Year 2023,
, 140 - 159, 30.01.2023
Ali Gündüz
Cengiz Gündüzalp
Ömer Koçak
Yüksel Göktaş
- Abdelghani, B. (2020). Trends in MOOCs Research: Analysis of Educational Technology Journals. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET), 15(17), 47.
- Alkraiji, A., & Eidaroos, A. (2016). Trends and Issues in Educational Technology Research in Saudi Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis Review. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(36), 62-79.
- Anderson, T., Saunders, G., & Alexander, I. (2021). Alternative dissertation formats in education-based doctorates. Higher Education Research & Development, 0(0), 1–20.
- Alper, A., & Gülbahar, Y. (2009). Trends and issues in educational technologies: A review of recent research in TOJET. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(2), 124-135.
- Altinpulluk, H. (2019). Determining the trends of using augmented reality in education between 2006-2016. Education and Information Technologies, 24(2), 1089–1114.
- Asdaque, M. M., & Rizvi, S. A. A. (2019). Exploring the Research Trends-Related Imbalances in Doctoral Level Research on Distance Education in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning, 5(1), 105-122.
- Bangert, A. W., & Baumberger, J. P. (2005). Research and statistical techniques used in the Journal of Counseling & Development: 1990–2001. Journal of Counseling & Development, 83(4), 480-487.
- Baydas, O., Kucuk, S., Yilmaz, R. M., Aydemir, M., & Goktas, Y. (2015). Educational technology research trends from 2002 to 2014. Scientometrics, 105(1), 709-725. 10.1007/s11192-015-1693-4
- Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.
- Bozkurt, A., & Sharma, R. C. (2020). Emergency remote teaching in a time of global crisis due to CoronaVirus pandemic. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), i–vi.
- Chen, X., Yu, G., Cheng, G., & Hao, T. (2019). Research topics, author profiles, and collaboration networks in the top-ranked journal on educational technology over the past 40 years: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Computers in Education, 6(4), 563–585.
- Chen, X., Zou, D., & Xie, H. (2020a). Fifty years of British Journal of Educational Technology : A topic modeling based bibliometric perspective. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(3), 692–708.
- Chen, X., Zou, D., Cheng, G., & Xie, H. (2020b). Detecting latent topics and trends in educational technologies over four decades using structural topic modeling: A retrospective of all volumes of Computers & Education. Computers & Education, 151, 103855.
- Cho, E., Cho, Y. H., Grant, M. M., Song, D., & Huh, Y. (2020). Trends of Educational Technology in Korea and the U.S.: A Report on the AECT-Korean Society for Educational Technology (KSET) Panel Discussion. TechTrends, 64(3), 357–360.
- Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches. CA: Sage Publications.
- Dawson, K. & Kumar, S. (2014). An analysis of professional practice Ed. D. dissertations in educational technology. TechTrends, 58(4), 62-72.
- Dubé, A. K., & Wen, R. (2021). Identification and evaluation of technology trends in K-12 education from 2011 to 2021. Education and Information Technologies.
- Durak, G., Cankaya, S., Yunkul, E. & Mısırlı, Z. (2018). A content analysis of dissertations in the field of educational technology: The case of Turkey. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 19 (2), 128-148. DOI: 10.17718/tojde.415827
- Ekici, M. (2021). A systematic review of the use of gamification in flipped learning. Education and Information Technologies, 26(3), 3327–3346.
- Erdogmus, F. U., & Cagiltay, K. (2016). General trends in master's and doctoral theses in the field of educational technologies in Turkey [Türkiye’de eğitim teknolojileri alanında yapılan master ve doktora tezlerinde genel eğilimler]. K. Çağıltay & Y. Göktaş (Eds.). Fundamentals of instructional technologies: Theories, research, trends. [Öğretim teknolojilerinin temelleri: Teoriler, araştırmalar, eğilimler] (2nd ed.), (pp. 567-581). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
- Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (4th Edition). London: Sage.
- Fraenkel, W., & Wallen, N. H. (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill
- Gibbs, L., Kealy, M., Willis, K., Green, J., Welch, N., & Daly, J. (2007). What have sampling and data collection got to do with good qualitative research? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 31(6), 540-544.
