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Year 2016, , 427 - 433, 01.06.2016


Managing risks in a software project can be challenging. There are many risk categories including communication risks, project planning risks, technical risks, budget risks, scheduling risks, legal risks, ethical risks, operational risks, security risks, and personnel risks that require timely attention. Potential risks should be identified, analyzed and evaluated. Appropriate strategies should be developed for managing imminent risks in a timely manner. This paper advocates a strategy that assigns a special role to communication risk, because it interacts with other risks in a way that may allow its coupling with most other risks and changing their effects. Interacting risks may have to be studied at a higher level with special attention to communication risk, because it could be considered as a super-risk. In order to get best results with the current state of knowledge, a team of risk analysts may provide early warnings about potential risks that are then further studied in interaction contexts for developing appropriate management strategies. By integrating risk based project management into a software development process, coordination of all activities in a comprehensive manner would be possible with a special emphasis on interacting risks


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  • Barros, M., Werner, C. & Travassos, G., (2004). Supporting Risks In Software Project Management, Journal of Systems and Software,
  • Volume 70, Issues 1–2, Pages 21–35. Boehm, B., (1991), Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices, IEEE Software 8,1, pages 32-41.
  • Braude, E., & Bernstein, M., (2011). Software Engineering: Modern Approaches, (2nd Edition), John Wiley & Sons.
  • Carmel, E., & Agarwal, R., (2001). Tactical Approaches For Alleviating Distance In Global Software Development, IEEE Software, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 22-29.
  • Charette, R.N., (1989). Software Engineering Risk Analysis And Management, Intertext, New York.
  • Chemuturi, M. & Cagley Jr., T., (2010), Software Project Management: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques. J. Ross Publishing, Plantation, Florida.
  • Drucker, P., (2008). Management (Revised Edition), Harper Collins, New York.
  • Espinosa, J. A., Slaughter, S. A., Herbsleb, J. D., Kraut, R. E., (2007). Team Knowledge and Coordination in Geographically Distributed Software Development, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2007.
  • Gantt, H., (1919). Organizing for Work, Harcourt, Brace, and Howe, New York.
  • Gries, D., (1981). The Science of Programming. Springer, 1981.
  • Gulla, J., (2012). Seven Reasons IT Projects Fail, IBM Systems Magazine, Retrieved August 8, 2015 from: Management/ project_pitfalls/
  • Harrison, M. A., Ruzzo, W. L. & Ullman, J. D., (1976). Protection in Operating Systems, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 19, No.8, Pages 461–471.
  • Holmström, H., Ó., Conchşir, E., Ågerfalk, P.J., & Fitzgerald, B., (2006). Global Software Development
  • Challenges: A case Study on Temporal, Geographical and Socio-Cultural Distance, ICGSE2006, Costao do Santinho, Florianopolis, Brazil, Oct 19, 2006.
  • Humphrey, W., (1989). Managing the Software Process, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
  • Jalote, P. (2002). Software Project Management in Practice. Boston: Addison Wesley.
  • Jones, C., (1994). Assessment and Control of Software Risks, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
  • Jones, C., (1998). What it Means to be ‘Best in Class’ for Software, Capers Jones, Software Productivity Research, Inc.
  • Keil, M., Cule, P. E., Lyytinen, K., & Schmidt, R.C., (1998). A Framework for Identifying Software Project Risks, Communications of the ACM, Vol.41, No. 11., pages 76-83.
  • Knuth, D.E., (1969). Seminumerical Algorithms: The Art of Computer Programming 2. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
  • Leffingwell, D. & Widrig, D., (2000). Managing Software Requirements: A Unified Approach, Addison-Wesley, New York.
  • Li, P. L., Ko, A. J. & Zhu, J., (2015). What Makes A Great Software Engineer?, The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering,
  • May 20-22, 2015, Florence, Italy.
  • Los Angeles Times, (2015). VW bosses say they didn’t know, Los Angeles Times, October 9, 2015, (page C1).
  • McFarland, D., (1970). Management: Principles and Practices London.
  • (3rd edition),The McMillan Company, Nelson, B. & Economy, P., (2005). The management bible, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken.
  • New York Times, (2016). Explaining Volkswagen’s Emissions Scandal, Reported by Guilbert Gates,
  • Jack Ewing, Karl Russell and Derek Watkins, Updated April 22, 2016. Retrieved April 24, 2016 from:
  • Pressman, R. S. & Maxim, B., (2014). Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach. (8th edition), McGraw-Hill.
  • Rumbaugh, R., Jacobson, I, & Booch, G., (2005). The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual.
  • (2nd Edition), Addison Wesley. Sommerville, I., (2015). Software Engineering, (10th edition), Addison Wesley.
  • The Wall Street Journal, (2015). U.S. Begins Criminal Probe of VW, Reported by William Boston, in The Wall Street Journal, Sept. 22, 2015, page B1.
  • Turner, R., (2014). A handbook for project management practitioners, in Turner, R. (ed.), 2014, Gower
  • Handbook of Project Management, Gower Publishing, Burlington. U.S. Air Force Systems Command, (1988) "Software Risk Abatement," AFSCIAFLC Pamphlet 800-45, 1988.
  • West Virginia University Today, (2014). WVU study found elevated levels of emissions from Volkswagen vehicles, September 24, 2014.
  • Retrieved April 12, 2016 from: volkswagen- vehicles
  • Xia, W., & Lee, G., (2004). Grasping the complexity of IS development projects, Communications of t ACM, Vol.47, No. 5, pages 68-74.
Year 2016, , 427 - 433, 01.06.2016



