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Deneysel İktisat ve Kültürel Farklılıkların Deneysel İktisatla İfadesi

Year 2018, Issue: 33, 217 - 231, 25.10.2018


İktisadi karar birimlerinin, iktisat biliminde ele alınan konulara içgüdüsel olarak değil, belirli ilkelere dayanarak yaklaştığı diğer bir ifadeyle rasyonel davrandığı varsayılmaktadır. Kültürel farklılıklar ve teknolojik gelişmelerin de etkisiyle insanların birbirleriyle etkileşiminin artması, ekonomik kararlarında insanların rasyonel davranışlardan uzaklaşmasına neden olabilmektedir. Bu yüzden insan davranışlarının incelendiği psikoloji biliminin, ekonomik analizlerdeki önemi, tüm dünyada gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Ekonomideki karar birimlerinin davranışlarının laboratuvar ortamında kontrollü bir şekilde incelenmesine olanak sağlayan deneysel iktisat yaklaşımı bu yüzden son yıllarda yaygın olarak kullanılan bir yöntem haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada; pek çok ülkede deneysel iktisat ile yapılmış ve davranışsal iktisada katkı yapmış deney bulguları bir araya getirilerek, ekonomik kararlarda etkili olan kültürel etkenler analiz edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak iktisadi kararların kültürler arasında farklılıklar gösterdiği görülmüştür.


  • Abeler, J., Nosenzo, D. (2014). “Self-Selection into Laboratory Experiments: Pro-Social Motives Versus Monetary Incentives”. Experimental Economies, 18(2) 1-20. Akdere Ç., Büyükboyacı, M. (2015). “Davranışsal İktisat ve Sınırlı Rasyonellik Varsayımı”, İktisatta Davranışsal Yaklaşımlar, Der. Devrim Dumludağ vd., İmge Kitabevi. İstanbul. Akın, Z., Urhan, B. (2010). İktisat Deneysel Bir Bilim Olmaya Mı Başlıyor?. İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 25(288), 9-28. Akın, Z., Urhan, B. (2015). “Davranışsal Oyun Teorisi”. İktisatta Davranışsal Yaklaşımlar, Der. Devrim Dumludağ vd., İmge Kitabevi. İstanbul. Aknin, L. B., Barrington-Leigh, C. P. Dunn E. W., Helliwell, J. F., Burns, J., Biswas-Diener, R., Kemeza I., Nyende, P., Ashton-James, C. E. ve Norton, M. I. (2013). “Prosocial Spending and Well-Being: Cross-Cultural Evidence for a Psychological Universal”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 104(4), 635-652. Aktan, C. C., Bahçe, A. B. (2007). Kamu Tercihi Perspektifinden Oyun Teorisi, Modern Politik İktisat: Kamu Tercihi. Ed. C. C. Aktan ve D. Dileyici. Seçkin Yayınları, Ankara. Alesina, A., Baqir R., Easterly, W. (1997). “Public Goods and Ethnic Divisions”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114, 1243–84. Alesina, A., Devleeschauwer, A., Easterly, W., Kurlat, S. ve Wacziarg, R. (2003) “Fractionalization”. Journal of Economic Growth, 8, 155–94. Andersen, S., Ertaç, S., Gneezy, U., Hoffman, M. ve List, J. A. (2011). “Stakes Matter in Ultımatum Games”, American Economic Reviews, 101: 3427-3439. Baç, M. (2007). “İktisadi Analizin Disiplinlerarası Uygulamalarında Durum ve Öngörüler”,, (12.10.2017) Bossaerts, P., Plott, C. R. (2008). The Handbook of Experimental Economics Results Vol. 1: Non-market and Organizational Research, Eds. Plott, C. R. ve Smith, V. L. Oxford: North-Holland. Buchan, N. R., Croson, R., ve Dawes, R. M. (2002). “Swift Neighbors and Persistent Strangers: A Cross-Cultural İnvestigation of Trust and Reciprocity in Social Exchange”. American Journal of Sociology, 108(1), 168–206.