- Göktaş, Y., Hasancebi, F., Varisoglu, B., Akçay, A., Bayrak, N., Baran, M., & Sözbilir, M. (2012a). Trends in educational research in Turkey: A content analysis. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(1), 455-460.
- Göktaş, Y., Kucuk, S., Aydemir, M., Telli, E., Arpacık, Ö., Yıldırım, G., & Reisoğlu, İ. (2012b). Educational technology research trends in Turkey: A content analysis of the 2000-2009 decade. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12(1), 177-199.
- Hsu, Y. C., Hung, J. L., & Ching, Y. H. (2013). Trends of educational technology research: more than a decade of international research in six SSCI-indexed refereed journals. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(4), 685-705.
- Hu, Y., & Plonsky, L. (2021). Statistical assumptions in L2 research: A systematic review. Second Language Research, 37(1), 171–184.
- Hwang, G.-J., & Chen, P.-Y. (2022). Interweaving gaming and educational technologies: Clustering and forecasting the trends of game-based learning research by bibliometric and visual analysis. Entertainment Computing, 40, 100459.
- Johnson, B., & Christensen, L. (2008). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
- Kara Aydemir, A. G., & Can, G. (2019). Educational technology research trends in Turkey from a critical perspective: An analysis of postgraduate theses. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(3), 1087-1103. doi:10.1111/bjet.12780
- Kelley, K., & Preacher, K. J. (2012). On effect size. Psychological Methods, 17(2), 137-152.
- Kiliç-Çakmak, E., Çebi, A., Mihçi, P., Günbatar, M. S., & Akçayir, M. (2013). A content analysis of educational technology research in 2011. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 106, 74-83.
- Kimmons, R. (2020). Current Trends (and Missing Links) in Educational Technology Research and Practice. TechTrends, 64(6), 803–809.
- Kinshuk, Huang, H. W., Sampson, D., & Chen, N. S. (2013). Trends in educational technology through the lens of the highly cited articles published in the Journal of Educational Technology and Society. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 3–20
- Krull, G. & Duart, J. M. (2017). Research trends in mobile learning in Higher Education: A systematic review of articles (2011–2015). International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(7), 1-23.
- Kucuk, S., Aydemir, M., Yildirim, G., Arpacik, O., & Goktas, Y. (2013). Educational technology research trends in Turkey from 1990 to 2011. Computers & Education, 68(2013), 42-50.
- Lai, J. W. M., & Bower, M. (2020). Evaluation of technology use in education: Findings from a critical analysis of systematic literature reviews. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36(3), 241–259.
- Li, C., & Li, W. (2020). Learner identity in Chinese as a foreign/second language education: A critical review. Frontiers of Education in China, 15(1), 73–98. doi:10.1007/s11516-020-0004-x
- Li, J., Antonenko, P. D., & Wang, J. (2019). Trends and issues in multimedia learning research in 1996–2016: A bibliometric analysis. Educational Research Review, 28, 100282.
- Martin, S., Lopez-Martin, E., Lopez-Rey, A., Cubillo, J., Moreno-Pulido, A., & Castro, M. (2018). Analysis of New Technology Trends in Education: 2010–2015. IEEE Access, 6, 36840–36848.
- McMillan, J., & Schumacher, S. (2010). Research in education evidence–based inquiry (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.
- Natividad, G., Spector, J. M., & Evangelopoulos, N. (2018). Research Topics and Trends in Educational Technology. In analysis of two decades of educational technology publications: who, what and where (pp. 85–94). Springer-Verlag Singapore Pte Ltd.
- Nurzhanov, C., Pidlisnyuk, V., Naizabayeva, L., & Satymbekov, M. (2021). Research and trends in computer science and educational technology during 2016–2020: Results of a content analysis. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 13(1), 115–128.
- Oyelere, S. S., Bouali, N., Kaliisa, R., Obaido, G., Yunusa, A. A., & Jimoh, E. R. (2020). Exploring the trends of educational virtual reality games: a systematic review of empirical studies. Smart Learning Environments, 7(1), 31.
- Quarterman, J., Pits, B. G., Jackson, E. N., Kim, K., & Kim, J. (2005). Statistical data analysis techniques employed in the Sport Marketing Quarterly 1992 to 2002. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 14 (4), 227-238.
