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تحليل: هل المادة الخامسة لمعاهدة الناتو ضامنة لأمن تركيا أم لا؟

Year 2021, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 155 - 176, 30.04.2021


اعتمدت تركيا على المادة الخامسة لاتفاقية حلف شمال الأطلسي )الناتو( من أجل توفير أمنها
ضد التهديد السوفييتي، وبذلك أصبحت عضوا في الناتو في العام 1952 . لكن تركيا شهدت في
السنوات الأخيرة نقاشات حول مدى فعالية هذه المادة الخامسة في نطاق الأمن الجماعي. الدراسة
الفرد من أجل الجميع « تناولت آراء الجانب التركي حول فوائد هذه المادة التي اشتهرت بالمقولة
وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن الحقائق مختلفة عن المزاعم وتتعارض ،» والجميع من أجل الفرد
مع بعضها البعض. الدراسة تشير إلى أن عضوية تركيا في الناتو توفر لها الحماية، وأن الوضع
التركي لا يختلف عن وضع الدول الأخرى الأعضاء في سياق الدفاع الجماعي. وإضافة لذلك،
يذكر أن ثقة الأعضاء في المادة 5 قد تقلّصت، وتضاءل الولاء للتحالف. وإلى جانب ذلك، يشار
إلى أن الموقف السلبي لبعض أعضاء الناتو ساهم في ابتعاد تركيا عن حلف الناتو. واعتمدت هذه
المقالة على تحليل الدراسات الدولية ومسؤوليات الناتو، إضافة إلى المراجعات الأدبية. المقالة
تهدف إلى تقديم المساهمة في الأدبيات السياسية من خلال دراسة الوضع التركي في الناتو..


