O. (2008). Career success: Constructing a multidimensional model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73, 254-267.
  • Frone, M. R. (2003). Work–family balance. In J. C. Quick & L. E. Tetrick (Eds.), Handbook of occupational health psychology (p.143–162). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Gorsy, C. and Panwar, N. (2016). Work-life balance, life satisfaction and personality traits among teaching professionals. International Journal in Management and Social Science, 4(2), 98-105.
  • Greenhaus, J. H. and Powell, G. N. (2006). When work and family are allies: A theory of work–family enrichment. The Academy of Management Review, 31, 72–92.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., Parasuraman, S. and Wormley, W. M. (1990). Effects of race on organizational experiences, job performance evaluations, and career outcomes. The Academy of Management Journal, 33(1), 64-86.
  • Gürbüz, S. and Şahin, F. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri felsefe, yöntem, analiz (4. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Gürol, M. A. (2000). Türkiye’de kadın girişimci ve küçük işletmesi: Fırsatlar, sorunlar, beklentiler ve öneriler. Ankara: Atılım Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Hagmaier, T., Abele, A. E. and Goebel, K. (2018). How do career satisfaction and life satisfaction associate? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33(2), 142-160.
  • Hair, J. F. Jr., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J. & Anderson, R. E. (2013). Multivariate Data Analysis. Pearson International Edition, 7th Ed. US: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Hakanen, J. J. and Schaufeli, W. B. (2012). Do burnout and work engagement predict depressive symptoms and life satisfaction? A three-wave seven-year prospective study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 141, 415-424.
  • Hisrich, R. D. and Brush, C. G. (1985). Women and minority entrepreneurs: A comparative analysis. In J. A. Hornaday, E. B. Shils, J. A. Timmons, & K. H. Vesper (Eds.), Frontiers of entrepreneurial research (p.566-587). Boston, MA: Babson College.
  • İlter, B. (2008). Girişimcilik sürecinde kadın girişimcilerin karşılaştıkları sorunların analizi: KAGİDER örneği, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Afyonkarahisar.
  • İplik, E. and Budak, D. B. (2010). Kırsal alanda kadın girişimciliği. Toplumsal Gelişmede Türk ve Japon Kadının Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 06-08 Ekim 2010, Çanakkale, 280-298.
  • Jennings, J. E. and McDougald, M. S. (2007), Work-family ınterface experiences and coping strategies: Implications for entrepreneurship research and practice. The Academy of Management Review, 32(3), 747-760.
  • Joo, B. K. and Lee, I. (2017). Workplace happiness: work engagement, career satisfaction, and subjective well-being. Evidence-based HRM, 5(2), 206–221.
  • Kacmar, K. M., Crawford, W. S., Carlson, D. S., Ferguson, M. and Whitten, D. (2014). A Short and Valid Measure of Work-Family Enrichment. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19(1), 32-45.
  • Keeton, K., Fenner, D. E., Johnson, T. R. B. and Hayward, R. A. (2007). Predictors of physician career satisfaction, work–life balance, and burnout. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 109(4), 949-955.
  • Lounsbury, J. W., Park, S. H., Sundstrom, E., Williamson, J. M. and Pemberton, A. E. (2004). Personality, career satisfaction, and life satisfaction: Test of a directional model. Journal of Career Assessment, 12(4), 395–406.
  • Marks, S. R. (1977). Multiple roles and role strain: Some notes on human energy, time, and commitment. American Sociological Review, 42, 921–936.
  • McNall, L. A., Masuda, A. D. and Nicklin, J. M. (2010). Flexible work arrangements, job satisfaction, and turnover ıntentions: The mediating role of work-to-family enrichment. The Journal of Psychology, 144(1), 61-81.
  • Nemcek, M. A. (2007). Registered nurses’ self-nurturance and life and career satisfaction. AAOHN Journal, 55(8), 305-310.
  • Nicklin J. M. and McNall L. A. (2013). Work–Family enrichment, support, and satisfaction: A test of mediation, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22(1), 67-77.
  • OECD, Gender Data Portal (2017). Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2017. Erişim Linki: Erişim Tarihi: 03.02.2021.
  • Parasuraman, S. and Greenhaus, J. H. (1997). Integrating work and family: Challenges and choices for a changing world. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
  • Park, Y. (2018). Empirical investigation on the predictors of career satisfaction. Industrial and Commercial Training, 50(4), 165-171.
  • Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., Halbesleben, J. R. B., Carlson, D. S. and Kacmar, K. M. (2013). The work-family interface and promotability: Boundary integration as a double-edged sword. Journal of Management, 42(4), 960-981.
  • Powell, G. N. and Eddleston, K. A. (2013). Linking family-to-business enrichment and support to entrepreneurial success: Do female and male entrepreneurs experience different outcomes? Journal of Business Venturing, 28, 261–280.
  • Powell, G. N. and Greenhaus, J. H. (2006). Is the opposite of positive negative?: Untangling the complex relationship between work‐family enrichment and conflict. Career Development International, 11(7), 650-659.
  • Prasoon, R. and Chaturvedi, K. R. (2016). Life satisfaction: A literature review. The Researcher-International Journal of Management Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(2), 25-32.
  • Rice, R. W., Frone, M. R. and McFarlin, D. B. (1992). Work-nonwork conflict and the perceived quality of life. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(2), 155-168.
  • Sakthivel, D. and Jayakrishnan, J. (2018). Work life balance and organizational commitment for nurses. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 2(5), 1-6.
  • Saltzstein, A. L., Ting, Y. and Saltzstein, G. H. (2001). Work-family balance and job satisfaction: The İmpact of family-friendly policies on attitudes of federal government employees. Public Administration Review, 61(4), 452-467.
  • Sharma, S. (2019). Extrinsic rewards, occupational commitment, career entrenchment and career satisfaction of dentists. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 14(1), 1-13.
  • Shein, J. and Chen, C. P. (2011). Work-Family enrichment: A research of positive transfer. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Shelton, L. M. (2006). Female entrepreneurs, work–family conflict, and venture performance: New ınsights into the work–family ınterface. Journal of Small Business Management, 44(2), 285–297.
  • Shin, D. C. and Johnson, D. M. (1978). Avowed happiness as an overall assessment of the quality of life. Social Indicators Research, 5, 475-492.
  • Sieber, S. D. (1974). Toward a theory of role accumulation. American Sociological Review, 39, 567-578.
  • Steiner, D. D. and Truxillo, D. M. (1987). Another look at the job satisfaction‐life satisfaction relationship: A test of the disaggregation hypothesis. Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 8, 71-77.
  • Stoddard, M. and Madsen, S. R. (2007). Toward an understanding of the link between work-family enrichment and health. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 9(1), 2-15.
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The Effect of Work-Family Enrichment on Career and Life Satisfaction of Women Entrepreneurs

