Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 29 - 46, 31.12.2017


ve ekonomideki hızlı gelişmeler kişileri karmaşık karar verme problemleriyle
karşı karşıya getirmektedir. Gerçek hayatta karşılaştığımız karar verme
problemlerinde genellikle birden çok kriteri dikkate alırız.
kriterli karar verme; birden çok sayıda ve genellikle birbiriyle çelişen kriterlerin
bulunduğu durumlarda söz konusu olan mevcut
alternatiflerden birinin
seçilmesi sürecidir. Hedef programlama çok amaçlı problemlerin
çözümünde kullanılan çok kriterli
karar verme yöntemlerinin en önemlilerinden biridir. Bu çalışmada hedef
programlama yönteminin yapısı, gelişimi, çeşitleri, çözüm yöntemleri ve
uygulama alanları analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın gelecekte, alanda yapılan
çalışmalara kaynaklık edeceği düşünülmektedir.


  • Abdelaziz, F. B., Masri, H. ve Alaya, H. (2015). A recourse goal programming approach for airport bus routing problem. Annals of Operations Research, 1-14. Acharya, S., Nanda, S. ve Mishra, B. B. (2011). Solving multi-choice linear goal programming problem with preemptive priorities. Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society, 30(1), 52-70. Agarwal, Y., Iyer, K. C. ve Yadav, S. S. (2012). Multiobjective capital structure modeling: An empirical investigation of goal programming model using accounting proxies. Journal of Accounting, Auditing ve Finance, 27(3), 359-385. Anderson, A. M. ve Earle, M. D. (1983). Diet planning in the third world by linear and goal programming. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 34(1), 9-16. Aouni, B., McGillis, S. ve Abdulkarim, M. E. (2015). Goal programming model for management accounting and auditing: A new typology. Annals of Operations Research, 1-14. Audet, C., Carrizosa, E. ve Hansen, P. (2004). An exact method for fractional goal programming. Journal of Global Optimization, 29(1), 113-120. Azaiez, M. N. ve Al Sharif, S. S. (2005). A 0-1 goal programming model for nurse scheduling. Computers ve Operations Research, 32(3), 491-507. Azimian, A. ve Aouni, B. (2017). Supply chain management through the stochastic goal programming model. Annals of Operations Research, 251(1-2), 351-365. Azmi, R. ve Tamiz, M. (2010). A review of goal programming for portfolio selection. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 638, 15-33. Ballarin, A., Vecchiato, D., Tempesta, T., Marangon, F. ve Troiano, S. (2011). Biomass energy production in agriculture: A weighted goal programming analysis. Energy Policy, 39(3), 1123-1131. Ballestero, E., Garcia-Bernabeu A. ve Hilario, A. (2015). Portfolio selection by goal programming techniques. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, 219, 111-129. Bard, J. F. (1990). Using multicriteria methods in the early stages of new product development. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 41(8), 755-766. Barnett, D., Blake, B. ve McCarl, B. A. (1982). Goal programming via multidimensional scaling applied to senegalese subsistence farms. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64(4), 720-727. Batson, R. G. (1989). Financial planning using goal programming. Long Range Planning, 22(5), 112-120. Betrie, G. D., Sadiq, R., Morin, K. A. ve Tesfamariam, S. (2013). Selection of remedial alternatives for mine sites: A multicriteria decision analysis approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 119, 36-46. Bhargava, A. K., Bansal, D., Chandramouli, A. B. ve Kumar, A. (2011). Weighted goal programming model formulation and calculation of diet planning. International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and Computers, 4(1), 123-132. Bhargava, A. K., Singh, S. R. ve Bansal, D. (2015). Production planning using fuzzy meta-goal programming model. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(34), 1-9. Blake, J. T. ve Carter, M. W. (2002). A goal programming approach to strategic resource allocation in acute care hospitals. European Journal of Operational Research, 140(3), 541-561. Bravo, M., Jones, D., Pla-Santamaria, D. ve Wall, G. (2017). Robustness of weighted goal programming models: An analytical measure and its application to offshore wind-farm site selection in united kingdom. Annals of Operations Research, 1-15. Buffa, F. P. (1983). A zero-base budgeting process with goal programming feedback. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 8(2), 93-108. Calvete, H. I., Galé, C., Oliveros, M. J. ve Sánchez-Valverde, B. (2007). A goal programming approach to vehicle routing problems with soft time windows. