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Tekstil üretim süreçleri açısından endüstri 4.0 kavramı

Year 2019, Volume: 25 Issue: 7, 810 - 823, 26.12.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı; insan uygarlığının eriştiği bilimsel ve teknolojik birikimin bir sonucu olarak gündeme gelen ve son zamanlarda sıklıkla tartışılmaya başlanan Endüstri 4.0 (4. Sanayi Devrimi) kavramını irdelemek ve tekstil üretim süreçlerine yapacağı olası etkileri tartışarak farkındalık yaratmaktır. Bunun için ilk olarak Endüstri 4.0 kavramının tarihsel gelişimi, bileşenleri ve temel özellikleri üzerinde durulmuş, insan yaşamına ve üretim süreçlerine yapması beklenen etkiler değerlendirilmiştir. Ardından, tekstil üretim süreçlerinde Endüstri 4.0 açısından mevcut durum ortaya konulmuş, tekstil endüstrisinde gözlenen geleceğe dönük eğilimler tartışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak; Endüstri 4.0 kavramının, tüm diğer endüstri dallarında olduğu gibi tekstil sektöründe de tüm paydaşlarca dikkatle takip edilmesi, anlaşılması ve uyum çalışmalarına bir an önce başlanması gereken bir olgu olduğu kanısına varılmıştır.


  • McClellan III JE, Dorn H. Dünya Tarihinde Bilim ve Teknoloji. Çeviri: Haydar Yalçın. Ankara, Türkiye, Arkadaş Yayınevi, 2006.
  • Alçın S. “Üretim için yeni bir izlek: sanayi 4.0”. Journal of Life Economics, 8, 19-30, 2016.
  • Siemens Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. “Endüstri 4.0 Yolunda”. (06.05.2017).
  • Savaş G. “Endüstri 4.0 Nedir – Ne Değildir?”. (11.02.2018).
  • TÜSİAD. “Türkiye’nin Küresel Rekabetçiliği İçin Bir Gereklilik Olarak Sanayi 4.0 Gelişmekte Olan Ekonomi Perspektifi Raporu”. Türkiye Sanayici ve İş Adamları Derneği, İstanbul, Türkiye, Yayın No: TÜSİAD-T/2016-03/576, 2016.
  • Giannachi G. Archive Everything: Mapping the Everyday. The MIT Press, 2016.
  • Kagermann H, Wahlster W, Helbig J. “Alman İmalat Endüstrisinin Geleceğini Güvence Altına Almak, Stratejik Girişim INDUSTRIE 4.0'ın Uygulamaya Konulması İçin Tavsiyeler, Industrie 4.0 Çalışma Grubu'nun Son Raporu”. Almanya, 2013.
  • Kagermann H, Lukas W, Wahlster W. “Industrie 4.0-Mit dem Internet der Dinge auf dem Weg zur 4. Industriellen Revolution. VDI Nachrichten”. (09.02.2018).
  • Hermann M, Pentek T, Otto B. "Design principles for industrie 4.0 scenarios". 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IEEE. 3928-3937, USA, 5-8 January 2016.
  • Scalabre O. “Bir Sonraki Üretim Devrimi Kapıda”. (06.05.2017).
  • Banger G. Endüstri 4.0 ve Akıllı İşletme. Ankara, Türkiye, Dorlion Yayınları, 2016.
  • ETP Fibers Textiles Clothing, European Technology Platform. “Towards a 4th Industrial Revolution of Textiles and Clothing A Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda for the European Textile and Clothing Industry”. Public Version, Belgium, October 2016.
  • Coşkunoğlu O. “Endüstri 4.0: bir tekno-politik değerlendirme”. Elektrik Mühendisliği, 459, 8-13, 2016.
  • Vardar S. “IV. Endüstri Devrimi Paradigması”. (13.02.2018).
  • Roblek V, Meško M, Krapež A. “A complex view of Industry 4.0”. SAGE Open, 6(2), 1-11, 2016.
  • Pendrous R. “Smart Food Factories Move Even Closer”. (11.02.2018).
  • Internet Society. “The Internet of Things: An Overview”. (11.02.2018).
