Collaborative Mind Mapping-Assisted RICOSRE to Promote Students’ Problem-Solving Skills
Year 2023,
, 166 - 180, 01.07.2023
Liah Badriah
Susriyati Mahanal
Betty Lukiati
Murni Saptasari
Problem-solving skills are a series of complex thought processes that play an important role in the 21st century learning process. Problem-solving skills must be an important focus because they direct students to problem-solving activities and find alternative solutions that are needed objectively in learning or in everyday life. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Collaborative Mind Mapping (CMM)-Assisted RICOSRE on improving students' problem-solving skills. This study uses a nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design with three classes of the Biology Education Study Program at Siliwangi University in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. This study recruited 100 students, 40 students were in the experimental group with the RICOSRE-CMM model, 35 students in the positive control group used RICOSRE, and 25 students in the negative control group applied direct instruction. The effectiveness of RICOSRE-CMM model learning towards improving problem-solving abilities was evaluated at two points, namely pre-course and post-course. Essay questions were used to collect research data and assess students' problem-solving skills. A rubric is used to evaluate student responses. The findings of this study indicate that the RICOSRE-CMM learning model significantly affects Siliwangi University students' problem-solving skills in Tasikmalaya. Studying with RICOSRE-CMM can simplify students' complex thinking processes toward frequently encountered problems. Systematically organized visualization can help speed up the process of finding solutions effectively and efficiently.
Supporting Institution
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology
Project Number
The first author of this study would like to thank the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology for supporting the funding of the doctoral dissertation research through DRTPM (Contract Number: 092/E5/PG.02.00.PT/2022 and LP2M UM Contact Number: 9.5.77/UN32.20.1/LT/2022).
- Al-Abdullatif, A. M., & Gameil, A. A. (2021). The effect of digital technology integration on students’ academic performance through project-based learning in an e-learning environment. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET), 16(11), 189.
- Al-Khateeb, M. A. (2018). The effect of teaching mathematical problems solving through using mobile learning on the seventh grade students’ ability to solve them in Jordan. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 12(3), 178–191.
- Arajuo, R. C., & Gadanidis, G. (2020). Online collaborative mind mapping in a mathematics teacher education program: A study on student interaction and knowledge construction. ZDM - Mathematics Education, 52(5), 943–958.
- Asiye, B., & Bilge, C. (2016). An investigation of problem-solving skills of pre-service science teachers. Educational Research and Reviews, 11(23), 2108–2115.
- Astriani, D., Susilo, H., Suwono, H., Lukiati, B., & Purnomo, A. R. (2020). Mind mapping in learning models: A tool to improve student metacognitive skills. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 15(6), 4–17.
- Baran, M., & Sozbilir, M. (2018). An Application of Context- and Problem-Based Learning (C-PBL) into Teaching Thermodynamics. Research in Science Education, 48(4), 663–689.
- Bishara, S. (2016). Creativity in unique problem-solving in mathematics and its influence on motivation for learning. Cogent Education, 3(1).
- Buzan, T. (2006). Use your head: Innovative learning and thinking techniques to fulfl your potential (mind set). BBC Active.
- Calfee, R., & Miler, R. G. (2004). Making thinking visible national science education standards. Blackwell.
- Chen, T.-J., Mohanty, R. R., Hoffmann Rodriguez, M. A., & Krishnamurthy, V. R. (2019, August). Collaborative mind-mapping: A Study of patterns, strategies, and evolution of maps created by peer-pairs. Paper Presented at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
- Davies, D., Jindal-Snape, D., Collier, C., Digby, R., Hay, P., & Howe, A. (2013). Creative learning environments in education—A systematic literature review. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 8, 80–91.
- Garner, W. I. (1984). Reading is a problem-solving process. Reading Teacher, 38(1), 36–39.
- Guilford, J. P. (1956). Fundamental statistics in psychology and education, 3rd ed (pp. xi, 565). McGraw-Hill.
