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Otel Çalışanlarının Kariyer Beklentilerinin Kariyer Stratejilerine Etkisi ve Pozitif İlişkisel Yönetim ile İlişkisi

Year 2018, , 1 - 17, 13.07.2018


Rekabetin yoğun olduğu günümüz işletmecilik anlayışında çalışanlar, işletme başarısında önemli bir unsur olarak görülmektedir. Hizmet sektörleri kapsamında değerlendirilen otel işletmelerinde de insan kaynaklarına verilen önem giderek artmaktadır. Bu kapsamda değerlendirebilecek önemli konulardan biri de otel çalışanlarının kariyere ilişkin algı ve davranışlarıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, otel çalışanlarının kariyer stratejilerini belirleyerek, kariyer beklentilerinin bu stratejilere etkisinin olup olmadığını ortaya çıkartmaktır. Ayrıca, kariyer beklenti ve stratejilerinin pozitif ilişkisel yönetim ile ilişkisini ortaya koymak da amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmada, nicel araştırma yaklaşımından ve anket uygulamasından yararlanılmıştır. İstanbul’da Turizm İşletmesi Belgeli 4 ve 5 yıldızlı otellerde çalışan toplam 387 kişi ile gerçekleştirilen araştırma sonucunda, çalışanların kariyer beklentilerinin stratejilerine etki ettiği ve bu iki değişkenin pozitif ilişkisel yönetim ile ilişkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Araştırma kapsamında ayrıca çalışanların bazı demografik değişkenlerinin kariyer stratejileri ile ilişkili olduğu da ortaya çıkmıştır. Benzer araştırmaların farklı hedef kitlelere hizmet veren otellerde yapılması ile Türkiye otelcilik sektöründe çalışanların kariyer beklentileri ve kariyer stratejileri ortaya çıkacaktır.


  • Akçadağ, S. ve Özdemir, E. (2005). İnsan Kaynakları Kapsamında 4 ve 5 Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde İş Tatmini: İstanbul’da Yapılan Ampirik Bir Çalışma, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10/2. Akrivos, C., Ladkin, A. and Reklitis, P. (2007). Hotel Managers' Career Strategies for Success, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19/2, 107-119. Arthur, J. B. (1994). Effects of Human Resource Systems on Manufacturing Performance and Turnover, Academy of Management Journal, 37/3, 670-687. Arthur, M. B., Hall, D. T. and Lawrence, B. S. (1989). Handbook of Career Theory. Cambridge University Press. Barley, S. R. (1989). Careers, Identities, and Institutions: The Legacy of the Chicago School of Sociology, Handbook of Career Theory, 41, 65. Becker, B. and Gerhart, B. (1996). The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance: Progress and Prospects, Academy of Management Journal, 39/4, 779-801. Bihagen, E. and Ohls, M. (2006). The Glass Ceiling–Where is it? Women's and Men's Career Prospects in the Private vs. the Public Sector in Sweden 1979–2000, The Sociological Review, 54/1, 20-47. Blustein, D. L., Kenna, A. C., Gill, N. and DeVoy, J. E. (2008). The Psychology of Working: A New Framework for Counseling Practice and Public Policy, The Career Development Quarterly, 56/4, 294-308. Chang Boon Lee, P. (2002). Career Goals and Career Management Strategy Among Information Technology Professionals, Career Development International, 7/1, 6-13. Charles, K. R. and Marshall, L. H. (1992). Motivational preferences of Caribbean Hotel Workers: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 4/3. Chen, W. J. (2011). Innovation in Hotel Services: Culture and Personality, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30/1, 64-72. Corley, E. A. (2005). How Do Career Strategies, Gender, and Work Environment Affect Faculty Productivity Levels in University‐Based Science Centers?, Review of Policy Research, 22/5, 637-655. Counsell, D. ve Popova, J. (2000). Career Perceptions and Strategies in the New Market-Oriented Bulgaria: An Exploratory Study, Career Development International, 5/7, 360-368. Delaney, J. T. and Huselid, M. A. (1996). The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Perceptions