Research Article
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Yeşil kimya ile iletken polimer sentezi ve elektrokromik özellikleri

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 6, 753 - 758, 15.12.2017


polimerler ilginç optik ve elektriksel özellikleri sayesinde teknolojik
uygulamalarda kullanım potansiyeli en yüksek malzemelerden biridir. Fakat
iletken polimerlerin zayıf çözünürlüğü, kolayca işlenememesi, mekanik
dayanımının ve stabilitesinin iyi olmaması gibi nedenler pratik uygulamalarda
kullanımını sınırlandırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada iletken polimerler organik
çözücüler (diklorometan, asetonitril, kloroform vb.) yerine
polistirensülfonikasit yardımıyla hazırlanan sulu dispersiyonunun elektrokimyasal
olarak polimerleştirilmesiyle elde edilmiştir. Böylelikle suda çözünmeyen bir
monomer, çevre ve insan sağlığına zararlı organik çözücüler yerine sulu ortamda
polimerleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca sulu ortamda elde edilen iletken polimerin
organik çözücü varlığında elde edilen iletken polimere göre optik ve
elektriksel özelliklerinin daha üstün olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu makale ile çevre
ve insan sağlığına zararlı organik çözücülerde sentezlenen diğer iletken
polimerlerin de sulu ortamda sentezlenebileceği ve elde edilen polimerlerin
teknolojik uygulamalarda kullanımı için çok önemli olan optik ve elektriksel
özelliklerinin daha üstün olabileceği gösterilmiştir.


  • Camurlu P. “Polypyrrole derivatives for electrochromic applications”. RSC Advance, 4, 55832-55845, 2014.
  • Ateş M, Karazehir T, Saraç AS. “Conducting polymers and their applications”. Current Physical Chemistry, 2(3), 224-240, 2012.
  • Janata J, Josowicz M. “Conducting polymers in electronic chemical sensors”. Nature Materials, 2, 19-24, 2003.
  • Heinze J, Frontana-Uribe BA, Ludwigs S. “Electrochemistry of conducting polymers-persistent models and new concepts”. Chemical Review, 110 (8), 4724-4771, 2010.
  • Ak M, Toppare L. “Synthesis of star shaped pyrrole and thiophene functionalized monomers and optoeletrochemical properties of corresponding copolymers”. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 114(2-3), 789-794, 2009.
  • Otero TF, Martinez JG. “Electro-chemo-biomimetics from conducting polymers: fundamentals, materials, properties and devices”. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4(12), 2069-2085, 2016.
  • Ak M, Durmus A, Toppare L. “Solid state electrochromic device applications of N-(2-(thiophen-3-yl)methylcarbonyloxyethyl) maleimide”. Solid State Sciences, 9(9), 843-849, 2007.
  • Zhou H, Han G. “One-step fabrication of heterogeneous conducting polymers-coated graphene oxide/carbon nanotubes composite films for high-performance supercapacitors”. Electrochimica Acta, 192, 448–455, 2016.
  • Soganci T, Soyleyici HC, Ak M, Cetisli H. “An amide substituted dithienylpyrrole based copolymer:ıts electrochromic properties”. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163 (2) , 59-66, 2016.
  • Soganci T, Ak M, Giziroglu E, Soyleyici HC, “Smart window application of hydrazide type new SNS derivative”. RSC Advances, 6(3), 1744-1749, 2016.
  • Ayranci R, Ak M, Ocal S, Karakus M. “Synthesis of new ferrocenyl dithiophosphonate derivatives: electrochemical, electrochromic, and optical properties”. Designed Monomers and Polymers, 19(5), 429–436, 2016.
  • Soganci T, Soyleyici HC, Ak M. “A soluble and fluorescent new type thienylpyrrole based conjugated polymer: optical, electrical and electrochemical properties”. Physical Chemistry and.Chemical.Physic, 7(18), 14401-14417, 2016.
  • Güler E, Soyleyici HC, Demirkol Odaci D, Ak M, Timur S. “A novel functional conducting polymer as an immobilization platform”. Materials Science and Engineering C, 40, 148–156, 2014.
  • Ak M, Yildiz HB, Toppare L, “Enzyme immobilization in a photosensitive conducting polymer bearing azobenzene in the main chain”. Polymer Bulletin, 71 (7), 1827-1841, 2014.
  • Kurtay G, Ak M, Güllü M, Toppare L, Ak Sulak M. “Synthesis and electropolymerization of 3,4- substituted quinoxaline functionalized pyrrole monomer and optoelectronic properties of its polymer”. Synthetic Metals, 194, 19-28, 2014.
  • Memioğlu F, Bayrakçeken A, Öznülüer T, Ak M. “Conducting carbon/polymer composites for proton exchange membrane fuel cells”. International Journal of Energy Research, 38(10), 1278-1287, 2014.
  • Levermore PA, Jin R, Wang X, Chen L, Bradley DDC, Mello JC. “High efficiency organic light-emitting diodes with PEDOT-based conducting polymer anodes”. Journal of Material Chemical, 18, 4414-4420, 2008.
  • Istanbulluoglu C, Goker S, Hizalan G, Hacioglu S. O, Udum Arslan Y, Yildiz DE, Cirpan A, Toppare L. “Synthesis of a benzotriazole bearing alternating copolymer for an organic photovoltaic application”. New Journal of Chemistry, 39, 6623-6630, 2015.
  • Ayranci R, Soganci T, Guzel M, Demirkol Odaci D, Ak M, Timur S. “Comparative investigation of spectroelectrochemical and biosensor application of two isomeric thienylpyrrole derivatives”. RSC Advances, 5, 52543-52549, 2015.
  • Soganci T, Demirkol Odaci D, Ak M, Timur S. “A novel organic-ınorganic hybrid conducting copolymer for mediated biosensor applications”. RSC Advanced, 4, 46357- 46362, 2014.
  • Oyman G, Geyik C, Ayranci R., Ak M, Demirkol Odaci D, Timur S, Coskunol H. “A novel platform for cell sensing”. RSC Advanced, 4, 53411-53418, 2014.
  • Ak M, Yigitsoy B, Toppare L. “Gas sensor property of a conducting copolymer”. e-polymers, 7(1), 495-502, 2007.
  • Ayranci R, Ak M, Karakus M, Cetisli H. “The effect of the monomer feed ratio and applied potential on copolymerization: investigation of the copolymer formation of ferrocene-functionalized metallopolymer and EDOT”. Designed Monomers and Polymers, 19(6), 545-552, 2016.
  • Söyleyici HC, Ak M, Şahin Y, Demikol Odaci D, Timur S. “New class of 2.5-Di(2-thienyl)pyrrole compounds and novel optical properties of its conducting polymer”. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 142(1), 303–310, 2013.