  • Akgul, Omer. Soguk Savas Sonrasi Donemde NATO–AB Iliskilerinde Rekabet-Işbirligi Analizi ve Turkiye Faktoru. Guvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 4(2008): 91-124.
  • Baharcicek, Abdulkadir. “From Neutrality To Alignment: The Formation Of Nato And Turkish Bids For Membership”. Journal Of Academic Approaches 1(2010): 57-68.
  • Bilge-Criss, Nur. “Turkiye-NATO Ittifakinin Tarihsel Boyutu”. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 9(2012): 1-28.
  • Coalson, Robert. “What Are NATO's Articles 4 And 5?”, Radio Free Europe. Accessed December 27, 2019.
  • Dogan, Naci. “Yeni Dunya Duzeni Baglaminda Uluslararasi Sistem, NATO’nun Rolu ve Turkiye’nin Stratejik Konumu”. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 5(2004): 25-41.
  • Erdem Can. “Turkey’s Nato Entry And Echoes In The Press”. Paper presented at the 1st International Turkish Culture and History Symposium, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, 2019.
  • Egeli, Sitki.“Making Sense of Turkey’s Air and Missile Defense Merry-go-Round”. All Azimuth 8(2019): 69-92.
  • Esel, Gokhan. “Nato Relations Between Turkey In The Period Of Military Coups (1960-1980)”. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 56(2017): 409-16.
  • Galbreath, David. “All For One And One For All, Except When It Comes To NATO”. The Conversation. Accessed October 23, 2019.
  • Guvenc, Serhat. “NATO’nun Evrimi ve Turkiye’nin Transatlantik Guvenlige Katkilari”. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 12 (2015): 101-19.
  • Holsti, Ole R. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Challenges to the Almond-Lippmann Consensus”. International Studies Quarterly 36 (1992):439-466.
  • İçener, Erhan and Zeynep Çağlıyan-İçener. “The Justice And Development Party’s İdentity And İts Role İn The EU’s Decision To Open Accession Negotiations With Turkey”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 11(2011): 19-34.
  • Laulicht, Jerome. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Decisions”. Journal of Peace Research 2(1965): 147-159.
  • “Majorities of Americans See the Need for NATO and the UN”. Gallup. Accessed January 7, 2020.
  • Manigart, Philippe. “Public Opinion and Europena Defense”. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Public opinion and European Defense, Brussels, April 3-4, 2001.
  • Mevlutoğlu, Arda. “Commentary On Assessing The Turkish Defense Industry: Structural Issues And Major Challenges”. Defense Studies 17(2017): 282-94.
  • Akgul, Omer. Soguk Savas Sonrasi Donemde NATO–AB Iliskilerinde Rekabet-Işbirligi Analizi ve Turkiye Faktoru. Guvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi,4(2008): 91-124.
  • Akkaya Bulent. “Türkiye’nin NATO Üyeliği ve Kore Savaşı”. Akademik Bakis Dergisi 28(2012): 1-20.
  • Alaranta, Toni. The ‘New Turkey’ As A Nato Member. Working Paper 103. Helsinki: FIIA, 2018.
  • Aybet, Gulnur. Turkey’s Security Challenges and NATO. Washington: Carnegie Endowment, 2012.
  • Baharcicek, Abdulkadir. “From Neutrality To Alignment: The Formation Of Nato And Turkish Bids For Membership”. Journal Of Academic Approaches 1(2010): 57-68.
  • Bilge-Criss, Nur. “Turkiye-NATO Ittifakinin Tarihsel Boyutu”.Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 9(2012): 1-28.
  • Coalson, Robert. “What Are NATO’s Articles 4 And 5?”, Radio Free Europe. Accessed December 27, 2019. articles-4-and-5/24626653.html.
  • Dogan, Naci. “Yeni Dunya Duzeni Baglaminda Uluslararasi Sistem, NATO’nun Rolu ve Turkiye’nin Stratejik Konumu”. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 5(2004): 25-41.
  • Erdem Can. “Turkey’s Nato Entry And Echoes In The Press”. Paper presented at the 1st International Turkish Culture and History Symposium, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, 2019.
  • Egeli, Sitki.“Making Sense of Turkey’s Air and Missile Defense Merrygo-Round”. All Azimuth 8(2019): 69-92.
