Research Article
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Citation Analysis of Non-Persian Medical Periodicals through Theses in 2016-2017 in Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 203 - 209, 30.06.2020


Objective: The purpose of this study is to understand the scientific behavior pattern of graduate students in 2016-2017 citing the non-Persian periodicals of the university using the citation analysis method. 
Materials and Methods: The methodology of this study is descriptive-analytical method, and data is analyzed using the statistical software SPSS20 and the final report is prepared using WORD. 
Results: Totally, from 21890 references, 658 theses were evaluated. In each thesis, 33.3 references, on average, were cited. The results indicate that the most important library resources are magazines. Therefore, while providing electronic resources, the collection of magazines should not be neglected. Unused and unpublished journals should be removed from the collection and instead, journals should be provided that are most cited in the citation index of science. 
Conclusion: According to the results, first hypothesis of the study is confirmed that non-Persian periodicals are cited more than non-Persian books and other references separately. The second hypothesis of the study is confirmed that non-Persian periodicals of the university are cited more than other institutions and organizations. The third hypothesis of the study is confirmed that medical theses are cited more than Latin medical periodicals of the university.   


  • Furlan JC. A Web-based systematic review traumatic spinal injury comparing the citation classics with the consumers perspectives. J Neurotrauma. 2006;23(2):156-169.
  • Van DH; Henkens K. What Makes a Scientific Paper Influential?-A Citation Analysis. Tindergen Institute Discussion. March 8, 2000. Accessed December 29, 2018.
  • Coutial F, Lenoir G. Evaluation d,une collection de Revues: Identification d,un noyau de revues en cancerologie. Revue electroniq Suisse de science de l, information. Mars3, 2006. Accessed December 29, 2018.
  • Bernstam EV, Herskovic JR. Using Citation Data to Improve Retrieval from MEDLINE. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2006;13(10)96-105.
  • Soleimani HO. Internet and periodicals of the universities. Educational and research monthly, Kama Information. 2002;3(17): 37-52.
  • Soleimani HO. Internet and periodicals of the universities. Third National Library and Information Conference of Alzahra University, Tehran, Alzahra University. 2002.
  • Soleimani HO. Research in Liberary: Latin periodicals. Educational and research monthly, Kama Information. 2001;2(12):21-31.
  • Soleimani HO. The investigation of use frequency of non-Persian magazines of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services in 1994-1995 and their overlapping. Master's thesis in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Management and Medical Information, Iran University. 2002.
  • Soleimani HO. Review of current journals and retrospective journals of major libraries of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services using the utility cost analysis method, Bradford Law and Frequency of Use. Fifth Library and Information Technology Congress of Iran University with Productivity Orienteering. Tehran, Iran University. 2016.
  • Soleimani HO. Frequency correlation coefficient using non-periodic periodicals in major university libraries over 9 months and their degree of importance from the perspective of faculty members of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. Quarterly of the book. 2013;30(21):35-45.
  • Davarpanah MR. The status of citation in scientific activities. Quarterly of the book. 2005;6(3):47-57.
  • Riahi Z. The study of the application of applied publications in the librarianship master's theses of tarbiat modares university, Tehran University, Shiraz University and Iran University of Medical Sciences. Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University. 1993.
  • Gupta K. Citation Analysis of Information Research: An International Electronic Journal. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1034. 2013;10(4). Accessed December 29, 2018.
  • Jahed H. Citation analysis of Ph.D. thesis of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services during 1989-1993, Master's thesis of medical library and information science, Faculty of Management and Medical Information, Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.1994.
  • Zandi F. Citation analysis. Social and human magazine of Shiraz University during 1977-1986, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz. 1999.
  • Saboktakin N. Citation analysis of Ph.D professional veterinary theses in terms of reference to Ph.D professional veterinary theses, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University. 1995.
  • Royai HR. Citation analysis of Ph.D professional veterinary theses in terms of reference to Ph.D professional veterinary theses, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University. 1997.
  • Afshar M. Comparison and comparison of citations of master's theses of nursing in Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Shiraz University and Isfahan University during 1991-1994. Master's thesis of medical library and information science, Faculty of Management and Medical Information, Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. 1996.
  • Poorsharif E. Citation analysis of Graduates' dissertations of the Faculty of Basic Sciences during 1995-1997, Master's thesis of medical library and information science, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University. 1996.
  • Jamali Mahmoomi HR. Interdisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Librarianship and Information Communication Citation, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran.1999.
  • Horri A. Comparison between citation similarities and index terms similarities in correlation of documents with the common subject, Ph.D thesis, University of Wisconsin, Ohio, USA. 1981.
  • Khaksar M. Citation analysis in Al-Mizan. Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran. 1999.
  • Khosravi Taj HR. Citation analysis of the dissertations of graduate students of Isfahan School of Educational Sciences and Psychology during 1995-1997, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Azad University. 1998.
  • Rabizadehfard Z. Investigation of the status of citation in the geographical declarations of the Dehkhoda dictionary, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Tehran University. 1999.
  • Shahmiri S A. Analysis of content of articles in agricultural journals in Persian language at agricultural colleges of Iranian universities from the beginning of publication till the end of the year 1996, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Tehran University.1999.

