Year 2022,
, 349 - 365, 01.12.2022
Mehmet Oğuzhan İlban
Sinan Baran Bayar
Büşra Kaya
Çevrimiçi turist yorumları, turizmle ilgili çok çeşitli ürün ve hizmetleri belirlemek, değerlendirmek için yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Tüm endüstriler ve çalışma alanları için sürdürülebilir ürünler ve yeşil hizmetler; artan çevre bilinciyle birlikte toplum için en faydalı olabilecek şekilde uygulanmaya başlanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı; U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) tarafından verilen Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) sertifikasına başvuru yaparak değerlendirmeye tabi tutulan Türkiye’deki konaklama işletmelerinin TripAdvisor web sitesi üzerindeki kullanıcı yorumlarını inceleyerek, turistlerin yeşil uygulamaları nasıl değerlendirdiklerini belirlemektir. Turist memnuniyetinin belirlenmesinden çok LEED sertifika kriterlerinin etkisi ve kalite algısının araştırılması çalışmanın temelini oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada, içerik analizi ve doküman incelemesi teknikleri kullanılmıştır. 2 Nisan 2022 tarihine kadar LEED sertifikasına başvuru yapmış 25 konaklama işletmesi araştırmanın evrenini oluşturmaktadır. 5 işletme henüz faaliyete geçmemiş olması nedeniyle analiz edilememiştir. Araştırmanın veri toplama sürecinde WebHarvy Web Scraping Software ve MAXQDA 2021 programları kullanılmıştır. İçerik analizi sonucunda sertifikaya sahip olan ve sertifika başvurusu henüz sonuçlanmayan 20 konaklama işletmesine ait 10,954 turist yorumu incelenerek ana ve alt temalar oluşturulmuştur. LEED sertifikası kriterlerini uygulayan konaklama işletmelerinde; enerji tasarruf uygulamalarının, çevreye duyarlı tasarımların ve yeşil hizmetlerin turistler tarafından nasıl algılandığı ortaya konulmuştur. Konaklama işletmeleri hakkında yapılan çevrimiçi turist yorumları içerik analizi yoluyla analiz edilerek turistlerin “yeşil otel algısı” araştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar, konaklama işletmelerinin kaliteli, nitelikli ve çevreci bir yaklaşımı nasıl hayata geçirmeleri gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre; işletmelerin çevre dostu markalar oluşturmak için denetlenebilen yeşil uygulamaları nasıl benimsemeleri gerektiği önerilmektedir.
- Arslan, E. (2020). Çevrimiçi Gastronomik Turist Deneyimlerinin İçerik Analiziyle İncelenmesi. AHBVÜ Turizm Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 442-460.
- Bertan, S. & Alkaya, S. (2018). Konaklama Tesislerine Yönelik Eko Lider Uygulaması. Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 200-206.
- Black, R., & Crabtree, A. (2007). Quality Assurance and Certification in Ecotourism. CABI Publishing. Wallingford.
- Bramwell, B., Lane, B., (2008). Priorities in sustainable tourism research. J. Sustain. Tour. 16, 1-4.
- Credential Maintenance Program. (2019). https://www.usgbc.org/resources/cmp-guide
- Çakmak, M. & Sarıışık, M. (2020). Yiyecek İçecek İşletmesine İlişkin Tüketici Yorumların İçerik Analizi. Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy and Travel Research, 4(3), 262-283.
- Demircan, P. (2021). Maxx Royal Resort 2022'de açılıyor!. https://emlakkulisi.com/maxx-royal-resort-2022de-aciliyor/682689
- Geerts, W. (2014). Environmental certification schemes: Hotel managers’ views and perceptions. International
Journal of Hospitality Management, (39), 87-96.
- Kendir, H. (2020). Gastronomik Lezzetlere Yönelik Çevrimiçi Turist Deneyimlerinin İncelenmesi: Edirne Tava Ciğeri Örneği. Safran Kültür ve Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(3), 408-423.
