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Church, State, and the Holy Land: British Protestant Approaches to Imperial Policy in Palestine, 1917–1948

Year 2025, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 13 - 34, 01.01.2025


British Protestants had long held to the notion of a legitimate Protestant interest in the Christian ‘Holy Land’, a concept that helped bolster Britain’s political claim to Palestine in the aftermath of the First World War. Evangelical Protestant visions of the return of the Jews to their biblical homeland encouraged imperial support for Zionism and helped define the unique conditions of British mandate rule. But once the British actually assumed power over Palestine, British Protestants began to find themselves seriously at odds over their moral and political obligations in the new possession their interests had helped to shape. This article explores three broad Protestant attitudes towards the question of Britain’s policy towards Palestine during the mandate period, demonstrating the ways in which Lambeth Palace, Protestant metropolitan mission institutions, and Protestant church workers in Palestine itself developed radically different conceptions of their religious and political responsibilities in what they regarded as their ‘Holy Land’.


  • Bar-Yosef, Eitan. The Holy Land in English Culture 1799–1917: Palestine and the Question of Orientalism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005.
  • Bell, G. K. A. Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury. London: Oxford University Press, 1935.
  • Ben-Arieh, Yehoshua, and Moshe Davis, eds. Jerusalem in the Mind of the Western World, 1800– 1948. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
  • Cohn-Sherbok, Dan. Politics of Apocalypse: The History and Influence of Christian Zionism. Oxford: Oneworld, 2006.
  • Culver, Douglas J. Albion and Ariel: British Puritanism and the Birth of Political Zionism. New York: Lang, 1995. Dark, Sidney. Archbishop Davidson and the English Church. London: P. Allan, 1929.
  • Farah, Rafiq. In Troubled Waters: A History of the Anglican Diocese in Jerusalem 1841–1998. Leicester: Christians Aware, 2002.
  • Fieldhouse, D. K. Western Imperialism in the Middle East 1914–1958. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Fleischmann, Ellen. ‘The Impact of American Protestant Missions in Lebanon on the Construction of Female Identity, c. 1860–1950’. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 13, no. 4 (2002): 411 –26.
  • Goren, Haim, ed. Germany and the Middle East: Past, Present and Future. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2003.
  • Hadawi, Sami. Palestinian Rights and Losses in 1948: A Comprehensive Study. London: Saqi Books, 1988.
  • Kent, John. William Temple: Church, State, and Society in Britain, 1880–1950. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  • Khalidi, Rashid. The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood. Boston: Beacon Press, 2006.
  • Lewis, Donald. The Origins of Christian Zionism: Lord Shaftesbury and Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  • Lockhart, John Gilbert. Cosmo Gordon Lang. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1949.
  • Marten, Michael. Attempting to Bring the Gospel Home: Scottish Missions to Palestine, 1839–1917. London: Tauris, 2006.
  • McCarthy, Justin. The Population of Palestine: Population History and Statistics of the Late Ottoman Period and the Mandate. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990.
  • Merkley, Paul Charles. The Politics of Christian Zionism, 1891 –1948. London: Cass, 1998.
  • Moscrop, John James. Measuring Jerusalem: The Palestine Exploration Fund and British Interests in the Holy Land. London: Leicester University Press, 2000.
  • Nassar, Issam. European Portrayals of Jerusalem: Religious Fascinations and Colonialist Imaginations. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.
  • Nicault, Catherine. Je ́rusalem 1850 –1948: Des Ottomans aux Anglais: entre coexistence spirituelle et de ́chirure politique. (Jerusalem 1850–1948: From the Ottomans to the English: between spiritual coexistence and political strife). Paris: Autrement, 1999.
  • Okkenhaug, Inger Marie. The Quality of Heroic Living, of High Endeavour and Adventure: Anglican Mission, Women, and Education in Palestine, 1888– 1948. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2002.
  • Oren, Michael. Power, Faith and Fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the present. New York: W.W. Norton, 2007.
  • Perry, Yaron. British Mission to the Jews in Nineteenth-Century Palestine. London: Cass, 2003.
  • Pittman, Lester. ‘Missionaries and Emissaries: The Anglican Church in Palestine 1841–1948, Ph.D diss., University of Virginia, 1998.
  • Porter, Andrew, ed. The Imperial Horizons of British Protestant Missions, 1880–1914. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2003.
  • ———. Religious Versus Empire? British Protestant Missionaries and Overseas Expansion 1700– 1914. edited by Andrew Porter. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.
  • Robson, Laura. Colonialism and Christianity in Mandate Palestine. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011.
  • Shepherd, Naomi. Zealous Intruders: The Western Rediscovery of Palestine. London: Collins, 1987.
  • Silberman, Neil Asher. Digging for God and Country: Exploration, Archeology, and the Secret Struggle for the Holy Land, 1799–1917. New York: Knopf, 1982.
  • Smaberg, Maria. Ambivalent Friendship: Anglican Conflict Handling and Education for Peace in Jerusalem 1920–1948. Lund, Sweden: Lund University Press, 2005.
  • Stanley, Brian. The Bible and the Flag: Protestant Missions and British Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Leicester: Apollos, 1990.
  • Stein, Kenneth. ‘The Intifada and the 1936–39 Uprising: A Comparison’. Journal of Palestine Studies 19, no. 4 (1990): 64 –85.
  • Stockwell, Sarah. “Improper and Even Unconstitutional”: The Involvement of the Church of England in the Politics of End of Empire in Cyprus’. In From the Reformation to the Permissive Society: A Miscellany in Celebration of the 400th Anniversary of Lambeth Palace Library edited by M. Barber, S. Taylor, and G. Sewer. Woodbridge, VA: Boydell and Brewer, 2010.
  • ———. “Splendidly Leading the Way?” Archbishop Fisher and Decolonisation in British Colonial Africa’. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 36, no. 3 (2008): 545– 64.
  • Swedenburg, Ted. Memories of Revolt: The 1936 –1939 Rebellion and the Palestinian National Past. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995.
  • Tamari, Salim, ed. Jerusalem 1948: The Arab Neighbourhoods and Their Fate in the War. Jerusalem: Institute of Jerusalem Studies, 1999.
  • Tamcke, Martin, and Michael Marten eds. Christian Witness Between Continuity and New Beginnings: Modern Historical Missions in the Middle East, Münster, Germany: Transaction Publishers, 2006.
  • Tejirian, Eleanor, and Reeva Spector Simon eds. Altruism and Imperialism: Western Cultural and Religious Missions in the Middle East. New York: Middle East Institute, 2002.
  • Tibawi, A. L. British Interests in Palestine, 1800–1901: A Study of Religious and Educational Enterprise. London: Oxford University Press, 1961.
  • Townshend, Charles. ‘In Defence of Palestine: Insurrection and Public Security’. The English Historical Review 103, no. 409 (1988): 917 –49.

