Ordu University Journal of Nursing Studies is an international, open-access, and peer-reviewed scientific e-journal that aims to ensure that qualified work in all fields of nursing.
Ordu University Journal of Nursing Studies welcomes original research, meta-analysis, systematic review, case report, review articles, and letters to the editor. The submitted study for publication to the journal must be in Turkish or English. The journal is published three times a year in April, September, and December. There is no charge for the publication of the scientific studies submitted to the journal. All issues of the journal can be accessed free of charge from the https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ouhcd website.
Indexing: Rootindexing, Google Scholar, Türk Medline, Asos İndeks, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, TUBİTAK ULAKBİM TR Dizin (2021), WorldCat, Index Copernicus (2022)