- Kolbe, R. H., & Burnett, M. S. (1991). Content-analysis research: An examination of applications with directives for improving research reliability and objectivity. Journal of Consumer Research, 18, 243-250.
- Lee, M., Han, H., Willson, G., (2011). The role of expected outcomes in the formation of behavioral intentions in the green-hotel industry. J. Travel Tour. Mark. 28, 840-855.
- Leon, I. A. (2016). An approach of environmental design in LEED hotels by comparing visual and verbal experiences. Revista ARA, 6(1), 79-94.
- Londono, M.P.L. & Hernandez-Maskivker, G. (2016). Green practices in hotels: the case of the GreenLeaders Program from TripAdvisor. Proceedings of the 7 International Conference th on Sustainable Tourism (ST 2016), 1-13.
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/212-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/afrikahan
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/best-western-premier-hotel-karsiyaka
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/burla-seba-hotel-dolapdere
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/eskisehir-bademlik-spa-and-thermal-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/ever-ramada-encore-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/gorrion-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/halk-gyo-levent-urban-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/hampton-hilton-istanbul-zeytinburnu
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/hilton-garden-inn-istanbul-airport
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/hilton-garden-inn-istanbul-golden-horn
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/hilton-garden-inn-izmir-bayrakli
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/holiday-inn-express-bursa-oteli
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/imes-sheraton
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/kucukyali-avm-otel-projesi-master-site
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/mandarin-oriental-bodrum
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/marmaris-otel-projesi
LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/maslak-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/maxx-royal-bodrum-ana-bina
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/nov-otel-konya
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/regnum-carya-resort-hotel-building
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/renaissance-istanbul-bosphorus-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/royal-uzungol-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/sivas-bilici-geothermal-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/work-inn-hotel
- Lenzen, M., Sun, Y.-Y., Faturay, F., Ting, Y.-P., Geschke, A., Malik, A., (2018). The carbon footprint of global tourism. Nat. Clim. Change 8, 522-528.
- Matisoff, D. C., Noonan, D. S., & Mazzolini, A. M. (2014). Performance or Marketing Benefits? The Case of LEED Certification. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(3), 2001-2007.
- Mancı, A. R. & Tengilimoğlu, E. (2021). TripAdvisor Ziyaretçi Yorumlarının İçerik Analizi: Göbeklitepe Örneği. Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 1525-1545.
- Merli, R., Preziosi, M. Acampora, A. & Faizan, A. (2019). Why Should Hotels Go Green? Insights From Guests Experience in Green Hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81, 169-179.
- O’Connor, P. (2010). Managing a Hotel’s Image on Tripadvisor. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19, 754-77.
- Pang, S.F.H., Mckercher, B., Prideaux, B., (2013). Climate change and tourism: an overview. Asia Pacific J. Tour. Res. 18, 4-20.
- USGBC. (2022). LEED rating system. https://www.usgbc.org/leed
- URL: https://www.turizmgazetesi.com/haber/beyoglu-nun-tarihi-afrika-han-i-marriott-moxy-olacak-anlasma-imzalandi/82156
- URL: https://www.emlaknews.com.tr/haberler/beyoglundaki-tarihi-afrika-han-otel-oluyor/
- URL: https://www.usgbc.org/projects?Country=%5B%22Turkey%22%5D
- RTS. (2022). What is LEED Certification? https://www.rts.com/resources/guides/what-is-leed-certification/
- Thomolları, X. & Toğan, V. (2020). Credit Success Rates of Certified Green Buildings in Turkey. Teknik Dergi, 580, 10063-10084.
- Yamani, S. E., Afifi, M. & Hassasn, A. (2016). Applicability and Implementation of U.S. Green Building Council Rating System (LEED) in Egypt (A Longitudinal study for Egyptian LEED Certified Buildings). Procedia Environmental Sciences, 34, 594-604.
- Yu, Y., Li, X. & Jai, T.M. (2017) The impact of green experience on customer satisfaction: Evidence from TripAdvisor. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(5), 1340-1361.