Kilise, Devlet Ve Kutsal Topraklar: Filistin’de İngiliz İmparatorluk Politikasına Protestan Yaklaşımlar, 1917- 1948

Year 2025, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 13 - 34, 01.01.2025


İngiliz Protestanlar, Birinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasında İngiltere’nin Filistin üzerindeki siyasi iddiasını güçlendirmeye yardımcı bir kavram olan Kutsal Topraklar’a yönelik meşru bir Protestan ilgisi kavramına uzun süredir bağlıydı. Yahudilerin İncil’deki anavatanlarına dönüşüne dair Evanjelik Protestan vizyonları, Siyonizm’e yönelik imparatorluk desteğini teşvik etti ve İngiliz manda yönetiminin kendine özgü koşullarının tanımlanmasına yardımcı oldu. Ancak İngilizler, Filistin’de fiilen iktidarı ele geçirdikten sonra, İngiliz Protestanlar, çıkarlarının şekillenmesine yardımcı olan yeni topraklardaki ahlaki ve siyasi yükümlülükleri konusunda, ciddi anlaşmazlıklar yaşamaya başladılar. Bu makale, manda döneminde İngiltere’nin Filistin politikasına yönelik üç geniş Protestan tutumunu incelemekte ve Lambeth Sarayı’nın, Protestan metropoliten misyon kurumlarının ve Filistin’deki Protestan kilise çalışanlarının ‘Kutsal Topraklar’ olarak gördükleri yerde dini ve siyasi sorumluluklarına dair radikal biçimde farklı anlayışlar geliştirdiklerini göstermektedir.


