Research Article
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Impact of Intervention Program on Enhancing Spelling and Writing Skills among Saudi Primary School Pupils with Learning Disabilities

Year 2020, , 737 - 755, 01.12.2020


Learning disabilities (LD) include difficulties in learning the basic language skills including speaking, reading,
spelling and writing. Moreover, the pupils at schools can achieve better through proper support and intervention
than conventional methods. In the Saudi context, the Ministry of Education (MoE) incorporated LD in its
educational system in 1996 to facilitate the learning of pupils with LD nationwide. This study is an attempt to
explore the impact of the intervention program on enhancing the basic skills in spelling and writing of the Arabic
language among Saudi primary school pupils with LD studying between first and third grades. The study sample
comprised of 38 male pupils with LD, aged between 6-8 years, and were selected from four primary schools in
Rafha Province. The study adopted the quasi-experimental research design including control and experimental
groups. The results of the study revealed that there was a significant and positive impact of the program on
enhancing the performance of the participants in both spelling and writing skills. It is thought that pupils can
achieve better through appropriate intervention. Future studies on examining the performances of spelling and
writing independently are recommended.


  • ‎1-‎ Al-Hiary, G., Almakanin. H., & Tabbal, S. (2015). Problems faced by preservice special ‎education teachers in Jordan. International Education Studies, 8(2), 128-141. ‎‎‎2-‎ Al-Zoubi, S. (2007). The effect of a training program in improving instructional ‎competencies for resource room teachers in Jordan. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, ‎University of Science Malaysia, Malaysia‎3-‎ Al-Zoubi, S. (2016). Mainstreaming in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Obstacles Facing ‎Learning Disabilities Resource Room. Journal of Studies in Education, 6, (1), 37-55.‎‎4-‎ Azzam, R. (1993). The nature of Arabic reading and spelling errors of young ‎children. Reading and writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5, 355-385‎‎5-‎ Berninger, V. W., & May, M. O. (2011). Evidence-based diagnosis and treatment for ‎specific learning disabilities involving impairments in written and/or oral ‎language. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44, (2), 167-183.‎‎6-‎ Candace C. and Sheldon H. (2014) The State of Learning Disabilities: Facts, Trends and ‎Emerging Issues. New York: National Center for Learning Disabilities.‎‎7-‎ Cihak, D., & Castle, K. (2011). Improving expository writing skills with explicit and ‎strategy instructional methods in inclusive middle school classrooms. International ‎Journal of Special Education, 26(3), 106-113.‎‎8-‎ Eviatar, Z. & Ibrahim, R. (2014). Why is it Hard to Read Arabic? In E. Saiegh-Haddad, ‎R. M. Joshi (eds.), Handbook of Arabic Literacy: Insights & Perspectives (Vol. 9 pp. 77–‎‎96). Springer.‎‎9-‎ Felimban, H. S. (2013). Elementary Students' Beliefs About the Causes of Learning ‎Difficulties: A Comparison Between Canada and Saudi Arabia (Master Thesis). Retrieved ‎from:‎10-‎ Ferguson, C. (1959). Diglossia. Word, 15, 325–340.‎‎11-‎ Fletcher, J. M., Morris, R. D., & Lyon, R. G. (2003). Classification and definition of ‎learning disabilities: an integrative perspective. In H. L. Swanson, K. R. Harries & S. ‎Graham (Eds), Handbook of learning disabilities (pp. 30-60). New York: The Guilford ‎Press.‎‎12-‎ Friedmann, N. & Haddad-Hanna, M. (2014) Types of Developmental Dyslexia in Arabic. ‎In E. Saiegh-Haddad, R. M. Joshi (eds.), Handbookof Arabic Literacy: Insights & ‎Perspectives (Vol. 9 pp. 119 –151). Springer.‎‎13-‎ Graham, S., Harris, K., & Larsen, L. (2001). Prevention and intervention of writing ‎difficulties for students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & ‎Practice, 16(2), 74-84.