Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 6.04.2022

Yıl: 2022

International Journal of PharmATA (IJP-ATA), farmasötik araştırmaların tüm yönleriyle ilgili orijinal araştırma makaleleri, inceleme makaleleri ve kısa iletişimler için hakemli açık erişimli bir dergidir. Int J PharmATA, 2021 yılında başlatıldı ve Atatürk Üniversitesi tarafından yılda 4 kez yayınlanacaktır.

International Journal of PharmATA (IJP-ATA) is a peer-reviewed open access journal for original research articles, review articles and short communications related to all aspects of pharmaceutical studies. Int J PharmATA was launched in 2021, and published 4 time a year by Atatürk University.

Mevcut ilgi alanları aşağıda verilenlerle sınırlı kalmamak üzere şunları içerir: Kompleks Sistemlerin Farmasötik Analizi, Biyoteknolojik İlaçların Kalite Kontrol ve Yöntemleri, Biyoteknoojik İlaçların Vücuttaki Eylem Mekanizması ve Metabolizmaları, İlaç Tarama Sürecinde Kantitatif ve Kalitatif Analizle, Moleküler Farmakoloji, Biyofarmasötikler, Farmakognozi , Farmasötik Botanik, Farmasötik Teknoloji Çalışmaları, Klinik Laboratuvar ve Biyoanaliz, Farmakolojik Çalışmalar, Toksikolojik Çalışmalar, Analitik Kimya Teknikleri ve Yöntemleri, Farmasötik Analiz için Yeni Biyokimya Yöntemleri, Hızlı Tarama Yöntemleri, Yeni Analitik Teknikler ve Yöntemler, Farmasötik Kimya, Sentez ve Analiz Yeni İlaç Molekülleri, Diğerleri: Farmasötik katı malzemeler (biyomateryaller, polimerler ve nanopartiküller dahil) Biyoteknoloji ürünleri (genler, peptitler, proteinler ve aşılar dahil) Tasarlanmış hücreler.

Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Pharmaceutical Analysis of Complex System, Quality Control and Methods of Biotech Drugs, Action Mechanism and Their Metabolisms in Body, Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in the Drug Screening Process, Molecular Pharmacology, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Botany, Pharmaceutical Technology Studies, Clinical Laboratory and Bioanalysis, The Pharmacological Studies, The Toxicologic Studies, Analytical Chemistry Techniques and Methods, New Biochemistry Methods for Pharmaceutical Analysis, Rapid Screening Methods, New Analytical Techniques and Methods, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Synthesis and Analysis New Drug Molecules, Others: Pharmaceutical solid materials (including biomaterials, polymers and nanoparticles)Biotechnology products (including genes, peptides, proteins and vaccines) Engineered cells.

Manuscript structure

The manuscript should be written in English with a simple layout. The text should be prepared in single column format. Bold face, italics, subscripts, superscripts etc. can be used.

The text, excluding the abstract, if required, can be divided into numbered sections with brief headings. Starting from introduction with section 1. subsections should be numbered (for example 2.1 (then 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2, etc.), up to three levels.

Title Page

The title page should contain a brief title, name(s) of author(s) and their affiliations. The title should be without any abbreviations and it should enlighten the contents of the paper. All affiliations should be provided with a lower-case superscript letter just after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address.

The name of the corresponding author should be indicated along with telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) along with full postal address and e-mail address.


The abstract should be concise and informative. It should not exceed 300 words in length. It should briefly describe the purpose of the work, techniques and methods used, major findings with important data and conclusions. Different sub-sections, as given below, should be used. No references should be cited in this part. Generally non-standard abbreviations should not be used, if necessary they should be clearly defined in the abstract, at first use.


Immediately after the abstract, about 4-8 keywords should be given. Use of abbreviations should be avoided, only standard abbreviations, well known in the established area may be used, if appropriate. These keywords will be used for indexing.


Provide a factual background, clearly defined problem, proposed solution, a brief literature survey and the scope and justification of the work done.

Material and Methods

Give adequate information to allow the experiment to be reproduced. Already published methods should be mentioned with references. Significant modifications of published methods and new methods should be described in detail. This section will include sub-sections. Tables & figures should be placed inside the text. Tables and figures should be presented as per their appearance in the text. It is suggested that the discussion about the tables and figures should appear in the text before the appearance of the respective tables and figures. No tables or figures should be given without discussion or reference inside the text.