- Yurtlu, M., Kar, M., Metin, F. & Güneş, G. (2021). Kalite Yönetim Ödülü Alan Otellerin Çevre Duyarlılık Faaliyetlerinin Yeşil Yıldız Kriterleri Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6(2), 476-493.
- WTTC, 2018. Travel & Tourism Global Economic Impact & Issues 2018. World Travel Tour. Counc. 11.
- Zimmerman, G. (2005). The rise and significance of eco-labels and gree
Year 2022,
, 349 - 365, 01.12.2022
Mehmet Oğuzhan İlban
Sinan Baran Bayar
Büşra Kaya
Online tourist reviews are widely used to identify and evaluate a wide variety of tourism-related products and services. Sustainable products and green services for all industries and workplaces; with the increasing environmental awareness, it has started to be applied in the most beneficial way for the society. The aim of this research is to determine how tourists evaluate green practices by examining the user comments on the TripAdvisor web site of the accommodation establishments in Turkey, which are evaluated by applying for the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certificate issued by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The basis of the study is to investigate the effect of LEED certification criteria and the perception of quality rather than determining tourist satisfaction. Content analysis and document review techniques were used in the research. 25 accommodation businesses that have applied for LEED certificate until April 2, 2022 constitute the universe of the research. 5 businesses could not be analyzed as they are not yet operational. WebHarvy Web Scraping Software and MAXQDA 2021 programs were used in the data collection process of the research. As a result of the content analysis, the main and sub-themes were formed by examining 10,954 tourist reviews of 20 accommodation businesses that have certificates and whose certificate applications have not been finalized yet. In accommodation establishments that apply LEED certification criteria; how energy saving practices, environmentally friendly designs and green services are perceived by tourists has been revealed. The "green hotel perception" of tourists was investigated by analyzing online tourist reviews about accommodation establishments through content analysis. The results reveal how accommodation businesses should implement a quality, qualified and environmentalist approach. According to the results of the research; it is suggested that how businesses should adopt auditable green practices to create environmentally friendly brands.
- Arslan, E. (2020). Çevrimiçi Gastronomik Turist Deneyimlerinin İçerik Analiziyle İncelenmesi. AHBVÜ Turizm Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 442-460.
- Bertan, S. & Alkaya, S. (2018). Konaklama Tesislerine Yönelik Eko Lider Uygulaması. Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 200-206.
- Black, R., & Crabtree, A. (2007). Quality Assurance and Certification in Ecotourism. CABI Publishing. Wallingford.
- Bramwell, B., Lane, B., (2008). Priorities in sustainable tourism research. J. Sustain. Tour. 16, 1-4.
- Credential Maintenance Program. (2019). https://www.usgbc.org/resources/cmp-guide
- Çakmak, M. & Sarıışık, M. (2020). Yiyecek İçecek İşletmesine İlişkin Tüketici Yorumların İçerik Analizi. Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy and Travel Research, 4(3), 262-283.
- Demircan, P. (2021). Maxx Royal Resort 2022'de açılıyor!. https://emlakkulisi.com/maxx-royal-resort-2022de-aciliyor/682689
- Geerts, W. (2014). Environmental certification schemes: Hotel managers’ views and perceptions. International
Journal of Hospitality Management, (39), 87-96.
- Kendir, H. (2020). Gastronomik Lezzetlere Yönelik Çevrimiçi Turist Deneyimlerinin İncelenmesi: Edirne Tava Ciğeri Örneği. Safran Kültür ve Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(3), 408-423.
- Kolbe, R. H., & Burnett, M. S. (1991). Content-analysis research: An examination of applications with directives for improving research reliability and objectivity. Journal of Consumer Research, 18, 243-250.
- Lee, M., Han, H., Willson, G., (2011). The role of expected outcomes in the formation of behavioral intentions in the green-hotel industry. J. Travel Tour. Mark. 28, 840-855.
- Leon, I. A. (2016). An approach of environmental design in LEED hotels by comparing visual and verbal experiences. Revista ARA, 6(1), 79-94.