‎‎14-‎ Haddad, E. S. &Roitfarb, R. H. (2014). The Structure of Arabic Language and ‎Orthography. In E. Saiegh-Haddad, R. M. Joshi (eds.), Handbook of Arabic Literacy: ‎Insights & Perspectives (Vol. 9 pp. 03–28). Springer.‎‎15-‎ Hudson, A. (2002). Outline of a theory of diglossia. International Journal of the ‎Sociology of Language, 157, 1–49.‎‎16-‎ Hussain, O. A. (2009). Evaluation of preparation program for teachers specializing in ‎learning disabilities in Saudi Arabia (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved ‎from‎‎17-‎ Hutchinson, N. (2007). Inclusion of exceptional learners in Canadian schools: A practical ‎handbook for teachers. Toronto: Pearson.‎‎18-‎ Kemper, M. J., Verhoeven, L., & Bosman, A. M. T. (2012). Implicit and explicit ‎instruction of spelling rules. Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 639-649.‎‎19-‎ Lerner, J. (2003). Learning disabilities: Diagnosis and teaching strategies. Boston: ‎Houghton Mifflin.‎‎20-‎ Ministry of Education. (2011). Resource room program. Department of Special ‎Education, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.‎‎21-‎ Mohamed, W., Elbert, T., & Landerl, K. (2010). The development of reading and spelling ‎abilities in the first three years of learning Arabic. Reading and Writing: An ‎Interdisciplinary Journal, 1–18. doi:10.1007/s11145-010-9249-8.‎‎22-‎ Mohamed, W., Landerl. K. & Elbert, T. (2014) An Epidemiological Survey of Specific ‎Reading and Spelling Disabilities in Arabic Speaking Children in Egypt. In E. Saiegh-‎Haddad, R. M. Joshi (eds.), Handbook of Arabic Literacy: Insights & Perspectives (Vol. 9 ‎pp. 99 –117). Springer.‎‎23-‎ New South Wales. Dept. of Education and Training. Disability Programs Directorate: ‎Learning Assistance Program (2007). Writing and spelling strategies : assisting students ‎who have additional learning support needs. Learning Assistance Programs. Disability ‎Programs Directorate, Darlinghurst, NSW.‎‎24-‎ Notarnicola A., Angelelli P., Judica A., Zoccolotti P. (2012). The development of spelling ‎skills in a shallow orthography: the case of the Italian language. Read. Writ. 25, 1171–‎‎1194 10.1007/s11145-011-9312-0 ‎‎25-‎ Saddler, B., Moran, S., Graham, S., & Harris, K. R. (2004). Preventing writing ‎difficulties: The effects of planning strategy instruction on the writingperformance of ‎struggling writers. Exceptionality, 12(1), 3-17.‎‎26-‎ Shaywitz, S., &Shaywitz, B. (2001). The neurobiology of reading and dyslexia. Focus on ‎Basics: Connecting Research and Practice, 5A. ‎Accessed 22 June 2011.‎‎27-‎ Sheaha, M. A. (2004). Factors related to job dissatisfaction among special education ‎teachers in Saudi Arabia. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, university of Northern ‎Colorado.‎‎28-‎ Smith, D. (2004). Introduction to special education: Teaching in an age of opportunity. ‎Boston: Pearson Education.‎‎29-‎ Taha, H. Y. (2013). Reading and spelling in Arabic: Linguistic and orthographic ‎complexity. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 3(5), 721–727.‎‎30-‎ Theeb, R., Muhaidat, M., & Al-Zboon, E. (2014). Professional competencies among pre-‎service teachers in special education from their perspectives. Education, 135(1), 133-143.‎‎31-‎ Walker, B., Shippen, M.E., Alberto, P. A., Houchins, D. E., &Cihak, D. F. (2005). Using ‎the expressive writing program to improve the writing skills of high school students with ‎learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 1(20), 175-183.‎‎32-‎ Youssefi, H. (2014). Enrichment of learning disabilities resources room according to ‎multiple intelligence theory. Journal of Social Studies, 7(5), 143-164.‎‎ ‎‎ ‎

İmla ve Yazma Becerilerini Geliştirmeye Yönelik Bir Müdahale Programının Öğrenme Güçlüğü Olan Suudi İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Becerilerine Etkisi

