Research Article
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Response surface modeling of COD removal from metal cutting wastewaters via electrooxidation process: Effect of direct photovoltaic solar panel on energy consumption

Year 2024, Volume: 30 Issue: 4, 547 - 555, 30.08.2024


Today, water and wastewaters are effectively treated with many treatment technologies. However, there are deficiencies in the integration of treatment technologies with renewable energy sources. In this study, the integration of solar energy, one of the renewable energy sources, into electrooxidation (EO) process, which is one of the new generation advanced wastewater treatment techniques, is provided. Parameters affecting the EO process such as pH, current density (C.D.) and electrolysis time (E.T.) was optimized by Box Behnken Design (BBD) on elimination of soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand (sCOD) from metal processing wastewater. The study also tried to determine the optimum conditions for the treatment of metal processing wastewater with EO process by developing different scenarios. The scenario in which the energy requirement was 18.33 kWh/m3 and the COD removal efficiency was 75.23%, i.e. the scenario that maximizes the COD removal efficiency and minimizes the energy consumption (E.C.), is considered to be appropriate. In this case, the optimum pH for the EO process was 5, C.D. was 80 A/m2, E.T. was 22.15 minutes with a desirability of 1. At the optimum conditions (for the 2nd scenario), the E.C. of the EO process was fulfilled from solar panel in a ratio of 15% and 318% in overcast and sunny weather, respectively. Thus, it has been determined that the solar panel integrated EO process is an approach that reduces E.C. and accordingly operating cost, and also has the potential to obtain enough energy to be stored especially in sunny weather.