of Organizational Performance, Academy of Management Journal, 39/4, 949-969. Di Fabio, A. (2016). Positive Relational Management for Healthy Organizations: Psychometric Properties of a New Scale for Prevention for Workers, Frontiers in psychology, 7. Di Fabio, A. and Kenny, M. E. (2016). From Decent Work to Decent Lives: Positive Self and Relational Management (PS&RM) in the Twenty-First Century, Frontiers in Psychology, 7. Dinçer, F. İ., Akova, O. ve Kaya, F. (2013). Meslek Yüksekokulu Turizm ve Otel İşletmeciliği Programı Öğrencilerinin Kariyer Planlaması Üzerine Bir Araştırma: İstanbul Üniversitesi ve Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Örneği, Elektronik Mesleki Gelişim ve Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1/2, 42-56. Ferreira, N., Basson, J. and Coetzee, M. (2010). Psychological Career Resources in Relation to Organisational Commitment: An Exploratory Study, SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 8/1, 1-10. Forster, N. (2001). A Case Study of Women Academics’ Views on Equal Opportunities, Career Prospects and Work-Family Conflicts in a UK University, Career Development International, 6/1, 28-38. Gallagher, D. G. and Parks, J. M. (2001). I Pledge Thee My Troth… Contingently: Commitment and the Contingent Work Relationship, Human Resource Management Review, 11/3, 181-208. Gould, S. and Penley, L. E. (1984). Career Strategies and Salary Progression: A Study of their Relationships in a Municipal Bureaucracy, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 34/2, 244-265. Greenhaus, J. H., Parasuraman, S. and Wormley, W. M. (1990). Effects of Race on Organizational Experiences, Job Performance Evaluations, and Career Outcomes, Academy of Management Journal, 33/1, 64-86. Guthrie, J. P., Coate, C. J. and Schwoerer, C. E. (1998). Career Management Strategies: The Role of Personality, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 13/5-6, 371-386. Karatepe, O. M. (2012). Perceived Organizational Support, Career Satisfaction, and Performance Outcomes: A Study of Hotel Employees in Cameroon, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24/5, 735-752. Ketterson, T. U. and Blustein, D. L. (1997). Attachment Relationships and the Career Exploration Process, The Career Development Quarterly, 46/2, 167-178. Kim, H. J., Shin, K. H. and Umbreit, W. T. (2007). Hotel Job Burnout: The Role of Personality Characteristics, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26/2, 421-434. Knight, D. K., Crutsinger, C. and Kim, H. (2006). The Impact of Retail Work Experience, Career Expectation, and Job Satisfaction on Retail Career Intention, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 24/1, 1-14. Kong, H., Cheung, C. and Song, H. (2012). From Hotel Career Management to Employees’ Career Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Career Competency, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31/1, 76-85. Kong, H., Wang, S. and Fu, X. (2015). Meeting Career Expectation: Can it Enhance Job Satisfaction of Generation Y?, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27/1, 147-168. Kuşluvan, S. and Kuşluvan, Z. (2000). Perceptions and Attitudes of Undergraduate Tourism Students Towards Working in the Tourism Industry in Turkey, Tourism Management, 21/3, 251-269. Ladkin, A. and Juwaheer, T. D. (2000). The Career Paths of Hotel General Managers in Mauritius, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12/2, 119-125. Ladkin, A. and Riley, M. (1996). Mobility and Structure in the Career Paths of UK Hotel Managers: A Labour Market Hybrid of the Bureaucratic Model?, Tourism Management, 17/6, 443-452. Lau, A. and Pang, M. (2000). Career Strategies to Strengthen Graduate Employees’ Employment Position in the Hong Kong Labour Market, Education+ Training, 42/3, 135-149. McCabe, V. S. (2008). Strategies for Career Planning and Development in the Convention and Exhibition Industry in