Şiddetsiz Karşı Koyma Programının Ebeveynlerin Aile İlişkileri ve Ebeveynlik Algıları Üzerindeki Etkisi
Year 2019,
Volume: 45 Issue: 45, 211 - 233, 03.01.2019
Suat Kılıçarslan
Serdal Ördem
Aslı Taltekin
Recai Ardıç
araştırmanın amacı, ilköğretim ikinci kademede öğrenimlerine devam eden ve
saldırgan davranışları olan çocuklara sahip ebeveynlere yönelik uygulanan
"Şiddetsiz Karşı Koyma" programının ebeveynlerin aile yapısı, aile
etkileşimleri, ebeveyn olarak hissettikleri stres, yetersizlik ve çaresizlik
duyguları üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Araştırmanın verileri deney ve
kontrol grubunda yer alan ebeveynlere uygulanan Aile Değerlendirme Ölçeği ve Öznel
Rahatsızlık Birimleri Anketi aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir. Söz konusu ölçekler deney ve
kontrol grubu ebeveynlerine öntest, sontest ve izleme ölçümleri olarak
uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, ebeveynlere uygulanan programın aile içi
ilişkilerinde ve etkileşim biçimlerinde pozitif yönde anlamlı değişiklikler
meydana getirdiğini; bununla birlikte ebeveynlerin yaşamış oldukları stres,
yetersizlik ve çaresizlik duyguları ile baş etme düzeyleri üzerinde anlamlı
farklılık oluşturduğunu göstermiştir. Bu sonuçlar ışığında alanda çalışan
psikolojik danışman ve araştırmacıların ‘Şiddetsiz Karşı Koyma’ ebeveyn
programını çocuk ve ergenlerde görülen şiddet ve saldırgan davranışlarla
ebeveynlerin baş etmesi ve aile ilişkilerinin geliştirilmesi konusunda
kullanmalarının yararlı olacağı düşünülmektedir.
- Bacıoğlu (2014) Effectiveness of prevention programs reducing violence and aggression: a meta-analysis study. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 5(42), 294-304.
- Bugental, D. B., Blue, J., & Cruzcosa, M. (1989). Perceived control over caregiving outcomes: Implications for child abuse. Developmental Psychology, 25(4), 532–539. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.25.4.532.
- Bugental, D. B. , & Lewis, J. (1998). Interpersonal power repair in response to threats to control from dependent others. In M. Kofta, G. Weary, & G. Sedek (Eds.), Personal control in action: Cognitive and motivational mechanisms (pp. 341-362). New York: Plenum.
- Coogan, D. (2011). Child to parent violence: Challenging perspectives on family violence.Child Care in Practice, 17(4), 347–358.
- Day, E.M. & Heismann, E. (2010). Non-violent resistance programme: guidelines for parents, care staff and volunteers working with adolescents with violent behaviours. Publisher: Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd.
- Forgatch, M. S. (1991). The clinical science vortex: developing a theory for antisocial behavior. In D. J. Pepler & K. H. Rubin (Eds.), The development and treatment of childhood aggression (pp. 291-315). Hillsdale, NJ: Erllbaum.
- Goddard, N., Van Gink, K., Van der Stegen, B., Van Driel, J., & Cohen, A. P. (2009). “Hit the iron when it is cold”: non-violent resistance in an acute psychiatric ward for adolescents. Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 64, 531–539.
- Gültekin, F. (2008). The effect of aggression and anger reduce program on level of aggression and anger of middle school students, (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Hacettepe University, Ankara.
- In M. Grabbe, J. Borke & C. Tsirigotis (Eds.), Autoritaet, autonomie und bindung (pp. 165–184). Gottingen, Gernmany: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht.Jakob, P. (2006). Bringing Non-Violent resistance to Britain. Context, 84, 36-38.
- Kazdin, A. E. (1990). Premature termination from treatment among children referred for antisocial behavior. Journal of Child Psychology, 31, 415–425.
- Kılıçarslan, S. (2016). Investıgatıng of the effects of psycho-educatıonal programme that is applied to parents and adolescents towards reductıon of aggressive behavior in adolescents. Doctoral Dissertation, Çukurova Üniversity, Adana/Turkey.
- Kotchick, B. A., Shaffer, A., Dorsey, S., & Forehand, R. (2004). Parenting antisocial children and adolescents. In M. Hoghughi & N. Long (Eds.), SAGE handbook of parenting. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
- Lavi-Levavi, I., Shachar, I., & Omer, H. (2013). Training in nonviolent resistance for parents of violent children: Differences between fathers and mothers. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 32(4), 79–93. doi:10.1521/jsyt.2013.32.4.79.
- Lebowitz, E. R. (2013). Parent-based treatment for childhood and adolescent OCD. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 2(4), 425–431. doi:10.1016/j.jocrd.2013.08.004.