  • Armour, P. G., (2015). The Business of Software: Thinking Thoughts, Communications of the ACM, (Vol.58, No. 10, pages 32-34).
  • Barros, M., Werner, C. & Travassos, G., (2004). Supporting Risks In Software Project Management, Journal of Systems and Software,
  • Volume 70, Issues 1–2, Pages 21–35. Boehm, B., (1991), Software Risk Management: Principles and Practices, IEEE Software 8,1, pages 32-41.
  • Braude, E., & Bernstein, M., (2011). Software Engineering: Modern Approaches, (2nd Edition), John Wiley & Sons.
  • Carmel, E., & Agarwal, R., (2001). Tactical Approaches For Alleviating Distance In Global Software Development, IEEE Software, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 22-29.
  • Charette, R.N., (1989). Software Engineering Risk Analysis And Management, Intertext, New York.
  • Chemuturi, M. & Cagley Jr., T., (2010), Software Project Management: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques. J. Ross Publishing, Plantation, Florida.
  • Drucker, P., (2008). Management (Revised Edition), Harper Collins, New York.
  • Espinosa, J. A., Slaughter, S. A., Herbsleb, J. D., Kraut, R. E., (2007). Team Knowledge and Coordination in Geographically Distributed Software Development, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 24, Issue 1, 2007.
  • Gantt, H., (1919). Organizing for Work, Harcourt, Brace, and Howe, New York.
  • Gries, D., (1981). The Science of Programming. Springer, 1981.
  • Gulla, J., (2012). Seven Reasons IT Projects Fail, IBM Systems Magazine, Retrieved August 8, 2015 from: Management/ project_pitfalls/
  • Harrison, M. A., Ruzzo, W. L. & Ullman, J. D., (1976). Protection in Operating Systems, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 19, No.8, Pages 461–471.
  • Holmström, H., Ó., Conchşir, E., Ågerfalk, P.J., & Fitzgerald, B., (2006). Global Software Development
  • Challenges: A case Study on Temporal, Geographical and Socio-Cultural Distance, ICGSE2006, Costao do Santinho, Florianopolis, Brazil, Oct 19, 2006.
  • Humphrey, W., (1989). Managing the Software Process, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
  • Jalote, P. (2002). Software Project Management in Practice. Boston: Addison Wesley.
  • Jones, C., (1994). Assessment and Control of Software Risks, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
  • Jones, C., (1998). What it Means to be ‘Best in Class’ for Software, Capers Jones, Software Productivity Research, Inc.
  • Keil, M., Cule, P. E., Lyytinen, K., & Schmidt, R.C., (1998). A Framework for Identifying Software Project Risks, Communications of the ACM, Vol.41, No. 11., pages 76-83.
  • Knuth, D.E., (1969). Seminumerical Algorithms: The Art of Computer Programming 2. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.
  • Leffingwell, D. & Widrig, D., (2000). Managing Software Requirements: A Unified Approach, Addison-Wesley, New York.
  • Li, P. L., Ko, A. J. & Zhu, J., (2015). What Makes A Great Software Engineer?, The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering,
  • May 20-22, 2015, Florence, Italy.
  • Los Angeles Times, (2015). VW bosses say they didn’t know, Los Angeles Times, October 9, 2015, (page C1).
  • McFarland, D., (1970). Management: Principles and Practices London.
  • (3rd edition),The McMillan Company, Nelson, B. & Economy, P., (2005). The management bible, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken.
  • New York Times, (2016). Explaining Volkswagen’s Emissions Scandal, Reported by Guilbert Gates,
  • Jack Ewing, Karl Russell and Derek Watkins, Updated April 22, 2016. Retrieved April 24, 2016 from:
  • Pressman, R. S. & Maxim, B., (2014). Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach. (8th edition), McGraw-Hill.
  • Rumbaugh, R., Jacobson, I, & Booch, G., (2005). The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual.
  • (2nd Edition), Addison Wesley. Sommerville, I., (2015). Software Engineering, (10th edition), Addison Wesley.
  • The Wall Street Journal, (2015). U.S. Begins Criminal Probe of VW, Reported by William Boston, in The Wall Street Journal, Sept. 22, 2015, page B1.
  • Turner, R., (2014). A handbook for project management practitioners, in Turner, R. (ed.), 2014, Gower
  • Handbook of Project Management, Gower Publishing, Burlington. U.S. Air Force Systems Command, (1988) "Software Risk Abatement," AFSCIAFLC Pamphlet 800-45, 1988.
  • West Virginia University Today, (2014). WVU study found elevated levels of emissions from Volkswagen vehicles, September 24, 2014.
  • Retrieved April 12, 2016 from: volkswagen- vehicles
  • Xia, W., & Lee, G., (2004). Grasping the complexity of IS development projects, Communications of t ACM, Vol.47, No. 5, pages 68-74.
There are 38 citations in total.


