Research Article
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Prick Test Results with Mmr Previous Vaccination in Children with Egg Allergy and Vaccine Reactions

Year 2020, Volume: 42 Issue: 4, 378 - 383, 13.07.2020


The aim of this study was to
evaluate the frequency of exacerbations after MMR vaccination and to determine
whether pre-vaccination vaccine and prick tests are required. In our
retrospective study, we evaluated 130 patients who had egg allergy MMR vaccine
made in our clinic between 1 October 2017 and 1 October 2018. 
44.6% ( 54) of the patients were female and
55.3% ( 72) were male. The mean age was 14 months when the MMR vaccine was
administered. Of the patients, 92 (70.7%) were diagnosed with urticaria /
angioedema, 36 (27.6%) were atopic dermatitis, and 2 (1.53%) were diagnosed with
anaphylaxis. All patients underwent DPT with MMR and prick test was positive in
16 patients (12.3%). Four of these 16 patients (25%) had mild urticaria after
vaccination. As a result, no reaction was seen with the vaccine in patients
with a history of high allergic anaphylaxis with egg. Allergic reactions after
vaccination can also be seen in patients without food allergy. For this reason,
vaccines should be administered in anaphylaxis environment in which
ready-to-use equipment is available.


  • KAYNAKLAR 1-Allen JK, Koplin JJ. The epidemiyology of IgE –mediated food allergy and anaphylaxis.Immunol Allergy Clin N Am .2012 ; 32(1):35-50. 2-Sicherer SH, Sampson HA. Food Allergy . J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010; 125(2): 116-25. 3- Rona RJ, Keil T, Summers C, Gislason D, Zuidmeer L, Sodergren E, et al . The Prevalance of food allergy : a meta –analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunology .2007;120 (3):638-46. 4-Lidholm J, Ballmer- Weber BK, Mari A, Vieths S. Component –resolved diagnostics in food allergy. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol .2006;6(3):234-40. 5-Torres Borrego J, Guzman EG. Safety of MMR immunization in egg-allergic children . An Pediatr ( Barc). 2006;64(5):464-7 6-Fantinato FFST , Vargas A , Carvalho SMD , Domingues CMAS, Barreto G , Fialho AS, et al. Anaphylaxis related to measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine in Santa Catarina State, Brazil, 2014 and 2015 . Cad Saude Publica. 2018 12;34(3):1-9 e00043617. doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00043617. 7-James JM, Burks AW, Roberson PK, Sampson HA. Safe administration of the measles vaccine to children allergic to eggs. N Engl J Med . 1995 May 11;332(19) :1262-6 8- Dreskin SC , Halsey NA , Kelso JM , Wood RA , Hummell DS , Edwards KM,etal. Internaational Consensus (ICON) : allergic reactions to vaccines. World Allergy Organization Journal .2016;9:32:1-22 9-Nakayama T , Aizawa C, Kuno-Sakai H. A clinical analysis of gelatin allergy and determination of its causal relationship to the previous administration of gelatin-containing acellular pertussis vaccine combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids. J Allergy Clin Immunol . 1999 ;103(2):321-5 10-Chow WC, Eyw K, Lau YL. Measles – mumps – rubella Vaccination and Egg Allergy . HKJ Pediatr. 2003; 8: 35-9. 11-Baxter DN. Measles immunization in children with a history of egg allergy . Vaccine .1996; 14(2) : 131- 4. 12-Özdemir Ö , Ersavaş D. Measles, Measles-Mumps-Rubella, and Varicella Vaccinations in Children with Egg Allergy . Jarem . 2017; 7: 58-62. 13- Bahceci S, Nacaroğlu HT , Arı HF , Karaman S , Karkıner CŞ , Kanık ET , et al. Measles-Rubella-Mumps vaccination in cases with egg allergy: Is skin prick test necessary? Can vaccination be done safely? Behcet Uz Cocuk Hast Derg. 2017; 7(2): 129-32. 14-Fina Avilés F , Campins Martí M, Martínez Gómez X, Rodrigo Pendás JA, Lushchenkova O, Pimós Tella L, et al. MMR vaccine and egg allergy. Experience in a hospital immunization unitAn Pediatr (Barc). 2007;67 :362-7. 15-Cronin J , Scorr A, Russell S, McCoy S, Walsh S, O'Sullivan RA. Review of a paediatric emergency department vaccination programme for patients at risk of allergy/anaphylaxis. Acta Paediatr .2012 ;101(9) :941-5. 16-Yavuz ST , Sahiner UM, Sekerel BE, Tuncer A, Kalayci O, Sackesen C. Anaphylactic reactions to measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in three children with allergies to hen's egg and cow's milk. Acta Paediatr . 2011 ;100 (8):94- 6. 17- Tan MS, Teoh EJ, Hor CP, Yeoh AA. Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine for children with egg allergy: Is admission for inpatient vaccination necessary? Med J Malaysia.2016;71(4) :157-60. 18-Aickin R, Hill D, Kemp A. Measles immunisation in children with allergy to egg. BMJ. 1994;309: 223- 5.