  • Rifkin J. Nesnelerin İnterneti ve İşbirliği Çağı. Çeviri: Levent Göktem. İstanbul, Türkiye, Optimist Yayınları, 2015.
  • Kim KD, Kumar PR. “Cyber–physical systems: a perspective at the centennial”. Proceedings of the IEEE, 100, 1287-1308, 2012.
  • 2B1st Consulting. “Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)”. (11.02.2018).
  • Lee J, Bagheri B, Kao HA. “A cyber-physical systems architecture for industry 4.0-based manufacturing systems”. Manufacturing Letters, 3, 18-23, 2015.
  • Ege Bölgesi Sanayi Odası Araştırma Müdürlüğü. “Sanayi 4.0”. Türkiye, Ekim 2015.
  • Yazıcı A. “Endüstri 4.0 ve otonom robotlar”. Elektrik Mühendisliği Dergisi, 459, 39, 2016.
  • Parreno J. “Augmented Reality in Industry 4.0-A Great Gimmick or Potential Industry Changer?”. (24.05.2017).
  • Kahraman H. “Artırılmış Gerçeklik (Augmented Reality)”. (08.05.2017).
  • GCInfotech. “Cloud Computing & Virtualization”. (11.02.2018).
  • Loughborough University. “About Additive Manufacturing”. (25.05.2016).
  • Çalışkan MG. “Üç boyutlu yazıcılar ve gelecekte yaratacağı olası fikri haklar çatışmaları”. Ankara Barosu Fikri Mülkiyet ve Rekabet Hukuku Dergisi (FMR), 17(2), 61-90, 2015.
  • European Comission. “Science for Environment Policy.” (10.05.2017).
  • Mendes L, et al. "Characterization of emissions from a desktop 3D printer". Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(1), 94-106, 2017.
  • Zhou Y, Kong X, Chen A, Cao S. "Investigation of ultrafine particle emissions of desktop 3D printers in the clean room". Procedia Engineering, 121, 506-512, 2015.
  • Özsoylu AF. “Endüstri 4.0”. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 41-64, 2017.
  • Lucke D, Constantinescu C, Westkämper E. “Smart factory-a step towards the next generation of manufacturing”. The 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 26-28 May 2008.
  • Subirana BB. Technologies for the Next Generation of Production Systems. Undergradute Thesis. Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics, Institute of Production Science and Management, Graz University of Technology, Austria, 2014.
  • Elektrik Mühendisliği Dergisi. “Endüstri 4.0 Fırsat mı, Tehdit mi?”. (10.05.2017)
  • Duarte AYS. “Future trends in production and consumption in textile and fashion design: the fourth industrial revolution”. Trends in Textile & Fashion Design, 1(1), 1-2, 2018.
  • Simonis K, Gloy YS, Gries T. “INDUSTRIE 4.0-automation in weft knitting technology”. 48th Conference of the International Federation of Knitting Technologists (IFKT), Mönchengladbach, Germany, 8-11, June 2016.
  • Gloy YS, Schwarz A, Gries T. “Cyber-physical systems in textile production, the next industrial revolution”. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Technologies for the Textile Industry, Manchester, UK, 5-6 September 2013.
  • Bozkurt Ş. “Endüstri 4.0 Korkutmasın Ancak Dikkat.” (12.05.2017).
  • Jerzembeck J. “Industry 4.0 potential in textile production (dyeing and finishing)”. Melliand International, 4, 220-222, 2016.
  • Chen Z, Xing M. “Upgrading of textile manufacturing based on Industry 4.0”. 5th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICADME), Shenzhen, China, 19-20 September 2015.
  • Rieter Machine Works Ltd. “Servotrail – The Flexible, Modular Roving Bobbin Transport System”. (25.05.2017).
  • “Marzoli: Competence Throughout The Spinning Process & Spinning Mill 4.0”. (25.05.2017).
  • Knitting Industry, Inside Textiles Ltd. “Steps Towards Industry 4.0: An Interview With Some Of Germany’s Leading Textile Machinery Manufacturers”. (15.05.2017).
  • Innovation in Textiles, Inside Textiles Ltd. “ITMA 2015: Neuenhauser On Automation And Industry 4.0”. (15.05.2017).