Year 2020, , 737 - 755, 01.12.2020


Öğrenme güçlükleri (ÖG) konuşma, okuma, imla ve yazma gibi temel dil becerilerini öğrenmede güçlükleri içerir.
ÖG olan öğrenciler, geleneksel yöntemlere oranla daha uygun destek ve müdahale ile daha başarılı olabilirler.
Suudi Arabistan’da Eğitim Bakanlığı, ülke çapında ÖG olan öğrencilerin öğrenmesini kolaylaştırmak için ÖG’yi
1996 yılında eğitim sistemine dahil etmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, geliştirilen bir müdahale programının, birinci,
ikinci ve üçüncü sınıflarda öğrenim gören ÖG Suudi ilköğretim öğrencilerinin Arapça imla ve yazmadaki temel
becerileri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini Rafha Eyaletindeki 4 ilköğretim okulundan
6-8 yaşları arasında ÖG olan 38 erkek öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Çalışma, deney ve kontrol gruplarını içeren yarı
deneysel araştırma deseniyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deney grubunun son test sonuçları, müdahalenin hem imla hem
de yazma becerileri üzerinde anlamlı ve olumlu bir etkisi olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu nedenle öğrencilerin
uygun müdahale ile başarılarının artırılabileceği düşünülmektedir. İleride yapılacak araştırmalarda imla ve yazma
performanslarının bağımsız olarak incelenmesi önerilebilir