- Rahmati, J., Izadpanah, S., & Shahnavaz, A. (2021). A meta-analysis on educational technology in English language teaching. Language Testing in Asia, 11(1), 7.
- Scanlon, E. (2021). Educational Technology Research: Contexts, Complexity and Challenges. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2021(1), 1–12.
- Schreiber, J. B., & Asner-Self, K. (2011). Educational research: The Interrelationship of questions, sampling, design, and analysis. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Shaikh, M. A. (2017). Study designs, use of statistical tests, and statistical analysis software choice in 2015: Results from two Pakistani monthly Medline indexed journals. J Pak Med Assoc, 67(9), 1428-1431.
- Skidmore, S. T., & Thompson, B. (2010). Statistical techniques used in published articles: A historical review of reviews. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 70(5), 777–795.
- Turan, Z., & Akdag-Cimen, B. (2020). Flipped classroom in English language teaching: A systematic review. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33(5–6), 590–606.
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences [Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri]. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
- Yildiz, E. P., Cengel, M., & Alkan, A. (2020). Current trends in education technologies research worldwide: Meta-analysis of studies between 2015-2020. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 12(3), 192-206.
- Yoo, J., & Kim, H. (2018). Analysis of qualitative research trends of educational technology in Korea. Journal of Educational Technology, 34(2), 309-344. Doi:10.17232/KSET.34.2.309
Educational Technology Research Trends: A 10-Year Content Analysis of PhD Dissertations
Year 2023,
, 140 - 159, 30.01.2023
Ali Gündüz
Cengiz Gündüzalp
Ömer Koçak
Yüksel Göktaş
This study investigates the trends of doctoral dissertations produced in Türkiye in the field of Educational Technologies. 292 doctoral dissertations were included in this study which was conducted in the design of document analysis in the period between 2011 and 2020. The dissertations were put to content analysis by using the Dissertation Analysis Form developed within the scope of this study. The results demonstrated that the approach of the mixed method research was more commonly used in the dissertations. As a research model, it has been determined that case study from qualitative approaches and quasi-experimental model from quantitative approaches are mostly preferred. It is seen that the students of the faculty of education are greatly used as the sample. It is concluded that descriptive statistical methods are mostly used during the data analysis phase and the SPSS program is the most frequently preferred data analysis program. It has been determined that simple level statistical analysis techniques are used in theses. It is clear that although effect size calculations were made, there were also studies in which the type was not specified. Of the statistical techniques used for validity and reliability, Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency coefficient was found to be frequently used. 1376 keywords emerged in the analysed theses. These keywords were presented visually using a force-directed algorithm. Stating sampling methods clearly in studies will guide the studies to be conducted in the future. The sampling of different types of students is important in that it enriches the potential areas of study paving the way for the emergence of different perspectives.
- Abdelghani, B. (2020). Trends in MOOCs Research: Analysis of Educational Technology Journals. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET), 15(17), 47.
- Alkraiji, A., & Eidaroos, A. (2016). Trends and Issues in Educational Technology Research in Saudi Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis Review. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(36), 62-79.
- Anderson, T., Saunders, G., & Alexander, I. (2021). Alternative dissertation formats in education-based doctorates. Higher Education Research & Development, 0(0), 1–20.
- Alper, A., & Gülbahar, Y. (2009). Trends and issues in educational technologies: A review of recent research in TOJET. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(2), 124-135.
- Altinpulluk, H. (2019). Determining the trends of using augmented reality in education between 2006-2016. Education and Information Technologies, 24(2), 1089–1114.
- Asdaque, M. M., & Rizvi, S. A. A. (2019). Exploring the Research Trends-Related Imbalances in Doctoral Level Research on Distance Education in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning, 5(1), 105-122.
- Bangert, A. W., & Baumberger, J. P. (2005). Research and statistical techniques used in the Journal of Counseling & Development: 1990–2001. Journal of Counseling & Development, 83(4), 480-487.
- Baydas, O., Kucuk, S., Yilmaz, R. M., Aydemir, M., & Goktas, Y. (2015). Educational technology research trends from 2002 to 2014. Scientometrics, 105(1), 709-725. 10.1007/s11192-015-1693-4
- Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40.