  • [1] Vicente C, Silva JR, Santos AD, Silva JF, Mano JTL, Castro M. “Electrocoagulation treatment of furniture industry wastewater”. Chemosphere, 328, 1-8, 2023.
  • [2] Pinto C, Fernandes A, Marques A, Ciríaco L, Miguel RAL, Lopes A, Pacheco MJ. “Reuse of wool dyeing wastewater after electrochemical treatment at a BDD anode”. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 49, 1-8, 2022.
  • [3] Solak M. “Treatment of Denim product manufacturing wastewater by hybrid electrocoagulation /electrooxidation processes”. Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 23(3), 780-786, 2019.
  • [4] Lakshmi Kruthika, N, Karthika S, Bhaskar Raju G, Prabhakar S. “Efficacy of electrocoagulation and electrooxidation for the purification of wastewater generated from gelatin production plant”. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 1, 183-188, 2013.
  • [5] Gengeç E. “Treatment of highly toxic cardboard plant wastewater by a combination of electrocoagulation and electrooxidation processes”. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 145, 184-192, 2017.
  • [6] Işık Z, Bezirhan Arikan E, Ozay Y, Bouras HD, Dizge N. “Electrocoagulation and electrooxidation pre-treatment effect on fungal treatment of pistachio processing wastewater”. Chemosphere, 244, 1-8, 2020.
  • [7] Can OT, Gengeç E, Kobya M. “TOC and COD removal from instant coffee and coffee products production wastewater by chemical coagulation assisted electrooxidation”. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 28, 28-35, 2019.
  • [8] Veli S, Arslan A, İşgören M, Bingöl D, Demiral D. “Experimental design approach to COD and color removal of landfill leachate by the electrooxidation process”. Environmental Challenges, 5, 1-8, 2021.
  • [9] Guo Z, Zhang Y, Jia H, Guo J, Meng X, Wang J. “Electrochemical methods for landfill leachate treatment: A review on electrocoagulation and electrooxidation”. Science of The Total Environment, 806(2), 1-10, 2022.
  • [10] Panizza M, Cerisola G. “Direct and mediated anodic oxidation of organic pollutants”. Chemical Reviews, 109, 6541–6569, 2009.
  • [11] García-García A, Martínez-Miranda V, Martínez-Cienfuegos IG, Almazán-Sánchez PT, Castañeda-Juárez M, Linares-Hernández I, “Industrial wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation-electrooxidation processes powered by solar cells”. Fuel, 149, 46-54, 2015.
  • [12] Millán M, Fernández-Marchante CM, Lobato J, Cañizares P, Rodrigo MA. “Modelling of the treatment of wastewater by photovoltaic solar electrochemical oxidation (PSEO) assisted by redox-flow batteries”. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 40, 1-10, 2021.
  • [13] Millán M, Fernández-Marchante CM, Lobato Cañizares, JP, Rodrigo MA. “Management of solar energy to power electrochemical wastewater treatments”. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 41, 1-10, 2021.
  • [14] Solak M. “Cost-Effective Processes for Denim Production Wastewater: Dual Criterial Optimization of Techno-Economical Parameters by RSM and Minimization of Energy Consumption of Photo Assisted Fenton Processes via Direct Photovoltaic Solar Panel Integration”. Processes, 11, 1-20, 2023.
  • [15] Ghjair AY, Abbar AH. “Applications of advanced oxidation processes (electro–Fenton and sono–electro–Fenton) for COD removal from hospital wastewater: Optimization using response surface methodology”. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 169, 481-492, 2023.
  • [16] Arka A, Dawit C, Befekadu A, Debela SK, Asaithambi P. “Wastewater treatment using sono-electrocoagulation process: optimization through response surface methodology”. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 8, 1-11, 2022.
  • [17] Wu J, Zhan H, Oturan N, Wang Y, Chen L, M. Oturan A. “Application of response surface methodology to the removal of the antibiotic tetracycline by electrochemical process using carbon-felt cathode and DSA (Ti/RuO2–IrO2) anode”. Chemosphere, 87(6), 614-620, 2012.
  • [18] Trigueros DEG, Braun L, Hinterholz, CL. “Environmental and economic feasibility of the treatment of dairy industry wastewater by photo-Fenton and electrocoagulation process: Multicriteria optimization by desirability function”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 427, 1-14, 2022.
  • [19] Khaleel GF, Ismail I, Abbar AH. “Application of solar photo-electro-Fenton technology to petroleum refinery wastewater degradation: Optimization of operational parameters”. Heliyon 9(4), 1-16, 2023.
  • [20] Dubey S, Joshi A, Parmara N, Chhaya R, Amitesh, Prajapati AK. “Process optimization of electrocoagulation reactor for treatment of distillery effluent using aluminium electrode: Response surface methodology approach”. Chemical Data Collections, 45, 1-9, 2023.
  • [21] American Public Health Association. Standard Methods for the Examination of Waste and Wastewater. 19th ed., Washington, USA, APHA, 2005.
  • [22] Tak B, Tak B, Kim Y, Park Y, Yoon Y, Min G. “Optimization of color and COD removal from livestock wastewater by electrocoagulation process: Application of Box–Behnken design (BBD)”. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 28, 307-315, 2015.
  • [23] Yuan SH, Lu XH. “Comparison treatment of various chlorophenols by electro-Fenton method: relationship between chlorine content and degradation”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 118, 85-92, 2005.
  • [24] Chu YY, Zhang DH, Xu DM. “Advanced treatment of landfill leachate from a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) by electrochemical oxidation process”. Journal of Environmental Engineering Science, 7, 627-633, 2008.
  • [25] Fu R, Zhang PS, Jiang YX, Sun L, Sun XH. “Wastewater Treatment by Anodic Oxidation in electrochemical advanced oxidation process: Advance in mechanism, direct and indirect oxidation detection methods”. Chemosphere, 311, 1-11, 2023.
  • [26] Nair G, Soni B, Shah M. “A comprehensive review on electro-oxidation and its types for wastewater treatment”. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 23, 1-13, 2023.
  • [27] Hirpara KS, Patel UD. “Quantitative Structure-activity Relationship (QSAR) models for color and COD removal for some dyes subjected to electrochemical oxidation”. Environmental Technology, 44(16), 2374-2385, 2022.
  • [28] Zhong C, Wei K, Han W., Wang L, Sun X, Li J. “Electrochemical degradation of tricyclazole in aqueous solution using Ti/SnO2–Sb/PbO2 anode”. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 705, 68-74, 2013.
  • [29] Panizza M, Martinez-Huitle CA, “Role of electrode materials for the anodic oxidation of areal landfill leachate Comparison between Ti–Ru–Sn ternaryoxide, PbO2 and boron-doped diamond anode”. Chemosphere, 90, 1455-1460, 2013.
  • [30] Okur MC, Akyol A, Nayir TY, Kara S, Ozturk D, Civas A. “Performance of Ti/RuO2-IrO2 electrodes and comparison with BDD electrodes in the treatment of textile wastewater by electro-oxidation process”. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 183, 398-410, 2022.
  • [31] Aboutaleb EM, Hellal MS, Kamal, KH. “Electro-Oxidation of phenol in petroleum wastewater using a novel pilot-scale electrochemical cell with graphite and stainless-steel electrodes”. Water and Environment Journal, 35(1), 259-268, 2020.
  • [32] Salmeron I, Oller I, Malato S. “Solar photo-assisted electrochemical processes applied to actual industrial and urban wastewaters: A practical approach based on recent literature”. Chemosphere, 279, 1-9, 2021.
  • [33] Zhang, L, Wei F, Zhao Q, Lv S, Yao Y, “Real herbicide wastewater treatment by combined means of electrocatalysis application and biological treatment”. Chemistry and Ecology, 36, 382-395, 2020.
  • [34] Sharma, S, Simsek, H. “Sugar beet industry process wastewater treatment using electrochemical methods and optimization of parameters using response surface methodology”. Chemosphere, 238, 1-11, 2020.