  • ‎1-‎ Al-Hiary, G., Almakanin. H., & Tabbal, S. (2015). Problems faced by preservice special ‎education teachers in Jordan. International Education Studies, 8(2), 128-141. ‎‎‎2-‎ Al-Zoubi, S. (2007). The effect of a training program in improving instructional ‎competencies for resource room teachers in Jordan. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, ‎University of Science Malaysia, Malaysia‎3-‎ Al-Zoubi, S. (2016). Mainstreaming in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Obstacles Facing ‎Learning Disabilities Resource Room. Journal of Studies in Education, 6, (1), 37-55.‎‎4-‎ Azzam, R. (1993). The nature of Arabic reading and spelling errors of young ‎children. Reading and writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 5, 355-385‎‎5-‎ Berninger, V. W., & May, M. O. (2011). Evidence-based diagnosis and treatment for ‎specific learning disabilities involving impairments in written and/or oral ‎language. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44, (2), 167-183.‎‎6-‎ Candace C. and Sheldon H. (2014) The State of Learning Disabilities: Facts, Trends and ‎Emerging Issues. New York: National Center for Learning Disabilities.‎‎7-‎ Cihak, D., & Castle, K. (2011). Improving expository writing skills with explicit and ‎strategy instructional methods in inclusive middle school classrooms. International ‎Journal of Special Education, 26(3), 106-113.‎‎8-‎ Eviatar, Z. & Ibrahim, R. (2014). Why is it Hard to Read Arabic? In E. Saiegh-Haddad, ‎R. M. Joshi (eds.), Handbook of Arabic Literacy: Insights & Perspectives (Vol. 9 pp. 77–‎‎96). Springer.‎‎9-‎ Felimban, H. S. (2013). Elementary Students' Beliefs About the Causes of Learning ‎Difficulties: A Comparison Between Canada and Saudi Arabia (Master Thesis). Retrieved ‎from:‎10-‎ Ferguson, C. (1959). Diglossia. Word, 15, 325–340.‎‎11-‎ Fletcher, J. M., Morris, R. D., & Lyon, R. G. (2003). Classification and definition of ‎learning disabilities: an integrative perspective. In H. L. Swanson, K. R. Harries & S. ‎Graham (Eds), Handbook of learning disabilities (pp. 30-60). New York: The Guilford ‎Press.‎‎12-‎ Friedmann, N. & Haddad-Hanna, M. (2014) Types of Developmental Dyslexia in Arabic. ‎In E. Saiegh-Haddad, R. M. Joshi (eds.), Handbookof Arabic Literacy: Insights & ‎Perspectives (Vol. 9 pp. 119 –151). Springer.‎‎13-‎ Graham, S., Harris, K., & Larsen, L. (2001). Prevention and intervention of writing ‎difficulties for students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & ‎Practice, 16(2), 74-84.‎‎14-‎ Haddad, E. S. &Roitfarb, R. H. (2014). The Structure of Arabic Language and ‎Orthography. In E. Saiegh-Haddad, R. M. Joshi (eds.), Handbook of Arabic Literacy: ‎Insights & Perspectives (Vol. 9 pp. 03–28). Springer.‎‎15-‎ Hudson, A. (2002). Outline of a theory of diglossia. International Journal of the ‎Sociology of Language, 157, 1–49.‎‎16-‎ Hussain, O. A. (2009). Evaluation of preparation program for teachers specializing in ‎learning disabilities in Saudi Arabia (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved ‎from‎‎17-‎ Hutchinson, N. (2007). Inclusion of exceptional learners in Canadian schools: A practical ‎handbook for teachers. Toronto: Pearson.‎‎18-‎ Kemper, M. J., Verhoeven, L., & Bosman, A. M. T. (2012). Implicit and explicit ‎instruction of spelling rules. Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 639-649.‎‎19-‎ Lerner, J. (2003). Learning disabilities: Diagnosis and teaching strategies. Boston: ‎Houghton Mifflin.‎‎20-‎ Ministry of Education. (2011). Resource room program. Department of Special ‎Education, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.‎‎21-‎ Mohamed, W., Elbert, T., & Landerl, K. (2010). The development of reading and spelling ‎abilities in the first three years of learning Arabic. Reading and Writing: An ‎Interdisciplinary Journal, 1–18. doi:10.1007/s11145-010-9249-8.‎‎22-‎ Mohamed, W., Landerl. K. & Elbert, T. (2014) An Epidemiological Survey of Specific ‎Reading and Spelling Disabilities in Arabic Speaking Children in Egypt. In E. Saiegh-‎Haddad, R. M. Joshi (eds.), Handbook of Arabic Literacy: Insights & Perspectives (Vol. 9 ‎pp. 99 –117). Springer.‎‎23-‎ New South Wales. Dept. of Education and Training. Disability Programs Directorate: ‎Learning Assistance Program (2007). Writing and spelling strategies : assisting students ‎who have additional learning support needs. Learning Assistance Programs. Disability ‎Programs Directorate, Darlinghurst, NSW.‎‎24-‎ Notarnicola A., Angelelli P., Judica A., Zoccolotti P. (2012). The development of spelling ‎skills in a shallow orthography: the case of the Italian language. Read. Writ. 25, 1171–‎‎1194 10.1007/s11145-011-9312-0 ‎‎25-‎ Saddler, B., Moran, S., Graham, S., & Harris, K. R. (2004). Preventing writing ‎difficulties: The effects of planning strategy instruction on the writingperformance of ‎struggling writers. Exceptionality, 12(1), 3-17.‎‎26-‎ Shaywitz, S., &Shaywitz, B. (2001). The neurobiology of reading and dyslexia. Focus on ‎Basics: Connecting Research and Practice, 5A. ‎Accessed 22 June 2011.‎‎27-‎ Sheaha, M. A. (2004). Factors related to job dissatisfaction among special education ‎teachers in Saudi Arabia. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, university of Northern ‎Colorado.‎‎28-‎ Smith, D. (2004). Introduction to special education: Teaching in an age of opportunity. ‎Boston: Pearson Education.‎‎29-‎ Taha, H. Y. (2013). Reading and spelling in Arabic: Linguistic and orthographic ‎complexity. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 3(5), 721–727.‎‎30-‎ Theeb, R., Muhaidat, M., & Al-Zboon, E. (2014). Professional competencies among pre-‎service teachers in special education from their perspectives. Education, 135(1), 133-143.‎‎31-‎ Walker, B., Shippen, M.E., Alberto, P. A., Houchins, D. E., &Cihak, D. F. (2005). Using ‎the expressive writing program to improve the writing skills of high school students with ‎learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 1(20), 175-183.‎‎32-‎ Youssefi, H. (2014). Enrichment of learning disabilities resources room according to ‎multiple intelligence theory. Journal of Social Studies, 7(5), 143-164.‎‎ ‎‎ ‎
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Hani Sheta 0000-0003-3614-3786

Farid Jdaıtawı This is me 0000-0003-4566-521X

A. Essa Yossry This is me 0000-0002-5127-1762

Publication Date December 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Sheta, H., Jdaıtawı, F., & Yossry, A. E. (2020). Impact of Intervention Program on Enhancing Spelling and Writing Skills among Saudi Primary School Pupils with Learning Disabilities. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 21(4), 737-755.

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