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Karotis endarterektomide dacron yama ve primer kapatma yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması

Year 2023, , 180 - 186, 05.04.2023


Amaç: Karotis arter hastalığında asemptomatik hasta için %75 ve üzeri darlıkta, semptomatik hasta için %50 ve üzeri darlıkta operasyon önerilir. Cerrahi olarak ise karotis endarterektomi yapılır. Yazımızda karotis endarterektomide primer kapatılan ve dacron yama ile kapatılan hastalardaki, postoperatif komlikasyonlar yönünden ve 6 aylık takipler açısından sonuçlarımızı değerlendirdik.
Gereç ve yöntem: 2017 ve 2020 yılları arasında karotis endarterektomi yapılan yapılan 60 hasta (38 erkek, 22 kadın) retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Çalışmaya alınan vakaların tamamı tek taraflı opere edilmiş olup, ameliyatların hepsi genel anestezi eşliğinde yapılmıştır. 30 hastanın karotis arteriotomisi primer kapatılmış, diğer 30 hastanın arteriotomileri dacron yama ile kapatılmıştır. Hastalarda ameliyat kriteri olarak semptomatik hastalarda %50 ve üzeri darlık, asmeptomatik hastalarda %75 ve üzeri darlık kabul edilmiştir. Hastalarda postoperatif komplikasyonlara bakıldı. Taburculuk sonrası 1. hafta,2. ay ve 6. aydaki kontrollerde klinik olarak değerlendirildi. 6. Ayda bağımsız bir radyolog tarafından yapılan doppler ultrasonografi sonuçlarındaki stenoz oranlarına bakıldı.
Bulgular: Hastalar da postoperatif komlikasyonlar, taburculuk sonrası klinik takiplerinde ve 6. ay doppler ultrasonografileri darlık açısından değerlendirildiğinde anlamlı farklılıklar tespit edilmedi.
Sonuç: Karotis endarterektomide primer kapatma ve dacron yama ile kapatma yötemlerinde postop restenoz açısından anlamlı istatiksel farklılıklar tespit edildi. Mevcut çalışmamızda iki kapatma yöntemininde güvenle tercih edilebileceği düşünülmektedir. Tabi ki daha büyük ölçekli çalışmalarda farklı sonuçlar çıkabileceği de unutulmamalıdır.
eceği düşünülmektedir. Tabi ki daha büyük ölçekli çalışmalarda farklı sonuçlar çıkabileceği de unutulmamalıdır.