  • Buchan, N. R., Johnson, E., ve Croson, R. (2006). “Let’s get personal: An international Examination of the Influence of Communication, Culture and Social Distance on Other Regarding Preferences”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 60, 373–398. Camerer, C. (2003). Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction. Princeton University Press. Chamberlain, E. H. (1948). “An Experimental Imperfect Market. Journal of Political Economy”, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 56, No. 2, 95-108. Chen, M. K. Lakshminarayanan, V., Santos, L. R., (2006). “How Basic Are Behavioral Biases? Evidence from Capuchin Monkey Trading Behavior”, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 114, no. 3, 517-537. Chuah, S., Hoffmann, R., Jones, M., Williams, G. (2007). “Do Cultures Clash? Evidence From Cross-national Ultimatum Game Experiments”. Journal of Economic Behavior Organization, 64(1), 35-48. Collier, P. (2001). “Implications of Ethnic Diversity”. Economic Policy, 16, 127–166. Cornand, C., Heinemann, F. (2015). Experiments on Monetary Policy and Central Banking,” in J. Duffy (ed.), "Experiments in Macroeconomics, Research in Experimental Economics, 17, Emerald Group Publishing, 167‐227. Cox, C., Robenson, B., Smith, V. L. (1982). Theory and Behavior of Single Object Auctions. Research in Experimental Economics,, (28.06.2017) Cronk, L. (2007). The Influence of Cultural Framing on Play in the Trust Game: A Maasai Example. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28, 352–358. Duffy, J. (2014). Macroeconomics: A Survey of Laboratory Research. Handbook of Experimental Economics Vol. 2, Eds. J. Kagel, A.E. Roth, (forthcoming), Easterly, W., Levine, R. (1997), “Africa’s Growth Tragedy: Policies and Ethnic Divisions”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, 1997, 1203–50. Eğilmez, M. (2017). İçgüdüsel Ekonomi. (05.12.2017), Eğilmez, M. (2015). Siyasal Ekonomi ve Davranışsal Ekonomi. (18.06.2017) Engel, C. (2011). “Dictator Games: A Meta Study”. Experimental Economics, Vol. 14, Issue 4, 583-610. Eren, E. (2017). “İktisatta Yeni Heterodoks Gelişmeler”. Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 6 – Sayı: 2, 134-151. Eser, R., Toigonbaeva, D. (2011). Psikoloji ve İktisadın Birleşimi Olarak, Davranışsal İktisat, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Nisan 2011, 6(1), 287‐321. Fan, J. X., & Xiao, J. J. (2006). Cross-cultural differences in risk tolerance: A comparison between Chinese and Americans. Journal of Personal Finance, 5, 54–75. Fagiolo, G., Roventini, A. (2012). “Macroeconomic Policy in DSGE and Agent-Based Models”. Institute for New Economic Thinking Research Note, No: 006, 1-34. Fearon, J. (2003). “Ethnic and Cultural Diversity by Country”. Journal of Economic Growth, 8, 195–222. FED. (23.10.2017). “About Center for Behavioral Economics and Decision Making”. Fehr, E., Schmidt, K. (1999). “A Theory of Fairness, Competition, and Cooperation”. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114:817–68. Friedman, D. (1994). Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economists. Cambridge University Press. Fréchette, G. (2008), “Laboratory Experiments: Professionals vs. Students”, Working Paper, New York, New York University. Gaffard, J., Napoletano, M. (2012). Introduction. Improving the Toolbox: New Advances in Agent-Based and Computational Models. Agent-Based Models and Economic Policy, eds. Jean-Luc Gaffard and Mauro Napoletano, OFCE: 7-13. Guiso, L., Sapienza, P., Zingales, L. (2006). “Does Culture Affect Economic Outcomes?”