Australia, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27/2, 222-231. Nabi, G. R. (2000). Motivational Attributes and Organizational Experiences as Predictors of Career-Enhancing Strategies, Career Development International, 5/2, 91-98. Nabi, G. R. (2001). The Relationship Between HRM, Social Support and Subjective Career Success among Men and Women, International Journal of Manpower, 22/5, 457-474. Nabi, G. R. (2003). Situational Characteristics and Subjective Career Success: The Mediating Role of Career-Enhancing Strategies, International Journal of Manpower, 24/6, 653-672. Nankervis, A. R. and Debrah, Y. (1995). Human Resource Management in Hotels: A Comparative Study, Tourism Management, 16/7, 507-513. Ng, C. W. and Pine, R. (2003). Women and Men in Hotel Management in Hong Kong: Perceptions of Gender and Career Development Issues. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22/1, 85-102. Noe, R. A. (1996). Is Career Management Related to Employee Development and Performance?, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 119-133. Pelit, E., Güçer, E. ve Demirdağ, Ş. A. (2016). Kadın İşgörenlerin Karşılaştığı Sorunların İş Bırakma Eğilimlerine Etkisi: Otel İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8/15, 43-65. Pollmann-Schult, M. and Büchel, F. (2004). Career Prospects of Overeducated Workers in West Germany, European Sociological Review, 20/4, 321-331. Renee Barnett, B. and Bradley, L. (2007). The Impact of Organisational Support for Career Development on Career Satisfaction, Career Development International, 12/7, 617-636. Richardson, M. S. (2012). Counseling for Work and Relationship, The Counseling Psychologist, 40/2, 190-242. Robbins, S. P. and Judge, T. A. (2012). Örgütsel Davranış, 14. Basımdan Çeviri, (Çev: İnci Erdem), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, İstanbul. Schneider, B. (1987). The People Make the Place, Personnel Psychology, 40/3, 437-453. Simons, T. and Enz, C. A. (1995). Motivating Hotel Employees: Beyond the Carrot and the Stick, The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 36/1, 20-27. Sohn, H. K. and Lee, T. J. (2012). Relationship Between HEXACO Personality Factors and Emotional Labour of Service Providers in the Tourism Industry, Tourism Management, 33/1, 116-125. Super, D. E. (1990). A Life-Span, Life-Space Approach to Career Development, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 16/3, 282-298. Tan, F. Y. and Yahya, K. K. (1984). Career Planning and Career Strategy: A Study of Malaysian Insurance Agents, Organizational Behaviour anf Human Performance, 34/ 244-265. Taşkıran, E. (2006). Otel İşletmelerinde Çalışan Yöneticilerin Liderlik Yönelimleri: İstanbul’daki Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 17/2. Theodossiou, I. and Zangelidis, A. (2009). Career Prospects and Tenure–Job Satisfaction Profiles: Evidence From Panel Data, The Journal of Socio-Economics, 38/4, 648-657. Tükeltürk, Ş. A. ve Perçin, N. Ş. (2008). Turizm Sektöründe Kadın Çalışanların Karşılaştıkları Kariyer Engelleri ve Cam Tavan Sendromu: Cam Tavanı Kırmaya Yönelik Stratejiler, Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 6/2. Wan, Y. K. P., Wong, I. A. and Kong, W. H. (2014). Student Career Prospect and Industry Commitment: The Roles of Industry Attitude, Perceived Social Status, and Salary Expectations, Tourism Management, 40, 1-14. Woods, R. C. (1993). Managing to Meet Employee Expectations: Quality Improvement, People and Strategy, 16/4, 13. Yean, T. F. and Yahya, K. K. (2008). The Relationship Between Career Strategies and Career Succes, IJMS, 15/1, 85-101. Yirik, S., Ören, D. ve Ekici, R. (2014). Dört ve Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde Çalışan Personelin Örgütsel Stres ve Örgütsel Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişkilerin Demografik Değişkenler Bazında İncelenmesi, Journal of Yaşar University, 9/35, 6223-6234.