Metal kesme atıksularından elektrooksidasyon prosesi ile KOİ gideriminin yanıt yüzey modellemesi: Doğrudan fotovoltaik güneş panelinin enerji tüketimine etkisi

Year 2024, Volume: 30 Issue: 4, 547 - 555, 30.08.2024


Günümüzde su ve atıksular birçok arıtma teknolojisi ile etkin bir şekilde arıtılmaktadır. Ancak, arıtma teknolojilerinin yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ile entegrasyonu konusunda eksiklikler bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından biri olan güneş enerjisinin yeni nesil ileri arıtma tekniklerinden biri olan elektrooksidasyon (EO) prosesine entegrasyonu sağlanmıştır. EO prosesini etkileyen pH, akım yoğunluğu (A.Y.) ve elektroliz süresi (E.S.) gibi parametreler Box Behnken Tasarımı (BBT) ile metal işleme atıksuyundan Çözünmüş Kimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacının (KOİ) giderimi üzerine optimize edilmiştir. Çalışmada ayrıca farklı senaryolar geliştirilerek metal işleme atıksularının EO prosesi ile arıtımı için optimum koşullar belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Enerji ihtiyacının 18.33 kWh/m3 ve KOİ giderim veriminin %75.23 olduğu senaryo, yani KOİ giderim verimini maksimize eden ve enerji tüketimini minimize eden senaryonun uygun olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu durumda, EO prosesi için optimum pH 5, A.Y. 80 A/m2, E.S. 22.15 dakika olmuştur. Optimum koşullarda (2. senaryo için), EO prosesinin enerji tüketimi kapalı ve güneşli havalarda sırasıyla %15 ve %318 oranında güneş panelinden karşılanmıştır. Böylelikle, güneş paneli entegreli EO prosesinin enerji tüketimini ve buna bağlı olarak işletme maliyetini azaltan, ayrıca özellikle güneşli havalarda depolanacak kadar enerji elde edilebilme potansiyeli olan bir yaklaşım olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • [1] Vicente C, Silva JR, Santos AD, Silva JF, Mano JTL, Castro M. “Electrocoagulation treatment of furniture industry wastewater”. Chemosphere, 328, 1-8, 2023.
  • [2] Pinto C, Fernandes A, Marques A, Ciríaco L, Miguel RAL, Lopes A, Pacheco MJ. “Reuse of wool dyeing wastewater after electrochemical treatment at a BDD anode”. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 49, 1-8, 2022.
  • [3] Solak M. “Treatment of Denim product manufacturing wastewater by hybrid electrocoagulation /electrooxidation processes”. Süleyman Demirel University, Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 23(3), 780-786, 2019.
  • [4] Lakshmi Kruthika, N, Karthika S, Bhaskar Raju G, Prabhakar S. “Efficacy of electrocoagulation and electrooxidation for the purification of wastewater generated from gelatin production plant”. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 1, 183-188, 2013.
  • [5] Gengeç E. “Treatment of highly toxic cardboard plant wastewater by a combination of electrocoagulation and electrooxidation processes”. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 145, 184-192, 2017.
  • [6] Işık Z, Bezirhan Arikan E, Ozay Y, Bouras HD, Dizge N. “Electrocoagulation and electrooxidation pre-treatment effect on fungal treatment of pistachio processing wastewater”. Chemosphere, 244, 1-8, 2020.
  • [7] Can OT, Gengeç E, Kobya M. “TOC and COD removal from instant coffee and coffee products production wastewater by chemical coagulation assisted electrooxidation”. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 28, 28-35, 2019.
  • [8] Veli S, Arslan A, İşgören M, Bingöl D, Demiral D. “Experimental design approach to COD and color removal of landfill leachate by the electrooxidation process”. Environmental Challenges, 5, 1-8, 2021.
  • [9] Guo Z, Zhang Y, Jia H, Guo J, Meng X, Wang J. “Electrochemical methods for landfill leachate treatment: A review on electrocoagulation and electrooxidation”. Science of The Total Environment, 806(2), 1-10, 2022.
  • [10] Panizza M, Cerisola G. “Direct and mediated anodic oxidation of organic pollutants”. Chemical Reviews, 109, 6541–6569, 2009.
  • [11] García-García A, Martínez-Miranda V, Martínez-Cienfuegos IG, Almazán-Sánchez PT, Castañeda-Juárez M, Linares-Hernández I, “Industrial wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation-electrooxidation processes powered by solar cells”. Fuel, 149, 46-54, 2015.
  • [12] Millán M, Fernández-Marchante CM, Lobato J, Cañizares P, Rodrigo MA. “Modelling of the treatment of wastewater by photovoltaic solar electrochemical oxidation (PSEO) assisted by redox-flow batteries”. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 40, 1-10, 2021.
  • [13] Millán M, Fernández-Marchante CM, Lobato Cañizares, JP, Rodrigo MA. “Management of solar energy to power electrochemical wastewater treatments”. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 41, 1-10, 2021.
  • [14] Solak M. “Cost-Effective Processes for Denim Production Wastewater: Dual Criterial Optimization of Techno-Economical Parameters by RSM and Minimization of Energy Consumption of Photo Assisted Fenton Processes via Direct Photovoltaic Solar Panel Integration”. Processes, 11, 1-20, 2023.