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20, 23–48. Harbaugh, W.T., Krause, K., Liday, G. S. (2000). “Bargaining by Children”. Working Paper, University of Oegon. Harrison G., List J. (2004), “Field Experiments”, Journal of Economic Literature, 42, 1009‐1055. Heinemann F., Noussair C. N. (2015). “Macroeconomic Experiments”, (16.08.2017) Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Camerer, C., Fehr, E., Gintis, H., McElreath, R., Alvard, M., Barr, A., Endminger, J., Nerich, N., HilI, K., Gil- White, F., Gurven, M., Marlowe, F. W., Patton, J.Q. ve Tracer, D. (2005). “Economics Man” in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Behavioral Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies”. Behavioral and Brian Science, Vol 28(6), 795-815. Hertwig, R., Ortmann, A. (2011). “Experimental Practices in Economics: A Methodological Cballenge For Psycbologists?”. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2-4(3), 383-403. Hey, J. D. (1991). Experiments in Economics, Cambridge: Basil Blackwell. Hey, J. D. (1994). Introduction and Overview, Experimental Economics: Studies in Emprical Economics, Ed. J.D. Hey, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. Hey, J. D., Cagno, D. D. (2016). “Does Money İmpede Convergence?”, Experimental Economics, Springer; Economic Science Association, vol. 19(3), 595-612, September. Hoffmann, R., Tee, J. (2006). “Adolescent-Adult Interactions and Culture in the Ultimatum Game”. Journal of Economic Psychology, 27(1), 98-116. Holt, R. P.F., Rosser, J.B., Colander. D. (2010). “The Complexity Era in Economics”. Middlebury College Economics Discussion Paper, S.10-01: 1-23. İncekara, A., Mutlugün, B. (2015). İktisada Giriş. Sentez Yayınları, İstanbul. Kagel, J. H., Roth, A. E. (1995). The Handbook of Experimental Economics. Princeton University Press. Kahneman, D., Trevsky, A. (1979). “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk”. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society. 263-291. Kahneman, D., Wakker, P. P., Sarin, R. (1997). “Back to Bentham? Explorations of Experienced Utility”. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112/2, 375-405. Kahneman, D. (2003). “A Psychological Perspective on Economics”. American Economic Review. 93:2, 162-168. Knack, S. ve Keefer, P. (1997). “Does Social Capital Have An Economic Payoff? A Cross-Country Investigation”. Quarterly Journal of Economics. No: 12, 50–88. Markman, A., Blok, S., Dennis, J., Goldwater, M., Kim, K., Laux, J., Narvaez, L., Taylor, E. (2005). “Culture and individual differences”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28(6), 831-831. doi:10.1017/S0140525X05380149. Miguel, T. (1999). “Ethnic Diversity, Mobility and School Funding: Theory and Evidence from Kenya”. Working Paper, Harvard University, Modigliani, F. ve Brumberg R. H. (1954). “Utility Analysis and the Consumption Function: An Interpretation Of Cross-Section Data”, Kurihara ed., Post Keynesian Economics, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, pp. 388-436. Ochs, J. (1995). Coordination Problems, The Handbook of Experimental Economics, Ed. J. Kagel, A. Roth, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA. Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., van de Kuilen, G. (2004). “Culturel Differences in Ultimatum Game Experiments: Evidence From A Meta-Analysis”. Experimental Economics, 7(2), 171-188. Plott, C. R. ve Smith, V. L. (2008). The Handbook of Experimental Economics Results Vol. 1: Non-market and Organizational Research, Eds. Plott, C. R. ve Smith, V. L. Oxford: North-Holland. Polanyin, K. (2017). Büyük Dönüşüm: Çağımızın Siyasal ve Ekonomik Kökenleri, Çev. Ayşe Buğra, 14. Bs. İletişim Yayınları. Powell, M. ve Ansic, D. (1996). “Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour in financial Decision-Making: An Experimental Analysis”. Journal of Economic Psychology, No: 18, 605- 628. Putnam, R.D. (1993). Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press. Reuben, Ernesto. (2008). (09.08.2017). Unpublished Lecture Notes, Ricciuti, R. (2008). “Bringing Macroeconomics into the Lab”. Journal of Macroeconomics 30(1), 216‐237. Riedl, A. (2010). “Behavioral and Experimental Economics Do Inform Public Policy”. Finanzarchiv. 