  • Esel, Gokhan. “Nato Relations Between Turkey In The Period Of Military Coups (1960-1980)”. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 56(2017): 409-16.
  • Foyle, Douglas C. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Elite Beliefs as a Mediating Variable”. International Studies Quarterly 41(1997): 141-169.
  • Galbreath, David. “All For One And One For All, Except When It Comes To NATO”. The Conversation. Accessed October 23, 2019. https://
  • Guvenc, Serhat. “N ATO’nun Evrimi ve Turkiye’nin Transatlantik Guvenlige Katkilari”. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 12 (2015): 101-19.
  • Holsti, Ole R. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Challenges to the Almond-Lippmann Consensus”. International Studies Quarterly 36 (1992):439-466.
  • İçener, Erhan and Zeynep Çağlıyan-İçener. “The Justice And Development Party’s İdentity And İts Role İn The EU’s Decision To Open Accession Negotiations With Turkey”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 11(2011): 19-34.
  • Kibaroglu, Mustafa. Turkiye NATO Iliskileri. Istanbul: SETA, 2017.
  • Laulicht, Jerome. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Decisions”. Journal of Peace Research 2(1965): 147-159.
  • “Majorities of Americans See the Need for NATO and the UN”. Gallup. Accessed January 7, 2020. need-nato.aspx.
  • Manigart, Philippe. “Public Opinion and Europena Defense”. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Public opinion and European Defense, Brussels, April 3-4, 2001.
  • Mearsheimer, John. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. New York: WW Norton & Company, 2001.
  • Mevlutoğlu, Arda. “Commentary On Assessing The Turkish Defense Industry: Structural Issues And Major Challenges”. Defense Studies 17(2017): 282-94.
  • “NATO Publics Blame Russia for Ukrainian Crisis, But Reluctant to Provide Military Aid”. Pew Research Center. Accessed October 7, 2019.
  • “NATO Seen Favorably Across Member States”. Pew Research Center. Accessed February 11, 2020. nato-seen-favorably-across-member-states/.
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık. “Turkey and NATO”. Adam Akademi 3(2013): 1-10.
  • Omur Atmaca, Ayse. “The Geopolitical Origins of Turkish-American Relations: Revisiting the Cold War Years”. All Azimuth 3 (2014): 19-34.
  • Perot, Elie. “The art of commitments: NATO, the EU, And The Interplay Between Law And Politics Within Europe’s Collective Defence Architecture”. European Security (2019): 1-25. Accessed December 22, 2019.DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2019.1587746.
  • Sari, Aurel. “The Mutual Assistance Clauses of the North Atlantic and EU Treaties: The Challenge of Hybrid Threats”. Harvard National Security Journal 10 (2019): 405-60.
  • Snyder, Glenn H. “Alliance Theory: A Neorealist First Cut”. Journal of International Affairs 44 (1990): 103-123.
  • “The Future of NATO and European Defence”. The House of Commons. Accessed November 20, 2019, cm200708/cmselect/cmdfence/111/111.pdf.
  • “The North Atlantic Treaty”. NATO. Accessed January 3, 2020. nato_treaty_en_light_2009.pdf.
  • Toprak, Sinan. The Evolution of Turkey‘s Foreign Policy: The Truman Doctrine and Turkey‘s Entry into NATO. Master Dissertation, Kalamazoo, Western Michigan University, 1987).
  • Ulman, Haluk. “Nato ve Türkiye”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 22(1967): 143-67.
  • Uslu, Nasuh. “1947’den Günümüze Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinin Genel Portresi, Avrasya Dosyası 6(2000): 203-32.
  • Willams, Holly and David Martin. “NATO Urges Calm After Turkey Shoots Down Russian Plane”. CBS News. Accessed November 24, 2015.
  • Walt Stephen M. The Origin of Alliances. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1987.
  • Waltz, Kenneth. Theory of International Politics. Long Grove: Waveland Press, 2010.
  • Webber, Mark et al. Thinking NATO Through Theoretically. Palgrave Macmillan: London, 2012.