Year 2018, , 1 - 17, 13.07.2018



  • Akçadağ, S. ve Özdemir, E. (2005). İnsan Kaynakları Kapsamında 4 ve 5 Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde İş Tatmini: İstanbul’da Yapılan Ampirik Bir Çalışma, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10/2. Akrivos, C., Ladkin, A. and Reklitis, P. (2007). Hotel Managers' Career Strategies for Success, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19/2, 107-119. Arthur, J. B. (1994). Effects of Human Resource Systems on Manufacturing Performance and Turnover, Academy of Management Journal, 37/3, 670-687. Arthur, M. B., Hall, D. T. and Lawrence, B. S. (1989). Handbook of Career Theory. Cambridge University Press. Barley, S. R. (1989). Careers, Identities, and Institutions: The Legacy of the Chicago School of Sociology, Handbook of Career Theory, 41, 65. Becker, B. and Gerhart, B. (1996). The Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance: Progress and Prospects, Academy of Management Journal, 39/4, 779-801. Bihagen, E. and Ohls, M. (2006). The Glass Ceiling–Where is it? Women's and Men's Career Prospects in the Private vs. the Public Sector in Sweden 1979–2000, The Sociological Review, 54/1, 20-47. Blustein, D. L., Kenna, A. C., Gill, N. and DeVoy, J. E. (2008). The Psychology of Working: A New Framework for Counseling Practice and Public Policy, The Career Development Quarterly, 56/4, 294-308. Chang Boon Lee, P. (2002). Career Goals and Career Management Strategy Among Information Technology Professionals, Career Development International, 7/1, 6-13. Charles, K. R. and Marshall, L. H. (1992). Motivational preferences of Caribbean Hotel Workers: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 4/3. Chen, W. J. (2011). Innovation in Hotel Services: Culture and Personality, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30/1, 64-72. Corley, E. A. (2005). How Do Career Strategies, Gender, and Work Environment Affect Faculty Productivity Levels in University‐Based Science Centers?, Review of Policy Research, 22/5, 637-655. Counsell, D. ve Popova, J. (2000). Career Perceptions and Strategies in the New Market-Oriented Bulgaria: An Exploratory Study, Career Development International, 5/7, 360-368. Delaney, J. T. and Huselid, M. A. (1996). The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Perceptions of Organizational Performance, Academy of Management Journal, 39/4, 949-969. Di Fabio, A. (2016). Positive Relational Management for Healthy Organizations: Psychometric Properties of a New Scale for Prevention for Workers, Frontiers in psychology, 7. Di Fabio, A. and Kenny, M. E. (2016). From Decent Work to Decent Lives: Positive Self and Relational Management (PS&RM) in the Twenty-First Century, Frontiers in Psychology, 7. Dinçer, F. İ., Akova, O. ve Kaya, F. (2013). Meslek Yüksekokulu Turizm ve Otel İşletmeciliği Programı Öğrencilerinin Kariyer Planlaması Üzerine Bir Araştırma: İstanbul Üniversitesi ve Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Örneği, Elektronik Mesleki Gelişim ve Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1/2, 42-56. Ferreira, N., Basson, J. and Coetzee, M. (2010). Psychological Career Resources in Relation to Organisational Commitment: An Exploratory Study, SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 8/1, 1-10. Forster, N. (2001). A Case Study of Women Academics’ Views on Equal Opportunities, Career Prospects and Work-Family Conflicts in a UK University, Career Development International, 6/1, 28-38. Gallagher, D. G. and Parks, J. M. (2001). I Pledge Thee My Troth… Contingently: Commitment and the Contingent Work Relationship, Human Resource Management Review, 11/3, 181-208. Gould, S. and Penley, L. E. (1984). Career Strategies and Salary Progression: A Study of their Relationships in a Municipal Bureaucracy, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 34/2, 244-265. Greenhaus, J. H., Parasuraman, S. and Wormley, W. M. (1990). Effects of Race on Organizational Experiences, Job Performance Evaluations, and Career Outcomes, Academy of Management Journal, 33/1, 64-86. Guthrie, J. P., Coate, C. J. and