  • [15] Ghjair AY, Abbar AH. “Applications of advanced oxidation processes (electro–Fenton and sono–electro–Fenton) for COD removal from hospital wastewater: Optimization using response surface methodology”. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 169, 481-492, 2023.
  • [16] Arka A, Dawit C, Befekadu A, Debela SK, Asaithambi P. “Wastewater treatment using sono-electrocoagulation process: optimization through response surface methodology”. Sustainable Water Resources Management, 8, 1-11, 2022.
  • [17] Wu J, Zhan H, Oturan N, Wang Y, Chen L, M. Oturan A. “Application of response surface methodology to the removal of the antibiotic tetracycline by electrochemical process using carbon-felt cathode and DSA (Ti/RuO2–IrO2) anode”. Chemosphere, 87(6), 614-620, 2012.
  • [18] Trigueros DEG, Braun L, Hinterholz, CL. “Environmental and economic feasibility of the treatment of dairy industry wastewater by photo-Fenton and electrocoagulation process: Multicriteria optimization by desirability function”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 427, 1-14, 2022.
  • [19] Khaleel GF, Ismail I, Abbar AH. “Application of solar photo-electro-Fenton technology to petroleum refinery wastewater degradation: Optimization of operational parameters”. Heliyon 9(4), 1-16, 2023.
  • [20] Dubey S, Joshi A, Parmara N, Chhaya R, Amitesh, Prajapati AK. “Process optimization of electrocoagulation reactor for treatment of distillery effluent using aluminium electrode: Response surface methodology approach”. Chemical Data Collections, 45, 1-9, 2023.
  • [21] American Public Health Association. Standard Methods for the Examination of Waste and Wastewater. 19th ed., Washington, USA, APHA, 2005.
  • [22] Tak B, Tak B, Kim Y, Park Y, Yoon Y, Min G. “Optimization of color and COD removal from livestock wastewater by electrocoagulation process: Application of Box–Behnken design (BBD)”. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 28, 307-315, 2015.
  • [23] Yuan SH, Lu XH. “Comparison treatment of various chlorophenols by electro-Fenton method: relationship between chlorine content and degradation”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 118, 85-92, 2005.
  • [24] Chu YY, Zhang DH, Xu DM. “Advanced treatment of landfill leachate from a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) by electrochemical oxidation process”. Journal of Environmental Engineering Science, 7, 627-633, 2008.
  • [25] Fu R, Zhang PS, Jiang YX, Sun L, Sun XH. “Wastewater Treatment by Anodic Oxidation in electrochemical advanced oxidation process: Advance in mechanism, direct and indirect oxidation detection methods”. Chemosphere, 311, 1-11, 2023.
  • [26] Nair G, Soni B, Shah M. “A comprehensive review on electro-oxidation and its types for wastewater treatment”. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 23, 1-13, 2023.
  • [27] Hirpara KS, Patel UD. “Quantitative Structure-activity Relationship (QSAR) models for color and COD removal for some dyes subjected to electrochemical oxidation”. Environmental Technology, 44(16), 2374-2385, 2022.
  • [28] Zhong C, Wei K, Han W., Wang L, Sun X, Li J. “Electrochemical degradation of tricyclazole in aqueous solution using Ti/SnO2–Sb/PbO2 anode”. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 705, 68-74, 2013.
  • [29] Panizza M, Martinez-Huitle CA, “Role of electrode materials for the anodic oxidation of areal landfill leachate Comparison between Ti–Ru–Sn ternaryoxide, PbO2 and boron-doped diamond anode”. Chemosphere, 90, 1455-1460, 2013.
  • [30] Okur MC, Akyol A, Nayir TY, Kara S, Ozturk D, Civas A. “Performance of Ti/RuO2-IrO2 electrodes and comparison with BDD electrodes in the treatment of textile wastewater by electro-oxidation process”. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 183, 398-410, 2022.
  • [31] Aboutaleb EM, Hellal MS, Kamal, KH. “Electro-Oxidation of phenol in petroleum wastewater using a novel pilot-scale electrochemical cell with graphite and stainless-steel electrodes”. Water and Environment Journal, 35(1), 259-268, 2020.
  • [32] Salmeron I, Oller I, Malato S. “Solar photo-assisted electrochemical processes applied to actual industrial and urban wastewaters: A practical approach based on recent literature”. Chemosphere, 279, 1-9, 2021.
  • [33] Zhang, L, Wei F, Zhao Q, Lv S, Yao Y, “Real herbicide wastewater treatment by combined means of electrocatalysis application and biological treatment”. Chemistry and Ecology, 36, 382-395, 2020.
  • [34] Sharma, S, Simsek, H. “Sugar beet industry process wastewater treatment using electrochemical methods and optimization of parameters using response surface methodology”. Chemosphere, 238, 1-11, 2020.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Murat Solak