Tahran Üniversitesi Tıp Bilimleri ve Sağlık Servislerinde 2016-2017 Yıllarında Farsça Olmayan Tıbbi Süreli Yayınların Tezlerdeki Alıntı Analizi

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 203 - 209, 30.06.2020


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, alıntı yapma yöntemini kullanarak üniversitenin Farsça olmayan süreli yayınlara atıfı dikkate alarak 2016-2017 yıllarında yüksek lisans öğrencilerinin bilimsel davranış modelini anlamaktır.
Materyal ve Metot: Bu çalışmanın metodolojisi tanısal-analitik yöntem olup veriler SPSS20 istatistik programı kullanılarak analiz edilir ve nihai rapor WORD kullanılarak hazırlanır.
Bulgular: Toplamda, 21890 kaynaktan 658 tez değerlendirilmiştir. Her tezde ortalama 33,3 kaynakça gösterildi. Sonuçlar, en önemli kütüphane kaynaklarının dergi olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu nedenle, elektronik kaynaklar sağlanırken dergi derlemesi ihmal edilmemelidir. Kullanılmayan ve yayınlanmamış dergiler koleksiyondan çıkarılmalı ve bunun yerine en çok SCI dizininde yer alan dergiler temin edilmelidir.
Sonuç: Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, çalışmanın ilk hipotezi Farsça olmayan süreli yayınların Farsça olmayan kitaplardan ve diğer kaynaklardan daha fazla alıntılandığı doğrulanmaktadır. Çalışmanın ikinci hipotezi, üniversitenin Farsça olmayan süreli yayınlarının diğer kurum ve kuruluşlardan daha fazla alıntılandığı doğrulanmaktadır. Çalışmanın üçüncü hipotezi, tıp tezlerinin üniversitenin Latin tıp dergilerinden daha fazla alıntılandığı doğrulanmaktadır.


  • Furlan JC. A Web-based systematic review traumatic spinal injury comparing the citation classics with the consumers perspectives. J Neurotrauma. 2006;23(2):156-169.
  • Van DH; Henkens K. What Makes a Scientific Paper Influential?-A Citation Analysis. Tindergen Institute Discussion. March 8, 2000. Accessed December 29, 2018.
  • Coutial F, Lenoir G. Evaluation d,une collection de Revues: Identification d,un noyau de revues en cancerologie. Revue electroniq Suisse de science de l, information. Mars3, 2006. Accessed December 29, 2018.
  • Bernstam EV, Herskovic JR. Using Citation Data to Improve Retrieval from MEDLINE. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2006;13(10)96-105.
  • Soleimani HO. Internet and periodicals of the universities. Educational and research monthly, Kama Information. 2002;3(17): 37-52.
  • Soleimani HO. Internet and periodicals of the universities. Third National Library and Information Conference of Alzahra University, Tehran, Alzahra University. 2002.
  • Soleimani HO. Research in Liberary: Latin periodicals. Educational and research monthly, Kama Information. 2001;2(12):21-31.
  • Soleimani HO. The investigation of use frequency of non-Persian magazines of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services in 1994-1995 and their overlapping. Master's thesis in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Management and Medical Information, Iran University. 2002.
  • Soleimani HO. Review of current journals and retrospective journals of major libraries of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services using the utility cost analysis method, Bradford Law and Frequency of Use. Fifth Library and Information Technology Congress of Iran University with Productivity Orienteering. Tehran, Iran University. 2016.
  • Soleimani HO. Frequency correlation coefficient using non-periodic periodicals in major university libraries over 9 months and their degree of importance from the perspective of faculty members of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. Quarterly of the book. 2013;30(21):35-45.
  • Davarpanah MR. The status of citation in scientific activities. Quarterly of the book. 2005;6(3):47-57.
  • Riahi Z. The study of the application of applied publications in the librarianship master's theses of tarbiat modares university, Tehran University, Shiraz University and Iran University of Medical Sciences. Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University. 1993.
  • Gupta K. Citation Analysis of Information Research: An International Electronic Journal. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1034. 2013;10(4). Accessed December 29, 2018.
  • Jahed H. Citation analysis of Ph.D. thesis of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services during 1989-1993, Master's thesis of medical library and information science, Faculty of Management and Medical Information, Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.1994.
  • Zandi F. Citation analysis. Social and human magazine of Shiraz University during 1977-1986, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz. 1999.
  • Saboktakin N. Citation analysis of Ph.D professional veterinary theses in terms of reference to Ph.D professional veterinary theses, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University. 1995.
  • Royai HR. Citation analysis of Ph.D professional veterinary theses in terms of reference to Ph.D professional veterinary theses, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University. 1997.
  • Afshar M. Comparison and comparison of citations of master's theses of nursing in Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Shiraz University and Isfahan University during 1991-1994. Master's thesis of medical library and information science, Faculty of Management and Medical Information, Iran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. 1996.
  • Poorsharif E. Citation analysis of Graduates' dissertations of the Faculty of Basic Sciences during 1995-1997, Master's thesis of medical library and information science, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modarres University. 1996.
  • Jamali Mahmoomi HR. Interdisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Librarianship and Information Communication Citation, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran.1999.
  • Horri A. Comparison between citation similarities and index terms similarities in correlation of documents with the common subject, Ph.D thesis, University of Wisconsin, Ohio, USA. 1981.
  • Khaksar M. Citation analysis in Al-Mizan. Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran. 1999.
  • Khosravi Taj HR. Citation analysis of the dissertations of graduate students of Isfahan School of Educational Sciences and Psychology during 1995-1997, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Azad University. 1998.
  • Rabizadehfard Z. Investigation of the status of citation in the geographical declarations of the Dehkhoda dictionary, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Tehran University. 1999.
  • Shahmiri S A. Analysis of content of articles in agricultural journals in Persian language at agricultural colleges of Iranian universities from the beginning of publication till the end of the year 1996, Master's Degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Tehran University.1999.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research article

Hojat Ollah Soleimani 0000-0002-8469-0488

Setareh Soleımanı This is me 0000-0003-2424-5339

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date September 17, 2018
Acceptance Date December 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


AMA Soleimani HO, Soleımanı S. Citation Analysis of Non-Persian Medical Periodicals through Theses in 2016-2017 in Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. OTJHS. June 2020;5(2):203-209. doi:10.26453/otjhs.460498

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