Türkiye’nin Güvenliğinde Bir Teminat Unsuru: NATO Antlaşması’nın 5. Maddesi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2021, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 155 - 176, 30.04.2021


Türkiye, Sovyet tehdidine karşı NATO Antlaşmasının 5. maddesine yaslanıp güvenliğini temin etmek amacıyla 1952’de NATO üyesi oldu. Ancak son yıllarda Türkiye’de 5. maddenin kolektif güvenlik bağlamında ne kadar etkili olduğu tartışma konusu olmuştur. Bu çalışma, Türk tarafının ‘Birimiz hepimiz, hepimiz birimiz için’ mottosuyla da meşhur ilgili maddenin faydalarıyla ilgili görüşlerini incelemiş ve gerçeklerle iddiaların birbirinden farklı ve birbirleriyle çatışma içinde olduğu sonucuna varmıştır. Çalışma, NATO üyeliğinin Türkiye’yi koruduğunu ve Türkiye’nin durumunun kolektif savunma bağlamında diğer üyelerden farkının olmadığını iddia etmektedir. Ayrıca üyelerin 5. Maddeye olan güveninin eridiği ve ittifaka olan sadakatin azaldığı öne sürülmektedir. Bunun yanında, bazı NATO üyelerinin pasif duruşlarının Türkiye’nin NATO’dan uzaklaşmasına neden olduğu savunulmaktadır. Yöntem olarak, literatür taramasının yanısıra, uluslararası araştırmalar ve NATO’nun sorumlulukları incelenmiştir. Çalışma, Türkiye’nin NATO’daki durumunu inceleyerek literatür katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Akgul, Omer. Soguk Savas Sonrasi Donemde NATO–AB Iliskilerinde Rekabet-Işbirligi Analizi ve Turkiye Faktoru. Guvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 4(2008): 91-124.
  • Baharcicek, Abdulkadir. “From Neutrality To Alignment: The Formation Of Nato And Turkish Bids For Membership”. Journal Of Academic Approaches 1(2010): 57-68.
  • Bilge-Criss, Nur. “Turkiye-NATO Ittifakinin Tarihsel Boyutu”. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 9(2012): 1-28.
  • Coalson, Robert. “What Are NATO's Articles 4 And 5?”, Radio Free Europe. Accessed December 27, 2019.
  • Dogan, Naci. “Yeni Dunya Duzeni Baglaminda Uluslararasi Sistem, NATO’nun Rolu ve Turkiye’nin Stratejik Konumu”. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 5(2004): 25-41.
  • Erdem Can. “Turkey’s Nato Entry And Echoes In The Press”. Paper presented at the 1st International Turkish Culture and History Symposium, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, 2019.
  • Egeli, Sitki.“Making Sense of Turkey’s Air and Missile Defense Merry-go-Round”. All Azimuth 8(2019): 69-92.
  • Esel, Gokhan. “Nato Relations Between Turkey In The Period Of Military Coups (1960-1980)”. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 56(2017): 409-16.
  • Galbreath, David. “All For One And One For All, Except When It Comes To NATO”. The Conversation. Accessed October 23, 2019.
  • Guvenc, Serhat. “NATO’nun Evrimi ve Turkiye’nin Transatlantik Guvenlige Katkilari”. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 12 (2015): 101-19.
  • Holsti, Ole R. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Challenges to the Almond-Lippmann Consensus”. International Studies Quarterly 36 (1992):439-466.
  • İçener, Erhan and Zeynep Çağlıyan-İçener. “The Justice And Development Party’s İdentity And İts Role İn The EU’s Decision To Open Accession Negotiations With Turkey”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 11(2011): 19-34.
  • Laulicht, Jerome. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Decisions”. Journal of Peace Research 2(1965): 147-159.
  • “Majorities of Americans See the Need for NATO and the UN”. Gallup. Accessed January 7, 2020.
  • Manigart, Philippe. “Public Opinion and Europena Defense”. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Public opinion and European Defense, Brussels, April 3-4, 2001.
  • Mevlutoğlu, Arda. “Commentary On Assessing The Turkish Defense Industry: Structural Issues And Major Challenges”. Defense Studies 17(2017): 282-94.
  • Akgul, Omer. Soguk Savas Sonrasi Donemde NATO–AB Iliskilerinde Rekabet-Işbirligi Analizi ve Turkiye Faktoru. Guvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi,4(2008): 91-124.
  • Akkaya Bulent. “Türkiye’nin NATO Üyeliği ve Kore Savaşı”. Akademik Bakis Dergisi 28(2012): 1-20.
  • Alaranta, Toni. The ‘New Turkey’ As A Nato Member. Working Paper 103. Helsinki: FIIA, 2018.
  • Aybet, Gulnur. Turkey’s Security Challenges and NATO. Washington: Carnegie Endowment, 2012.
  • Baharcicek, Abdulkadir. “From Neutrality To Alignment: The Formation Of Nato And Turkish Bids For Membership”. Journal Of Academic Approaches 1(2010): 57-68.
  • Bilge-Criss, Nur. “Turkiye-NATO Ittifakinin Tarihsel Boyutu”.Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 9(2012): 1-28.
