Turkey's ULAKBİM TR DİZİN Committee (https://trdizin.gov.tr/) has changed the inclusion criteria for journal evaluations to be index the journals. As a consequence, for all research studies conducted in all science branches including social sciences the Ethics Committee Approval is required. This Ethics Committee Approval should be indicated in the articles and they should be documented as well.
Change in Item 8 of TR DİZİN Evaluation Criteria applies to studies that the procedures of collecting data started in 2020 and require Ethics Committee Approval. Ethics Committee Approval information (the title of the ethics committee, date, and number) must be stated in the method section as well as on the first/last page of the articles. In this regard, the following studies to be sent to our journal to be reviewed for publication must follow research and publication ethics as well as they must include Ethics Committee Approval information: (1) all qualitative or quantitative studies which included data collection from participants by questionnaire, interview, focus group study, observation, and experiment; (2) all studies in which humans or animals (materials/data included) are used with experimental or any other scientific purposes; (3) clinical trials with humans; (4) trials with animals; (5) retrospective studies with respect to preservation of personal data. For case studies (1) information regarding informed consent form must be present; (2) permissions from other individuals' scales, questionnaires, and photos must be taken and indicated; and (3) it must be stated that there is no copyright infringement for intellectual properties. There is no requirement of Ethics Committee Approval for review articles.
For articles that are already in the evaluation process in the journal and have Ethics Committee Approval, the corresponding authors should add information regarding the Ethics Committee Approval to their articles if their articles are accepted to be published, as stated above. Other than that for the studies of which data were gathered before 2020, that are produced from the master's thesis/doctoral dissertations (should be indicated in the article), that the authors had applied to the journal last year, that are accepted but not yet published, backdate ethical committee approval is not required. However, if the article is accepted to be published the corresponding author must sign a paper indicating that "I assure/declare that all the ethical infringements faced in my study entitled ......... 'Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Journal of Special Education has no responsibility, all responsibility is on the Corresponding Author.' " Researchers not affiliated with universities must obtain ethical committee approvals for their studies that require ethical committee approval from the Ethical Committees in their regions.
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