Schwoerer, C. E. (1998). Career Management Strategies: The Role of Personality, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 13/5-6, 371-386. Karatepe, O. M. (2012). Perceived Organizational Support, Career Satisfaction, and Performance Outcomes: A Study of Hotel Employees in Cameroon, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24/5, 735-752. Ketterson, T. U. and Blustein, D. L. (1997). Attachment Relationships and the Career Exploration Process, The Career Development Quarterly, 46/2, 167-178. Kim, H. J., Shin, K. H. and Umbreit, W. T. (2007). Hotel Job Burnout: The Role of Personality Characteristics, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26/2, 421-434. Knight, D. K., Crutsinger, C. and Kim, H. (2006). The Impact of Retail Work Experience, Career Expectation, and Job Satisfaction on Retail Career Intention, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 24/1, 1-14. Kong, H., Cheung, C. and Song, H. (2012). From Hotel Career Management to Employees’ Career Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Career Competency, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31/1, 76-85. Kong, H., Wang, S. and Fu, X. (2015). Meeting Career Expectation: Can it Enhance Job Satisfaction of Generation Y?, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27/1, 147-168. Kuşluvan, S. and Kuşluvan, Z. (2000). Perceptions and Attitudes of Undergraduate Tourism Students Towards Working in the Tourism Industry in Turkey, Tourism Management, 21/3, 251-269. Ladkin, A. and Juwaheer, T. D. (2000). The Career Paths of Hotel General Managers in Mauritius, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 12/2, 119-125. Ladkin, A. and Riley, M. (1996). Mobility and Structure in the Career Paths of UK Hotel Managers: A Labour Market Hybrid of the Bureaucratic Model?, Tourism Management, 17/6, 443-452. Lau, A. and Pang, M. (2000). Career Strategies to Strengthen Graduate Employees’ Employment Position in the Hong Kong Labour Market, Education+ Training, 42/3, 135-149. McCabe, V. S. (2008). Strategies for Career Planning and Development in the Convention and Exhibition Industry in Australia, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27/2, 222-231. Nabi, G. R. (2000). Motivational Attributes and Organizational Experiences as Predictors of Career-Enhancing Strategies, Career Development International, 5/2, 91-98. Nabi, G. R. (2001). The Relationship Between HRM, Social Support and Subjective Career Success among Men and Women, International Journal of Manpower, 22/5, 457-474. Nabi, G. R. (2003). Situational Characteristics and Subjective Career Success: The Mediating Role of Career-Enhancing Strategies, International Journal of Manpower, 24/6, 653-672. Nankervis, A. R. and Debrah, Y. (1995). Human Resource Management in Hotels: A Comparative Study, Tourism Management, 16/7, 507-513. Ng, C. W. and Pine, R. (2003). Women and Men in Hotel Management in Hong Kong: Perceptions of Gender and Career Development Issues. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22/1, 85-102. Noe, R. A. (1996). Is Career Management Related to Employee Development and Performance?, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 119-133. Pelit, E., Güçer, E. ve Demirdağ, Ş. A. (2016). Kadın İşgörenlerin Karşılaştığı Sorunların İş Bırakma Eğilimlerine Etkisi: Otel İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8/15, 43-65. Pollmann-Schult, M. and Büchel, F. (2004). Career Prospects of Overeducated Workers in West Germany, European Sociological Review, 20/4, 321-331. Renee Barnett, B. and Bradley, L. (2007). The Impact of Organisational Support for Career Development on Career Satisfaction, Career Development International, 12/7, 617-636. Richardson, M. S. (2012). Counseling for Work and Relationship, The Counseling Psychologist, 40/2, 190-242. Robbins, S. P. and Judge, T. A. (2012). Örgütsel Davranış, 14. Basımdan Çeviri, (Çev: İnci Erdem), Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, İstanbul. Schneider, B. (1987). The People Make the Place, Personnel Psychology, 40/3, 437-453. Simons, T. and