  • Nayak R, Padhye R. Automation in Garment Manufacturing. İngiltere, The Textile Institue Book Series, Woodhead Publishing, 2018.
  • Nayak R, Singh A, Padhye R, Wang L. “RFID in textile and clothing manufacturing: technology and challenges”. Fashion and Textiles, 2(9), 1-16, 2015.
  • Tianyong Z. “Progress of intelligent yarn spinning technology in China”. Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering, 1(1), 1-3, 2017.
  • Henry A. “Five Best Online Custom Clothing Stores”. (25.05.2017).
  • TSUDAKOMA Corp. “Advanced New Electronic Components”. (25.05.2017).
  • The Textile Magazine. “Digitalisation Of Flat Knitting Machines By Stoll”. (23.05.2016).
  • Mayer & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG. “Spinit 3.0 E”. (23.05.2017).
  • Knitting Industry, Inside Textiles Ltd. “Gebrüder Otto Nominated For ITMA Award With Mayer & Cie.’s Spinitsystems”. (25.05.2017).
  • Choubey NS, Agrawal M. "Automation in textile industry." International Journal on Textile Engineering and Processes, 2(1), 30-33, 2016.
  • Korger M, Güntzel D, Lutz M, Steinem C. “Innovative digital textile printing applications-a contribution to sustainability and customization”. International Textile Machinery Association (ITMA), Milano, Italy, 12-19 November 2015.
  • Wright B. “Digital Textile Printing A Key Theme At Texprocess”. (23.05.2017).
  • Jayatilake H, Rupasinghe TD. “Implementing Industry 4.0 In The Apparel Industry; A Study To Design A Customized Smart Apparel Production Plant”. (20.05.2017).
  • Coresight Research. “RFID: Has Its Time Finally Come for Retail?”. (25.05.2017).
  • Schlomski I. “Gertsch Consulting & Mode Vision: Personalized Clothing & Industry 4.0”. (25.05.2017).
  • Kumar V, Koehl L, Zeng X, Ekwall D. “Coded yarn based tag for tracking textile supply chain”. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 42, 124-139, 2017.
  • SoftWear Automation. “SEWBOT®S”. (22.05.2017).
  • Reddy KP. “The Rise Of Robotic Automation In The Sewing Industry”. (22.05.2017).
  • The Telegraph Technology. “This Sewing Robot Could Put Sweatshops Out Of Business”. (10.02.2018).
  • Grunewald S. “3D Fashion: New Research Project Wants the Fashion of the Future to be 3D Printed”. (20.05.2017).
  • Yıldıran M. “Moda giyim sektöründe üç boyutlu yazıcılarla tasarım ve üretim”. Art-e Sanat Dergisi, 9(17), 155-172, 2016.
  • Aba Innolab. “3D Moda Projesi Endüstride Devrim Yaratıyor”. (20.05.2016).
  • Melnikova R, Ehrmann A, Finsterbusch K. "3D printing of textile-based structures by fused deposition modelling (FDM) with different polymer materials”. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 62(1), 1-6, 2014.
  • Messe Frankfurt. “Digital Textile Micro Factory”. (10.02.2018)
  • Raina A, Gries T. “Industry 4.0: understanding needs and challenges of technical textiles industry”. International Journal of Textile Science & Engineering, 2017(1), 1-15, 2017.
  • Öztürk D. "Technological transformation of manufacturing by smart factory vision: industry 4.0". International Journal of Development Research, 7(11), 17371-17382, 2017.
  • Dollaghan KC. “This Robot Is a Loom For Weaving Carbon Fiber Into Rocket Parts”. (22.05.2017).
  • Neuenhauser Maschinenbau GmbH. “Automation For Textile, World-Wide Leading”. (22.05.2017).

Concept of industry 4.0 in textile manufacturing processes

Year 2019, Volume: 25 Issue: 7, 810 - 823, 26.12.2019


The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of Industry 4.0 (4th Industrial Revolution), which is a result of the scientific and technological accumulation of human civilization and which has been frequently discussed in recent years, and to raise awareness by discussing possible effects on the textile production processes. First of all, the historical development, components and basic characteristics of the Industry 4.0 concept are discussed and the expected effects on human life and production processes are evaluated. Then, the current situation in textile production processes is presented in terms of Industry 4.0, and the observed trends in the textile industry are discussed. As a result; it has come to the conclusion that the concept of Industry 4.0 is a fact that all stakeholders must be carefully followed, understood and immediately harmonized in the textile sector as it is in all the other industries.