Tables should be explanatory enough to be understandable without any text reference. Double spacing should be maintained throughout the table, including table headings and footnotes. Table headings should be placed above the table. Footnotes should be placed below the table with superscript lowercase letters.

Each figure should have a caption. The caption should be concise and typed separately, not on the figure area. Figures should be self-explanatory. Information presented in the figure should not be repeated in the table. All symbols and abbreviations used in the illustrations should be defined clearly. Figure legends should be given below the figures.

Results & Discussion

Results should be clearly described in a concise manner. Results for different parameters should be described under subheadings or in separate paragraph. Table or figure numbers should be mentioned in parentheses for better understanding.

The discussion should not repeat the results, but provide detailed interpretation of data. This should interpret the significance of the findings of the work. Citations should be given in support of the findings. The results and discussion part can also be described as separate, if appropriate.

Tables & Figures

Tables & figures should be placed inside the text. Tables and figures should be presented as per their appearance in the text. It is suggested that the discussion about the tables and figures should appear in the text before the appearance of the respective tables and figures. No tables or figures should be given without discussion or reference inside the text.

Tables should be explanatory enough to be understandable without any text reference. Double spacing should be maintained throughout the table, including table headings and footnotes. Table headings should be placed above the table. Footnotes should be placed below the table with superscript lowercase letters.

Each figure should have a caption. The caption should be concise and typed separately, not on the figure area. Figures should be self-explanatory. Information presented in the figure should not be repeated in the table. All symbols and abbreviations used in the illustrations should be defined clearly. Figure legends should be given below the figures.


This should briefly state the major findings of the study. If you are using copy-paste option then select ‘match destination formatting’ in paste option OR use ‘paste special’ option and select ‘unformatted Unicode text’ option.


A brief acknowledgement section may be given after the conclusion section just before the references. The acknowledgments of people who provided assistance in manuscript preparation, funding for research, etc. should be listed in this section. All sources of funding should be declared as an acknowledgement. Authors should declare the role of funding agency, if any, in the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript. If the study sponsors had no such involvement, the authors should so state.

Consent (Where Ever Applicable)

No manuscripts will be peer-reviewed if a statement of patient consent is not presented during submission (wherever applicable).

This section is compulsory for medical journals. Other journals may require this section if found suitable. It should provide a statement to confirm that the patient has given their informed consent for the case report to be published. Journal editorial office may ask the copies of the consent documentation at any time.

Authors may use a form from their own institution or SDI Patient Consent Form 1.0. It is preferable that authors should send this form along with the submission. But if already not sent during submission, we may request to see a copy at any stages of pre and post publication.

If the person described in the case report has died, then consent for publication must be collected from their next of kin. If the individual described in the case report is a minor, or unable to provide consent, then consent must be sought from their parents or legal guardians. Authors may use the following wordings for this section: "All authors declare that ‘written informed consent was obtained from the patient (or other approved parties) for publication of this case report and accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editorial office/Chief Editor/Editorial Board members of this journal."

Ethical Approval (Where Ever Applicable)

This section is required for human and animal studies. If human subjects are involved, informed consent, protection of privacy, and other human rights are further criteria against which the manuscript will be judged. It should provide a statement to confirm that the authors have obtained all necessary ethical approval from suitable Institutional or State or National or International Committee. This confirms either that this study is not against the public interest, or that the release of information is allowed by legislation.

All manuscripts which deal with animal subjects must be approved by an Ethical Committee, or an Animal Utilization Study Committee. , and this statement, and approval number, must accompany the submission. If required, author should be ready to submit a scanned copy of the IRB or Ethical Committee Approval at any stage of publication (Pre of post publication stage). For manuscripts involving animal experiments, Authors may use the following wordings for this section “All authors hereby declare that "Principles of laboratory animal care" (Ethics committee approval number and year; publication No. 85-23 and 1985) were followed, as well as specific national laws where applicable. All experiments have been examined and approved by the appropriate ethics committee”

All manuscripts which deal with the study of human subjects must be accompanied by Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethical Committee Approval, or the national or regional equivalent. The name of the Board or Committee giving approval and the study number assigned must accompany the submission. If required, author should be ready to submit a scanned copy of the IRB or Ethical Committee Approval at any stage of publication (Pre of post publication stage). For manuscripts involving human experiments, Authors may use the following wordings for this section: “All authors hereby declare that all experiments have been examined and approved by the appropriate ethics committee and have therefore been performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki.”


