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Alt ve Üst Gastrointestinal Fistüllerin Gösterilmesinde Kontrastlı Fluoroskopik Çalışmalar

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1, 34 - 38, 01.01.2020


Üst ve alt gastrointestinal (GI)
fistüllerin saptanmasında, yerlerinin belirlenmesinde ve uzanımlarının
görülmesinde konvansiyonel fluoroskopik kontrastlı çalışmaların yararlılığını
araştırmayı amaçladık. Çalışmamıza, klinik olarak çeşitli tiplerde GI fistülleri
olduğu düşünülen, yaşları 1 ay ile 75 yaş arasında değişen 
24 hasta dahil edildi. Fistülleri göstermek
için suda çözünür iyotlu kontrast ajanlar her olgu için en uygun şekilde oral,
perkütan veya rektal yoldan
Olgular etiyolojik olarak sınıflandırıldı. Fistüllerin, orokutanöz/tiroglossal
(n=1), trakeoözofageal (n=4), özofagoplevral (n = 4), gastrokolik (n=1),
duodenorenal (n=2), duodenokütanöz (n=1) , enterokutanöz (n = 2), enterovezikal
(n=1), kolokütanöz (n = 1), kolovezikal (n=1), rektovezikal (n=1), rektovajinal
(n=1), anorektokütanöz (n= 4) olduğu ve uzanımları etkin olarak gösterilebildi.
İatrojenik etyolojiler (cerrahi, radyoterapi vb.), 24 hastanın 11'inde
  GI fistüllerin başlıca nedeni
olarak tespit edildi. Kontrast madde geçişini gerçek zamanlı olarak
görebilmemiz, seçtimiz bölgeye yönelik çalışabilmemiz, farklı projeksiyonlarda
yüksek uzaysal çözünürlükte görüntüler elde edebilmemiz nedeniyle, değişik
türlerde GI fistüllerin ilk görüntülemesinde konvansiyonel fluoroskopik
kontrastlı çalışmaların tercih edilen radyolojik yöntem olmaya devam ettiği
sonucuna vardık. 