  • McClellan III JE, Dorn H. Dünya Tarihinde Bilim ve Teknoloji. Çeviri: Haydar Yalçın. Ankara, Türkiye, Arkadaş Yayınevi, 2006.
  • Alçın S. “Üretim için yeni bir izlek: sanayi 4.0”. Journal of Life Economics, 8, 19-30, 2016.
  • Siemens Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. “Endüstri 4.0 Yolunda”. (06.05.2017).
  • Savaş G. “Endüstri 4.0 Nedir – Ne Değildir?”. (11.02.2018).
  • TÜSİAD. “Türkiye’nin Küresel Rekabetçiliği İçin Bir Gereklilik Olarak Sanayi 4.0 Gelişmekte Olan Ekonomi Perspektifi Raporu”. Türkiye Sanayici ve İş Adamları Derneği, İstanbul, Türkiye, Yayın No: TÜSİAD-T/2016-03/576, 2016.
  • Giannachi G. Archive Everything: Mapping the Everyday. The MIT Press, 2016.
  • Kagermann H, Wahlster W, Helbig J. “Alman İmalat Endüstrisinin Geleceğini Güvence Altına Almak, Stratejik Girişim INDUSTRIE 4.0'ın Uygulamaya Konulması İçin Tavsiyeler, Industrie 4.0 Çalışma Grubu'nun Son Raporu”. Almanya, 2013.
  • Kagermann H, Lukas W, Wahlster W. “Industrie 4.0-Mit dem Internet der Dinge auf dem Weg zur 4. Industriellen Revolution. VDI Nachrichten”. (09.02.2018).
  • Hermann M, Pentek T, Otto B. "Design principles for industrie 4.0 scenarios". 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), IEEE. 3928-3937, USA, 5-8 January 2016.
  • Scalabre O. “Bir Sonraki Üretim Devrimi Kapıda”. (06.05.2017).
  • Banger G. Endüstri 4.0 ve Akıllı İşletme. Ankara, Türkiye, Dorlion Yayınları, 2016.
  • ETP Fibers Textiles Clothing, European Technology Platform. “Towards a 4th Industrial Revolution of Textiles and Clothing A Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda for the European Textile and Clothing Industry”. Public Version, Belgium, October 2016.
  • Coşkunoğlu O. “Endüstri 4.0: bir tekno-politik değerlendirme”. Elektrik Mühendisliği, 459, 8-13, 2016.
  • Vardar S. “IV. Endüstri Devrimi Paradigması”. (13.02.2018).
  • Roblek V, Meško M, Krapež A. “A complex view of Industry 4.0”. SAGE Open, 6(2), 1-11, 2016.
  • Pendrous R. “Smart Food Factories Move Even Closer”. (11.02.2018).
  • Internet Society. “The Internet of Things: An Overview”. (11.02.2018).
  • Rifkin J. Nesnelerin İnterneti ve İşbirliği Çağı. Çeviri: Levent Göktem. İstanbul, Türkiye, Optimist Yayınları, 2015.
  • Kim KD, Kumar PR. “Cyber–physical systems: a perspective at the centennial”. Proceedings of the IEEE, 100, 1287-1308, 2012.
  • 2B1st Consulting. “Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)”. (11.02.2018).
  • Lee J, Bagheri B, Kao HA. “A cyber-physical systems architecture for industry 4.0-based manufacturing systems”. Manufacturing Letters, 3, 18-23, 2015.
  • Ege Bölgesi Sanayi Odası Araştırma Müdürlüğü. “Sanayi 4.0”. Türkiye, Ekim 2015.
  • Yazıcı A. “Endüstri 4.0 ve otonom robotlar”. Elektrik Mühendisliği Dergisi, 459, 39, 2016.
  • Parreno J. “Augmented Reality in Industry 4.0-A Great Gimmick or Potential Industry Changer?”. (24.05.2017).