66(1), 65‐95. Roth, A. E., Prasnikar, V., Okuno-Fujiwara, M. ve Zamir, S. (1991). “Bargaining and Market Behavior in Jerusalem, Ljubljana, Pittburgh and Tokyo: An Experimental Study”. American Economic Review, 81(5):1068–95. Slonim, R. ve Roth, A. E. (1998). “Learning in High Stakes Ultimatum Games: An Experiment In The Slovak Republic”. Econometrica, 66, 569-96. Smith, V. L. (1962). “An Experimental Study of Competitive Market Behavior”. Journal of Political Economy, 70 (2) 111-137. Smith, V. L. (1976). Experimental Economics: Induced Value Theory, American Eeonomic Review, 66(2), 274-279. Smith, V. L. (1994). “Economics in the Laboratory”. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8(1), 113-131. Simon, H. A. (1955). “A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice”. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 69:1, February, 99-118. Soydal, H. (2010). Yeni Ekonomi/Kuantum-Nöroekonomi. Konya: Palet. Ülken, H. Z. Millet ve Tarih Şuuru, 3. Bs. İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul,2016. Telegraph, (2017). “Nudge” Guru Richard Thaler Wins The Nobel Prize for Economics,, (10.11.2017) Thaler, R.H. (2015). Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Tsang, E. (2007). “Computational Intelligence Determines Effective Rationality”. Centre for Computational Finance and Economic Agents, Working Paper Series, WP 015-07: 1-9. Vriend, N. J. (1996). “Rational Behavior and Economic Theory”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Vol. 29: 263-285. Weber, E. U., Hsee, C. (1998). “Cross-cultural Differences in Risk Perception, but Cross-Cultural Similarities in Attitudes Towards Perceived Risk”. Management Science, 44, 1205–1217. Zaman, A., Karacuka, M. (2011). “The Empirical Evidence Against Utility Maximization”. SSRN Electronic Journal, DOI10.2139/ssrn.2033641 Zinkhan, G., Karande, K., (1991). “Cultural and Gender Differences in Risk Taking Behaviour Among American and Spanish Decision Makers”. Journal of Social Psychology,131 (5), 741-742.
Year 2018, Issue: 33, 217 - 231, 25.10.2018



  • Abeler, J., Nosenzo, D. (2014). “Self-Selection into Laboratory Experiments: Pro-Social Motives Versus Monetary Incentives”. Experimental Economies, 18(2) 1-20. Akdere Ç., Büyükboyacı, M. (2015). “Davranışsal İktisat ve Sınırlı Rasyonellik Varsayımı”, İktisatta Davranışsal Yaklaşımlar, Der. Devrim Dumludağ vd., İmge Kitabevi. İstanbul. Akın, Z., Urhan, B. (2010). İktisat Deneysel Bir Bilim Olmaya Mı Başlıyor?. İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 25(288), 9-28. Akın, Z., Urhan, B. (2015). “Davranışsal Oyun Teorisi”. İktisatta Davranışsal Yaklaşımlar, Der. Devrim Dumludağ vd., İmge Kitabevi. İstanbul. Aknin, L. B., Barrington-Leigh, C. P. Dunn E. W., Helliwell, J. F., Burns, J., Biswas-Diener, R., Kemeza I., Nyende, P., Ashton-James, C. E. ve Norton, M. I. (2013). “Prosocial Spending and Well-Being: Cross-Cultural Evidence for a Psychological Universal”. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 104(4), 635-652. Aktan, C. C., Bahçe, A. B. (2007). Kamu Tercihi Perspektifinden Oyun Teorisi, Modern Politik İktisat: Kamu Tercihi. Ed. C. C. Aktan ve D. Dileyici. Seçkin Yayınları, Ankara. Alesina, A., Baqir R., Easterly, W. (1997). “Public Goods and Ethnic Divisions”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114, 1243–84. Alesina, A., Devleeschauwer, A., Easterly, W., Kurlat, S. ve Wacziarg, R. (2003) “Fractionalization”. Journal of Economic Growth, 8, 155–94. Andersen, S., Ertaç, S., Gneezy, U., Hoffman, M. ve List, J. A. (2011). “Stakes Matter in Ultımatum Games”, American Economic Reviews, 101: 3427-3439. Baç, M. (2007). “İktisadi Analizin Disiplinlerarası Uygulamalarında Durum ve Öngörüler”,, (12.10.2017) Bossaerts, P., Plott, C. R. (2008). The Handbook of Experimental Economics Results Vol. 1: Non-market and Organizational Research, Eds. Plott, C. R. ve Smith, V. L. Oxford: North-Holland. Buchan, N. R., Croson, R., ve Dawes, R. M. (2002). “Swift Neighbors and Persistent Strangers: A Cross-Cultural İnvestigation of Trust and Reciprocity in Social Exchange”. American Journal of Sociology, 108(1), 168–206.