  • 1. Halasz NA. Changing patterns in the management of small bowel fistulas. Am J Surg.1978;136(1):61-5.
  • 2. Tio TL, Mulder CJ, Wijers OB, Sars PR, Tytgat GN. Endosonography of peri-anal and peri-colorectal fistula and/or abscess in Crohn's disease. Gastrointest Endosc.1990;36(4):331-6.
  • 3. Edmunds LH Jr, Williams GM, Welch CE. External fistulas arising from the gastro-intestinal tract. Ann Surg. 1960;152:445-71.
  • 4. Pickhardt PJ, Bhalla S, Balfe DM. Acquired gastrointestinal fistulas: classification, etiologies, and imaging evaluation. Radiology. 2002;224(1):9-23.
  • 5. Maconi G, Sampietro GM, Parente F, et al. Contrast radiology, computed tomography and ultrasonography in detecting internal fistulas and intra-abdominal abscesses in Crohn's disease: a prospective comparative study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003;98(7):1545-55.
  • 6. Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Stenlund RR, Gedgaudas E. Evaluation of abdominal fistulas with computed body tomography. Comput Radiol. 1982;6(1):17-25.
  • 7. Khera PS, Badawi HA, Afifi AH. MRI in perianal fistulae. Indian J Radiol Ima-ging. 2010;20(1):53-7.
  • 8. Arslan M, Adıbelli Z, Cengiz F, Söker G. The Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Determining of Perianal Fistulas. J Harran Unv Med F. 2017;14(1):25-30.
  • 9. Senem Ş, Acar M. Perianal Fistüllerde MR Görüntüleme. Trd Sem. 2015;3:127-37.
  • 10. Segar RJ, Bacon HE, Gennaro AR. Surgical management of enterocutaneous fistulas of the small intestine and colon. Dis Colon Rectum. 1968;11(1):69-73.
  • 11. Alexander ES, Weinberg S, Clark RA, Belkin RD. Fistulas and sinus tracts: radiographic evaluation, management, and outcome. Gastrointest Radiol.1982;7(2):135-40.
  • 12. Osborn C, Fischer JE. How I do it: gastrointestinal cutaneous fistulas. J Gastrointest Surg. 2009;13(11):2068-73.
  • 13. Fontaine P, Truy E, Kauffmann I, Disant F, Morgan A. Congenital cysts and fistulae of the face and the neck. Pediatrie. 1992;47:617-22.
  • 14. Morris SB, Knight MJ, Shearer RJ. Pyelo-duodenal fistula: a new method of closure. Br J Urol. 1994;73:464-5.
  • 15. Anbari MM, Levine MS, Cohen RB, Rubesin SE, Laufer I, Rosato EF. Delayed leaks and fistulas after esophagogastrectomy: radiologic evaluation. Am J Roentgenol. 1993;160:1217-20.
  • 16. Donner CS. Pathophysiology and therapy of chronic radiation-induced injury to the colon. Dig Dis. 1998;16:253-61.
  • 17. Ayaz UY, Dilli A, Tüzün ÖM, Hekimoğlu B. Gastric varices mimicking polypoid tumoural mass. Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. 2010;63(3):93-7.
  • 18. Levenback C, Gerhenson DM, McGehee R, Eifel PJ, Morris M, Burke TW. Enterovesical fistula following radiotherapy for gynecologic cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 1994;52:296-300.
  • 19. Karaca AS. 994 cases of Ferguson hemorrhoidectomy: 10-years experience of a single surgeon. J Clin Anal Med. 2017;8(4):307-10.
  • 20. Rose D, Yarborough M, Canizaro PC, Lowry SF. One hundred and fourteen fistulas of the gastrointestinal tract treated with total parenteral nutrition. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1986;163:345-50.
  • 21. Lee SS, Kim AY, Yang SK, et al. Crohn disease of the small bowel: comparison of CT enterography, MR enterography, and small-bowel follow-through as diagnostic techniques. Radiology. 2009;251(3):751-61.

The Utility of Fluoroscopic Contrast Studies in Demonstration of Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Fistulas

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1, 34 - 38, 01.01.2020


Our aim was to investigate the
utility of conventional fluoroscopic contrast studies in detecting, localizing
the upper and lower gastrointestinal (GI) fistulas and seeing their extensions.
Our study included 24 patients between 1 month to 75 years of ages who were
clinically suspected to have various types of GI fistulas. We administered
water soluble iodinated contrast agents orally, percutaneously and rectally 
in an appropriate way in each case to
demonstrate the fistulas. The cases were etiologically classified. We were able
to demonstrate orocutaneous/thyroglossal (n=1), tracheoesophageal (n=4),
esophagopleural (n=4), gastrocolic (n=1), duodenorenal (n=2), duodenocutaneous
(n=1), enterocutaneous (n=2), enterovesical (n=1), colocutaneous (n=1),
colovesical (n=1), rectovesical (n=1), rectovaginal (n=1), anorectocutaneous
(n=4) fistulas and their extensions effectively. Iatrogenic etiologies
(surgery, radiotherapy etc.) were found to be the leading cause of
  GI fistulas by 11 patients out of 24 (
45.8%). Since we are able to see contrast material flow real-time, make
selective studies and get highest spatial resolution images in different
projections, we conclude that conventional fluoroscopic contrast studies remain
to be the radiologic method of choice particularly for the initial imaging of
various types of GI fistulas.