  • Bar-Yosef, Eitan. The Holy Land in English Culture 1799–1917: Palestine and the Question of Orientalism. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005.
  • Bell, G. K. A. Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury. London: Oxford University Press, 1935.
  • Ben-Arieh, Yehoshua, and Moshe Davis, eds. Jerusalem in the Mind of the Western World, 1800– 1948. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1997.
  • Cohn-Sherbok, Dan. Politics of Apocalypse: The History and Influence of Christian Zionism. Oxford: Oneworld, 2006.
  • Culver, Douglas J. Albion and Ariel: British Puritanism and the Birth of Political Zionism. New York: Lang, 1995. Dark, Sidney. Archbishop Davidson and the English Church. London: P. Allan, 1929.
  • Farah, Rafiq. In Troubled Waters: A History of the Anglican Diocese in Jerusalem 1841–1998. Leicester: Christians Aware, 2002.
  • Fieldhouse, D. K. Western Imperialism in the Middle East 1914–1958. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Fleischmann, Ellen. ‘The Impact of American Protestant Missions in Lebanon on the Construction of Female Identity, c. 1860–1950’. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 13, no. 4 (2002): 411 –26.
  • Goren, Haim, ed. Germany and the Middle East: Past, Present and Future. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2003.
  • Hadawi, Sami. Palestinian Rights and Losses in 1948: A Comprehensive Study. London: Saqi Books, 1988.
  • Kent, John. William Temple: Church, State, and Society in Britain, 1880–1950. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
  • Khalidi, Rashid. The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood. Boston: Beacon Press, 2006.
  • Lewis, Donald. The Origins of Christian Zionism: Lord Shaftesbury and Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  • Lockhart, John Gilbert. Cosmo Gordon Lang. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1949.
  • Marten, Michael. Attempting to Bring the Gospel Home: Scottish Missions to Palestine, 1839–1917. London: Tauris, 2006.
  • McCarthy, Justin. The Population of Palestine: Population History and Statistics of the Late Ottoman Period and the Mandate. New York: Columbia University Press, 1990.
  • Merkley, Paul Charles. The Politics of Christian Zionism, 1891 –1948. London: Cass, 1998.
  • Moscrop, John James. Measuring Jerusalem: The Palestine Exploration Fund and British Interests in the Holy Land. London: Leicester University Press, 2000.
  • Nassar, Issam. European Portrayals of Jerusalem: Religious Fascinations and Colonialist Imaginations. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.
  • Nicault, Catherine. Je ́rusalem 1850 –1948: Des Ottomans aux Anglais: entre coexistence spirituelle et de ́chirure politique. (Jerusalem 1850–1948: From the Ottomans to the English: between spiritual coexistence and political strife). Paris: Autrement, 1999.
  • Okkenhaug, Inger Marie. The Quality of Heroic Living, of High Endeavour and Adventure: Anglican Mission, Women, and Education in Palestine, 1888– 1948. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2002.
  • Oren, Michael. Power, Faith and Fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the present. New York: W.W. Norton, 2007.
  • Perry, Yaron. British Mission to the Jews in Nineteenth-Century Palestine. London: Cass, 2003.
  • Pittman, Lester. ‘Missionaries and Emissaries: The Anglican Church in Palestine 1841–1948, Ph.D diss., University of Virginia, 1998.
  • Porter, Andrew, ed. The Imperial Horizons of British Protestant Missions, 1880–1914. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2003.
  • ———. Religious Versus Empire? British Protestant Missionaries and Overseas Expansion 1700– 1914. edited by Andrew Porter. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.
  • Robson, Laura. Colonialism and Christianity in Mandate Palestine. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2011.
  • Shepherd, Naomi. Zealous Intruders: The Western Rediscovery of Palestine. London: Collins, 1987.
  • Silberman, Neil Asher. Digging for God and Country: Exploration, Archeology, and the Secret Struggle for the Holy Land, 1799–1917. New York: Knopf, 1982.
  • Smaberg, Maria. Ambivalent Friendship: Anglican Conflict Handling and Education for Peace in Jerusalem 1920–1948. Lund, Sweden: Lund University Press, 2005.
  • Stanley, Brian. The Bible and the Flag: Protestant Missions and British Imperialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Leicester: Apollos, 1990.
  • Stein, Kenneth. ‘The Intifada and the 1936–39 Uprising: A Comparison’. Journal of Palestine Studies 19, no. 4 (1990): 64 –85.
  • Stockwell, Sarah. “Improper and Even Unconstitutional”: The Involvement of the Church of England in the Politics of End of Empire in Cyprus’. In From the Reformation to the Permissive Society: A Miscellany in Celebration of the 400th Anniversary of Lambeth Palace Library edited by M. Barber, S. Taylor, and G. Sewer. Woodbridge, VA: Boydell and Brewer, 2010.
  • ———. “Splendidly Leading the Way?” Archbishop Fisher and Decolonisation in British Colonial Africa’. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 36, no. 3 (2008): 545– 64.
  • Swedenburg, Ted. Memories of Revolt: The 1936 –1939 Rebellion and the Palestinian National Past. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995.
  • Tamari, Salim, ed. Jerusalem 1948: The Arab Neighbourhoods and Their Fate in the War. Jerusalem: Institute of Jerusalem Studies, 1999.
  • Tamcke, Martin, and Michael Marten eds. Christian Witness Between Continuity and New Beginnings: Modern Historical Missions in the Middle East, Münster, Germany: Transaction Publishers, 2006.
  • Tejirian, Eleanor, and Reeva Spector Simon eds. Altruism and Imperialism: Western Cultural and Religious Missions in the Middle East. New York: Middle East Institute, 2002.
  • Tibawi, A. L. British Interests in Palestine, 1800–1901: A Study of Religious and Educational Enterprise. London: Oxford University Press, 1961.
  • Townshend, Charles. ‘In Defence of Palestine: Insurrection and Public Security’. The English Historical Review 103, no. 409 (1988): 917 –49.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations (Other)
Journal Section Çeviri Çalışmaları

Celal Öney 0000-0001-5034-5056

Publication Date January 1, 2025
Submission Date October 14, 2024
Acceptance Date December 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


Chicago Öney, Celal, trans. “Kilise, Devlet Ve Kutsal Topraklar: Filistin’de İngiliz İmparatorluk Politikasına Protestan Yaklaşımlar, 1917- 1948”. ORAFAM Journal 3, no. 1 (January 2025): 13-34.