Yumurta Alerjisi olan Çocuklarda Kkk Aşısı Öncesi Aşı ile Prick Test Sonuçları ve Aşı Reaksiyonları

Year 2020, Volume: 42 Issue: 4, 378 - 383, 13.07.2020


aşısı sonrası reaksiyon sıklığı ve aşı öncesi aşı ile prik testlerin gerekip
gerekmediğinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Retrospektif çalışmamızda 01 Ekim
2017- 01 Ekim 2018 tarihleri ararsında yumurta alerjisi olup KKK aşısı
kliniğimizde yapılan 130 hasta değerlendirildi. Hastaların % 44,6 (54) kız, %
55,3 ( 72) erkekti. KKK aşısı yapıldığında yaş ortalaması 14 ay idi Hastaların
92’si ( % 70,7) ürtiker / anjioödem ,36’sı ( % 27,6) atopik dermatit, 2 ’si ( %
1,53) anaflaksi 
tanıları ile izlenmekteydi.
Tüm hastalara KKK ile DPT uygulandı 16 hastada ( % 12,3) prik testi pozitif
bulundu. Bu 16 hastanın 4’ünde ( % 25 ) aşı sonrası hafif ürtiker bulguları
görüldü. Yumurta ile yüksek alerjisi olan, anaflaksi öyküsü olan hastalarda aşı
ile herhangibir reaksiyon görülmedi. Aşı sonrası alerjik reaksiyonlar öyküsünde
besin alerjisi olmayan hastalarda da görülebilmektedir. Bu nedenle aşılar anaflaksiye
müdahale ekipmanlarının hazır olduğu ortamlarda uygulanmalıdır.


  • KAYNAKLAR 1-Allen JK, Koplin JJ. The epidemiyology of IgE –mediated food allergy and anaphylaxis.Immunol Allergy Clin N Am .2012 ; 32(1):35-50. 2-Sicherer SH, Sampson HA. Food Allergy . J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010; 125(2): 116-25. 3- Rona RJ, Keil T, Summers C, Gislason D, Zuidmeer L, Sodergren E, et al . The Prevalance of food allergy : a meta –analysis. J Allergy Clin Immunology .2007;120 (3):638-46. 4-Lidholm J, Ballmer- Weber BK, Mari A, Vieths S. Component –resolved diagnostics in food allergy. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol .2006;6(3):234-40. 5-Torres Borrego J, Guzman EG. Safety of MMR immunization in egg-allergic children . An Pediatr ( Barc). 2006;64(5):464-7 6-Fantinato FFST , Vargas A , Carvalho SMD , Domingues CMAS, Barreto G , Fialho AS, et al. Anaphylaxis related to measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine in Santa Catarina State, Brazil, 2014 and 2015 . Cad Saude Publica. 2018 12;34(3):1-9 e00043617. doi: 10.1590/0102-311X00043617. 7-James JM, Burks AW, Roberson PK, Sampson HA. Safe administration of the measles vaccine to children allergic to eggs. N Engl J Med . 1995 May 11;332(19) :1262-6 8- Dreskin SC , Halsey NA , Kelso JM , Wood RA , Hummell DS , Edwards KM,etal. Internaational Consensus (ICON) : allergic reactions to vaccines. World Allergy Organization Journal .2016;9:32:1-22 9-Nakayama T , Aizawa C, Kuno-Sakai H. A clinical analysis of gelatin allergy and determination of its causal relationship to the previous administration of gelatin-containing acellular pertussis vaccine combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids. J Allergy Clin Immunol . 1999 ;103(2):321-5 10-Chow WC, Eyw K, Lau YL. Measles – mumps – rubella Vaccination and Egg Allergy . HKJ Pediatr. 2003; 8: 35-9. 11-Baxter DN. Measles immunization in children with a history of egg allergy . Vaccine .1996; 14(2) : 131- 4. 12-Özdemir Ö , Ersavaş D. Measles, Measles-Mumps-Rubella, and Varicella Vaccinations in Children with Egg Allergy . Jarem . 2017; 7: 58-62. 13- Bahceci S, Nacaroğlu HT , Arı HF , Karaman S , Karkıner CŞ , Kanık ET , et al. Measles-Rubella-Mumps vaccination in cases with egg allergy: Is skin prick test necessary? Can vaccination be done safely? Behcet Uz Cocuk Hast Derg. 2017; 7(2): 129-32. 14-Fina Avilés F , Campins Martí M, Martínez Gómez X, Rodrigo Pendás JA, Lushchenkova O, Pimós Tella L, et al. MMR vaccine and egg allergy. Experience in a hospital immunization unitAn Pediatr (Barc). 2007;67 :362-7. 15-Cronin J , Scorr A, Russell S, McCoy S, Walsh S, O'Sullivan RA. Review of a paediatric emergency department vaccination programme for patients at risk of allergy/anaphylaxis. Acta Paediatr .2012 ;101(9) :941-5. 16-Yavuz ST , Sahiner UM, Sekerel BE, Tuncer A, Kalayci O, Sackesen C. Anaphylactic reactions to measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in three children with allergies to hen's egg and cow's milk. Acta Paediatr . 2011 ;100 (8):94- 6. 17- Tan MS, Teoh EJ, Hor CP, Yeoh AA. Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine for children with egg allergy: Is admission for inpatient vaccination necessary? Med J Malaysia.2016;71(4) :157-60. 18-Aickin R, Hill D, Kemp A. Measles immunisation in children with allergy to egg. BMJ. 1994;309: 223- 5.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration

Gülşah Duyuler Ayçin 0000-0001-9560-3661

Publication Date July 13, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 42 Issue: 4


Vancouver Duyuler Ayçin G. Yumurta Alerjisi olan Çocuklarda Kkk Aşısı Öncesi Aşı ile Prick Test Sonuçları ve Aşı Reaksiyonları. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi. 2020;42(4):378-83.

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