Research Article
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The Importance of Physical Examination, Electrocardiography, Telecardiography and Echocardiography for Diagnosis of Innocent Murmurs in the Childhood

Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 360 - 376, 30.09.2019


In this study, we aimed to determine the rates
of having underlying cardiac pathology in patients evaluated by physical
examination, electrocardiography, telecardiography and echocardiography with
innocent murmurs. Echocardiography was accepted as the definitive diagnostic
The patients thought
innocent murmur at the first time were taken this study. Patients were
evaluated as cardiologically by pediatricians and pediatric cardiologist.
Electrocardiography and telecardiography were evaluated, and the results were
compared with echocardiographic results which were accepted as definite
308 patients were
evaluated prospectively. Patients number thought innocent murmur but diagnosed
cardiac pathology was 49.
patients of them had atrial septal defect, 13 patients
  had ventricular septal defect, 5 patients had
mitral insufficiency, 4 patients had pulmonary stenosis, 3 patients
  had minimal aortic insufficiency, 2 patients
had atrioventricular septal defect, one of them had patent ductus arteriosus
and one of them had aortic stenosis. Systolic and diastolic functions of all
cases were normal except for a case with third degree mitral regurgitation
accompanied by dilate cardiomyopathy in echocardiographic evaluation results.
The sensitivities of the pediatric cardiologist and the pediatricans in
defining the innocent murmur; positive predictive ratios (90%, 86%,
respectively), negative predictive values ​​(respectively, 88%,75%),
specificity (53%,36%, respectively) , 31%,21%) and positive test result
probability ratios (1.88, 1.19, respectively) were compared.
Sensitivities, specificities and
positive predictive rates of innocent murmurs were high in the pediatric
cardiologist. Telecardiography and ECG did not contribute to the diagnosis.


  • 1. Rosenthal A. How to distinguish between innocent and pathologic murmurs in childhood. Pediatr Clin North Am, 1984;31:1229-40.
  • 2. Smith KM. The innocent heart murmur in children. J Pediatr Health Care, 1997;11: 207-14.
  • 3. Advani N, Menahem S, Wilkinson JL. The Diagnosis of innocent murmurs in childhood. Cardiol Young, 2000;10:340-2.
  • 4. Gunteroth WG, Park MK. How to Read Pediatric ECGs. Year Book Medical, Chicago, 2nd ed. 1983, pp 218-9.
  • 5. Yildirim A, Aydin A, Demir T, Aydin F, Ucar B, Kilic Z. Echocardiographic Follow-Up of Patent Foramen Ovale and the Factors Affecting Spontaneous Closure. Acta Cardiol Sin. 2016 Nov; 32:731–737.
  • 6. Gaskin PRA, Owans SE, Talner NS, Sanders SP, Li JS. Clinical auscultation skills in pediatric residents. Pediatrics, 2000;105:1184-7.
  • 7. Mahnke CB, Norwalk A, Hofkosh D, Zuberbuhler JR, Law YM. Comparison of two educational interventions on pediatric resident auscultation skills. Pediatrics, 113:1331-5, 2004
  • 8. Rajakumar K, Wiesse M, Rosas A, Erdoğan G, Pyles L. Comparative study of clinical evaluation of heart murmurs by general pediatricians and pediatric cardiologist. Clinical Pediatrics, 1999;38:511-18.
  • 9. Hansen LK, Birkebaek NH, Oxhoj H. Initial evaluation of children with heart murmurs by the nonspecialized pediatrican. Eur J Pediatr, 1995;154:15-7.
  • 10. Ainsworth SB, Wyllie JP, Wren C. Prevalence and clinical significance of cardiac murmurs in neonates. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal, 1999;80:43-5.
  • 11. Azhar AS, Habib HS. Accuracy of the Initial Evaluation of Heart Murmurs in Neonates: Do We Need an Echocardiogram? Pediatr Cardiol, 2006;27:234-7.
  • 12. Bikebaek NH, Hansen LK, Elle B, Andersen PE, Friis M, Egeblad M, et al. Chest roentgenogram in the evaluation of heart defects in asymptomatic infants and children with a cardiac murmur: reproducibility and accuracy. Pediatrics, 1999;103:1-4.
  • 13. Farrer KF, Rennie JM. Neonatal murmurs: are senior house officers good enough. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal, 2003;88:147-151.
  • 14. Smythe JF, Vlad P, Feldman W. Initial evaluation of heart murmurs: are laboratory tests necessary? Pediatrics, 1990;86:497-500.
  • 15. Temmerman AM, Mooyart EL, Taverne PP. The value of the routine chest roengenogram in the cardiological evaluation of infants and children: a prospective study. Eur J Pediatr, 1991;150:623-6.
  • 16. Şenocak F, Karademir S, Çabuk F, Onat N, Koç S, Duman A. Spontaneus closure of interatrial septal openings in infants an echocardiographic study. Iny J Cardiol, 1996;53:221-6.
  • 17. McElhinney DB, Straka M, Goldmuntz E, Zackai EH. Correlation between abnormal Cardiac physical examination and echocardiographic findings in neonates with Down syndrome. American ,Journal of Medical Genetics, 2002;113:238-41.
  • 18. Bull MJ, Commitee on genetics. Health supervision for children with Down syndrome. Pediatrics, 2011;128:393-406.