  • Kahraman H. “Artırılmış Gerçeklik (Augmented Reality)”. (08.05.2017).
  • GCInfotech. “Cloud Computing & Virtualization”. (11.02.2018).
  • Loughborough University. “About Additive Manufacturing”. (25.05.2016).
  • Çalışkan MG. “Üç boyutlu yazıcılar ve gelecekte yaratacağı olası fikri haklar çatışmaları”. Ankara Barosu Fikri Mülkiyet ve Rekabet Hukuku Dergisi (FMR), 17(2), 61-90, 2015.
  • European Comission. “Science for Environment Policy.” (10.05.2017).
  • Mendes L, et al. "Characterization of emissions from a desktop 3D printer". Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(1), 94-106, 2017.
  • Zhou Y, Kong X, Chen A, Cao S. "Investigation of ultrafine particle emissions of desktop 3D printers in the clean room". Procedia Engineering, 121, 506-512, 2015.
  • Özsoylu AF. “Endüstri 4.0”. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 41-64, 2017.
  • Lucke D, Constantinescu C, Westkämper E. “Smart factory-a step towards the next generation of manufacturing”. The 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 26-28 May 2008.
  • Subirana BB. Technologies for the Next Generation of Production Systems. Undergradute Thesis. Mechanical Engineering and Business Economics, Institute of Production Science and Management, Graz University of Technology, Austria, 2014.
  • Elektrik Mühendisliği Dergisi. “Endüstri 4.0 Fırsat mı, Tehdit mi?”. (10.05.2017)
  • Duarte AYS. “Future trends in production and consumption in textile and fashion design: the fourth industrial revolution”. Trends in Textile & Fashion Design, 1(1), 1-2, 2018.
  • Simonis K, Gloy YS, Gries T. “INDUSTRIE 4.0-automation in weft knitting technology”. 48th Conference of the International Federation of Knitting Technologists (IFKT), Mönchengladbach, Germany, 8-11, June 2016.
  • Gloy YS, Schwarz A, Gries T. “Cyber-physical systems in textile production, the next industrial revolution”. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Technologies for the Textile Industry, Manchester, UK, 5-6 September 2013.
  • Bozkurt Ş. “Endüstri 4.0 Korkutmasın Ancak Dikkat.” (12.05.2017).
  • Jerzembeck J. “Industry 4.0 potential in textile production (dyeing and finishing)”. Melliand International, 4, 220-222, 2016.
  • Chen Z, Xing M. “Upgrading of textile manufacturing based on Industry 4.0”. 5th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICADME), Shenzhen, China, 19-20 September 2015.
  • Rieter Machine Works Ltd. “Servotrail – The Flexible, Modular Roving Bobbin Transport System”. (25.05.2017).
  • “Marzoli: Competence Throughout The Spinning Process & Spinning Mill 4.0”. (25.05.2017).
  • Knitting Industry, Inside Textiles Ltd. “Steps Towards Industry 4.0: An Interview With Some Of Germany’s Leading Textile Machinery Manufacturers”. (15.05.2017).
  • Innovation in Textiles, Inside Textiles Ltd. “ITMA 2015: Neuenhauser On Automation And Industry 4.0”. (15.05.2017).
  • Nayak R, Padhye R. Automation in Garment Manufacturing. İngiltere, The Textile Institue Book Series, Woodhead Publishing, 2018.
  • Nayak R, Singh A, Padhye R, Wang L. “RFID in textile and clothing manufacturing: technology and challenges”. Fashion and Textiles, 2(9), 1-16, 2015.
  • Tianyong Z. “Progress of intelligent yarn spinning technology in China”. Current Trends in Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering, 1(1), 1-3, 2017.
  • Henry A. “Five Best Online Custom Clothing Stores”. (25.05.2017).
  • TSUDAKOMA Corp. “Advanced New Electronic Components”. (25.05.2017).
  • The Textile Magazine. “Digitalisation Of Flat Knitting Machines By Stoll”. (23.05.2016).
  • Mayer & Cie. GmbH & Co. KG. “Spinit 3.0 E”. (23.05.2017).
  • Knitting Industry, Inside Textiles Ltd. “Gebrüder Otto Nominated For ITMA Award With Mayer & Cie.’s Spinitsystems”. (25.05.2017).