Tuğba Arslan This is me

Ahmet Akburak This is me

Publication Date August 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 30 Issue: 4


APA Solak, M., Arslan, T., & Akburak, A. (2024). Response surface modeling of COD removal from metal cutting wastewaters via electrooxidation process: Effect of direct photovoltaic solar panel on energy consumption. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 30(4), 547-555.
AMA Solak M, Arslan T, Akburak A. Response surface modeling of COD removal from metal cutting wastewaters via electrooxidation process: Effect of direct photovoltaic solar panel on energy consumption. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. August 2024;30(4):547-555.
Chicago Solak, Murat, Tuğba Arslan, and Ahmet Akburak. “Response Surface Modeling of COD Removal from Metal Cutting Wastewaters via Electrooxidation Process: Effect of Direct Photovoltaic Solar Panel on Energy Consumption”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 30, no. 4 (August 2024): 547-55.
EndNote Solak M, Arslan T, Akburak A (August 1, 2024) Response surface modeling of COD removal from metal cutting wastewaters via electrooxidation process: Effect of direct photovoltaic solar panel on energy consumption. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 30 4 547–555.
IEEE M. Solak, T. Arslan, and A. Akburak, “Response surface modeling of COD removal from metal cutting wastewaters via electrooxidation process: Effect of direct photovoltaic solar panel on energy consumption”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 547–555, 2024.
ISNAD Solak, Murat et al. “Response Surface Modeling of COD Removal from Metal Cutting Wastewaters via Electrooxidation Process: Effect of Direct Photovoltaic Solar Panel on Energy Consumption”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 30/4 (August 2024), 547-555.
JAMA Solak M, Arslan T, Akburak A. Response surface modeling of COD removal from metal cutting wastewaters via electrooxidation process: Effect of direct photovoltaic solar panel on energy consumption. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;30:547–555.
MLA Solak, Murat et al. “Response Surface Modeling of COD Removal from Metal Cutting Wastewaters via Electrooxidation Process: Effect of Direct Photovoltaic Solar Panel on Energy Consumption”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 30, no. 4, 2024, pp. 547-55.
Vancouver Solak M, Arslan T, Akburak A. Response surface modeling of COD removal from metal cutting wastewaters via electrooxidation process: Effect of direct photovoltaic solar panel on energy consumption. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;30(4):547-55.

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