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  • 1.Halliday A, Harrison M, Hayter E, Kong X,et al. 10-year strokeprevention after successful carotid endarterectomy for asymptomatic stenosis (ACST-1): a multicentre randomised trial. The Lancet. 2010; 376(9746): 1074-84.PMID:20870099
  • 2. Brott TG, Halperin JL, Abbara S,et al. Guideline on themanagement of patients with extracranial carotid andvertebral artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011; 57:516-94.PMID:21288679
  • 3.Aboyans V, Members ATF, Tendera M,et al.ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment ofperipheral artery diseases: document coveringatherosclerotic disease of extracranial carotid andvertebral, mesenteric, renal, upper and lowerextremity arteries The Task Force on the Diagnosis andTreatment of Peripheral Artery Diseases of theEuropean Society of Cardiology (ESC). European heartjournal. 2011; 32: 2851-906.PMID:21873417
  • 4.Zhang C, Wang Y, Zhao X, et al. Clinical, imagingfeatures and outcome in internal carotid artery versusmiddle cerebral artery disease. PloS one. 2019; Dec:5/14.PMID:31805111
  • 5.Beyaz MO, Ugurlucan M, Oztas DM, et al. Evaluation of the relationship between plaque formation leading to symptomatic carotid artery stenosis and cytomegalovirus by investigating the virus DNA. Arch Med Sci Atheroscler Dis 2019;4:e19-e24. PMID:30963132
  • 6.Villwock MR, Padalino DJ, Deshaies EM. Carotidartery stenosis with acute ischemic stroke: stentingversus angioplasty. Journal of vascular andinterventional neurology. 2015; 8: 11.PMID:26600924
  • 7.Jones DW, Brott TG, Schermerhorn ML. Trials andfrontiers in carotid endarterectomy and stenting.Stroke. 2018; 49: 1776-83.PMID:29866753
  • 8.Kempczinski RF. The chronically ischemic leg: An overview. In: Rutherford RB, editor. Vascular Surgery. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2000. p. 917-927.ISO690
  • 9.Kim JW, Huh U, Song S, Sung SM, Hong JM, Cho A. Outcomes of Carotid Endarterectomy according to the Anesthetic Method: General versus Regional Anesthesia.Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2019;52(6):392-9.PMID:31832375
  • 10.Arnao V, Agnelli G, Paciaroni M. Direct oral anticoagulants in the secondary prevention of stroke and transient ischemic attack in patients with atrial fibrillation. Intern Emerg Med 2015;10:555-60.PMID:25862436
  • 11.Maharaj R. A review of recent developments in the management of carotid artery stenosis. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2008;22:277-89.PMID:18375336
  • 12.Halliday A, Mansfield A, Marro J,et al. Prevention of disabling and fatal strokes by successful carotid endarterectomy in patients without recent neurological symptoms: randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2004;363:1491-502.PMID:15135594
  • 13.Rantner B, Pavelka M, Posch L, Schmidauer C, Fraedrich G. Carotid endarterectomy after ischemic stroke-is there a justification for delayed surgery? Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2005;30:36-40.PMID:15933980
  • 14.Rothwell PM, Eliasziw M, Gutnikov SA, Warlow CP, Barnett HJ. Endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis in relation to clinical subgroups and timing of surgery. Lancet 2004;363:915-24.PMID:15043958
  • 15.Baker WH, Littooy FN, Hayes AC, Dorner DB, Stubbs D. Carotid endarterectomy without a shunt! The control series. J Vasc Surg 1984; 1:50-56.PMID:6481871
  • 16.Ecevit AN, Akay HT, Aslım E, et al .Is Carotid Artery Stent Procedure an Alternative to Carotid Endarterectomy with Regional Anesthesia Using Selective Shunt. Damar Cer Derg 2010:19;63-8.PP046 17.Bond R, Rerkasem K, Shearman CP, Rothwell PM. Time trends in the published risks of stroke and death due to endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis. Cerebrovasc Dis 2004;18:37-46.PMID:15159619
  • 18.Bond R, Rerkasem K, AbuRahma AF, Naylor AR, Rothwell PM. Patch angioplasty versus primary closure for carotid endarterectomy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev; 2006 (1): CD000160 PMID:15106145 19.Mannheim D, Weller B, Vahadim E, Karmeli R. Carotid endarterectomy with a polyurethane patch versus primary closure: a prospective randomized study. J Vasc Surg 2005;41:403-8.PMID:15838471

Comparison of primary suturing and dacron patch in carotid endarterectomy

Year 2023, , 180 - 186, 05.04.2023


Background: In carotid artery atherosclerotic disease; indications for intervention are accepted to be over 75% stenosis for asymptomatic patients and over 50% for symptomatic patients. Preferred surgical treatment is carotid endarterectomy. In this study, we compared clinical outcomes and ultrasonographic findings in two different surgical techniques of arteriotomy closure. The first technique consisted of primary suturing and the second is patch angioplasty with a dacron patch. In 6 month follow-up period clinical examinations and dupplex ultrasonography were performed and analyzed statistically.
Methods: 60 patients who underwent carotid endarterectomy for carotid artery disease between January 2017 and December 2020 were enrolled in the study. Data were obtained from hospital database and evaluated statistically. 30 arteriotomy incisions were closed primarily and 30 with dacron patch angioplasty. As surgical indication 50% stenosis in symptomatic patients and 70% stenosis in asymptomatic were determined. Postoperative complications were evaluated. After discharge one-week, two-month, six-month clinical examitanions were performed and in six-month follow up dupplex ultrasonography was performed by an independent radiology specialist, and these results were compared statistically.
Results: When the patients were evaluated in terms of postoperative complications, clinical follow-up after discharge, and 6-month Doppler ultrasonography, no significant differences were detected.
Conclusion: No statistically significant difference was found among techniques primary suturing and dacron patch angioplasty for stroke, occlusion and re-stenosis rates. According to short term results both techniques may be feasible for arteriotomy closure during carotid endarterectomy.