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(3), 1720-1733. Carlsson, C. ve Fullér, R. (1996). Fuzzy multiple criteria decision making: recent developments. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 78, 139-153. Chang, C. T. (2015). Multi-choice goal programming model for the optimal location of renewable energy facilities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41, 379-389. Chang, N. B. ve Wang, S. F. (1997). A fuzzy goal programming approach for the optimal planning of metropolitan solid waste management systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 99(2), 303-321. Charnes, A. ve Cooper, W. W. (1961). Management Models and Industrial Applications of Linear Programming. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Charnes, A., Cooper, W. W. ve Ferguson, R. (1955). Optimal estimation of executive compensation by linear programming. Management Science, 1(2), 138-151. Chen, H. H. (2008). Value-at-risk efficient portfolio selection using goal programming. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 11(2), 187-200. Chen, L. H., Ko, W. C. ve Yeh, F. T. (2017). Approach based on fuzzy goal programing and quality function deployment for new product planning. European Journal of Operational Research, 259(2), 654-663. Choudhary, D., ve Shankar, R. (2014). A goal programming model for joint decision making of inventory lot-size, supplier selection and carrier selection. Computers ve Industrial Engineering, 71, 1-9. Chowdary, B. V. (2012). Production planning in a machine tool company: Application of a linear lexicographic goal programming approach. International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, 2(3), 282-310. Dave, A. (2015). Goal programming applications in agricultural management. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(6), 883-887. Deb, K. (1999, February). Solving goal programming problems using multi-objective genetic algorithms. 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Washington, DC, United States. El-Wahed, W. F. A. ve Lee, S. M. (2006). Interactive fuzzy goal programming for multi-objective transportation problems. Omega, 34(2), 158-166. Fülöp, J. (2005, November). Introduction to decision making methods. In BDEI-3 workshop, Washington. García, F., Guijarro, F. ve Moya, I. (2010). Ranking spanish savings banks: a multicriteria approach. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 52(7), 1058-1065. Gardner, J. C., Huefner, R. J. ve Lotfi, V. (1990). A multiperiod audit staff planning model using multiple objectives: Development and evaluation. Decision Sciences, 21(1), 154-170. Gerdessen, J.C. ve De Vries, J. H. M. (2015). Diet models with linear goal programming: impact of achievement functions. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69(11), 1272-1278. Gigerenzer, G. (2001). Decision making: nonrational theories. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 3304–3309. Gómez, T., Hernández, M., León, M. A. ve Caballero, R. (2006). A forest planning problem solved via a linear fractional goal programming model. Forest Ecology and Management, 227(1), 79-88. Gökçen, H. ve Ağpak, K. (2006). A goal programming approach to simple U-line balancing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 171, 577-585. Greene, R., Devillers, R., Luther, J. E. ve Eddy, B. G. (2011). GIS-based multiple-criteria decision analysis. Geography Compass, 5(6), 412-432. He, Y., Gao, S., Liao, N. ve Liu, H. (2016). A nonlinear goal-programming-based DE and ANN approach to grade optimization in iron mining. Neural Computing and Applications, 27(7), 2065-2081. Ho, W., Dey, P. K. ve Higson, H. E. (2006). Multiple criteria decision-making techniques in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(5), 319-337. Hwang, C. L. ve Masud, A. S. Md. (1979). Multiple Objective Decision Making-Methods and Applications: A State-of-The-Art Survey. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Ignizio, J. P. (1976). Goal Programming and Extensions. Lexington, MA: Lexington Mass: Heath, Lexington Books. Ignizio, J. P. (2004). 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Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 29 - 46, 31.12.2017