  • Buchan, N. R., Johnson, E., ve Croson, R. (2006). “Let’s get personal: An international Examination of the Influence of Communication, Culture and Social Distance on Other Regarding Preferences”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 60, 373–398. Camerer, C. (2003). Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction. Princeton University Press. Chamberlain, E. H. (1948). “An Experimental Imperfect Market. Journal of Political Economy”, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 56, No. 2, 95-108. Chen, M. K. Lakshminarayanan, V., Santos, L. R., (2006). “How Basic Are Behavioral Biases? Evidence from Capuchin Monkey Trading Behavior”, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 114, no. 3, 517-537. Chuah, S., Hoffmann, R., Jones, M., Williams, G. (2007). “Do Cultures Clash? Evidence From Cross-national Ultimatum Game Experiments”. Journal of Economic Behavior Organization, 64(1), 35-48. Collier, P. (2001). “Implications of Ethnic Diversity”. Economic Policy, 16, 127–166. Cornand, C., Heinemann, F. (2015). Experiments on Monetary Policy and Central Banking,” in J. Duffy (ed.), "Experiments in Macroeconomics, Research in Experimental Economics, 17, Emerald Group Publishing, 167‐227. Cox, C., Robenson, B., Smith, V. L. (1982). Theory and Behavior of Single Object Auctions. Research in Experimental Economics,, (28.06.2017) Cronk, L. (2007). The Influence of Cultural Framing on Play in the Trust Game: A Maasai Example. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28, 352–358. Duffy, J. (2014). Macroeconomics: A Survey of Laboratory Research. Handbook of Experimental Economics Vol. 2, Eds. J. Kagel, A.E. Roth, (forthcoming), Easterly, W., Levine, R. (1997), “Africa’s Growth Tragedy: Policies and Ethnic Divisions”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, 1997, 1203–50. Eğilmez, M. (2017). İçgüdüsel Ekonomi. (05.12.2017), Eğilmez, M. (2015). Siyasal Ekonomi ve Davranışsal Ekonomi. (18.06.2017) Engel, C. (2011). “Dictator Games: A Meta Study”. Experimental Economics, Vol. 14, Issue 4, 583-610. Eren, E. (2017). “İktisatta Yeni Heterodoks Gelişmeler”. Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: 6 – Sayı: 2, 134-151. Eser, R., Toigonbaeva, D. (2011). Psikoloji ve İktisadın Birleşimi Olarak, Davranışsal İktisat, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Nisan 2011, 6(1), 287‐321. Fan, J. X., & Xiao, J. J. (2006). Cross-cultural differences in risk tolerance: A comparison between Chinese and Americans. Journal of Personal Finance, 5, 54–75. Fagiolo, G., Roventini, A. (2012). “Macroeconomic Policy in DSGE and Agent-Based Models”. Institute for New Economic Thinking Research Note, No: 006, 1-34. Fearon, J. (2003). “Ethnic and Cultural Diversity by Country”. Journal of Economic Growth, 8, 195–222. FED. (23.10.2017). “About Center for Behavioral Economics and Decision Making”. Fehr, E., Schmidt, K. (1999). “A Theory of Fairness, Competition, and Cooperation”. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114:817–68. Friedman, D. (1994). Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economists. Cambridge University Press. Fréchette, G. (2008), “Laboratory Experiments: Professionals vs. Students”, Working Paper, New York, New York University. Gaffard, J., Napoletano, M. (2012). Introduction. Improving the Toolbox: New Advances in Agent-Based and Computational Models. Agent-Based Models and Economic Policy, eds. Jean-Luc Gaffard and Mauro Napoletano, OFCE: 7-13. Guiso, L., Sapienza, P., Zingales, L. (2006). “Does Culture Affect Economic Outcomes?”