- Bozkurt, A., & Sharma, R. C. (2020). Emergency remote teaching in a time of global crisis due to CoronaVirus pandemic. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), i–vi.
- Chen, X., Yu, G., Cheng, G., & Hao, T. (2019). Research topics, author profiles, and collaboration networks in the top-ranked journal on educational technology over the past 40 years: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Computers in Education, 6(4), 563–585.
- Chen, X., Zou, D., & Xie, H. (2020a). Fifty years of British Journal of Educational Technology : A topic modeling based bibliometric perspective. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(3), 692–708.
- Chen, X., Zou, D., Cheng, G., & Xie, H. (2020b). Detecting latent topics and trends in educational technologies over four decades using structural topic modeling: A retrospective of all volumes of Computers & Education. Computers & Education, 151, 103855.
- Cho, E., Cho, Y. H., Grant, M. M., Song, D., & Huh, Y. (2020). Trends of Educational Technology in Korea and the U.S.: A Report on the AECT-Korean Society for Educational Technology (KSET) Panel Discussion. TechTrends, 64(3), 357–360.
- Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches. CA: Sage Publications.
- Dawson, K. & Kumar, S. (2014). An analysis of professional practice Ed. D. dissertations in educational technology. TechTrends, 58(4), 62-72.
- Dubé, A. K., & Wen, R. (2021). Identification and evaluation of technology trends in K-12 education from 2011 to 2021. Education and Information Technologies.
- Durak, G., Cankaya, S., Yunkul, E. & Mısırlı, Z. (2018). A content analysis of dissertations in the field of educational technology: The case of Turkey. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 19 (2), 128-148. DOI: 10.17718/tojde.415827
- Ekici, M. (2021). A systematic review of the use of gamification in flipped learning. Education and Information Technologies, 26(3), 3327–3346.
- Erdogmus, F. U., & Cagiltay, K. (2016). General trends in master's and doctoral theses in the field of educational technologies in Turkey [Türkiye’de eğitim teknolojileri alanında yapılan master ve doktora tezlerinde genel eğilimler]. K. Çağıltay & Y. Göktaş (Eds.). Fundamentals of instructional technologies: Theories, research, trends. [Öğretim teknolojilerinin temelleri: Teoriler, araştırmalar, eğilimler] (2nd ed.), (pp. 567-581). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
- Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (4th Edition). London: Sage.
- Fraenkel, W., & Wallen, N. H. (2012). How to design and evaluate research in education (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill
- Gibbs, L., Kealy, M., Willis, K., Green, J., Welch, N., & Daly, J. (2007). What have sampling and data collection got to do with good qualitative research? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 31(6), 540-544.
- Göktaş, Y., Hasancebi, F., Varisoglu, B., Akçay, A., Bayrak, N., Baran, M., & Sözbilir, M. (2012a). Trends in educational research in Turkey: A content analysis. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(1), 455-460.
- Göktaş, Y., Kucuk, S., Aydemir, M., Telli, E., Arpacık, Ö., Yıldırım, G., & Reisoğlu, İ. (2012b). Educational technology research trends in Turkey: A content analysis of the 2000-2009 decade. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12(1), 177-199.
- Hsu, Y. C., Hung, J. L., & Ching, Y. H. (2013). Trends of educational technology research: more than a decade of international research in six SSCI-indexed refereed journals. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(4), 685-705.
- Hu, Y., & Plonsky, L. (2021). Statistical assumptions in L2 research: A systematic review. Second Language Research, 37(1), 171–184.
- Hwang, G.-J., & Chen, P.-Y. (2022). Interweaving gaming and educational technologies: Clustering and forecasting the trends of game-based learning research by bibliometric and visual analysis. Entertainment Computing, 40, 100459.
- Johnson, B., & Christensen, L. (2008). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
- Kara Aydemir, A. G., & Can, G. (2019). Educational technology research trends in Turkey from a critical perspective: An analysis of postgraduate theses. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(3), 1087-1103. doi:10.1111/bjet.12780
- Kelley, K., & Preacher, K. J. (2012). On effect size. Psychological Methods, 17(2), 137-152.
