Research Article
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Disadvantages and solutions of a model in asylum seeker education: Temporary education centers (TECs)

Year 2022, , 428 - 444, 01.05.2022


The violence, and instability because of civil war in Syria have caused millions of people to leave their country. Many countries have been affected from this migration. Turkey is one of the countries that has been significantly affected from this crisis. Turkey is trying to provide some services to Syrian people. Education is one of them. For education of this large population the schools called temporary education centers (TECs) were established by Turkish government. In this way, it is aimed to integrate Syrian asylum seekers children into the Turkish education system. But, TECs have major disadvantages on issues such as bureaucracy, school building, and student absenteeism. Simultaneously, various solutions are employed to overcome these disadvantages. In the current research, TECs’ disadvantages, and solution proposal; which developed for Syrian asylum seeker children into Turkish education system were investigated. The investigations performed in a TEC, which located in Elbistan district of Kahramanmaras province in Turkey. Phenomenology was used in the research, and a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher was used. Participants were determined through convenience sample approach. In this context, the opinions of six TEC employees, including Syrian educators who shared the same fate with Syrian asylum seeker children, were sought. The findings show TECs are intertwined with disadvantages such as lack of school building, overcrowded classrooms, limited social, and cultural activities, and lessening environmental support. The research intends to present first-hand solution proposals to the problems in the education provided for asylum seeker children. Results includes some clues on the relationship between mass migration, and education.


  • Alev, S., & Kara, M. (2021). The Relationship between cultural intelligence and the attitudes towards refugee students: A study on primary school teachers. Participatory Educational Research, 8(1), 109-122.
  • Aras, B., & Yasun, S. (2016, July). The educational opportunities and challenges of Syrian refugee students in Turkey: Temporary education centers and beyond. Istanbul Policy Center. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • ATV. (2015, Kasim). Kayip neslin esiginde: Turkiye’deki Suriyeli multeci cocuk ve genclerin egitimde karsilastiklari zorlukar [On the verge of a lost generation: The educational challenges of Syrian refugee children and youth in Turkey]. ATV. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Balkar, B., Sevilay, S., & Isikli Babahan N. (2016). Gecici egitim merkezlerinde gorev yapan Suriyeli ogretmenlerin karsilastiklari sorunlar [Problems confronted by Syrian teachers working at temporary education centers]. Journal of Theory and Practice, 12(6), 1290-1310.
  • Bansak, K., Hainmueller, J., & Hangartner, D. (2016). How economic, humanitarian, and religious concerns shape European attitudes toward asylum seekers. Science, 354(6309), 217-222.
  • Beyhan, D., & Epcacan, C. (2018). Suriyeli ogrencilerin Turk egitim sistemine entegrasyonu projesi kapsaminda gecici egitim merkezlerinde gorev yapan dil ogreticilerinin dil ogretirken karsilastiklari sorunlar ve cozum onerileri [The problems that the language instructors encounter at the temporary training centre and their suggesstions for solution in the scope of the project for integration of Syrian students into Turkish educational system]. Turkish Studies Educational Sciences, 13(19), 285-306.
  • Cerna, L. (2019, May). Refugee education: Integration models and practices in OECD countries (Report: 203). OECD.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2011). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Pearson.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2013). Nitel arastima yontemleri [Qualitative research methods] (M. Butun, & B. Demir, Trans. Eds.). Siyasal.
  • Demirci, M. (2015). B1 seviyesinde Turkce ogrenen Suriyeli ogrencilerin sesli okuma becerisiyle ilgili tespitler [Determinations related to reading aloud skills of Syrian Turkish learning students in level b1]. International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 10(7), 333-358.
  • DeSantis, L., & Ugarriza, D. N. (2000). The concept of theme as used in qualitative nursing research. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 22(3), 351-372.
  • Dryden-Peterson, S. (2016). Refugee education: The crossroads of globalization. Educational Researcher, 45(9), 473-482.
  • Dustmann, C., & Glitz, A. (2011). Migration and education. In E. A. Hanushek, S. Machin, & L. Woessmann (Eds.), Handbook of the economics of education (pp. 327-439). Elsevier.
  • Erdogan, M. (2020, Temmuz). Suriyeliler barometresi 2019 [Syrians barometer 2019]. United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Eren, Z. (2019). Yonetici ve ogretmen goruslerine gore gocmen cocuklarin egitim sorunlari ve cozum onerileri [According to principals and teachers educational problems of immigrant children and solutions]. Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi [Abant Izzet Baysal University Journal of the Faculty of Education], 19(1), 213-234.