Year 2021, Volume: 18 Issue: 42, 5157 - 5186, 13.10.2021


Their roles in business and family life, which are two important areas of their life, are intertwined in the woman's life and these roles are in constant interaction. A positive or negative situation in one area may affect the other area and may have positive and negative effects depending on the situation. In this study conducted in this direction, a study was conducted on women entrepreneurs who played a large number of roles in the family and their jobs, and the relationships between job-family enrichment and life and career satisfaction of women entrepreneurs were examined. For this purpose, the data were collected from 336 women entrepreneurs operating in Adana using convenience-sampling method through surveys. After the questionnaire was prepared, necessary permissions were received from the Research and Publication Ethics Board of Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University (2018/3-4) and it was applied between April 5 and May 5, 2019. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to reveal the structural validity of the scales used in the study, and the indirect relationships between the variables were analyzed with the structural equation model. The results obtained from the confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the model fits well. As a result of the path analysis conducted to reveal the direct and indirect effects between the variables, it was revealed that work-family enrichment was positively related to career and life satisfaction. Similarly, career satisfaction has a mediation role in the effect of work-family enrichment on life satisfaction.

Project Number



  • Agrawal, S. and Srivastava, S. (2018). Organizational commitment & career satisfaction among women employees. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 54(1), 132-145.
  • Ahl, H. (2006). Why research on women entrepreneurs needs new directions. Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 30(5), 595-621.
  • Akpinar-Sposito, C. (2013). Career barriers for women executives and the Glass Ceiling Syndrome: The case study comparison between French and Turkish women executives. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 75, 488-497.
  • Anand, M. and Arora, D. (2009). Burnout, life satisfaction and quality of life among executives of multinational companies. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 35(1), 159-164.
  • Azeez, R. O., Fapohunda, T. M. and Jayeoba, F. I. (2017). Work-life balance and organisational commitment: Perceptions of working postgraduate students. BVIMSR’s Journal of Management Research, 9(2), 178-188.
  • Ballout, H. I. (2008). Work-family conflict and career success: The effects of domain-specific determinants. Journal of Management Development, 27(5), 437-466.
  • Baltes, B. B., Clark, M. A. and Chakrabarti, M. (2009). Work-life balance: The roles of work-family conflict and work-family facilitation. In A. Lingley, S. Harrington, & N. Page (Eds.), Handbook of Positive Psychology and Work. (p.491-521). New York: Oxford University Press, NY.
  • Barnett, R. C., Marshall, N. L. and Sayer, A. (1992). Positive-spillover effects from job to home: A closer look. Women & Health, 19(2-3), 13–41.
  • Beutell, N. J. and Wittig-Berman, U. (1999). Predictors of work-family conflict and satisfaction with family, job, career, and life. Psychological Reports, 85, 893-903.
  • Bruni, A., Gherardi, S. and Poggio, B. (2004). Entrepreneur-mentality, gender and the study of women entrepreneurs. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17(3), 256-268.
  • Buttner, E. H. and Moore, D. P. (1997). Women’s organizational exodus to entrepreneurship: Self-reported motivations and correlates with success. Journal of Small Business Management, 35(1), 34-46.
  • Carlson, D. S., Grzywacz, J. G. and Kacmar, K. M. (2010). The relationship of schedule flexibility and outcomes via the work–family interface, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25, 330-355.
  • Carlson, D. S., Hunter, E. M., Ferguson, M. and Whitten, D. (2011). Work-family enrichment and satisfaction: Mediating processes and relative impact of originating and receiving domains. Journal of Management, 40(3), 845-865.
  • Carlson, D., Kacmar, K. M., Zivnuska, S., Ferguson, M. and Whitten, D. (2011). Work-family enrichment and job performance: A constructive replication of affective events theory. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 16(3), 297–312.
