Case Report
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Case Report: Removal of Second Branchial Cleft Fistula with a Single Incision

Year 2019, Volume: 41 Issue: 3, 279 - 283, 01.07.2019


Branchial anomalies account for approximately 30% of congenital neck
masses. They may occur in forms of cysts, sinuses or fistulas. Their incidence
is similar in male and female, while they are usually diagnosed during the
childhood and adolescence (first 2 decades of life). Second branchial cleft fistula,
which is a rare branchial anomaly, is often characterized by having an inlet in
the tonsillar region and an outlet opening to the skin around the
sternocleidomastoid muscle. Surgical excision for branchial anomalies the only
route of treatment. We present single-incision surgical method applied to a
second branchial cleft fistula case in a 17-year-old boy and discuss our
findings in light of the literature on this topic.


  • Ted L Tewfik, MD; Chief Editor: Arlen D Meyers, MD, MBA more Drugs & Diseases > Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery Congenital Malformations of the Neck Updated: Nov 05, 2015
  • Ang AH, Pang KP, Tan LK. Complete branchial fistula. Case report and review of the literature. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2001; 110: 1077-9.
  • Apar Pokharel, TS Rao, Bikash Pandey, Chhanya Bhandary, Prashant Bhatt, Suvechhya Jaiswal. Presentation of Branchial Cleft Anomalies. Journal of College of Medical Sciences 2018; 14(3).
  • Telander RL, Filston HC. Review of head and neck lesions in infancy and childhood. Surg Clin North Am 1992; 72: 142947
  • Ford GR, Balakrishnan A, Evans JN, et al. Branchial cleft and pouch anomalies. J Laryngol Otol 1992; 106: 137-43.
  • Venkateswara Gomathi Shankar, Thirunavukkarasu Arun Babu, and Hartimath Basavanand Swami A rare case of complete second arch branchial fistula in a 7-year-old child Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2012; 3(2): 226–228.
  • Maran AG, and Buchanan DR. Branchial cysts, sinuses and fistulae. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1978; 3: 77-92
  • Düzer S, Polat C, Akyiğit A, Alataş Ö, Sakallıoğlu Ö. Bilateral ikinci brankial ark fistülünde radyolojik görüntüleme. Fırat Tıp Dergi 2016;21(2):107-109
  • Gupta R, Gupta A, Vishal K, Singh A. Complete Fistula of the Second Branchial Cleft Managed by Single Neck Incision-our Experience and Review of Literature. IJSS Journal of Surgery 2016;2(3):19-21.

Olgu sunumu: Tek İnsizyonla İkinci Brankial Yarık Fistülün Çıkarılması

Year 2019, Volume: 41 Issue: 3, 279 - 283, 01.07.2019


anomaliler, konjenital boyun kitlelerinin yaklaşık% 30'unu oluştururlar. Kist,
sinüs veya fistül olarak ortaya çıkabilirler. Erkek ve kadınlarda eşit oranda
görülürler ve çoğunlukla çocukluk ve ergenlik döneminde ortaya çıkarlar. İkinci
brankial fistül’ün 
tonsiller bölgede bir
girişi ve sternokleidomastoid
üzerindeki ciltten dışarı doğru açılan bir çıkışı vardır. Bu lezyonların
görülme sıklığı son derece seyrektir. Tedavi yöntemi olarak brankial
anomalileri için cerrahi eksizyon tercih edilir. 17 yaşındaki bir erkek
çocuğunda nadir görülen ikinci brankial fistül olgusuna uyguladığımız cerrahi
yöntemi literatür eşliğinde sunuyoruz. 


  • Ted L Tewfik, MD; Chief Editor: Arlen D Meyers, MD, MBA more Drugs & Diseases > Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery Congenital Malformations of the Neck Updated: Nov 05, 2015
  • Ang AH, Pang KP, Tan LK. Complete branchial fistula. Case report and review of the literature. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2001; 110: 1077-9.
  • Apar Pokharel, TS Rao, Bikash Pandey, Chhanya Bhandary, Prashant Bhatt, Suvechhya Jaiswal. Presentation of Branchial Cleft Anomalies. Journal of College of Medical Sciences 2018; 14(3).
  • Telander RL, Filston HC. Review of head and neck lesions in infancy and childhood. Surg Clin North Am 1992; 72: 142947
  • Ford GR, Balakrishnan A, Evans JN, et al. Branchial cleft and pouch anomalies. J Laryngol Otol 1992; 106: 137-43.
  • Venkateswara Gomathi Shankar, Thirunavukkarasu Arun Babu, and Hartimath Basavanand Swami A rare case of complete second arch branchial fistula in a 7-year-old child Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2012; 3(2): 226–228.
  • Maran AG, and Buchanan DR. Branchial cysts, sinuses and fistulae. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1978; 3: 77-92
  • Düzer S, Polat C, Akyiğit A, Alataş Ö, Sakallıoğlu Ö. Bilateral ikinci brankial ark fistülünde radyolojik görüntüleme. Fırat Tıp Dergi 2016;21(2):107-109
  • Gupta R, Gupta A, Vishal K, Singh A. Complete Fistula of the Second Branchial Cleft Managed by Single Neck Incision-our Experience and Review of Literature. IJSS Journal of Surgery 2016;2(3):19-21.
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section OLGU SUNUMU

İdris Çıldır 0000-0003-3615-8734

Publication Date July 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 41 Issue: 3


Vancouver Çıldır İ. Case Report: Removal of Second Branchial Cleft Fistula with a Single Incision. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi. 2019;41(3):279-83.

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