  • Coalson, Robert. “What Are NATO’s Articles 4 And 5?”, Radio Free Europe. Accessed December 27, 2019. articles-4-and-5/24626653.html.
  • Dogan, Naci. “Yeni Dunya Duzeni Baglaminda Uluslararasi Sistem, NATO’nun Rolu ve Turkiye’nin Stratejik Konumu”. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 5(2004): 25-41.
  • Erdem Can. “Turkey’s Nato Entry And Echoes In The Press”. Paper presented at the 1st International Turkish Culture and History Symposium, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, 2019.
  • Egeli, Sitki.“Making Sense of Turkey’s Air and Missile Defense Merrygo-Round”. All Azimuth 8(2019): 69-92.
  • Esel, Gokhan. “Nato Relations Between Turkey In The Period Of Military Coups (1960-1980)”. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 56(2017): 409-16.
  • Foyle, Douglas C. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Elite Beliefs as a Mediating Variable”. International Studies Quarterly 41(1997): 141-169.
  • Galbreath, David. “All For One And One For All, Except When It Comes To NATO”. The Conversation. Accessed October 23, 2019. https://
  • Guvenc, Serhat. “N ATO’nun Evrimi ve Turkiye’nin Transatlantik Guvenlige Katkilari”. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 12 (2015): 101-19.
  • Holsti, Ole R. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Challenges to the Almond-Lippmann Consensus”. International Studies Quarterly 36 (1992):439-466.
  • İçener, Erhan and Zeynep Çağlıyan-İçener. “The Justice And Development Party’s İdentity And İts Role İn The EU’s Decision To Open Accession Negotiations With Turkey”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 11(2011): 19-34.
  • Kibaroglu, Mustafa. Turkiye NATO Iliskileri. Istanbul: SETA, 2017.
  • Laulicht, Jerome. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Decisions”. Journal of Peace Research 2(1965): 147-159.
  • “Majorities of Americans See the Need for NATO and the UN”. Gallup. Accessed January 7, 2020. need-nato.aspx.
  • Manigart, Philippe. “Public Opinion and Europena Defense”. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Public opinion and European Defense, Brussels, April 3-4, 2001.
  • Mearsheimer, John. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. New York: WW Norton & Company, 2001.
  • Mevlutoğlu, Arda. “Commentary On Assessing The Turkish Defense Industry: Structural Issues And Major Challenges”. Defense Studies 17(2017): 282-94.
  • “NATO Publics Blame Russia for Ukrainian Crisis, But Reluctant to Provide Military Aid”. Pew Research Center. Accessed October 7, 2019.
  • “NATO Seen Favorably Across Member States”. Pew Research Center. Accessed February 11, 2020. nato-seen-favorably-across-member-states/.
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık. “Turkey and NATO”. Adam Akademi 3(2013): 1-10.
  • Omur Atmaca, Ayse. “The Geopolitical Origins of Turkish-American Relations: Revisiting the Cold War Years”. All Azimuth 3 (2014): 19-34.
  • Perot, Elie. “The art of commitments: NATO, the EU, And The Interplay Between Law And Politics Within Europe’s Collective Defence Architecture”. European Security (2019): 1-25. Accessed December 22, 2019.DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2019.1587746.
  • Sari, Aurel. “The Mutual Assistance Clauses of the North Atlantic and EU Treaties: The Challenge of Hybrid Threats”. Harvard National Security Journal 10 (2019): 405-60.
  • Snyder, Glenn H. “Alliance Theory: A Neorealist First Cut”. Journal of International Affairs 44 (1990): 103-123.
  • “The Future of NATO and European Defence”. The House of Commons. Accessed November 20, 2019, cm200708/cmselect/cmdfence/111/111.pdf.
  • “The North Atlantic Treaty”. NATO. Accessed January 3, 2020. nato_treaty_en_light_2009.pdf.
  • Toprak, Sinan. The Evolution of Turkey‘s Foreign Policy: The Truman Doctrine and Turkey‘s Entry into NATO. Master Dissertation, Kalamazoo, Western Michigan University, 1987).
  • Ulman, Haluk. “Nato ve Türkiye”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 22(1967): 143-67.
  • Uslu, Nasuh. “1947’den Günümüze Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinin Genel Portresi, Avrasya Dosyası 6(2000): 203-32.
  • Willams, Holly and David Martin. “NATO Urges Calm After Turkey Shoots Down Russian Plane”. CBS News. Accessed November 24, 2015.
  • Walt Stephen M. The Origin of Alliances. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1987.
  • Waltz, Kenneth. Theory of International Politics. Long Grove: Waveland Press, 2010.
  • Webber, Mark et al. Thinking NATO Through Theoretically. Palgrave Macmillan: London, 2012.