References must be listed at the end of the manuscript and numbered in the order that they appear in the text. Every reference referred in the text must also present in the reference list and vice versa. In the text, citations should be indicated by the reference number in brackets [3].

Only published or accepted manuscripts should be included in the reference list.

Articles submitted for publication, unpublished findings and personal communications should not be included in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text (e.g., T Nelson, Purdue University, USA, Unpublished results or personal communication). Avoid citing a “personal communication” unless it provides essential information not available from a public source, in which case the name of the person and date of communication should be cited in parentheses in the text. For scientific articles, obtain written permission and confirmation of accuracy from the source of a personal communication. Unpublished result which has been accepted for publication in any journal should be cited as "in press".

Journal name abbreviations should be those found in the NCBI databases (Link:

All references should follow the following style:

Reference to a journal:

For Published paper:

Hilly M, Adams ML, Nelson SC. A study of digit fusion in the mouse embryo. Clin Exp Allergy. 2002;32(4):489-98.
Note: List the first six authors followed by et al.

Note: Use of a DOI number for the full-text article is encouraged. (if available).

Note: Authors are also encouraged to add other database's unique identifier (like PUBMED ID).

For Accepted, unpublished papers.

Same as above, but “In press” appears instead of the page numbers.

Saha M, Adams ML, Nelson SC. Review of digit fusion in the mouse embryo. J Embryol Exp Morphol. 2009;49(3): (In press).
Note: List the first six authors followed by et al.

Note: Use of a DOI number is encouraged (if available).

Note: Authors are also encouraged to add other database's unique identifier (like PUBMED ID).

For Articles not in English

Forneau E, Bovet D. Recherches sur l'action sympathicolytique d'un nouveau dérivé du dioxane. Arch Int Pharmacodyn. 1933;46:178-91. French.

Reference to a book:

Personal author(s)

Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM, Moore PK. Pharmacology. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 2003.

Editor(s) or compiler(s) as authors

Beers MH, Porter RS, Jones TV, Kaplan JL, Berkwits M, editors. The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy. 18th ed. Whitehouse Station (NJ): Merck Research Laboratories; 2006.

Authored chapter in edited publication

Glennon RA, Dukat M. Serotonin receptors and drugs affecting serotonergic neurotransmission. In: Williams DA, Lemke TL, editors. Foye's principles of medicinal chemistry. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002.

Reference to Web-resource or Electronic articles.

Hugo JT, Mondal SC. Parallels between tissue repair and embryo morphogenesis: a conceptual framework. Global Health. 2006;16:4. Accessed 29 March 2012.


Anonymous. Parallels between tissue repair and embryo morphogenesis: a conceptual framework. Global Health. 2006;16:4. Accessed 29 March 2012.


Reference to Organization as author

Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. A study of digit fusion in the mouse embryo. J Embryol Exp Morphol. 2009;49(2):259–276.

Conference Proceedings

Bengisson S. Sothemin BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. In: Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Rienhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 Sept 6-10; Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1992. pp.1561-5.

Scientific or Technical Report

Cusick M, Chew EY, Hoogwerf B, Agrón E, Wu L, Lindley A, et al. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group. Risk factors for renal replacement therapy in the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS), Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Kidney Int: 2004. Report No: 26.


Yılmaz B. Ankara Üniversitesindeki Öğrencilerin Beslenme Durumları, Fiziksel Aktiviteleri ve Beden Kitle İndeksleri Kan Lipidleri Arasındaki Ilişkiler. H.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi. 2007.

Research protocols for experimental, clinical and drug studies must be approved by the Ethics Committee in accordance with international agreements (World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki “Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects,” amended in October 2013, If necessary, ethics committee reports or an equivalent official document will be requested from the authors. For manuscripts on experimental research on humans, a detailed description of the procedures patients and volunteers can undergo. In addition, a statement showing that their written informed consent has been obtained should be attached. In animal studies, all measures taken to prevent animal pain and suffering should be detailed. Information about the patient's approval, the name of the ethics committee and the ethics committee approval number should also be specified in the Materials and Methods section of the article. It is the authors 'responsibility to carefully maintain patients' anonymity.