Enz, C. A. (1995). Motivating Hotel Employees: Beyond the Carrot and the Stick, The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 36/1, 20-27. Sohn, H. K. and Lee, T. J. (2012). Relationship Between HEXACO Personality Factors and Emotional Labour of Service Providers in the Tourism Industry, Tourism Management, 33/1, 116-125. Super, D. E. (1990). A Life-Span, Life-Space Approach to Career Development, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 16/3, 282-298. Tan, F. Y. and Yahya, K. K. (1984). Career Planning and Career Strategy: A Study of Malaysian Insurance Agents, Organizational Behaviour anf Human Performance, 34/ 244-265. Taşkıran, E. (2006). Otel İşletmelerinde Çalışan Yöneticilerin Liderlik Yönelimleri: İstanbul’daki Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma, Anatolia: Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 17/2. Theodossiou, I. and Zangelidis, A. (2009). Career Prospects and Tenure–Job Satisfaction Profiles: Evidence From Panel Data, The Journal of Socio-Economics, 38/4, 648-657. Tükeltürk, Ş. A. ve Perçin, N. Ş. (2008). Turizm Sektöründe Kadın Çalışanların Karşılaştıkları Kariyer Engelleri ve Cam Tavan Sendromu: Cam Tavanı Kırmaya Yönelik Stratejiler, Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 6/2. Wan, Y. K. P., Wong, I. A. and Kong, W. H. (2014). Student Career Prospect and Industry Commitment: The Roles of Industry Attitude, Perceived Social Status, and Salary Expectations, Tourism Management, 40, 1-14. Woods, R. C. (1993). Managing to Meet Employee Expectations: Quality Improvement, People and Strategy, 16/4, 13. Yean, T. F. and Yahya, K. K. (2008). The Relationship Between Career Strategies and Career Succes, IJMS, 15/1, 85-101. Yirik, S., Ören, D. ve Ekici, R. (2014). Dört ve Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde Çalışan Personelin Örgütsel Stres ve Örgütsel Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişkilerin Demografik Değişkenler Bazında İncelenmesi, Journal of Yaşar University, 9/35, 6223-6234.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

A. Barış Baraz This is me

Ezgi Atik

Publication Date July 13, 2018
Acceptance Date February 12, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Baraz, A. B., & Atik, E. (2018). Otel Çalışanlarının Kariyer Beklentilerinin Kariyer Stratejilerine Etkisi ve Pozitif İlişkisel Yönetim ile İlişkisi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(32), 1-17.
AMA Baraz AB, Atik E. Otel Çalışanlarının Kariyer Beklentilerinin Kariyer Stratejilerine Etkisi ve Pozitif İlişkisel Yönetim ile İlişkisi. PAUSBED. July 2018;(32):1-17. doi:10.30794/pausbed.424516
Chicago Baraz, A. Barış, and Ezgi Atik. “Otel Çalışanlarının Kariyer Beklentilerinin Kariyer Stratejilerine Etkisi Ve Pozitif İlişkisel Yönetim Ile İlişkisi”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, no. 32 (July 2018): 1-17.
EndNote Baraz AB, Atik E (July 1, 2018) Otel Çalışanlarının Kariyer Beklentilerinin Kariyer Stratejilerine Etkisi ve Pozitif İlişkisel Yönetim ile İlişkisi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 32 1–17.
IEEE A. B. Baraz and E. Atik, “Otel Çalışanlarının Kariyer Beklentilerinin Kariyer Stratejilerine Etkisi ve Pozitif İlişkisel Yönetim ile İlişkisi”, PAUSBED, no. 32, pp. 1–17, July 2018, doi: 10.30794/pausbed.424516.
ISNAD Baraz, A. Barış - Atik, Ezgi. “Otel Çalışanlarının Kariyer Beklentilerinin Kariyer Stratejilerine Etkisi Ve Pozitif İlişkisel Yönetim Ile İlişkisi”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 32 (July 2018), 1-17.
JAMA Baraz AB, Atik E. Otel Çalışanlarının Kariyer Beklentilerinin Kariyer Stratejilerine Etkisi ve Pozitif İlişkisel Yönetim ile İlişkisi. PAUSBED. 2018;:1–17.
MLA Baraz, A. Barış and Ezgi Atik. “Otel Çalışanlarının Kariyer Beklentilerinin Kariyer Stratejilerine Etkisi Ve Pozitif İlişkisel Yönetim Ile İlişkisi”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, no. 32, 2018, pp. 1-17, doi:10.30794/pausbed.424516.
Vancouver Baraz AB, Atik E. Otel Çalışanlarının Kariyer Beklentilerinin Kariyer Stratejilerine Etkisi ve Pozitif İlişkisel Yönetim ile İlişkisi. PAUSBED. 2018(32):1-17.