  • Clark, S. C. (2001). Work cultures and work/family balance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 58, 348-365.
  • Coetzee, M. and Bester, M. S. (2018). Probing the role of psychosocial career mechanisms in the harmonious work passion-career satisfaction link. Personnel Review, 48(5), 1135-1149.
  • Collin, A. (2006). Conceptualising the family-friendly career: The contribution of career theories and a systems approach. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 34(3), 295-307.
  • Crouter, A. C. (1984). Spillover from family to work: The neglected side of the work–family interface. Human Relations, 37(6), 425–441.
  • De Klerk, M., Nel, J. A. and Koekemoer, E. (2015). Work-to-Family enrichment: Influences of work resources, work engagement and satisfaction among employees within the South African context. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 25(6), 537-546.
  • Diener, E., Emmons, R. A., Larsen, R. J. and Grifin, S. (1985). The satisfaction with life scale. Journal of Personality Assessment, 49(1), 71-75.
  • Dries, N., Pepermans, R. and Carlier, O. (2008). Career success: Constructing a multidimensional model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73, 254-267.
  • Frone, M. R. (2003). Work–family balance. In J. C. Quick & L. E. Tetrick (Eds.), Handbook of occupational health psychology (p.143–162). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Gorsy, C. and Panwar, N. (2016). Work-life balance, life satisfaction and personality traits among teaching professionals. International Journal in Management and Social Science, 4(2), 98-105.
  • Greenhaus, J. H. and Powell, G. N. (2006). When work and family are allies: A theory of work–family enrichment. The Academy of Management Review, 31, 72–92.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., Parasuraman, S. and Wormley, W. M. (1990). Effects of race on organizational experiences, job performance evaluations, and career outcomes. The Academy of Management Journal, 33(1), 64-86.
  • Gürbüz, S. and Şahin, F. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri felsefe, yöntem, analiz (4. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Gürol, M. A. (2000). Türkiye’de kadın girişimci ve küçük işletmesi: Fırsatlar, sorunlar, beklentiler ve öneriler. Ankara: Atılım Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Hagmaier, T., Abele, A. E. and Goebel, K. (2018). How do career satisfaction and life satisfaction associate? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33(2), 142-160.
  • Hair, J. F. Jr., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J. & Anderson, R. E. (2013). Multivariate Data Analysis. Pearson International Edition, 7th Ed. US: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Hakanen, J. J. and Schaufeli, W. B. (2012). Do burnout and work engagement predict depressive symptoms and life satisfaction? A three-wave seven-year prospective study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 141, 415-424.
  • Hisrich, R. D. and Brush, C. G. (1985). Women and minority entrepreneurs: A comparative analysis. In J. A. Hornaday, E. B. Shils, J. A. Timmons, & K. H. Vesper (Eds.), Frontiers of entrepreneurial research (p.566-587). Boston, MA: Babson College.
  • İlter, B. (2008). Girişimcilik sürecinde kadın girişimcilerin karşılaştıkları sorunların analizi: KAGİDER örneği, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Afyonkarahisar.
  • İplik, E. and Budak, D. B. (2010). Kırsal alanda kadın girişimciliği. Toplumsal Gelişmede Türk ve Japon Kadının Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 06-08 Ekim 2010, Çanakkale, 280-298.
  • Jennings, J. E. and McDougald, M. S. (2007), Work-family ınterface experiences and coping strategies: Implications for entrepreneurship research and practice. The Academy of Management Review, 32(3), 747-760.
  • Joo, B. K. and Lee, I. (2017). Workplace happiness: work engagement, career satisfaction, and subjective well-being. Evidence-based HRM, 5(2), 206–221.
  • Kacmar, K. M., Crawford, W. S., Carlson, D. S., Ferguson, M. and Whitten, D. (2014). A Short and Valid Measure of Work-Family Enrichment. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 19(1), 32-45.
  • Keeton, K., Fenner, D. E., Johnson, T. R. B. and Hayward, R. A. (2007). Predictors of physician career satisfaction, work–life balance, and burnout. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 109(4), 949-955.