Synthesis of conducting polymer with green chemistry and its electrochromic properties

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 6, 753 - 758, 15.12.2017


to their interesting optical and electrical properties, conductive polymers are
one of the materials to have highest potential utility in technological
applications. But theirs usage in practical applications are limited due to
poor solubility, cannot be easily processed and lack of good mechanical
strength and stability. In this work, synthesis of conductive polymer was
achieved in environmentally friendly aqueous dispersion of polystyrene sulfonic
acid instead of harmful organic solvent (dichloromethane, acetonitrile,
chloroform,). Thus, a water-insoluble monomer was polymerized in an aqueous
medium instead of organic solvents which are harmful to environment and human
health. Also, conductive polymer obtained in aqueous medium has superior
optical and electrical properties than the conductive polymer obtained in the
presence of organic solvents. This paper has been shown that other conductive
polymers synthesized in hazardous organic solvents can be synthesized in
aqueous media with superior optic and electrical properties which is important
for the technological application.


  • Camurlu P. “Polypyrrole derivatives for electrochromic applications”. RSC Advance, 4, 55832-55845, 2014.
  • Ateş M, Karazehir T, Saraç AS. “Conducting polymers and their applications”. Current Physical Chemistry, 2(3), 224-240, 2012.
  • Janata J, Josowicz M. “Conducting polymers in electronic chemical sensors”. Nature Materials, 2, 19-24, 2003.
  • Heinze J, Frontana-Uribe BA, Ludwigs S. “Electrochemistry of conducting polymers-persistent models and new concepts”. Chemical Review, 110 (8), 4724-4771, 2010.
  • Ak M, Toppare L. “Synthesis of star shaped pyrrole and thiophene functionalized monomers and optoeletrochemical properties of corresponding copolymers”. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 114(2-3), 789-794, 2009.
  • Otero TF, Martinez JG. “Electro-chemo-biomimetics from conducting polymers: fundamentals, materials, properties and devices”. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4(12), 2069-2085, 2016.
  • Ak M, Durmus A, Toppare L. “Solid state electrochromic device applications of N-(2-(thiophen-3-yl)methylcarbonyloxyethyl) maleimide”. Solid State Sciences, 9(9), 843-849, 2007.
  • Zhou H, Han G. “One-step fabrication of heterogeneous conducting polymers-coated graphene oxide/carbon nanotubes composite films for high-performance supercapacitors”. Electrochimica Acta, 192, 448–455, 2016.
  • Soganci T, Soyleyici HC, Ak M, Cetisli H. “An amide substituted dithienylpyrrole based copolymer:ıts electrochromic properties”. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163 (2) , 59-66, 2016.
  • Soganci T, Ak M, Giziroglu E, Soyleyici HC, “Smart window application of hydrazide type new SNS derivative”. RSC Advances, 6(3), 1744-1749, 2016.
  • Ayranci R, Ak M, Ocal S, Karakus M. “Synthesis of new ferrocenyl dithiophosphonate derivatives: electrochemical, electrochromic, and optical properties”. Designed Monomers and Polymers, 19(5), 429–436, 2016.
  • Soganci T, Soyleyici HC, Ak M. “A soluble and fluorescent new type thienylpyrrole based conjugated polymer: optical, electrical and electrochemical properties”. Physical Chemistry and.Chemical.Physic, 7(18), 14401-14417, 2016.
  • Güler E, Soyleyici HC, Demirkol Odaci D, Ak M, Timur S. “A novel functional conducting polymer as an immobilization platform”. Materials Science and Engineering C, 40, 148–156, 2014.
  • Ak M, Yildiz HB, Toppare L, “Enzyme immobilization in a photosensitive conducting polymer bearing azobenzene in the main chain”. Polymer Bulletin, 71 (7), 1827-1841, 2014.
  • Kurtay G, Ak M, Güllü M, Toppare L, Ak Sulak M. “Synthesis and electropolymerization of 3,4- substituted quinoxaline functionalized pyrrole monomer and optoelectronic properties of its polymer”. Synthetic Metals, 194, 19-28, 2014.
