The adoption and use of management information systems by enterprises is a complicated process. Despite the known advantages of MIS implementation in enterprises, there are very few enterprises in Turkey that incorporate intra-organizational information systems. This study is aimed at identifying the problems and challenges of adopting MIS and provides a conceptual framework for considering the problems. A single-case research is adopted with both qualitative and quantitative approach. Three important cluster of IS success factors are identified as motivation, investment and scope of use. A model is proposed for the empirical study and the employees of the enterprise have been participated in the emailed instrument survey. The findings indicate that social influence and attitude towards technology use are two significant factors on intention to use information systems in enterprises. The present study reveals the different factors that influences the adoption of management information systems based on organizational culture and readiness. Strong motivation is one of the critical success factors in adoption of management information systems in enterprises. Moreover, the scope of use and the design of the developed system have significant impact in its successful adoption and continuous usage. Implications and suggestions for future research are provided
Management Information Systems UTAUT organizational readiness empirical research qualitative research
Other ID | JA97AT85DB |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 1, 2016 |
Published in Issue | Year 2016 Volume: 2 Issue: 1 |
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