Case Report
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Anterior Abdominal Wall Located Desmoid Type Fibromatozis

Year 2019, , 425 - 428, 01.10.2019


Abstract: Desmoid tumors are 
histologically benign fibrose tumours which has fast and infiltrative
growth but does not metastases that originate from musculoaponeurotic tissues
throughout the body. Desmoid tumors are seen rarely in anterior abdominal wall.
In this writing  a 32 year old male
patient with desmoid type fibromatozis in his anterior abdominal wall is


  • 1-Frederic DM, Marek W, Guy H, Jose R. Female hydrocele of the canal of Nuck: Eur J Pediatr 2006; 165:193-194.
  • 2-Khanna PC, Ponsky T, Zagol B, Lukish JR, Markle BM. Sonographic appearance of canal of Nuck hydrocele. Pediatr Radiol 2007; 37 (6): 603-606.
  • 3-Wei BP, Castles L, Stewart KA. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck. ANZ J Surg 2002; 72(8): 603-605.
  • 4-McCune WS. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck with large cystic retroperitoneal extension. Ann Surg 1948;127(4):750-3.
  • 5-Park SJ, Lee HK, Hong HS, Kim HC, Kim DH, Park JS, et al. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck in a girl: ultrasound and MR appearance. Br J Radiol 2004; 77(915):243-44.
  • 6-Yen CF, Wang CJ, Lin SL, Chang PC, Lee CL, Soong YK. Laparoscopic closure of patent canal of Nuck for female indirect inguinal hernia. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 2001; 8(1):143-146.

Karın Ön Duvarı Yerleşimli Desmoid Tip Fibromatozis

Year 2019, , 425 - 428, 01.10.2019


Öz: Desmoid
tümörler vücuttaki musküloaponörotik dokulardan köken alan benign histolojik
karakterde, hızlı ve infiltratif büyüyen ancak metastaz yapmayan fibröz
tümörlerdir. Karın ön duvarında desmoid tümörler nadir görülür. Bu yazıda karın
ön duvarında desmoid tip fibromatozis saptanan 32 yaşında erkek hasta sunuldu.


  • 1-Frederic DM, Marek W, Guy H, Jose R. Female hydrocele of the canal of Nuck: Eur J Pediatr 2006; 165:193-194.
  • 2-Khanna PC, Ponsky T, Zagol B, Lukish JR, Markle BM. Sonographic appearance of canal of Nuck hydrocele. Pediatr Radiol 2007; 37 (6): 603-606.
  • 3-Wei BP, Castles L, Stewart KA. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck. ANZ J Surg 2002; 72(8): 603-605.
  • 4-McCune WS. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck with large cystic retroperitoneal extension. Ann Surg 1948;127(4):750-3.
  • 5-Park SJ, Lee HK, Hong HS, Kim HC, Kim DH, Park JS, et al. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck in a girl: ultrasound and MR appearance. Br J Radiol 2004; 77(915):243-44.
  • 6-Yen CF, Wang CJ, Lin SL, Chang PC, Lee CL, Soong YK. Laparoscopic closure of patent canal of Nuck for female indirect inguinal hernia. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 2001; 8(1):143-146.
There are 6 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section OLGU SUNUMU

Bartu Badak This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


Vancouver Badak B. Karın Ön Duvarı Yerleşimli Desmoid Tip Fibromatozis. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi. 2019;41(4):425-8.

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