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20, 23–48. Harbaugh, W.T., Krause, K., Liday, G. S. (2000). “Bargaining by Children”. Working Paper, University of Oegon. Harrison G., List J. (2004), “Field Experiments”, Journal of Economic Literature, 42, 1009‐1055. Heinemann F., Noussair C. N. (2015). “Macroeconomic Experiments”, (16.08.2017) Henrich, J., Boyd, R., Bowles, S., Camerer, C., Fehr, E., Gintis, H., McElreath, R., Alvard, M., Barr, A., Endminger, J., Nerich, N., HilI, K., Gil- White, F., Gurven, M., Marlowe, F. W., Patton, J.Q. ve Tracer, D. (2005). “Economics Man” in Cross-Cultural Perspective: Behavioral Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies”. Behavioral and Brian Science, Vol 28(6), 795-815. Hertwig, R., Ortmann, A. (2011). “Experimental Practices in Economics: A Methodological Cballenge For Psycbologists?”. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2-4(3), 383-403. Hey, J. D. (1991). Experiments in Economics, Cambridge: Basil Blackwell. Hey, J. D. (1994). Introduction and Overview, Experimental Economics: Studies in Emprical Economics, Ed. J.D. Hey, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag. Hey, J. D., Cagno, D. D. (2016). “Does Money İmpede Convergence?”, Experimental Economics, Springer; Economic Science Association, vol. 19(3), 595-612, September. Hoffmann, R., Tee, J. (2006). “Adolescent-Adult Interactions and Culture in the Ultimatum Game”. Journal of Economic Psychology, 27(1), 98-116. Holt, R. P.F., Rosser, J.B., Colander. D. (2010). “The Complexity Era in Economics”. Middlebury College Economics Discussion Paper, S.10-01: 1-23. İncekara, A., Mutlugün, B. (2015). İktisada Giriş. Sentez Yayınları, İstanbul. Kagel, J. H., Roth, A. E. (1995). The Handbook of Experimental Economics. Princeton University Press. Kahneman, D., Trevsky, A. (1979). “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk”. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society. 263-291. Kahneman, D., Wakker, P. P., Sarin, R. (1997). “Back to Bentham? Explorations of Experienced Utility”. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112/2, 375-405. Kahneman, D. (2003). “A Psychological Perspective on Economics”. American Economic Review. 93:2, 162-168. Knack, S. ve Keefer, P. (1997). “Does Social Capital Have An Economic Payoff? A Cross-Country Investigation”. Quarterly Journal of Economics. No: 12, 50–88. Markman, A., Blok, S., Dennis, J., Goldwater, M., Kim, K., Laux, J., Narvaez, L., Taylor, E. (2005). “Culture and individual differences”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28(6), 831-831. doi:10.1017/S0140525X05380149. Miguel, T. (1999). “Ethnic Diversity, Mobility and School Funding: Theory and Evidence from Kenya”. Working Paper, Harvard University, Modigliani, F. ve Brumberg R. H. (1954). “Utility Analysis and the Consumption Function: An Interpretation Of Cross-Section Data”, Kurihara ed., Post Keynesian Economics, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, pp. 388-436. Ochs, J. (1995). Coordination Problems, The Handbook of Experimental Economics, Ed. J. Kagel, A. Roth, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, USA. Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R., van de Kuilen, G. (2004). “Culturel Differences in Ultimatum Game Experiments: Evidence From A Meta-Analysis”. Experimental Economics, 7(2), 171-188. Plott, C. R. ve Smith, V. L. (2008). The Handbook of Experimental Economics Results Vol. 1: Non-market and Organizational Research, Eds. Plott, C. R. ve Smith, V. L. Oxford: North-Holland. Polanyin, K. (2017). Büyük Dönüşüm: Çağımızın Siyasal ve Ekonomik Kökenleri, Çev. Ayşe Buğra, 14. Bs. İletişim Yayınları. Powell, M. ve Ansic, D. (1996). “Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour in financial Decision-Making: An Experimental Analysis”. Journal of Economic Psychology, No: 18, 605- 628. Putnam, R.D. (1993). Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton, N.J. Princeton University Press. Reuben, Ernesto. (2008). (09.08.2017). Unpublished Lecture Notes, Ricciuti, R. (2008). “Bringing Macroeconomics into the Lab”. Journal of Macroeconomics 30(1), 216‐237. Riedl, A. (2010). “Behavioral and Experimental Economics Do Inform Public Policy”. Finanzarchiv. 