Çocukluk Çağındaki Masum Üfürümlerin Tanısında Fizik Muayene, Elektrokardiyografi, Telekardiyografi ve Ekokardiyografinin Yeri

Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 360 - 376, 30.09.2019


çalışmada masum üfürüm düşünülerek, fizik muayene, elektrokardiyografi,
telekardiyografi ve ekokardiyografi ile değerlendirilen hastaların, altta yatan
kardiyak patolojiye sahip olma oranlarının görülmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Ekokardiyografi kesin tanı yöntemi kabul edilerek pediatri araştırma görevlisi
ve pediatrik kardiyoloji uzmanının fizik muayenelerinin sonucunda düşündükleri
ön tanılarının doğruluk oranları karşılaştırılmıştır. Pediatrik
Kardiyoloji Polikliniği’ne, üfürüm nedeni ile ilk kez başvuran, daha öncesinde
bilinen kardiyak bir patolojisi olmayan olgular incelenmiştir. Olguların,
birbirinden bağımsız olarak pediatri araştırma görevlisi ve pediatrik
kardiyoloji uzmanı tarafından kardiyolojik muayeneleri yapılmış,
elektrokardiyografi ve telekardiyografileri değerlendirilmiş, sonuçlar kesin
tanı kabul edilen ekokardiyografi sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Üfürüm
nedeni ile başvuran 308 olgu vardı. Masum üfürüm düşünüldüğü halde kardiyak
patoloji saptanan 49 olgunun 20’sinde atriyal septal defekt, 13’ünde
ventriküler septal defekt, beşinde mitral yetmezlik, dördünde pulmoner stenoz,
üçünde minimal aort yetmezliği, ikisinde atriyoventriküler septal defekt,
birinde küçük patent duktus arteriozus ve birinde aort stenozu izlendi.
Ekokardiyografik değerlendirme sonuçlarında dilate kardiyomiyopatinin eşlik
ettiği üçüncü derece mitral yetmezliği olan bir olgu dışında tüm olguların
sistolik ve diastolik fonksiyonları normal bulundu. Pediatri kardiyoloji uzmanının ve pediatri araştırma görevlisinin
masum üfürümü tanımadaki duyarlılıkları (sırasıyla; %88, %75), özgüllükleri
(sırasıyla; %53, %36), pozitif kestirim oranları (sırasıyla; %90, %86), negatif
kestirim oranları (sırasıyla, %31, %21) ve pozitif test sonucu olasılık
oranları (sırasıyla; 1.88, 1.19) karşılaştırıldı. Masum üfürümü tanımadaki
duyarlılıkları, özgüllükleri ve pozitif kestirim oranları pediatrik kardiyoloji
uzmanında belirgin olarak yüksek bulundu. Telekardiyografi ve EKG ‘nin tanıya
katkı sağlamadığı görüldü. 


