Research Article
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Evaluation of Turkish Medical Researchers' Affecting Factors for Journal Selection Decisions

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 22 - 28


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting Turkish medical researchers' choice of journals for publication.
Materials and Methods: This study is an online cross-sectional survey study. The participants with at least one Pubmed/MEDLINE indexed published paper were recruited non-random from the Turkish Medical Network Telegram group. The questionnaire consisted of 18 questions and three sections; the first part included open-ended questions, the second part included questions about the factors affecting journal selection, and the third part included participants who were asked if they had paid for publication for any reason.
Results: The study included 353 Turkish medical researchers, with a median age of 38 and 50.9% female. Bibliometric scores, publication fees, and overall prestige/reputation were the most influential factors affecting journal selection. The availability of a suitable manuscript, turnaround times, international contributions, previous experiences with the journal, and ease of submission were also significant factors.
Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the participants consider the publication objectives, relevance, and important selection criteria before they make a clear decision.


  • 1. Singh A, Singh S, Mercy P, et al. Art of publication and selection of journal. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2014;5:4–6. doi:10.4103/2229-5178.126019
  • 2. El-Omar EM. How to publish a scientific manuscript in a high-impact journal. Adv Dig Med. 2014;1:105–109. doi:10.1016/j.aidm.2014.07.004
  • 3. Sharifi C, Buccheri RK. Selecting a journal for your manuscript: a 4-step process. J Prof Nurs. 2020;36(1):85-91. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2019.06.003
  • 4. Roush K. Navigating the publishing process. Am J Nurs. 2017;117(6):62-67. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000520256.42212.fc
  • 5. McConnell CR. See your ideas in print: write for a professional journal. Health Care Manag (Frederick). 2010;29(3):279-289. doi:10.1097/HCM.0b013e3181da963f
  • 6. Griffiths P, Norman I. Why was my paper rejected? Editors' reflections on common issues which influence decisions to reject papers submitted for publication in academic nursing journals. Int J Nurs Stud. 2016;57:A1-4. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.03.017
  • 7. Hardman TC, Serginson JM. Ready! Aim! Fire! Targeting the right medical science journal. Cardiovasc Endocrinol. 2017;6:95-100. doi:10.1097/XCE.0000000000000083
  • 8. Cals JWL, Kotz D. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part X: choice of journal. J Clin Epidemiol. 2014;67:3. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2013.09.014
  • 9. Knight LV, Steinbach TA. Selecting an appropriate publication outlet: a comprehensive model of journal selection criteria for researchers in a broad range of academic disciplines. Int J Dr Stud. 2008;3:59–79. doi:10.28945/51
  • 10. Bahadoran Z, Mirmiran P, Kashfi K, Ghasemi A. Scientific publishing in biomedicine: how to choose a journal? Int J Endocrinol Metab. 2021;19(1):e108417. doi:10.5812/ijem.108417
  • 11. Shamsi A, Lund BD, SeyyedHosseini S, BasirianJahromi R. Journal selection behavior among early-career academicians in Iran: how they choose the most appropriate journal for their publications. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication. 2023;20;72(3):315-326. doi:10.1108/GKMC-09-2021-0146
  • 12. Tazegul G, Etçioğlu E, Emre E, Özlü C. Factors affecting the journal choice for manuscript submission: a qualitative study on Turkish medical researchers. J Inf Sci Eng. 2022;016555152211007. doi:10.1177/01655515221100724
  • 13. Moussa S. A bibliometric investigation of the journals that were repeatedly suppressed from Clarivate’s journal citation reports. Accountability in Research. 2022;30(8),592–612. doi:10.1080/08989621.2022.2071154
  • 14. Triggle CR, MacDonald R, Triggle DJ, Grierson D. Requiem for impact factors and high publication charges. Accountability in Research. 2021;29(3):133–164. doi:10.1080/08989621.2021.1909481
  • 15. San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). The Declaration on Research Assessment. Accessed March 16, 2024.
  • 16. Roldan-Valadez E, Salazar-Ruiz SY, Ibarra-Contreras R, Rios C. Current concepts on bibliometrics: a brief review about impact factor, Eigenfactor score, CiteScore, SCImago Journal Rank, Source-Normalised Impact per Paper, H-index, and alternative metrics. Ir J Med Sci. 2019;188(3):939-951. doi:10.1007/s11845-018-1936-5
  • 17. Borrego Á. Article processing charges for open access journal publishing: a review. Learned Publishing. 2023;36:359-378. doi:10.1002/leap.1558
  • 18. Bonyadi Naeini A, Moghiseh Z. Open access scientific outputs published by Iranian researchers: scientometrics and altmetrics study. Scientometrics Research Journal. 2023; 9(1):125-150. doi:10.22070/rsci.2021.13580.1460
  • 19. Tazegul G, Emre E. Scientometric data and open access publication policies of clinical allergy and immunology journals. Cureus. 2021;13:e13564. doi:10.7759/cureus.13564
  • 20. Ramia JM. How to select a journal for your research. World J Gastroenterol. 2023;7;29(21):3379-3384. doi:10.3748/wjg.v29.i21.3379
  • 21. Jawaid SA, Jawaid M. Common reasons for not accepting manuscripts for further processing after editor’s triage and initial screening. Pak J Med Sci Q. 2019;35:1–3. doi:10.12669/pjms.35.1.28
  • 22. Rowley J, Sbaffi L, Sugden M, Gilbert A. Factors influencing researchers’ journal selection decisions. J Inf Sci. 2022;48(3):321-335. doi:10.1177/0165551520958591