- Lebowitz, E. R., Dolberger, D., Nortov, E., & Omer, H. (2012). Parent training in non violent resistance for adult entitled dependence. Family Process, 51(1), 1–17.
- Lebowitz, E. R., Omer, H., & Leckman, J. F. (2011). Coercive and disruptive behaviors in pediatric obsessive–compulsive disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 28(10), 899–905. doi:10.1002/da.20858.
- Levavi, I. (2010). Reducing escalation between parents and children by non-violent resistance: a systemic controlled evaluation. Doctoral dissertation, Tel-Aviv University.
- Levendosky AA, Huth-Bocks A, & Semel MA. (2002). Adolescent peer relationships and mental health functioning in families with domestic violence. Child Adolescents Psychology; 31:206-218.
- McCart, M.R., Priester, P. Davies, W.H., & Azen, R. (2006) Differential effectiveness of behavioral parent-training and cognitive-behavioral therapy for antisocial youth: a meta-analysis. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,34(4), 525-541.
- Newman, M., Fagan, C., & Webb, R. (2014). Innovations in practice: the efficacy of nonviolent resistance groups in treating aggressive and controlling children and young people: a preliminary analysis of pilot NVR groups in Kent. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19(2), 138–141. doi:10.1111/camh.12049.
- Oleffs, B., von Schlippe, A., Omer, H., & Kritz, J. (2009). Youngsters with externalizing behavior problems: Effects of parent-training. Familiendynamik, 34, 256–265.
- Omer, H. (2000). Parental presence: Reclaiming a leadership role in bringing up our children.Phoenix, AZ, Zeig, Tucker.
- Omer, H. (2001) Helping parents deal with children’s acute disciplinary problemswithout escalation: the principle of non-violent resistance. Family Process, 40:53–66.
- Omer, H. (2004). Nonviolent resistance: a new approach to violent and self-destructive children. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Omer, H., Irbauch, R., Berger, H., & Katz-Tissona, R. (2006). Non-violent resistance and school violence. Paper presented at the Mifgash Leavodah Hinukhit Sotzialit, Israel.
- Omer, H., Schorr-Sapir, I., and Weinblatt, U. (2008) Non-violent resistance and violenceagainst siblings. Journal of Family Therapy, 30: 450–464.
- Omer, H. (2011). The new authority: family, school, community. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Omer, H., & Dolberger, D.I. (2015). Helping parents cope with suicide threats: an approach based on nonviolent resistance. Family Process. doi: 10.1111/famp.12129.
- Omer, H. & Lebowitz E.R. (2016). Nonviolent resistance: helping caregivers reduce problematic behaviors in children and adolescents. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 42(4): 688–700 doi: 10.1111/jmft.12168.
- Omer, H., Irbauch, R., Berger, H., & Katz-Tissona, R. (2006). Non-violent resistance and school violence. Mifgash Leavodah Hinukhit Sotzialit, Israel.Omer, H. (2011) The new authory: family, school, community. Cambridge University Press.
- Omer, H., Steinmetz, S. G., Carthy, T., & von Schlippe, A. (2013). The anchoring function: Parental authority and the parent-child bond. Family Process, 52(2), 193–206.
- Patterson, G. R. (1980). Mothers: The unacknowledged victims. Monograph of the Society for Research in Child Development, 186, 1–47.
- Salzinger S, Feldman T, Hood J. (2002). An ecological framework for understanding risk forexposure to community violence and the effects of exposure on children and adolescents. Aggress Violent Beh; 7:423-451.
- Sharp, G. (1973). The politics of nonviolent action. Boston, MA: P. Sargent Publisher.
- Shimshoni, Y., Farah, H., Lotan, T., Grimberg, E., Dritter, O., Musicant, O., et al. (2015). Effects of parental vigilant care and feedback on novice driver risk. Journal of Adolescence, 69–80. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2014.11.002 25480357.
- Schlippe, A. V. (2006). From family therapy to systemic parental coaching. In C. Tsirigotis, A. von Schlippe, & J. Schweitzer-Rothers (Eds.), Coaching for parents: Mothers, fathers and their ‘‘job’’ (pp. 44–67). Heidelberg: Carl Auer (in German).
- Steinkellner, H., & Ofner, S. (2011). The seven pillars of the new authority. In U. E. Gamauf-Eberhardt & C. Reumann (Eds.), Meine Schule gegen Gewalt. Friendsburg, Austria: Friedensinstitut Burg Schlaining.
- van Holen, F., Vanderfaeillie, J., & Omer, H. (2015). Adaptation and evaluation of a nonviolent resistance intervention for foster parents: A progress report. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. doi: 10.1111/jmft.12125. Weinblatt, U., & Omer, H. (2008). Non-violent resistance: A treatment for parents of children with acute behavior parents. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 34, 75–92.