Project Number



  • 1.Halliday A, Harrison M, Hayter E, Kong X,et al. 10-year strokeprevention after successful carotid endarterectomy for asymptomatic stenosis (ACST-1): a multicentre randomised trial. The Lancet. 2010; 376(9746): 1074-84.PMID:20870099
  • 2. Brott TG, Halperin JL, Abbara S,et al. Guideline on themanagement of patients with extracranial carotid andvertebral artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011; 57:516-94.PMID:21288679
  • 3.Aboyans V, Members ATF, Tendera M,et al.ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment ofperipheral artery diseases: document coveringatherosclerotic disease of extracranial carotid andvertebral, mesenteric, renal, upper and lowerextremity arteries The Task Force on the Diagnosis andTreatment of Peripheral Artery Diseases of theEuropean Society of Cardiology (ESC). European heartjournal. 2011; 32: 2851-906.PMID:21873417
  • 4.Zhang C, Wang Y, Zhao X, et al. Clinical, imagingfeatures and outcome in internal carotid artery versusmiddle cerebral artery disease. PloS one. 2019; Dec:5/14.PMID:31805111
  • 5.Beyaz MO, Ugurlucan M, Oztas DM, et al. Evaluation of the relationship between plaque formation leading to symptomatic carotid artery stenosis and cytomegalovirus by investigating the virus DNA. Arch Med Sci Atheroscler Dis 2019;4:e19-e24. PMID:30963132
  • 6.Villwock MR, Padalino DJ, Deshaies EM. Carotidartery stenosis with acute ischemic stroke: stentingversus angioplasty. Journal of vascular andinterventional neurology. 2015; 8: 11.PMID:26600924
  • 7.Jones DW, Brott TG, Schermerhorn ML. Trials andfrontiers in carotid endarterectomy and stenting.Stroke. 2018; 49: 1776-83.PMID:29866753
  • 8.Kempczinski RF. The chronically ischemic leg: An overview. In: Rutherford RB, editor. Vascular Surgery. 5th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2000. p. 917-927.ISO690
  • 9.Kim JW, Huh U, Song S, Sung SM, Hong JM, Cho A. Outcomes of Carotid Endarterectomy according to the Anesthetic Method: General versus Regional Anesthesia.Korean J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2019;52(6):392-9.PMID:31832375
  • 10.Arnao V, Agnelli G, Paciaroni M. Direct oral anticoagulants in the secondary prevention of stroke and transient ischemic attack in patients with atrial fibrillation. Intern Emerg Med 2015;10:555-60.PMID:25862436
  • 11.Maharaj R. A review of recent developments in the management of carotid artery stenosis. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2008;22:277-89.PMID:18375336
  • 12.Halliday A, Mansfield A, Marro J,et al. Prevention of disabling and fatal strokes by successful carotid endarterectomy in patients without recent neurological symptoms: randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2004;363:1491-502.PMID:15135594
  • 13.Rantner B, Pavelka M, Posch L, Schmidauer C, Fraedrich G. Carotid endarterectomy after ischemic stroke-is there a justification for delayed surgery? Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2005;30:36-40.PMID:15933980
  • 14.Rothwell PM, Eliasziw M, Gutnikov SA, Warlow CP, Barnett HJ. Endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis in relation to clinical subgroups and timing of surgery. Lancet 2004;363:915-24.PMID:15043958
  • 15.Baker WH, Littooy FN, Hayes AC, Dorner DB, Stubbs D. Carotid endarterectomy without a shunt! The control series. J Vasc Surg 1984; 1:50-56.PMID:6481871
  • 16.Ecevit AN, Akay HT, Aslım E, et al .Is Carotid Artery Stent Procedure an Alternative to Carotid Endarterectomy with Regional Anesthesia Using Selective Shunt. Damar Cer Derg 2010:19;63-8.PP046 17.Bond R, Rerkasem K, Shearman CP, Rothwell PM. Time trends in the published risks of stroke and death due to endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis. Cerebrovasc Dis 2004;18:37-46.PMID:15159619
  • 18.Bond R, Rerkasem K, AbuRahma AF, Naylor AR, Rothwell PM. Patch angioplasty versus primary closure for carotid endarterectomy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev; 2006 (1): CD000160 PMID:15106145 19.Mannheim D, Weller B, Vahadim E, Karmeli R. Carotid endarterectomy with a polyurethane patch versus primary closure: a prospective randomized study. J Vasc Surg 2005;41:403-8.PMID:15838471
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cardiovascular Surgery
Journal Section Research Article

Hakan Öntaş 0000-0001-8612-3607

Faruk Serhatlıoğlu 0000-0002-7897-5268

Asiye Aslı Gözüaçık Rüzgar 0000-0003-4273-6035

Altay Nihat Acar 0000-0002-7670-3816

Project Number YOK
Publication Date April 5, 2023
Submission Date June 8, 2022
Acceptance Date August 22, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Öntaş H, Serhatlıoğlu F, Gözüaçık Rüzgar AA, Acar AN. Comparison of primary suturing and dacron patch in carotid endarterectomy. Pam Tıp Derg. April 2023;16(2):180-186. doi:10.31362/patd.1127107
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