  • ERG. (2018, December). Community building through inclusive education. ERG. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Eryaman, M. Y., & Evran, S. (2019) Syrian refugee students’ lived experiences at temporary education centres in Turkey. In K. Arar, J.S. Brooks, & I. Bogotch, (Eds.), Education, immigration, and migration (pp. 131-143). Emerald.
  • Guida, M. (2016, Temmuz). Turkiye’deki genc Suriyelilerin entegrasyonu [Integration of young Syrians in Turkey]. 29 Mayis Universitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararasi Iliskiler Bolumu. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Gumus, E., Kurnaz, Z., Esici, H., & Gumus, S. (2020). Current conditions and issues at Temporary Education Centres (TECs) for Syrian child refugees in Turkey. Multicultural Education Review, 12(2), 53-78.
  • Gurel, D., & Buyuksahin, Y. (2020). Education of Syrian refugee children in Turkey: Reflections from the application. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(5), 426-442.
  • HRW. (2015, November). When i picture my future, i see nothing: Barriers to education for Syrian refugee children in Turkey. HRW. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Icimizdeki Suriye. (2015, Agustos). Gaziantep ortak akil raporu [Gaziantep common sense report]. (Report: 2). Gaziantep Ticaret Odasi. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • IMF. (2020, April). World economic outlook: The macroeconomic effects of global migration (Chapter: 4). IMF. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Isik, S., & Kaynak, U. (2018). Gecici egitim merkezlerinde calisan okul psikolojik danismanlarin Suriyeli multeci cocuklara yonelik algilarinin metaforla incelenmesi [A metaphorical analysis of perception of the school councellors working in the temporary education centers about the Syrian refugee children]. Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 18(2), 120-145.
  • Kagnici, D. Y. (2017). Suriyeli multeci cocuklarin kulturel uyum surecinde okul psikolojik danismanlarina dusen rol ve sorumluluklar [School counselors’ roles and responsibilities in cultural adaptation process of Syrian refugee children]. Elementary Education Online, 16(4), 1768-1776.
  • Kahriman Pamuk, D., & Bal, M. (2019). Okul oncesi ogretmenlerinin kapsayici egitimde cocuklarin dil gelisim surecine yonelik goruslerinin belirlenmesi [Identifying pre-school teachers’ opinions on the language development process of children in inclusive education]. Milli Egitim Dergisi [Journal of National Education], 48(1), 737-754.
  • Kan, M. O., & Utlu, G. (2017). Errors in case markers made by Syrian students who learn Turkish in temporary education center. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(9), 205-212.
  • Kardes, S., & Akman, B. (2018). Suriyeli multecilerin egitimine yonelik ogretmen gorusleri [Teachers' views on the education of Syrian refugees]. Elementary Education Online, 17(3), 1224-1237.
  • Kaya, A. (2019). Suriyeli multeci cocuklarin egitimi uzerine bir arastirma: Gecici egitim merkezleri ve mufredatlari [A research on the education of syrian refugee children: Temporary education centers and curriculum] (537239) [Master thesis]. Marmara University. Council of Higher Education: Thesis Center.
  • Kilcan, B., & Simsek, U. (2021). Investigation of social studies curriculum in regards to migrant, refugee, asylum-seekers concepts. Participatory Educational Research, 8(1), 395-408.
  • Lance, L. (2011). Nonproduction benefits of education: Crime, health, and good citizenship. In E. A. Hanushek, S. Machin, & L. Woessmann (Eds.), Handbook of the economics of education (pp. 183-282). Elsevier. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2018). Nitel arastirma: Desen ve uygulama icin bir rehber [Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation] (S. Turan, Trans. Eds.; 3rd ed.). Nobel.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd ed.). Sage.
  • Munoz, C. (2006). The effects of age on foreign language learning: The BAF project. Age and the rate of foreign language learning, 19, 1-40.
  • Munoz, C. (2014). Exploring young learners’ foreign language learning awareness. Language Awareness, 23(1-2), 24-40.
  • Neuman, L. W. (2017). Toplumsal arastirma yontemleri: Nitel ve nicel yaklasimlar [Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches]. Yayin Odasi.
  • Nusche, D. (2009). What works in migrant education? A review of evidence and policy options (Report: 22). OECD.