Analyzing Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty as an Assurance of Turkey’s Security

Year 2021, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 155 - 176, 30.04.2021


How useful Article 5 is in providing collective defense has become a matter of discussion in Turkey, particularly in recent years. This study has analyzed
Turkey’s formal critical narrative about the article’s benefits. Article 5 is also known as the “One for all and all for one” principle and concluded that facts and beliefs are
different from each other. The study argues that NATO membership secured the Turkish state, and Turkey’s position is no different from other members in terms of collective
defense. It also found out that the reliance on Article 5 has diminished among member states due to waning loyalty to the organization. Furthermore, some NATO
members’ passive postures estranged Turkey from the alliance.


  • Akgul, Omer. Soguk Savas Sonrasi Donemde NATO–AB Iliskilerinde Rekabet-Işbirligi Analizi ve Turkiye Faktoru. Guvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 4(2008): 91-124.
  • Baharcicek, Abdulkadir. “From Neutrality To Alignment: The Formation Of Nato And Turkish Bids For Membership”. Journal Of Academic Approaches 1(2010): 57-68.
  • Bilge-Criss, Nur. “Turkiye-NATO Ittifakinin Tarihsel Boyutu”. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 9(2012): 1-28.
  • Coalson, Robert. “What Are NATO's Articles 4 And 5?”, Radio Free Europe. Accessed December 27, 2019.
  • Dogan, Naci. “Yeni Dunya Duzeni Baglaminda Uluslararasi Sistem, NATO’nun Rolu ve Turkiye’nin Stratejik Konumu”. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 5(2004): 25-41.
  • Erdem Can. “Turkey’s Nato Entry And Echoes In The Press”. Paper presented at the 1st International Turkish Culture and History Symposium, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, 2019.
  • Egeli, Sitki.“Making Sense of Turkey’s Air and Missile Defense Merry-go-Round”. All Azimuth 8(2019): 69-92.
  • Esel, Gokhan. “Nato Relations Between Turkey In The Period Of Military Coups (1960-1980)”. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 56(2017): 409-16.
  • Galbreath, David. “All For One And One For All, Except When It Comes To NATO”. The Conversation. Accessed October 23, 2019.
  • Guvenc, Serhat. “NATO’nun Evrimi ve Turkiye’nin Transatlantik Guvenlige Katkilari”. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 12 (2015): 101-19.
  • Holsti, Ole R. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Challenges to the Almond-Lippmann Consensus”. International Studies Quarterly 36 (1992):439-466.
  • İçener, Erhan and Zeynep Çağlıyan-İçener. “The Justice And Development Party’s İdentity And İts Role İn The EU’s Decision To Open Accession Negotiations With Turkey”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 11(2011): 19-34.
  • Laulicht, Jerome. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Decisions”. Journal of Peace Research 2(1965): 147-159.
  • “Majorities of Americans See the Need for NATO and the UN”. Gallup. Accessed January 7, 2020.
  • Manigart, Philippe. “Public Opinion and Europena Defense”. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Public opinion and European Defense, Brussels, April 3-4, 2001.
  • Mevlutoğlu, Arda. “Commentary On Assessing The Turkish Defense Industry: Structural Issues And Major Challenges”. Defense Studies 17(2017): 282-94.
  • Akgul, Omer. Soguk Savas Sonrasi Donemde NATO–AB Iliskilerinde Rekabet-Işbirligi Analizi ve Turkiye Faktoru. Guvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi,4(2008): 91-124.
  • Akkaya Bulent. “Türkiye’nin NATO Üyeliği ve Kore Savaşı”. Akademik Bakis Dergisi 28(2012): 1-20.
  • Alaranta, Toni. The ‘New Turkey’ As A Nato Member. Working Paper 103. Helsinki: FIIA, 2018.
