Knowledge-based economy is re-defining enterprises, re-formatting
working styles, empowering individuals and re-shaping the links between
education and business tasks in today’s globalized world. Emerged communication
and information technologies especially invented in six decades ago is still
changing the nature of business and the economy dramatically. It is obvious
that transition to knowledge-intensive business models become popular since
late 1950s. Also it is clear that advent of the knowledge economy shapes and
changes the rules for enterprises that organize their activities in the global
market places. Additionally intellectual capabilities become more important
than physical inputs which was very important for the first machine age. The
application of knowledge is one of the main sources of growth in the global
economy and it becomes the strategic factor for the success. Having sufficient
national production, sustainable growth, strong economy and modern technologies
to create a welfare society is crucial for any modern nation. This study
presents the concept of the knowledge economy and it's framework in this
respect. Developed by World Bank “Knowledge Assessment Methodology” is one of
the important methodologies in order to measure the progress of countries
towards having a knowledge based economy. It has 4 pillars including 83
structural and qualitative variables and 12 knowledge indicators. World Bank's
four Knowledge Economy pillars are economic and institutional regime, education, innovation, and Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) developed for countries to do fundamental
assessment of countries’ readiness for the knowledge economy and help them the
transition to a Knowledge-based Economy. Also in this paper the analysis of
knowledge economy for Turkey especially the role of innovation, ICTs and
education pillars are examined.
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 30, 2017 |
Published in Issue | Year 2017 Volume: 5 Issue: 1 |
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