  • Choubey NS, Agrawal M. "Automation in textile industry." International Journal on Textile Engineering and Processes, 2(1), 30-33, 2016.
  • Korger M, Güntzel D, Lutz M, Steinem C. “Innovative digital textile printing applications-a contribution to sustainability and customization”. International Textile Machinery Association (ITMA), Milano, Italy, 12-19 November 2015.
  • Wright B. “Digital Textile Printing A Key Theme At Texprocess”. (23.05.2017).
  • Jayatilake H, Rupasinghe TD. “Implementing Industry 4.0 In The Apparel Industry; A Study To Design A Customized Smart Apparel Production Plant”. (20.05.2017).
  • Coresight Research. “RFID: Has Its Time Finally Come for Retail?”. (25.05.2017).
  • Schlomski I. “Gertsch Consulting & Mode Vision: Personalized Clothing & Industry 4.0”. (25.05.2017).
  • Kumar V, Koehl L, Zeng X, Ekwall D. “Coded yarn based tag for tracking textile supply chain”. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 42, 124-139, 2017.
  • SoftWear Automation. “SEWBOT®S”. (22.05.2017).
  • Reddy KP. “The Rise Of Robotic Automation In The Sewing Industry”. (22.05.2017).
  • The Telegraph Technology. “This Sewing Robot Could Put Sweatshops Out Of Business”. (10.02.2018).
  • Grunewald S. “3D Fashion: New Research Project Wants the Fashion of the Future to be 3D Printed”. (20.05.2017).
  • Yıldıran M. “Moda giyim sektöründe üç boyutlu yazıcılarla tasarım ve üretim”. Art-e Sanat Dergisi, 9(17), 155-172, 2016.
  • Aba Innolab. “3D Moda Projesi Endüstride Devrim Yaratıyor”. (20.05.2016).
  • Melnikova R, Ehrmann A, Finsterbusch K. "3D printing of textile-based structures by fused deposition modelling (FDM) with different polymer materials”. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 62(1), 1-6, 2014.
  • Messe Frankfurt. “Digital Textile Micro Factory”. (10.02.2018)
  • Raina A, Gries T. “Industry 4.0: understanding needs and challenges of technical textiles industry”. International Journal of Textile Science & Engineering, 2017(1), 1-15, 2017.
  • Öztürk D. "Technological transformation of manufacturing by smart factory vision: industry 4.0". International Journal of Development Research, 7(11), 17371-17382, 2017.
  • Dollaghan KC. “This Robot Is a Loom For Weaving Carbon Fiber Into Rocket Parts”. (22.05.2017).
  • Neuenhauser Maschinenbau GmbH. “Automation For Textile, World-Wide Leading”. (22.05.2017).
There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Review Article

İlhami İlhan

Publication Date December 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 25 Issue: 7


APA İlhan, İ. (2019). Tekstil üretim süreçleri açısından endüstri 4.0 kavramı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(7), 810-823.
AMA İlhan İ. Tekstil üretim süreçleri açısından endüstri 4.0 kavramı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. December 2019;25(7):810-823.
Chicago İlhan, İlhami. “Tekstil üretim süreçleri açısından endüstri 4.0 Kavramı”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 25, no. 7 (December 2019): 810-23.
EndNote İlhan İ (December 1, 2019) Tekstil üretim süreçleri açısından endüstri 4.0 kavramı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 25 7 810–823.
IEEE İ. İlhan, “Tekstil üretim süreçleri açısından endüstri 4.0 kavramı”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 810–823, 2019.
ISNAD İlhan, İlhami. “Tekstil üretim süreçleri açısından endüstri 4.0 Kavramı”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 25/7 (December 2019), 810-823.
JAMA İlhan İ. Tekstil üretim süreçleri açısından endüstri 4.0 kavramı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019;25:810–823.
MLA İlhan, İlhami. “Tekstil üretim süreçleri açısından endüstri 4.0 Kavramı”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 7, 2019, pp. 810-23.
Vancouver İlhan İ. Tekstil üretim süreçleri açısından endüstri 4.0 kavramı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019;25(7):810-23.

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