  • ORSAM. (2016, Ocak). Turkiye’deki Suriyeli siginmacilar: Uzun vadeli entegrasyon icin fırsatlar ve zorluklar [Syrian refugees in Turkey: Opportunities and challenges for long-term integration]: Uzun vadeli entegrasyon icin firsatlar ve zorluklar (Report: 1). ORSAM. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Orucu, D. (2019), There is always light at the end of the tunnel: Emotions of a Turkish school leader in a temporary education center for Syrian children. In I. Oplatka, & K., Arar, (Eds.), Emotion management and feelings in teaching and educational leadership (Studies in educational administration) (pp. 193-212). Emerald.
  • Ozdemir, M. (2010). Nitel veri analizi: Sosyal bilimlerde yontembilim sorunsali uzerine bir calisma [Qualitative data analysis: A study on methodology problem in social sciences]. Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi [Eskisehir Osmangazi University Journal of Social Sciences], 11(1), 323-343.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Pryor, C. (2001). New immigrants and refugees in American schools: Multiple voices. Childhood Education 77(5), 275-283.
  • Sahin, S., & Sumer, S. (2018). The problems experienced in the integration process of Syrian students into the Turkish education system. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(5), 909-918.
  • Sander, N., Abel, G., Riosmena, F., Lutz, W., Butz, W. P., & KC, S. (2017). The future of international migration. In W. Lutz, W. P. Butz, & S. KC. (Eds.), World population and human capital in the twenty-first century (pp. 333-396). Oxford.
  • Senge, P. (2014). Ogrenen okullar: Egitimciler, veliler ve egitimle ilgilenen herkes icin bir besinci disiplin alan kitabi [The fifth discipline fieldbook for educators, parents, and everyone who cares about education] (M. Cetin, Trans. Eds.; 2nd ed.). Nobel.
  • Sleijpen, M., Mooren, T., Kleber, R. J., & Boeije, H. R. (2017). Lives on hold: A qualitative study of refugees’ resilience strategies. Childhood, 24(3), 348-365.
  • Sunata, U., & Abdulla, A. (2020). Lessons from experiences of Syrian civil society in refugee education of Turkey. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 18(4), 434-447.
  • Tanrikulu, F. (2017). Turkiye’de yasayan Suriyeli cocuklarin egitim sorunu ve cozum onerileri [Education problem of the Syrian children living in Turkey and solution proposals]. Liberal Dusunce Dergisi [Journal of Liberal Thought], 86, 127-144.
  • Tanriverdi, A., & Ulu, M. (2020). Gecici koruma altina alinan Suriyelilerde goc, kulturlesme/kulturel uyum ve din iliskisi: Kayseri ornegi [The relationships between migration, acculturation and religion among Syrians under temporary protection: A case study of Kayseri]. Bilimname, 43, 169-212.
  • Tasdan, C., Colpan Kavuncu, A., Akbulut, A. M., Irdem, I., Osmanoglu, E., Ozkaya, O., & Yildiz, A. K. (2016, Kasim). I. Uluslararası goc ve guvenlik konferansi sonuc raporu [Concluding report of the I. International migration and security conference] (Report: 6). Polis Akademisi Guvenlik Bilimleri Enstitusu Goc ve Sinir Guvenligi Arastirma Merkezi, Ankara, Turkiye.
  • Taskin, P., & Erdemli, O. (2018). Education for Syrian refugees: Problems faced by teachers in Turkey. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 18(75), 155-178.
  • Tesch, R. (1990). Qualitative research: Analysis types and software tools. Falmer.
  • Topaloglu, H. (2020). Multecilerin sosyal icerilmeleri baglaminda egitime erismelerinde yasanilan problemler ve cozum onerileri [Problems in and solution proposals for accessing education in the context of social inclusion of refugees] (664546) [Doctoral dissertation]. Hacettepe University. Council of Higher Education: Thesis Center.
  • Topaloglu, H., & Ozdemir, M. (2020). Multecilerin egitime erismeleri surecinde yasadiklari sorunlar ve sosyal icerilme beklentileri onerileri [Problems the refugees face during access to education and their social inclusion expectations]. Electronic Turkish Studies, 15(3), 2031-2059.
  • UNICEF. (2017, April). Turkiye’de ‘kayip bir kusak’ olusmasini engellemek [To prevent the formation of a 'lost generation' in Turkey]. UNICEF. Accessed fromürkiye%27deki%20Suriyeli%20Çocuklar%20Bilgi%20Notu%20Ocak%202017.pdf in October 2021.
  • Usta, M. E., Arikan, I., Sahin, Y., & Cetin, M. S. (2018). Suriyeli egitimcilerin gecici egitim merkezlerinde karsilastiklari sorunlarin incelenmesi [Perspectives of Syrian educators on problems faced during their training in temporary education centres]. Mukaddime, 9(1), 173-188.