Other ID JA56SP79DD
Journal Section Articles

Pradip Peter Dey This is me

Muzibul Khan This is me

Mohammad Amin This is me

Bhaskar Raj Sinha This is me

Hassan Badkoobehi This is me

Shatha Jawad This is me

Laith Al Any This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Dey, P. P., Khan, M., Amin, M., Sinha, B. R., et al. (2016). MANAGING INTERACTING SOFTWARE PROJECT RISKS. PressAcademia Procedia, 2(1), 427-433.
AMA Dey PP, Khan M, Amin M, Sinha BR, Badkoobehi H, Jawad S, Any LA. MANAGING INTERACTING SOFTWARE PROJECT RISKS. PAP. June 2016;2(1):427-433. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2016118662
Chicago Dey, Pradip Peter, Muzibul Khan, Mohammad Amin, Bhaskar Raj Sinha, Hassan Badkoobehi, Shatha Jawad, and Laith Al Any. “MANAGING INTERACTING SOFTWARE PROJECT RISKS”. PressAcademia Procedia 2, no. 1 (June 2016): 427-33.
EndNote Dey PP, Khan M, Amin M, Sinha BR, Badkoobehi H, Jawad S, Any LA (June 1, 2016) MANAGING INTERACTING SOFTWARE PROJECT RISKS. PressAcademia Procedia 2 1 427–433.
IEEE P. P. Dey, M. Khan, M. Amin, B. R. Sinha, H. Badkoobehi, S. Jawad, and L. A. Any, “MANAGING INTERACTING SOFTWARE PROJECT RISKS”, PAP, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 427–433, 2016, doi: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2016118662.
ISNAD Dey, Pradip Peter et al. “MANAGING INTERACTING SOFTWARE PROJECT RISKS”. PressAcademia Procedia 2/1 (June 2016), 427-433.
JAMA Dey PP, Khan M, Amin M, Sinha BR, Badkoobehi H, Jawad S, Any LA. MANAGING INTERACTING SOFTWARE PROJECT RISKS. PAP. 2016;2:427–433.
MLA Dey, Pradip Peter et al. “MANAGING INTERACTING SOFTWARE PROJECT RISKS”. PressAcademia Procedia, vol. 2, no. 1, 2016, pp. 427-33, doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2016118662.
Vancouver Dey PP, Khan M, Amin M, Sinha BR, Badkoobehi H, Jawad S, Any LA. MANAGING INTERACTING SOFTWARE PROJECT RISKS. PAP. 2016;2(1):427-33.

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