  • Memioğlu F, Bayrakçeken A, Öznülüer T, Ak M. “Conducting carbon/polymer composites for proton exchange membrane fuel cells”. International Journal of Energy Research, 38(10), 1278-1287, 2014.
  • Levermore PA, Jin R, Wang X, Chen L, Bradley DDC, Mello JC. “High efficiency organic light-emitting diodes with PEDOT-based conducting polymer anodes”. Journal of Material Chemical, 18, 4414-4420, 2008.
  • Istanbulluoglu C, Goker S, Hizalan G, Hacioglu S. O, Udum Arslan Y, Yildiz DE, Cirpan A, Toppare L. “Synthesis of a benzotriazole bearing alternating copolymer for an organic photovoltaic application”. New Journal of Chemistry, 39, 6623-6630, 2015.
  • Ayranci R, Soganci T, Guzel M, Demirkol Odaci D, Ak M, Timur S. “Comparative investigation of spectroelectrochemical and biosensor application of two isomeric thienylpyrrole derivatives”. RSC Advances, 5, 52543-52549, 2015.
  • Soganci T, Demirkol Odaci D, Ak M, Timur S. “A novel organic-ınorganic hybrid conducting copolymer for mediated biosensor applications”. RSC Advanced, 4, 46357- 46362, 2014.
  • Oyman G, Geyik C, Ayranci R., Ak M, Demirkol Odaci D, Timur S, Coskunol H. “A novel platform for cell sensing”. RSC Advanced, 4, 53411-53418, 2014.
  • Ak M, Yigitsoy B, Toppare L. “Gas sensor property of a conducting copolymer”. e-polymers, 7(1), 495-502, 2007.
  • Ayranci R, Ak M, Karakus M, Cetisli H. “The effect of the monomer feed ratio and applied potential on copolymerization: investigation of the copolymer formation of ferrocene-functionalized metallopolymer and EDOT”. Designed Monomers and Polymers, 19(6), 545-552, 2016.
  • Söyleyici HC, Ak M, Şahin Y, Demikol Odaci D, Timur S. “New class of 2.5-Di(2-thienyl)pyrrole compounds and novel optical properties of its conducting polymer”. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 142(1), 303–310, 2013.
There are 24 citations in total.


Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Metin Ak 0000-0002-0000-4613

Tuğba Soğancı This is me 0000-0003-1906-9115

Ogün Gümüşay This is me 0000-0002-9601-2238

Sibel Çukurluoğlu This is me 0000-0001-7310-3906

Publication Date December 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 23 Issue: 6


APA Ak, M., Soğancı, T., Gümüşay, O., Çukurluoğlu, S. (2017). Yeşil kimya ile iletken polimer sentezi ve elektrokromik özellikleri. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(6), 753-758.
AMA Ak M, Soğancı T, Gümüşay O, Çukurluoğlu S. Yeşil kimya ile iletken polimer sentezi ve elektrokromik özellikleri. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. December 2017;23(6):753-758.
Chicago Ak, Metin, Tuğba Soğancı, Ogün Gümüşay, and Sibel Çukurluoğlu. “Yeşil Kimya Ile Iletken Polimer Sentezi Ve Elektrokromik özellikleri”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 23, no. 6 (December 2017): 753-58.
EndNote Ak M, Soğancı T, Gümüşay O, Çukurluoğlu S (December 1, 2017) Yeşil kimya ile iletken polimer sentezi ve elektrokromik özellikleri. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 23 6 753–758.
IEEE M. Ak, T. Soğancı, O. Gümüşay, and S. Çukurluoğlu, “Yeşil kimya ile iletken polimer sentezi ve elektrokromik özellikleri”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 753–758, 2017.
ISNAD Ak, Metin et al. “Yeşil Kimya Ile Iletken Polimer Sentezi Ve Elektrokromik özellikleri”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 23/6 (December 2017), 753-758.
JAMA Ak M, Soğancı T, Gümüşay O, Çukurluoğlu S. Yeşil kimya ile iletken polimer sentezi ve elektrokromik özellikleri. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;23:753–758.
MLA Ak, Metin et al. “Yeşil Kimya Ile Iletken Polimer Sentezi Ve Elektrokromik özellikleri”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 6, 2017, pp. 753-8.
Vancouver Ak M, Soğancı T, Gümüşay O, Çukurluoğlu S. Yeşil kimya ile iletken polimer sentezi ve elektrokromik özellikleri. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;23(6):753-8.

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