  • Aybet, Gulnur. Turkey’s Security Challenges and NATO. Washington: Carnegie Endowment, 2012.
  • Baharcicek, Abdulkadir. “From Neutrality To Alignment: The Formation Of Nato And Turkish Bids For Membership”. Journal Of Academic Approaches 1(2010): 57-68.
  • Bilge-Criss, Nur. “Turkiye-NATO Ittifakinin Tarihsel Boyutu”.Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 9(2012): 1-28.
  • Coalson, Robert. “What Are NATO’s Articles 4 And 5?”, Radio Free Europe. Accessed December 27, 2019. articles-4-and-5/24626653.html.
  • Dogan, Naci. “Yeni Dunya Duzeni Baglaminda Uluslararasi Sistem, NATO’nun Rolu ve Turkiye’nin Stratejik Konumu”. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 5(2004): 25-41.
  • Erdem Can. “Turkey’s Nato Entry And Echoes In The Press”. Paper presented at the 1st International Turkish Culture and History Symposium, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, 2019.
  • Egeli, Sitki.“Making Sense of Turkey’s Air and Missile Defense Merrygo-Round”. All Azimuth 8(2019): 69-92.
  • Esel, Gokhan. “Nato Relations Between Turkey In The Period Of Military Coups (1960-1980)”. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 56(2017): 409-16.
  • Foyle, Douglas C. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Elite Beliefs as a Mediating Variable”. International Studies Quarterly 41(1997): 141-169.
  • Galbreath, David. “All For One And One For All, Except When It Comes To NATO”. The Conversation. Accessed October 23, 2019. https://
  • Guvenc, Serhat. “N ATO’nun Evrimi ve Turkiye’nin Transatlantik Guvenlige Katkilari”. Uluslararasi Iliskiler Dergisi 12 (2015): 101-19.
  • Holsti, Ole R. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Challenges to the Almond-Lippmann Consensus”. International Studies Quarterly 36 (1992):439-466.
  • İçener, Erhan and Zeynep Çağlıyan-İçener. “The Justice And Development Party’s İdentity And İts Role İn The EU’s Decision To Open Accession Negotiations With Turkey”. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 11(2011): 19-34.
  • Kibaroglu, Mustafa. Turkiye NATO Iliskileri. Istanbul: SETA, 2017.
  • Laulicht, Jerome. “Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Decisions”. Journal of Peace Research 2(1965): 147-159.
  • “Majorities of Americans See the Need for NATO and the UN”. Gallup. Accessed January 7, 2020. need-nato.aspx.
  • Manigart, Philippe. “Public Opinion and Europena Defense”. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Public opinion and European Defense, Brussels, April 3-4, 2001.
  • Mearsheimer, John. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. New York: WW Norton & Company, 2001.
  • Mevlutoğlu, Arda. “Commentary On Assessing The Turkish Defense Industry: Structural Issues And Major Challenges”. Defense Studies 17(2017): 282-94.
  • “NATO Publics Blame Russia for Ukrainian Crisis, But Reluctant to Provide Military Aid”. Pew Research Center. Accessed October 7, 2019.
  • “NATO Seen Favorably Across Member States”. Pew Research Center. Accessed February 11, 2020. nato-seen-favorably-across-member-states/.
  • Oğuzlu, Tarık. “Turkey and NATO”. Adam Akademi 3(2013): 1-10.
  • Omur Atmaca, Ayse. “The Geopolitical Origins of Turkish-American Relations: Revisiting the Cold War Years”. All Azimuth 3 (2014): 19-34.
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There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

İbrahim Karataş 0000-0002-2125-1840

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


Chicago Karataş, İbrahim. “Analyzing Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty As an Assurance of Turkey’s Security”. Ortadoğu Etütleri 13, no. 2 (April 2021): 155-76.

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