  • 1. Halasz NA. Changing patterns in the management of small bowel fistulas. Am J Surg.1978;136(1):61-5.
  • 2. Tio TL, Mulder CJ, Wijers OB, Sars PR, Tytgat GN. Endosonography of peri-anal and peri-colorectal fistula and/or abscess in Crohn's disease. Gastrointest Endosc.1990;36(4):331-6.
  • 3. Edmunds LH Jr, Williams GM, Welch CE. External fistulas arising from the gastro-intestinal tract. Ann Surg. 1960;152:445-71.
  • 4. Pickhardt PJ, Bhalla S, Balfe DM. Acquired gastrointestinal fistulas: classification, etiologies, and imaging evaluation. Radiology. 2002;224(1):9-23.
  • 5. Maconi G, Sampietro GM, Parente F, et al. Contrast radiology, computed tomography and ultrasonography in detecting internal fistulas and intra-abdominal abscesses in Crohn's disease: a prospective comparative study. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003;98(7):1545-55.
  • 6. Frick MP, Feinberg SB, Stenlund RR, Gedgaudas E. Evaluation of abdominal fistulas with computed body tomography. Comput Radiol. 1982;6(1):17-25.
  • 7. Khera PS, Badawi HA, Afifi AH. MRI in perianal fistulae. Indian J Radiol Ima-ging. 2010;20(1):53-7.
  • 8. Arslan M, Adıbelli Z, Cengiz F, Söker G. The Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Determining of Perianal Fistulas. J Harran Unv Med F. 2017;14(1):25-30.
  • 9. Senem Ş, Acar M. Perianal Fistüllerde MR Görüntüleme. Trd Sem. 2015;3:127-37.
  • 10. Segar RJ, Bacon HE, Gennaro AR. Surgical management of enterocutaneous fistulas of the small intestine and colon. Dis Colon Rectum. 1968;11(1):69-73.
  • 11. Alexander ES, Weinberg S, Clark RA, Belkin RD. Fistulas and sinus tracts: radiographic evaluation, management, and outcome. Gastrointest Radiol.1982;7(2):135-40.
  • 12. Osborn C, Fischer JE. How I do it: gastrointestinal cutaneous fistulas. J Gastrointest Surg. 2009;13(11):2068-73.
  • 13. Fontaine P, Truy E, Kauffmann I, Disant F, Morgan A. Congenital cysts and fistulae of the face and the neck. Pediatrie. 1992;47:617-22.
  • 14. Morris SB, Knight MJ, Shearer RJ. Pyelo-duodenal fistula: a new method of closure. Br J Urol. 1994;73:464-5.
  • 15. Anbari MM, Levine MS, Cohen RB, Rubesin SE, Laufer I, Rosato EF. Delayed leaks and fistulas after esophagogastrectomy: radiologic evaluation. Am J Roentgenol. 1993;160:1217-20.
  • 16. Donner CS. Pathophysiology and therapy of chronic radiation-induced injury to the colon. Dig Dis. 1998;16:253-61.
  • 17. Ayaz UY, Dilli A, Tüzün ÖM, Hekimoğlu B. Gastric varices mimicking polypoid tumoural mass. Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. 2010;63(3):93-7.
  • 18. Levenback C, Gerhenson DM, McGehee R, Eifel PJ, Morris M, Burke TW. Enterovesical fistula following radiotherapy for gynecologic cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 1994;52:296-300.
  • 19. Karaca AS. 994 cases of Ferguson hemorrhoidectomy: 10-years experience of a single surgeon. J Clin Anal Med. 2017;8(4):307-10.
  • 20. Rose D, Yarborough M, Canizaro PC, Lowry SF. One hundred and fourteen fistulas of the gastrointestinal tract treated with total parenteral nutrition. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1986;163:345-50.
  • 21. Lee SS, Kim AY, Yang SK, et al. Crohn disease of the small bowel: comparison of CT enterography, MR enterography, and small-bowel follow-through as diagnostic techniques. Radiology. 2009;251(3):751-61.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi

Mehmet Ercüment Döğen 0000-0002-5414-2771

Ümit Yaşar Ayaz 0000-0002-7667-8008

Baki Hekimoğlu 0000-0002-1824-5853

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 42 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Döğen ME, Ayaz ÜY, Hekimoğlu B. The Utility of Fluoroscopic Contrast Studies in Demonstration of Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Fistulas. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi. 2020;42(1):34-8.

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