  • Veale, A. (2020). Conflict-driven social change: The case of Syrian children and youth. Current Opinion in Psychology, 35, 114-118.
  • Wen, X. (1997). Motivation and language learning with students of Chinese 1. Foreign language annals, 30(2), 235-251.
  • Yildirim, A., & Simsek, H. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel arastirma yontemleri [Qualitative research methods in the social sciences] (10th ed.). Seckin.
Year 2022, , 428 - 444, 01.05.2022



  • Alev, S., & Kara, M. (2021). The Relationship between cultural intelligence and the attitudes towards refugee students: A study on primary school teachers. Participatory Educational Research, 8(1), 109-122.
  • Aras, B., & Yasun, S. (2016, July). The educational opportunities and challenges of Syrian refugee students in Turkey: Temporary education centers and beyond. Istanbul Policy Center. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • ATV. (2015, Kasim). Kayip neslin esiginde: Turkiye’deki Suriyeli multeci cocuk ve genclerin egitimde karsilastiklari zorlukar [On the verge of a lost generation: The educational challenges of Syrian refugee children and youth in Turkey]. ATV. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Balkar, B., Sevilay, S., & Isikli Babahan N. (2016). Gecici egitim merkezlerinde gorev yapan Suriyeli ogretmenlerin karsilastiklari sorunlar [Problems confronted by Syrian teachers working at temporary education centers]. Journal of Theory and Practice, 12(6), 1290-1310.
  • Bansak, K., Hainmueller, J., & Hangartner, D. (2016). How economic, humanitarian, and religious concerns shape European attitudes toward asylum seekers. Science, 354(6309), 217-222.
  • Beyhan, D., & Epcacan, C. (2018). Suriyeli ogrencilerin Turk egitim sistemine entegrasyonu projesi kapsaminda gecici egitim merkezlerinde gorev yapan dil ogreticilerinin dil ogretirken karsilastiklari sorunlar ve cozum onerileri [The problems that the language instructors encounter at the temporary training centre and their suggesstions for solution in the scope of the project for integration of Syrian students into Turkish educational system]. Turkish Studies Educational Sciences, 13(19), 285-306.
  • Cerna, L. (2019, May). Refugee education: Integration models and practices in OECD countries (Report: 203). OECD.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2011). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Pearson.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2013). Nitel arastima yontemleri [Qualitative research methods] (M. Butun, & B. Demir, Trans. Eds.). Siyasal.
  • Demirci, M. (2015). B1 seviyesinde Turkce ogrenen Suriyeli ogrencilerin sesli okuma becerisiyle ilgili tespitler [Determinations related to reading aloud skills of Syrian Turkish learning students in level b1]. International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 10(7), 333-358.
  • DeSantis, L., & Ugarriza, D. N. (2000). The concept of theme as used in qualitative nursing research. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 22(3), 351-372.
  • Dryden-Peterson, S. (2016). Refugee education: The crossroads of globalization. Educational Researcher, 45(9), 473-482.
  • Dustmann, C., & Glitz, A. (2011). Migration and education. In E. A. Hanushek, S. Machin, & L. Woessmann (Eds.), Handbook of the economics of education (pp. 327-439). Elsevier.
  • Erdogan, M. (2020, Temmuz). Suriyeliler barometresi 2019 [Syrians barometer 2019]. United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Eren, Z. (2019). Yonetici ve ogretmen goruslerine gore gocmen cocuklarin egitim sorunlari ve cozum onerileri [According to principals and teachers educational problems of immigrant children and solutions]. Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi [Abant Izzet Baysal University Journal of the Faculty of Education], 19(1), 213-234.
  • ERG. (2018, December). Community building through inclusive education. ERG. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Eryaman, M. Y., & Evran, S. (2019) Syrian refugee students’ lived experiences at temporary education centres in Turkey. In K. Arar, J.S. Brooks, & I. Bogotch, (Eds.), Education, immigration, and migration (pp. 131-143). Emerald.
  • Guida, M. (2016, Temmuz). Turkiye’deki genc Suriyelilerin entegrasyonu [Integration of young Syrians in Turkey]. 29 Mayis Universitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararasi Iliskiler Bolumu. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Gumus, E., Kurnaz, Z., Esici, H., & Gumus, S. (2020). Current conditions and issues at Temporary Education Centres (TECs) for Syrian child refugees in Turkey. Multicultural Education Review, 12(2), 53-78.