- Webster-Stratton, C., & Herbert, M. (1994). Troubled families, problem children. Working with parents: A collaborative process. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Wilson, D., & Smith, M. (2014). The unmet needs of the child in non-violent resistance: Integrating developmentaldyadic-psychotherapy approaches-lessons from working with adoptive families. Context, 132, 22–26.
The Effect of Non-Violent Resistance Program On Family Relationships and Parentship Perceptions of Parents
Year 2019,
Volume: 45 Issue: 45, 211 - 233, 03.01.2019
Suat Kılıçarslan
Serdal Ördem
Aslı Taltekin
Recai Ardıç
aim of this study is to examine the Non-violent
Resistance program which is applied to the parents of the children in
secondary level education and show aggressive behavior and its effects of on
the family structure of the parents and their interactions, the stress they
experienced, the inadequacy they felt, and the feelings of helplessness. The
data of the study were obtained through the ‘Family Assessment Scale’ and
‘Subjective Disorders Unit Questionnaire’ applied to the parents in the
experimental and control groups. These scales were applied to the parents of
the experimental and control groups as pre-test, post-test and follow-up
measurements. When the results of the study were examined, it was seen that the
program applied to the parents causes significant changes in the positive
direction on the forms of interaction within the family, and it is seen that
the parents have a meaningful difference on the levels of coping with the
feelings of stress, disability and helplessness. According to these results it
is considered that it will be beneficiary for the psychological counselors and
researchers working in this area to apply Non
Violent Resistance program to deal with violence and aggressive behavior in
children and adolescents and to develop family relations.
- Bacıoğlu (2014) Effectiveness of prevention programs reducing violence and aggression: a meta-analysis study. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 5(42), 294-304.
- Bugental, D. B., Blue, J., & Cruzcosa, M. (1989). Perceived control over caregiving outcomes: Implications for child abuse. Developmental Psychology, 25(4), 532–539. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.25.4.532.
- Bugental, D. B. , & Lewis, J. (1998). Interpersonal power repair in response to threats to control from dependent others. In M. Kofta, G. Weary, & G. Sedek (Eds.), Personal control in action: Cognitive and motivational mechanisms (pp. 341-362). New York: Plenum.
- Coogan, D. (2011). Child to parent violence: Challenging perspectives on family violence.Child Care in Practice, 17(4), 347–358.
- Day, E.M. & Heismann, E. (2010). Non-violent resistance programme: guidelines for parents, care staff and volunteers working with adolescents with violent behaviours. Publisher: Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd.
- Forgatch, M. S. (1991). The clinical science vortex: developing a theory for antisocial behavior. In D. J. Pepler & K. H. Rubin (Eds.), The development and treatment of childhood aggression (pp. 291-315). Hillsdale, NJ: Erllbaum.
- Goddard, N., Van Gink, K., Van der Stegen, B., Van Driel, J., & Cohen, A. P. (2009). “Hit the iron when it is cold”: non-violent resistance in an acute psychiatric ward for adolescents. Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid, 64, 531–539.
- Gültekin, F. (2008). The effect of aggression and anger reduce program on level of aggression and anger of middle school students, (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Hacettepe University, Ankara.
- In M. Grabbe, J. Borke & C. Tsirigotis (Eds.), Autoritaet, autonomie und bindung (pp. 165–184). Gottingen, Gernmany: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht.Jakob, P. (2006). Bringing Non-Violent resistance to Britain. Context, 84, 36-38.
- Kazdin, A. E. (1990). Premature termination from treatment among children referred for antisocial behavior. Journal of Child Psychology, 31, 415–425.
- Kılıçarslan, S. (2016). Investıgatıng of the effects of psycho-educatıonal programme that is applied to parents and adolescents towards reductıon of aggressive behavior in adolescents. Doctoral Dissertation, Çukurova Üniversity, Adana/Turkey.
- Kotchick, B. A., Shaffer, A., Dorsey, S., & Forehand, R. (2004). Parenting antisocial children and adolescents. In M. Hoghughi & N. Long (Eds.), SAGE handbook of parenting. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
- Lavi-Levavi, I., Shachar, I., & Omer, H. (2013). Training in nonviolent resistance for parents of violent children: Differences between fathers and mothers. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 32(4), 79–93. doi:10.1521/jsyt.2013.32.4.79.
- Lebowitz, E. R. (2013). Parent-based treatment for childhood and adolescent OCD. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 2(4), 425–431. doi:10.1016/j.jocrd.2013.08.004.
- Lebowitz, E. R., Dolberger, D., Nortov, E., & Omer, H. (2012). Parent training in non violent resistance for adult entitled dependence. Family Process, 51(1), 1–17.
- Lebowitz, E. R., Omer, H., & Leckman, J. F. (2011). Coercive and disruptive behaviors in pediatric obsessive–compulsive disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 28(10), 899–905. doi:10.1002/da.20858.
