Required Process Time
Maximum time required for the processing of the new article: 7 DAYS
Response time to the preliminary message sent to the author: 7 DAYS
Maximum time given to the secretary while at the secretary step: 10 DAYS
Time given to the author to complete the pre-check revision: 20 DAYS
Maximum time required to complete the pre-check: 30 DAYS
Maximum time required for the Related Field Editor to take over the article: 15 DAYS
Response time to an invitation sent to the referee to evaluate: 30 DAYS
Evaluation time given to the referee: 30 DAYS
Time given to the author to complete the revision: 30 DAYS
Maximum time given to the editor for the admission process: 10 DAYS
Maximum processing time for Spelling-Language, Statistics, Layout Editing and Proof-readering: 15 DAYS