- Kiliç-Çakmak, E., Çebi, A., Mihçi, P., Günbatar, M. S., & Akçayir, M. (2013). A content analysis of educational technology research in 2011. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 106, 74-83.
- Kimmons, R. (2020). Current Trends (and Missing Links) in Educational Technology Research and Practice. TechTrends, 64(6), 803–809.
- Kinshuk, Huang, H. W., Sampson, D., & Chen, N. S. (2013). Trends in educational technology through the lens of the highly cited articles published in the Journal of Educational Technology and Society. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 3–20
- Krull, G. & Duart, J. M. (2017). Research trends in mobile learning in Higher Education: A systematic review of articles (2011–2015). International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(7), 1-23.
- Kucuk, S., Aydemir, M., Yildirim, G., Arpacik, O., & Goktas, Y. (2013). Educational technology research trends in Turkey from 1990 to 2011. Computers & Education, 68(2013), 42-50.
- Lai, J. W. M., & Bower, M. (2020). Evaluation of technology use in education: Findings from a critical analysis of systematic literature reviews. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36(3), 241–259.
- Li, C., & Li, W. (2020). Learner identity in Chinese as a foreign/second language education: A critical review. Frontiers of Education in China, 15(1), 73–98. doi:10.1007/s11516-020-0004-x
- Li, J., Antonenko, P. D., & Wang, J. (2019). Trends and issues in multimedia learning research in 1996–2016: A bibliometric analysis. Educational Research Review, 28, 100282.
- Martin, S., Lopez-Martin, E., Lopez-Rey, A., Cubillo, J., Moreno-Pulido, A., & Castro, M. (2018). Analysis of New Technology Trends in Education: 2010–2015. IEEE Access, 6, 36840–36848.
- McMillan, J., & Schumacher, S. (2010). Research in education evidence–based inquiry (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education.
- Natividad, G., Spector, J. M., & Evangelopoulos, N. (2018). Research Topics and Trends in Educational Technology. In analysis of two decades of educational technology publications: who, what and where (pp. 85–94). Springer-Verlag Singapore Pte Ltd.
- Nurzhanov, C., Pidlisnyuk, V., Naizabayeva, L., & Satymbekov, M. (2021). Research and trends in computer science and educational technology during 2016–2020: Results of a content analysis. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 13(1), 115–128.
- Oyelere, S. S., Bouali, N., Kaliisa, R., Obaido, G., Yunusa, A. A., & Jimoh, E. R. (2020). Exploring the trends of educational virtual reality games: a systematic review of empirical studies. Smart Learning Environments, 7(1), 31.
- Quarterman, J., Pits, B. G., Jackson, E. N., Kim, K., & Kim, J. (2005). Statistical data analysis techniques employed in the Sport Marketing Quarterly 1992 to 2002. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 14 (4), 227-238.
- Rahmati, J., Izadpanah, S., & Shahnavaz, A. (2021). A meta-analysis on educational technology in English language teaching. Language Testing in Asia, 11(1), 7.
- Scanlon, E. (2021). Educational Technology Research: Contexts, Complexity and Challenges. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2021(1), 1–12.
- Schreiber, J. B., & Asner-Self, K. (2011). Educational research: The Interrelationship of questions, sampling, design, and analysis. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Shaikh, M. A. (2017). Study designs, use of statistical tests, and statistical analysis software choice in 2015: Results from two Pakistani monthly Medline indexed journals. J Pak Med Assoc, 67(9), 1428-1431.
- Skidmore, S. T., & Thompson, B. (2010). Statistical techniques used in published articles: A historical review of reviews. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 70(5), 777–795.
- Turan, Z., & Akdag-Cimen, B. (2020). Flipped classroom in English language teaching: A systematic review. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33(5–6), 590–606.
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences [Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri]. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
- Yildiz, E. P., Cengel, M., & Alkan, A. (2020). Current trends in education technologies research worldwide: Meta-analysis of studies between 2015-2020. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 12(3), 192-206.
- Yoo, J., & Kim, H. (2018). Analysis of qualitative research trends of educational technology in Korea. Journal of Educational Technology, 34(2), 309-344. Doi:10.17232/KSET.34.2.309