- Levavi, I. (2010). Reducing escalation between parents and children by non-violent resistance: a systemic controlled evaluation. Doctoral dissertation, Tel-Aviv University.
- Levendosky AA, Huth-Bocks A, & Semel MA. (2002). Adolescent peer relationships and mental health functioning in families with domestic violence. Child Adolescents Psychology; 31:206-218.
- McCart, M.R., Priester, P. Davies, W.H., & Azen, R. (2006) Differential effectiveness of behavioral parent-training and cognitive-behavioral therapy for antisocial youth: a meta-analysis. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,34(4), 525-541.
- Newman, M., Fagan, C., & Webb, R. (2014). Innovations in practice: the efficacy of nonviolent resistance groups in treating aggressive and controlling children and young people: a preliminary analysis of pilot NVR groups in Kent. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19(2), 138–141. doi:10.1111/camh.12049.
- Oleffs, B., von Schlippe, A., Omer, H., & Kritz, J. (2009). Youngsters with externalizing behavior problems: Effects of parent-training. Familiendynamik, 34, 256–265.
- Omer, H. (2000). Parental presence: Reclaiming a leadership role in bringing up our children.Phoenix, AZ, Zeig, Tucker.
- Omer, H. (2001) Helping parents deal with children’s acute disciplinary problemswithout escalation: the principle of non-violent resistance. Family Process, 40:53–66.
- Omer, H. (2004). Nonviolent resistance: a new approach to violent and self-destructive children. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Omer, H., Irbauch, R., Berger, H., & Katz-Tissona, R. (2006). Non-violent resistance and school violence. Paper presented at the Mifgash Leavodah Hinukhit Sotzialit, Israel.
- Omer, H., Schorr-Sapir, I., and Weinblatt, U. (2008) Non-violent resistance and violenceagainst siblings. Journal of Family Therapy, 30: 450–464.
- Omer, H. (2011). The new authority: family, school, community. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Omer, H., & Dolberger, D.I. (2015). Helping parents cope with suicide threats: an approach based on nonviolent resistance. Family Process. doi: 10.1111/famp.12129.
- Omer, H. & Lebowitz E.R. (2016). Nonviolent resistance: helping caregivers reduce problematic behaviors in children and adolescents. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 42(4): 688–700 doi: 10.1111/jmft.12168.
- Omer, H., Irbauch, R., Berger, H., & Katz-Tissona, R. (2006). Non-violent resistance and school violence. Mifgash Leavodah Hinukhit Sotzialit, Israel.Omer, H. (2011) The new authory: family, school, community. Cambridge University Press.
- Omer, H., Steinmetz, S. G., Carthy, T., & von Schlippe, A. (2013). The anchoring function: Parental authority and the parent-child bond. Family Process, 52(2), 193–206.
- Patterson, G. R. (1980). Mothers: The unacknowledged victims. Monograph of the Society for Research in Child Development, 186, 1–47.
- Salzinger S, Feldman T, Hood J. (2002). An ecological framework for understanding risk forexposure to community violence and the effects of exposure on children and adolescents. Aggress Violent Beh; 7:423-451.
- Sharp, G. (1973). The politics of nonviolent action. Boston, MA: P. Sargent Publisher.
- Shimshoni, Y., Farah, H., Lotan, T., Grimberg, E., Dritter, O., Musicant, O., et al. (2015). Effects of parental vigilant care and feedback on novice driver risk. Journal of Adolescence, 69–80. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2014.11.002 25480357.
- Schlippe, A. V. (2006). From family therapy to systemic parental coaching. In C. Tsirigotis, A. von Schlippe, & J. Schweitzer-Rothers (Eds.), Coaching for parents: Mothers, fathers and their ‘‘job’’ (pp. 44–67). Heidelberg: Carl Auer (in German).
- Steinkellner, H., & Ofner, S. (2011). The seven pillars of the new authority. In U. E. Gamauf-Eberhardt & C. Reumann (Eds.), Meine Schule gegen Gewalt. Friendsburg, Austria: Friedensinstitut Burg Schlaining.
- van Holen, F., Vanderfaeillie, J., & Omer, H. (2015). Adaptation and evaluation of a nonviolent resistance intervention for foster parents: A progress report. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. doi: 10.1111/jmft.12125. Weinblatt, U., & Omer, H. (2008). Non-violent resistance: A treatment for parents of children with acute behavior parents. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 34, 75–92.
- Webster-Stratton, C., & Herbert, M. (1994). Troubled families, problem children. Working with parents: A collaborative process. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Wilson, D., & Smith, M. (2014). The unmet needs of the child in non-violent resistance: Integrating developmentaldyadic-psychotherapy approaches-lessons from working with adoptive families. Context, 132, 22–26.