  • Lounsbury, J. W., Park, S. H., Sundstrom, E., Williamson, J. M. and Pemberton, A. E. (2004). Personality, career satisfaction, and life satisfaction: Test of a directional model. Journal of Career Assessment, 12(4), 395–406.
  • Marks, S. R. (1977). Multiple roles and role strain: Some notes on human energy, time, and commitment. American Sociological Review, 42, 921–936.
  • McNall, L. A., Masuda, A. D. and Nicklin, J. M. (2010). Flexible work arrangements, job satisfaction, and turnover ıntentions: The mediating role of work-to-family enrichment. The Journal of Psychology, 144(1), 61-81.
  • Nemcek, M. A. (2007). Registered nurses’ self-nurturance and life and career satisfaction. AAOHN Journal, 55(8), 305-310.
  • Nicklin J. M. and McNall L. A. (2013). Work–Family enrichment, support, and satisfaction: A test of mediation, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22(1), 67-77.
  • OECD, Gender Data Portal (2017). Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2017. Erişim Linki: Erişim Tarihi: 03.02.2021.
  • Parasuraman, S. and Greenhaus, J. H. (1997). Integrating work and family: Challenges and choices for a changing world. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
  • Park, Y. (2018). Empirical investigation on the predictors of career satisfaction. Industrial and Commercial Training, 50(4), 165-171.
  • Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., Halbesleben, J. R. B., Carlson, D. S. and Kacmar, K. M. (2013). The work-family interface and promotability: Boundary integration as a double-edged sword. Journal of Management, 42(4), 960-981.
  • Powell, G. N. and Eddleston, K. A. (2013). Linking family-to-business enrichment and support to entrepreneurial success: Do female and male entrepreneurs experience different outcomes? Journal of Business Venturing, 28, 261–280.
  • Powell, G. N. and Greenhaus, J. H. (2006). Is the opposite of positive negative?: Untangling the complex relationship between work‐family enrichment and conflict. Career Development International, 11(7), 650-659.
  • Prasoon, R. and Chaturvedi, K. R. (2016). Life satisfaction: A literature review. The Researcher-International Journal of Management Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(2), 25-32.
  • Rice, R. W., Frone, M. R. and McFarlin, D. B. (1992). Work-nonwork conflict and the perceived quality of life. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(2), 155-168.
  • Sakthivel, D. and Jayakrishnan, J. (2018). Work life balance and organizational commitment for nurses. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 2(5), 1-6.
  • Saltzstein, A. L., Ting, Y. and Saltzstein, G. H. (2001). Work-family balance and job satisfaction: The İmpact of family-friendly policies on attitudes of federal government employees. Public Administration Review, 61(4), 452-467.
  • Sharma, S. (2019). Extrinsic rewards, occupational commitment, career entrenchment and career satisfaction of dentists. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 14(1), 1-13.
  • Shein, J. and Chen, C. P. (2011). Work-Family enrichment: A research of positive transfer. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • Shelton, L. M. (2006). Female entrepreneurs, work–family conflict, and venture performance: New ınsights into the work–family ınterface. Journal of Small Business Management, 44(2), 285–297.
  • Shin, D. C. and Johnson, D. M. (1978). Avowed happiness as an overall assessment of the quality of life. Social Indicators Research, 5, 475-492.
  • Sieber, S. D. (1974). Toward a theory of role accumulation. American Sociological Review, 39, 567-578.
  • Steiner, D. D. and Truxillo, D. M. (1987). Another look at the job satisfaction‐life satisfaction relationship: A test of the disaggregation hypothesis. Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 8, 71-77.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Esengül İplik 0000-0002-6000-1588

İlksun Didem Ülbeği 0000-0001-6905-2720

Project Number 18113004
Publication Date October 13, 2021
Acceptance Date July 7, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 18 Issue: 42


APA İplik, E., & Ülbeği, İ. D. (2021). The Effect of Work-Family Enrichment on Career and Life Satisfaction of Women Entrepreneurs. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 18(42), 5157-5186.