  • Abdelaziz, F. B., Masri, H. ve Alaya, H. (2015). A recourse goal programming approach for airport bus routing problem. Annals of Operations Research, 1-14. Acharya, S., Nanda, S. ve Mishra, B. B. (2011). Solving multi-choice linear goal programming problem with preemptive priorities. Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society, 30(1), 52-70. Agarwal, Y., Iyer, K. C. ve Yadav, S. S. (2012). Multiobjective capital structure modeling: An empirical investigation of goal programming model using accounting proxies. Journal of Accounting, Auditing ve Finance, 27(3), 359-385. Anderson, A. M. ve Earle, M. D. (1983). Diet planning in the third world by linear and goal programming. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 34(1), 9-16. Aouni, B., McGillis, S. ve Abdulkarim, M. E. (2015). Goal programming model for management accounting and auditing: A new typology. Annals of Operations Research, 1-14. Audet, C., Carrizosa, E. ve Hansen, P. (2004). An exact method for fractional goal programming. Journal of Global Optimization, 29(1), 113-120. Azaiez, M. N. ve Al Sharif, S. S. (2005). A 0-1 goal programming model for nurse scheduling. Computers ve Operations Research, 32(3), 491-507. Azimian, A. ve Aouni, B. (2017). Supply chain management through the stochastic goal programming model. Annals of Operations Research, 251(1-2), 351-365. Azmi, R. ve Tamiz, M. (2010). A review of goal programming for portfolio selection. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 638, 15-33. Ballarin, A., Vecchiato, D., Tempesta, T., Marangon, F. ve Troiano, S. (2011). Biomass energy production in agriculture: A weighted goal programming analysis. Energy Policy, 39(3), 1123-1131. Ballestero, E., Garcia-Bernabeu A. ve Hilario, A. (2015). Portfolio selection by goal programming techniques. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, 219, 111-129. Bard, J. F. (1990). Using multicriteria methods in the early stages of new product development. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 41(8), 755-766. Barnett, D., Blake, B. ve McCarl, B. A. (1982). Goal programming via multidimensional scaling applied to senegalese subsistence farms. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64(4), 720-727. Batson, R. G. (1989). Financial planning using goal programming. Long Range Planning, 22(5), 112-120. Betrie, G. D., Sadiq, R., Morin, K. A. ve Tesfamariam, S. (2013). Selection of remedial alternatives for mine sites: A multicriteria decision analysis approach. Journal of Environmental Management, 119, 36-46. Bhargava, A. K., Bansal, D., Chandramouli, A. B. ve Kumar, A. (2011). Weighted goal programming model formulation and calculation of diet planning. International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences and Computers, 4(1), 123-132. Bhargava, A. K., Singh, S. R. ve Bansal, D. (2015). Production planning using fuzzy meta-goal programming model. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(34), 1-9. Blake, J. T. ve Carter, M. W. (2002). A goal programming approach to strategic resource allocation in acute care hospitals. European Journal of Operational Research, 140(3), 541-561. Bravo, M., Jones, D., Pla-Santamaria, D. ve Wall, G. (2017). Robustness of weighted goal programming models: An analytical measure and its application to offshore wind-farm site selection in united kingdom. Annals of Operations Research, 1-15. Buffa, F. P. (1983). A zero-base budgeting process with goal programming feedback. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 8(2), 93-108. Calvete, H. I., Galé, C., Oliveros, M. J. ve Sánchez-Valverde, B. (2007). A goal programming approach to vehicle routing problems with soft time windows. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(3), 1720-1733. Carlsson, C. ve Fullér, R. (1996). Fuzzy multiple criteria decision making: recent developments. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 78, 139-153. Chang, C. T. (2015). Multi-choice goal programming model for the optimal location of renewable energy facilities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41, 379-389. Chang, N. B. ve Wang, S. F. (1997). A fuzzy goal programming approach for the optimal planning of metropolitan solid waste management systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 99(2), 303-321. Charnes, A. ve Cooper, W. W. (1961). Management Models and Industrial Applications of Linear Programming. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Charnes, A., Cooper, W. W. ve Ferguson, R. (1955). Optimal estimation of executive compensation by linear programming. Management Science, 1(2), 138-151. Chen, H. H. (2008). Value-at-risk efficient portfolio selection using goal programming. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 11(2), 187-200. Chen, L. H., Ko, W. C. ve Yeh, F. T. (2017). Approach based on fuzzy goal programing and quality function deployment for new product planning. European Journal of Operational Research, 259(2), 654-663. Choudhary, D., ve Shankar, R. (2014). A goal programming model for joint decision making of inventory lot-size, supplier selection and carrier selection. Computers ve Industrial Engineering, 71, 1-9. Chowdary, B. V. (2012). Production planning in a machine tool company: Application of a linear lexicographic goal programming approach. International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, 2(3), 282-310. Dave, A. (2015). Goal programming applications in agricultural management. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(6), 883-887. Deb, K. (1999, February). Solving goal programming problems using multi-objective genetic algorithms. 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Washington, DC, United States. El-Wahed, W. F. A. ve Lee, S. M. (2006). Interactive fuzzy goal programming for multi-objective transportation problems. Omega, 34(2), 158-166. Fülöp, J. (2005, November). Introduction to decision making methods. In BDEI-3 workshop, Washington. García, F., Guijarro, F. ve Moya, I. (2010). Ranking spanish savings banks: a multicriteria approach. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 52(7), 1058-1065. Gardner, J. C., Huefner, R. J. ve Lotfi, V. (1990). A multiperiod audit staff planning model using multiple objectives: Development and evaluation. Decision Sciences, 21(1), 154-170. Gerdessen, J.C. ve De Vries, J. H. M. (2015). Diet models with linear goal programming: impact of achievement functions. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69(11), 1272-1278. Gigerenzer, G. (2001). Decision making: nonrational theories. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 3304–3309. Gómez, T., Hernández, M., León, M. A. ve Caballero, R. (2006). A forest planning problem solved via a linear fractional goal programming model. Forest Ecology and Management, 227(1), 79-88. Gökçen, H. ve Ağpak, K. (2006). A goal programming approach to simple U-line balancing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 171, 577-585. Greene, R., Devillers, R., Luther, J. E. ve Eddy, B. G. (2011). GIS-based multiple-criteria decision analysis. Geography Compass, 5(6), 412-432. He, Y., Gao, S., Liao, N. ve Liu, H. (2016). A nonlinear goal-programming-based DE and ANN approach to grade optimization in iron mining. Neural Computing and Applications, 27(7), 2065-2081. Ho, W., Dey, P. K. ve Higson, H. E. (2006). Multiple criteria decision-making techniques in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, 20(5), 319-337. Hwang, C. L. ve Masud, A. S. Md. (1979). Multiple Objective Decision Making-Methods and Applications: A State-of-The-Art Survey. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Ignizio, J. P. (1976). Goal Programming and Extensions. Lexington, MA: Lexington Mass: Heath, Lexington Books. Ignizio, J. P. (2004). 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Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Serap Pelin Türkoğlu

Publication Date December 31, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Türkoğlu, S. P. (2017). KARAR VERMEDE HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA YÖNTEMİ VE UYGULAMALARI. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(2), 29-46.
AMA Türkoğlu SP. KARAR VERMEDE HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA YÖNTEMİ VE UYGULAMALARI. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. December 2017;1(2):29-46.
Chicago Türkoğlu, Serap Pelin. “KARAR VERMEDE HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA YÖNTEMİ VE UYGULAMALARI”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 1, no. 2 (December 2017): 29-46.
EndNote Türkoğlu SP (December 1, 2017) KARAR VERMEDE HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA YÖNTEMİ VE UYGULAMALARI. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 1 2 29–46.
IEEE S. P. Türkoğlu, “KARAR VERMEDE HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA YÖNTEMİ VE UYGULAMALARI”, Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 29–46, 2017.
ISNAD Türkoğlu, Serap Pelin. “KARAR VERMEDE HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA YÖNTEMİ VE UYGULAMALARI”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 1/2 (December 2017), 29-46.
JAMA Türkoğlu SP. KARAR VERMEDE HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA YÖNTEMİ VE UYGULAMALARI. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2017;1:29–46.
MLA Türkoğlu, Serap Pelin. “KARAR VERMEDE HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA YÖNTEMİ VE UYGULAMALARI”. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 1, no. 2, 2017, pp. 29-46.
Vancouver Türkoğlu SP. KARAR VERMEDE HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA YÖNTEMİ VE UYGULAMALARI. Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2017;1(2):29-46.