Türk Tıp Araştırmacılarının Dergi Seçim Kararlarını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 22 - 28


Amaç: Bu çalışma, Türk tıp araştırmacılarının makalelerini yayımlamak için dergi seçimini etkileyen faktörleri araştırmayı amaçlamıştır.
Materyal ve Metot: Bu çalışma, çevrimiçi kesitsel bir anket çalışmasıdır. En az bir PubMed/MEDLINE dizinli yayımlanmış makalesi bulunan katılımcılar, Türk Medikal Ağı Telegram grubundan rastgele olmayan yöntemle seçilmiştir. Anket, üç bölümden ve 18 sorudan oluşmuştur; birinci bölüm açık uçlu soruları, ikinci bölüm dergi seçiminde etkili olan faktörlere ilişkin soruları, üçüncü bölüm ise katılımcıların herhangi bir nedenle yayımlama ücreti ödeyip ödemediklerini içermektedir.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya medyan yaşı 38 olan ve %50.9'u kadın olan 353 Türk tıp araştırmacısı katılmıştır. Dergi seçiminde bibliyometrik skorlar, yayımlama ücretleri ve genel prestij/itibar en etkili faktörler arasında yer almıştır. Ayrıca, uygun bir makale bulunabilirliği, geri dönüş süreleri, uluslararası katkılar, dergiyle önceki deneyimler ve başvuru kolaylığı da önemli faktörler arasında yer almıştır.
Sonuç: Bu çalışma, katılımcıların dergi seçimi yapmadan önce yayımlama hedeflerini, konuya uygunluğunu ve önemli seçim kriterlerini dikkate aldıklarını ortaya koymaktadır.