  • Gurel, D., & Buyuksahin, Y. (2020). Education of Syrian refugee children in Turkey: Reflections from the application. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(5), 426-442.
  • HRW. (2015, November). When i picture my future, i see nothing: Barriers to education for Syrian refugee children in Turkey. HRW. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Icimizdeki Suriye. (2015, Agustos). Gaziantep ortak akil raporu [Gaziantep common sense report]. (Report: 2). Gaziantep Ticaret Odasi. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • IMF. (2020, April). World economic outlook: The macroeconomic effects of global migration (Chapter: 4). IMF. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Isik, S., & Kaynak, U. (2018). Gecici egitim merkezlerinde calisan okul psikolojik danismanlarin Suriyeli multeci cocuklara yonelik algilarinin metaforla incelenmesi [A metaphorical analysis of perception of the school councellors working in the temporary education centers about the Syrian refugee children]. Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 18(2), 120-145.
  • Kagnici, D. Y. (2017). Suriyeli multeci cocuklarin kulturel uyum surecinde okul psikolojik danismanlarina dusen rol ve sorumluluklar [School counselors’ roles and responsibilities in cultural adaptation process of Syrian refugee children]. Elementary Education Online, 16(4), 1768-1776.
  • Kahriman Pamuk, D., & Bal, M. (2019). Okul oncesi ogretmenlerinin kapsayici egitimde cocuklarin dil gelisim surecine yonelik goruslerinin belirlenmesi [Identifying pre-school teachers’ opinions on the language development process of children in inclusive education]. Milli Egitim Dergisi [Journal of National Education], 48(1), 737-754.
  • Kan, M. O., & Utlu, G. (2017). Errors in case markers made by Syrian students who learn Turkish in temporary education center. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(9), 205-212.
  • Kardes, S., & Akman, B. (2018). Suriyeli multecilerin egitimine yonelik ogretmen gorusleri [Teachers' views on the education of Syrian refugees]. Elementary Education Online, 17(3), 1224-1237.
  • Kaya, A. (2019). Suriyeli multeci cocuklarin egitimi uzerine bir arastirma: Gecici egitim merkezleri ve mufredatlari [A research on the education of syrian refugee children: Temporary education centers and curriculum] (537239) [Master thesis]. Marmara University. Council of Higher Education: Thesis Center.
  • Kilcan, B., & Simsek, U. (2021). Investigation of social studies curriculum in regards to migrant, refugee, asylum-seekers concepts. Participatory Educational Research, 8(1), 395-408.
  • Lance, L. (2011). Nonproduction benefits of education: Crime, health, and good citizenship. In E. A. Hanushek, S. Machin, & L. Woessmann (Eds.), Handbook of the economics of education (pp. 183-282). Elsevier. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2018). Nitel arastirma: Desen ve uygulama icin bir rehber [Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation] (S. Turan, Trans. Eds.; 3rd ed.). Nobel.
  • Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd ed.). Sage.
  • Munoz, C. (2006). The effects of age on foreign language learning: The BAF project. Age and the rate of foreign language learning, 19, 1-40.
  • Munoz, C. (2014). Exploring young learners’ foreign language learning awareness. Language Awareness, 23(1-2), 24-40.
  • Neuman, L. W. (2017). Toplumsal arastirma yontemleri: Nitel ve nicel yaklasimlar [Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches]. Yayin Odasi.
  • Nusche, D. (2009). What works in migrant education? A review of evidence and policy options (Report: 22). OECD.
  • ORSAM. (2016, Ocak). Turkiye’deki Suriyeli siginmacilar: Uzun vadeli entegrasyon icin fırsatlar ve zorluklar [Syrian refugees in Turkey: Opportunities and challenges for long-term integration]: Uzun vadeli entegrasyon icin firsatlar ve zorluklar (Report: 1). ORSAM. Accessed from in October 2021.
  • Orucu, D. (2019), There is always light at the end of the tunnel: Emotions of a Turkish school leader in a temporary education center for Syrian children. In I. Oplatka, & K., Arar, (Eds.), Emotion management and feelings in teaching and educational leadership (Studies in educational administration) (pp. 193-212). Emerald.
  • Ozdemir, M. (2010). Nitel veri analizi: Sosyal bilimlerde yontembilim sorunsali uzerine bir calisma [Qualitative data analysis: A study on methodology problem in social sciences]. Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi [Eskisehir Osmangazi University Journal of Social Sciences], 11(1), 323-343.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (4th ed.). Sage.
