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Year 2017, , 883 - 890, 30.06.2017


and scientific development which is the result of globalisation is forcing the
current companies to change financially. Especially the rapid growth in
informatics and communication, has not only increasednthe processing speed but
aLso destroyed the importance of the consepts like time and place. This situation
made the investors invest on the international markets and also reach
international funds. Globalisation has amde radicalisation in companies'
financial structure. It has now beeb obligatory for the companies to adapt the
change And the ones which can not adapt to this change are thought to go down
in this competitive market. Globalization, which is indexed to technological
and scientific developments, has brought many radical changes in the field of
economics as well as in many areas. In the process of globalization, new trends
are emerging in national and international economic markets. New trends in the
economy have affected businesses the most. When it is thought that increasing
the influence of the globalization process day by day, the enterprises which
are trying to maintain a closed economic structure by stopping the process in
the environment of intense competition and interaction are deemed to have
accepted to throw themselves out of economic life. In this point, it is very
important for the enterprises targeting to succeed in the globalization process
to apply the new techniques and approaches in the financial area. Because new
trends brought together the concept and rules of financial globalization. The
adaptation of new trends in national and international businesses is required
in a competitive environment in which dynamic economies are adapting to the
process. Globalization affects the whole of business functions because of
having an open system. On the other hand, the fact that most of the decisions
taken by the business are financial, makes the financial function more
attractive. For this reason, it is necessary to take a holistic approach to
business functions in a finance-oriented manner. Effective financial management
practices need to be dealt with in order to achieve this. 


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Year 2017, , 883 - 890, 30.06.2017



  • Akyüz, Ab. (1993). “ Uluslararası Finanasal Piyasalar Ve Türkiye” İşletme Ve Finans, Haziran, S. 87.
  • Aşıkoğlu, R. (1993). Globalleşme Sürecinde Uluslararası Finansal Yönetimler, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Yayınları No:2, Kütahya.
  • Baker, S. (t.y.). “Global E-Commerce, Local Problems” Journal Of Business Strategy, Jully Agust, 1999, Vol: 20, NO: 4, ss. 33-35
  • Bolt, J. (1989). “Global Competitions Some Kriterla For Succes” Busines Horizons, Vol.31, Feb, s. 34-41.
  • Can Aktan, Ç. ve Şen, H. (1999). “Globalleşme, Ekonomik Kriz Ve Türkiye” TOSYÖV Ekonomik Sosyal Araştırmalar Serisi NO:1, Kasım, 1999.
  • Çeken, H. (2003). Küreselleşme Yabancı Sermaye ve Türkiye Turizmi, Değişim Yayınları.
  • Dicle, A. (2000). "Küreselleşme: Nedenler, Sonuçlar, Tepkiler 1-2," Ekonomik Forum Dergisi, 2000.
  • Eiteman, D. S. (t.y.). Multinational Business Finance, Fourth USA.
  • Eser, U. (1995). “ Globalleşme Tehdit Mi? Yoksa Fırsat Mı?” Ekonomik Yaklaşım, C: 6, Yaz. Finansal forum 30 haziran 1997.
  • Gallo J. ve Lockwood, L. (1999). “Fund Management Changes And Equity Style Shifts”, Financial Analysts Journal, September/October.
  • Hitt M. (2000). “Transfermation Of Management For The New Millennium” Organizational Dynamics Winter, 2000.
  • Kutal, G. (1996). Endüstri İlişkileri Boyutunda Çok Uluslu Şirketler ve İnsan Kaynağı Yönetimi teori ve Uygulama, İstanbul, Der Yayınları.
  • Levitt, T. (1991). “Going Global: Succeeding İn Word Markets” Harvard Business Reviev, Paperback.
  • Ongun T. (t.y.). “Finansal Globalleşme” Ekonomik Yaklaşım, C:4, S.9.
  • Öymen, O. (2000). Geleceği Yakalamak, Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • Seyidoğlu, H. (1994). Uluslararası Finans, Güzem Yayınları.
There are 16 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Murat Turgut This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Turgut, M. (2017). THE EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION OPERATIONS ON FINANCIAL FUNCTION. PressAcademia Procedia, 3(1), 883-890.
AMA Turgut M. THE EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION OPERATIONS ON FINANCIAL FUNCTION. PAP. June 2017;3(1):883-890. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.670
Chicago Turgut, Murat. “THE EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION OPERATIONS ON FINANCIAL FUNCTION”. PressAcademia Procedia 3, no. 1 (June 2017): 883-90.
EndNote Turgut M (June 1, 2017) THE EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION OPERATIONS ON FINANCIAL FUNCTION. PressAcademia Procedia 3 1 883–890.
IEEE M. Turgut, “THE EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION OPERATIONS ON FINANCIAL FUNCTION”, PAP, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 883–890, 2017, doi: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.670.
ISNAD Turgut, Murat. “THE EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION OPERATIONS ON FINANCIAL FUNCTION”. PressAcademia Procedia 3/1 (June 2017), 883-890.
MLA Turgut, Murat. “THE EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION OPERATIONS ON FINANCIAL FUNCTION”. PressAcademia Procedia, vol. 3, no. 1, 2017, pp. 883-90, doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.670.

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