66(1), 65‐95. Roth, A. E., Prasnikar, V., Okuno-Fujiwara, M. ve Zamir, S. (1991). “Bargaining and Market Behavior in Jerusalem, Ljubljana, Pittburgh and Tokyo: An Experimental Study”. American Economic Review, 81(5):1068–95. Slonim, R. ve Roth, A. E. (1998). “Learning in High Stakes Ultimatum Games: An Experiment In The Slovak Republic”. Econometrica, 66, 569-96. Smith, V. L. (1962). “An Experimental Study of Competitive Market Behavior”. Journal of Political Economy, 70 (2) 111-137. Smith, V. L. (1976). Experimental Economics: Induced Value Theory, American Eeonomic Review, 66(2), 274-279. Smith, V. L. (1994). “Economics in the Laboratory”. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8(1), 113-131. Simon, H. A. (1955). “A Behavioral Model of Rational Choice”. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 69:1, February, 99-118. Soydal, H. (2010). Yeni Ekonomi/Kuantum-Nöroekonomi. Konya: Palet. Ülken, H. Z. Millet ve Tarih Şuuru, 3. Bs. İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul,2016. Telegraph, (2017). “Nudge” Guru Richard Thaler Wins The Nobel Prize for Economics,, (10.11.2017) Thaler, R.H. (2015). Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Tsang, E. (2007). “Computational Intelligence Determines Effective Rationality”. Centre for Computational Finance and Economic Agents, Working Paper Series, WP 015-07: 1-9. Vriend, N. J. (1996). “Rational Behavior and Economic Theory”. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Vol. 29: 263-285. Weber, E. U., Hsee, C. (1998). “Cross-cultural Differences in Risk Perception, but Cross-Cultural Similarities in Attitudes Towards Perceived Risk”. Management Science, 44, 1205–1217. Zaman, A., Karacuka, M. (2011). “The Empirical Evidence Against Utility Maximization”. SSRN Electronic Journal, DOI10.2139/ssrn.2033641 Zinkhan, G., Karande, K., (1991). “Cultural and Gender Differences in Risk Taking Behaviour Among American and Spanish Decision Makers”. Journal of Social Psychology,131 (5), 741-742.
There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

Kıymet Yavuzaslan

Publication Date October 25, 2018
Acceptance Date March 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 33


APA Yavuzaslan, K. (2018). Deneysel İktisat ve Kültürel Farklılıkların Deneysel İktisatla İfadesi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(33), 217-231.
AMA Yavuzaslan K. Deneysel İktisat ve Kültürel Farklılıkların Deneysel İktisatla İfadesi. PAUSBED. October 2018;(33):217-231. doi:10.30794/pausbed.425851
Chicago Yavuzaslan, Kıymet. “Deneysel İktisat Ve Kültürel Farklılıkların Deneysel İktisatla İfadesi”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, no. 33 (October 2018): 217-31.
EndNote Yavuzaslan K (October 1, 2018) Deneysel İktisat ve Kültürel Farklılıkların Deneysel İktisatla İfadesi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 33 217–231.
IEEE K. Yavuzaslan, “Deneysel İktisat ve Kültürel Farklılıkların Deneysel İktisatla İfadesi”, PAUSBED, no. 33, pp. 217–231, October 2018, doi: 10.30794/pausbed.425851.
ISNAD Yavuzaslan, Kıymet. “Deneysel İktisat Ve Kültürel Farklılıkların Deneysel İktisatla İfadesi”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 33 (October 2018), 217-231.
JAMA Yavuzaslan K. Deneysel İktisat ve Kültürel Farklılıkların Deneysel İktisatla İfadesi. PAUSBED. 2018;:217–231.
MLA Yavuzaslan, Kıymet. “Deneysel İktisat Ve Kültürel Farklılıkların Deneysel İktisatla İfadesi”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, no. 33, 2018, pp. 217-31, doi:10.30794/pausbed.425851.
Vancouver Yavuzaslan K. Deneysel İktisat ve Kültürel Farklılıkların Deneysel İktisatla İfadesi. PAUSBED. 2018(33):217-31.