- Londono, M.P.L. & Hernandez-Maskivker, G. (2016). Green practices in hotels: the case of the GreenLeaders Program from TripAdvisor. Proceedings of the 7 International Conference th on Sustainable Tourism (ST 2016), 1-13.
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/212-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/afrikahan
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/best-western-premier-hotel-karsiyaka
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/burla-seba-hotel-dolapdere
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/eskisehir-bademlik-spa-and-thermal-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/ever-ramada-encore-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/gorrion-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/halk-gyo-levent-urban-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/hampton-hilton-istanbul-zeytinburnu
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/hilton-garden-inn-istanbul-airport
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/hilton-garden-inn-istanbul-golden-horn
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/hilton-garden-inn-izmir-bayrakli
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/holiday-inn-express-bursa-oteli
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/imes-sheraton
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/kucukyali-avm-otel-projesi-master-site
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/mandarin-oriental-bodrum
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/marmaris-otel-projesi
LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/maslak-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/maxx-royal-bodrum-ana-bina
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/nov-otel-konya
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/regnum-carya-resort-hotel-building
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/renaissance-istanbul-bosphorus-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/royal-uzungol-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/sivas-bilici-geothermal-hotel
- LEED BD+C: New Construction. (2022). https://www.usgbc.org/projects/work-inn-hotel
- Lenzen, M., Sun, Y.-Y., Faturay, F., Ting, Y.-P., Geschke, A., Malik, A., (2018). The carbon footprint of global tourism. Nat. Clim. Change 8, 522-528.
- Matisoff, D. C., Noonan, D. S., & Mazzolini, A. M. (2014). Performance or Marketing Benefits? The Case of LEED Certification. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(3), 2001-2007.
- Mancı, A. R. & Tengilimoğlu, E. (2021). TripAdvisor Ziyaretçi Yorumlarının İçerik Analizi: Göbeklitepe Örneği. Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 1525-1545.
- Merli, R., Preziosi, M. Acampora, A. & Faizan, A. (2019). Why Should Hotels Go Green? Insights From Guests Experience in Green Hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81, 169-179.
- O’Connor, P. (2010). Managing a Hotel’s Image on Tripadvisor. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19, 754-77.
- Pang, S.F.H., Mckercher, B., Prideaux, B., (2013). Climate change and tourism: an overview. Asia Pacific J. Tour. Res. 18, 4-20.
- USGBC. (2022). LEED rating system. https://www.usgbc.org/leed
- URL: https://www.turizmgazetesi.com/haber/beyoglu-nun-tarihi-afrika-han-i-marriott-moxy-olacak-anlasma-imzalandi/82156
- URL: https://www.emlaknews.com.tr/haberler/beyoglundaki-tarihi-afrika-han-otel-oluyor/
- URL: https://www.usgbc.org/projects?Country=%5B%22Turkey%22%5D
- RTS. (2022). What is LEED Certification? https://www.rts.com/resources/guides/what-is-leed-certification/
- Thomolları, X. & Toğan, V. (2020). Credit Success Rates of Certified Green Buildings in Turkey. Teknik Dergi, 580, 10063-10084.
- Yamani, S. E., Afifi, M. & Hassasn, A. (2016). Applicability and Implementation of U.S. Green Building Council Rating System (LEED) in Egypt (A Longitudinal study for Egyptian LEED Certified Buildings). Procedia Environmental Sciences, 34, 594-604.
- Yu, Y., Li, X. & Jai, T.M. (2017) The impact of green experience on customer satisfaction: Evidence from TripAdvisor. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(5), 1340-1361.
- Yurtlu, M., Kar, M., Metin, F. & Güneş, G. (2021). Kalite Yönetim Ödülü Alan Otellerin Çevre Duyarlılık Faaliyetlerinin Yeşil Yıldız Kriterleri Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6(2), 476-493.
- WTTC, 2018. Travel & Tourism Global Economic Impact & Issues 2018. World Travel Tour. Counc. 11.
- Zimmerman, G. (2005). The rise and significance of eco-labels and gree