  • 1. Rosenthal A. How to distinguish between innocent and pathologic murmurs in childhood. Pediatr Clin North Am, 1984;31:1229-40.
  • 2. Smith KM. The innocent heart murmur in children. J Pediatr Health Care, 1997;11: 207-14.
  • 3. Advani N, Menahem S, Wilkinson JL. The Diagnosis of innocent murmurs in childhood. Cardiol Young, 2000;10:340-2.
  • 4. Gunteroth WG, Park MK. How to Read Pediatric ECGs. Year Book Medical, Chicago, 2nd ed. 1983, pp 218-9.
  • 5. Yildirim A, Aydin A, Demir T, Aydin F, Ucar B, Kilic Z. Echocardiographic Follow-Up of Patent Foramen Ovale and the Factors Affecting Spontaneous Closure. Acta Cardiol Sin. 2016 Nov; 32:731–737.
  • 6. Gaskin PRA, Owans SE, Talner NS, Sanders SP, Li JS. Clinical auscultation skills in pediatric residents. Pediatrics, 2000;105:1184-7.
  • 7. Mahnke CB, Norwalk A, Hofkosh D, Zuberbuhler JR, Law YM. Comparison of two educational interventions on pediatric resident auscultation skills. Pediatrics, 113:1331-5, 2004
  • 8. Rajakumar K, Wiesse M, Rosas A, Erdoğan G, Pyles L. Comparative study of clinical evaluation of heart murmurs by general pediatricians and pediatric cardiologist. Clinical Pediatrics, 1999;38:511-18.
  • 9. Hansen LK, Birkebaek NH, Oxhoj H. Initial evaluation of children with heart murmurs by the nonspecialized pediatrican. Eur J Pediatr, 1995;154:15-7.
  • 10. Ainsworth SB, Wyllie JP, Wren C. Prevalence and clinical significance of cardiac murmurs in neonates. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal, 1999;80:43-5.
  • 11. Azhar AS, Habib HS. Accuracy of the Initial Evaluation of Heart Murmurs in Neonates: Do We Need an Echocardiogram? Pediatr Cardiol, 2006;27:234-7.
  • 12. Bikebaek NH, Hansen LK, Elle B, Andersen PE, Friis M, Egeblad M, et al. Chest roentgenogram in the evaluation of heart defects in asymptomatic infants and children with a cardiac murmur: reproducibility and accuracy. Pediatrics, 1999;103:1-4.
  • 13. Farrer KF, Rennie JM. Neonatal murmurs: are senior house officers good enough. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal, 2003;88:147-151.
  • 14. Smythe JF, Vlad P, Feldman W. Initial evaluation of heart murmurs: are laboratory tests necessary? Pediatrics, 1990;86:497-500.
  • 15. Temmerman AM, Mooyart EL, Taverne PP. The value of the routine chest roengenogram in the cardiological evaluation of infants and children: a prospective study. Eur J Pediatr, 1991;150:623-6.
  • 16. Şenocak F, Karademir S, Çabuk F, Onat N, Koç S, Duman A. Spontaneus closure of interatrial septal openings in infants an echocardiographic study. Iny J Cardiol, 1996;53:221-6.
  • 17. McElhinney DB, Straka M, Goldmuntz E, Zackai EH. Correlation between abnormal Cardiac physical examination and echocardiographic findings in neonates with Down syndrome. American ,Journal of Medical Genetics, 2002;113:238-41.
  • 18. Bull MJ, Commitee on genetics. Health supervision for children with Down syndrome. Pediatrics, 2011;128:393-406.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research article

Tülay Kamaşak 0000-0002-5212-0149

Embiya Dilber This is me 0000-0001-6942-554X

Publication Date September 30, 2019
Submission Date September 30, 2018
Acceptance Date June 24, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


AMA Kamaşak T, Dilber E. Çocukluk Çağındaki Masum Üfürümlerin Tanısında Fizik Muayene, Elektrokardiyografi, Telekardiyografi ve Ekokardiyografinin Yeri. OTJHS. September 2019;4(3):360-376. doi:10.26453/otjhs.465843

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