  • Pryor, C. (2001). New immigrants and refugees in American schools: Multiple voices. Childhood Education 77(5), 275-283.
  • Sahin, S., & Sumer, S. (2018). The problems experienced in the integration process of Syrian students into the Turkish education system. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6(5), 909-918.
  • Sander, N., Abel, G., Riosmena, F., Lutz, W., Butz, W. P., & KC, S. (2017). The future of international migration. In W. Lutz, W. P. Butz, & S. KC. (Eds.), World population and human capital in the twenty-first century (pp. 333-396). Oxford.
  • Senge, P. (2014). Ogrenen okullar: Egitimciler, veliler ve egitimle ilgilenen herkes icin bir besinci disiplin alan kitabi [The fifth discipline fieldbook for educators, parents, and everyone who cares about education] (M. Cetin, Trans. Eds.; 2nd ed.). Nobel.
  • Sleijpen, M., Mooren, T., Kleber, R. J., & Boeije, H. R. (2017). Lives on hold: A qualitative study of refugees’ resilience strategies. Childhood, 24(3), 348-365.
  • Sunata, U., & Abdulla, A. (2020). Lessons from experiences of Syrian civil society in refugee education of Turkey. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 18(4), 434-447.
  • Tanrikulu, F. (2017). Turkiye’de yasayan Suriyeli cocuklarin egitim sorunu ve cozum onerileri [Education problem of the Syrian children living in Turkey and solution proposals]. Liberal Dusunce Dergisi [Journal of Liberal Thought], 86, 127-144.
  • Tanriverdi, A., & Ulu, M. (2020). Gecici koruma altina alinan Suriyelilerde goc, kulturlesme/kulturel uyum ve din iliskisi: Kayseri ornegi [The relationships between migration, acculturation and religion among Syrians under temporary protection: A case study of Kayseri]. Bilimname, 43, 169-212.
  • Tasdan, C., Colpan Kavuncu, A., Akbulut, A. M., Irdem, I., Osmanoglu, E., Ozkaya, O., & Yildiz, A. K. (2016, Kasim). I. Uluslararası goc ve guvenlik konferansi sonuc raporu [Concluding report of the I. International migration and security conference] (Report: 6). Polis Akademisi Guvenlik Bilimleri Enstitusu Goc ve Sinir Guvenligi Arastirma Merkezi, Ankara, Turkiye.
  • Taskin, P., & Erdemli, O. (2018). Education for Syrian refugees: Problems faced by teachers in Turkey. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 18(75), 155-178.
  • Tesch, R. (1990). Qualitative research: Analysis types and software tools. Falmer.
  • Topaloglu, H. (2020). Multecilerin sosyal icerilmeleri baglaminda egitime erismelerinde yasanilan problemler ve cozum onerileri [Problems in and solution proposals for accessing education in the context of social inclusion of refugees] (664546) [Doctoral dissertation]. Hacettepe University. Council of Higher Education: Thesis Center.
  • Topaloglu, H., & Ozdemir, M. (2020). Multecilerin egitime erismeleri surecinde yasadiklari sorunlar ve sosyal icerilme beklentileri onerileri [Problems the refugees face during access to education and their social inclusion expectations]. Electronic Turkish Studies, 15(3), 2031-2059.
  • UNICEF. (2017, April). Turkiye’de ‘kayip bir kusak’ olusmasini engellemek [To prevent the formation of a 'lost generation' in Turkey]. UNICEF. Accessed fromürkiye%27deki%20Suriyeli%20Çocuklar%20Bilgi%20Notu%20Ocak%202017.pdf in October 2021.
  • Usta, M. E., Arikan, I., Sahin, Y., & Cetin, M. S. (2018). Suriyeli egitimcilerin gecici egitim merkezlerinde karsilastiklari sorunlarin incelenmesi [Perspectives of Syrian educators on problems faced during their training in temporary education centres]. Mukaddime, 9(1), 173-188.
  • Veale, A. (2020). Conflict-driven social change: The case of Syrian children and youth. Current Opinion in Psychology, 35, 114-118.
  • Wen, X. (1997). Motivation and language learning with students of Chinese 1. Foreign language annals, 30(2), 235-251.
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There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Duran Mavi 0000-0001-7244-6448

Publication Date May 1, 2022
Acceptance Date December 21, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Mavi, D. (2022). Disadvantages and solutions of a model in asylum seeker education: Temporary education centers (TECs). Participatory Educational Research, 9(3), 428-444.