  • 1. Singh A, Singh S, Mercy P, et al. Art of publication and selection of journal. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2014;5:4–6. doi:10.4103/2229-5178.126019
  • 2. El-Omar EM. How to publish a scientific manuscript in a high-impact journal. Adv Dig Med. 2014;1:105–109. doi:10.1016/j.aidm.2014.07.004
  • 3. Sharifi C, Buccheri RK. Selecting a journal for your manuscript: a 4-step process. J Prof Nurs. 2020;36(1):85-91. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2019.06.003
  • 4. Roush K. Navigating the publishing process. Am J Nurs. 2017;117(6):62-67. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000520256.42212.fc
  • 5. McConnell CR. See your ideas in print: write for a professional journal. Health Care Manag (Frederick). 2010;29(3):279-289. doi:10.1097/HCM.0b013e3181da963f
  • 6. Griffiths P, Norman I. Why was my paper rejected? Editors' reflections on common issues which influence decisions to reject papers submitted for publication in academic nursing journals. Int J Nurs Stud. 2016;57:A1-4. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.03.017
  • 7. Hardman TC, Serginson JM. Ready! Aim! Fire! Targeting the right medical science journal. Cardiovasc Endocrinol. 2017;6:95-100. doi:10.1097/XCE.0000000000000083
  • 8. Cals JWL, Kotz D. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part X: choice of journal. J Clin Epidemiol. 2014;67:3. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2013.09.014
  • 9. Knight LV, Steinbach TA. Selecting an appropriate publication outlet: a comprehensive model of journal selection criteria for researchers in a broad range of academic disciplines. Int J Dr Stud. 2008;3:59–79. doi:10.28945/51
  • 10. Bahadoran Z, Mirmiran P, Kashfi K, Ghasemi A. Scientific publishing in biomedicine: how to choose a journal? Int J Endocrinol Metab. 2021;19(1):e108417. doi:10.5812/ijem.108417
  • 11. Shamsi A, Lund BD, SeyyedHosseini S, BasirianJahromi R. Journal selection behavior among early-career academicians in Iran: how they choose the most appropriate journal for their publications. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication. 2023;20;72(3):315-326. doi:10.1108/GKMC-09-2021-0146
  • 12. Tazegul G, Etçioğlu E, Emre E, Özlü C. Factors affecting the journal choice for manuscript submission: a qualitative study on Turkish medical researchers. J Inf Sci Eng. 2022;016555152211007. doi:10.1177/01655515221100724
  • 13. Moussa S. A bibliometric investigation of the journals that were repeatedly suppressed from Clarivate’s journal citation reports. Accountability in Research. 2022;30(8),592–612. doi:10.1080/08989621.2022.2071154
  • 14. Triggle CR, MacDonald R, Triggle DJ, Grierson D. Requiem for impact factors and high publication charges. Accountability in Research. 2021;29(3):133–164. doi:10.1080/08989621.2021.1909481
  • 15. San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). The Declaration on Research Assessment. Accessed March 16, 2024.
  • 16. Roldan-Valadez E, Salazar-Ruiz SY, Ibarra-Contreras R, Rios C. Current concepts on bibliometrics: a brief review about impact factor, Eigenfactor score, CiteScore, SCImago Journal Rank, Source-Normalised Impact per Paper, H-index, and alternative metrics. Ir J Med Sci. 2019;188(3):939-951. doi:10.1007/s11845-018-1936-5
  • 17. Borrego Á. Article processing charges for open access journal publishing: a review. Learned Publishing. 2023;36:359-378. doi:10.1002/leap.1558
  • 18. Bonyadi Naeini A, Moghiseh Z. Open access scientific outputs published by Iranian researchers: scientometrics and altmetrics study. Scientometrics Research Journal. 2023; 9(1):125-150. doi:10.22070/rsci.2021.13580.1460
  • 19. Tazegul G, Emre E. Scientometric data and open access publication policies of clinical allergy and immunology journals. Cureus. 2021;13:e13564. doi:10.7759/cureus.13564
  • 20. Ramia JM. How to select a journal for your research. World J Gastroenterol. 2023;7;29(21):3379-3384. doi:10.3748/wjg.v29.i21.3379
  • 21. Jawaid SA, Jawaid M. Common reasons for not accepting manuscripts for further processing after editor’s triage and initial screening. Pak J Med Sci Q. 2019;35:1–3. doi:10.12669/pjms.35.1.28
  • 22. Rowley J, Sbaffi L, Sugden M, Gilbert A. Factors influencing researchers’ journal selection decisions. J Inf Sci. 2022;48(3):321-335. doi:10.1177/0165551520958591
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Research article

Erkut Etçioğlu 0000-0002-8117-7929

Can Özlü 0000-0002-9573-1177

Emre Emre 0000-0002-6040-4133

Gökhan Tazegül 0000-0002-0737-9450

Early Pub Date March 10, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date August 23, 2024
Acceptance Date December 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


AMA Etçioğlu E, Özlü C, Emre E, Tazegül G. Evaluation of Turkish Medical Researchers’ Affecting Factors for Journal Selection Decisions. OTJHS. March 2025;10(1):22-28. doi:10.26453/otjhs.1536214

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