- Hakim, H., Santoso, H. B., & Junus, K. (2020). An online collaborative mind mapping feature on student-centered e-learning environment. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1566(1).
- He, Y., Du, X., Toft, E., Zhang, X., Qu, B., Shi, J., Zhang, H., & Zhang, H. (2018). A comparison between the effectiveness of PBL and LBL on improving problem-solving abilities of medical students using questioning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 55(1), 44–54.
- Hidayati, N., Zubaidah, S., & Amnah, S. (2021). The PBL vs. Digital Mind Maps Integrated PBL: Choosing Between the two with a view to Enhance Learners’ Critical Thinking. Participatory Educational Research, 9(3), 330–343.
- Hoi, P. T. T., Bao, D. Q., Nghe, P. K., & Nga, N. T. H. (2018). Developing problem-solving competency for students in teaching biology at high school in Vietnam. American Journal of Educational Research, 6(5), 539–545.
- Hung, C. M., Hwang, G. J., & Wang, S. Y. (2014). Effects of an integrated mind-mapping and problem-posing approach on students’ in-field mobile learning performance in a natural science course. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 8(3), 187–200.
- Jonassen, D. H. (1997). Instructional design models for well-structured and III-structured problem-solving learning outcomes. Educational Technology Research and Development, 45(1), 65–94.
- Kamrozzaman, N. A., Badusah, J., & Mohammad, W. M. R. W. (2018). Coggle: SWOT analysis in lifelong learning education using online collaborative mind-mapping. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 2195–2206.
- Kolte, V. (2015). Item analysis of Multiple Choice Questions in Physiology examination. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research, 4(4), 320–326.
- Lin, H., & Faste, H. (2011). Digital mind mapping: Innovations for real-time collaborative thinking. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2137–2142.
- Lin, Y.-T., Chang, C.-H., Hou, H.-T., & Wu, K.-C. (2016). Exploring the effects of employing Google Docs in collaborative concept mapping on achievement, concept representation, and attitudes. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(7), 1552–1573.
- Mahanal, S., Zubaidah, S., Sumiati, I. D., Sari, T. M., & Ismirawati, N. (2019). RICOSRE: A learning model to develop critical thinking skills for students with different academic abilities. International Journal of Instruction, 12(2), 417–434.
- Marriott, R. de C. V., & Torres, P. L. (2008). Enhancing collaborative and meaningful language learning through concept mapping BT-knowledge cartography: Software tools and mapping techniques (pp. 47–72). Springer London.
- Morris, Steve, Smith, & Jane. (1998). Understanding Mind Maps in a week. Hodder & Stoughton.
- Muhlisin, A., Sarwanti, S., Jalunggono, G., Yusliwidaka, A., Mazid, S., & Mohtar, L. E. (2022). Improving students’ problem-solving skills through RIAS model in science classes. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 41(1), 284–294.
- Mulnix, J. W. (2012). Thinking critically about critical thinking. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44(5), 464–479.
- Noviyanti, N. I., Mahanal, S., Mukti, W. R., Yuliskurniawati, I. D., Zubaidah, S., & Setiawan, D. (2021). Narrowing the gaps of scientific argumentation skills between the high and low academic achievers. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2330, 1–8.
- Papushina, I., Maksimenkova, O., & Kolomiets, A. (2017). Digital educational mind maps: A computer supported collaborative learning practice on marketing master program. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 544, 17–30.
- Polat, Ö., Sezer, T., & Atış-Akyol, N. (2022). Collaborative learning with mind mapping in the development of social skills of children. Participatory Educational Research, 9(1), 463–480.
- Pólya, G. (1988). How to Solve It. Princeton University Press.
- Qi, A. (2018). A Study of the Effect of Implementing Intellectual Property Education with Digital Teaching on Learning Motivation and Achievements. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(6).
- Rezapour-Nasrabad, R. (2019). Mind map learning technique: An educational interactive approach. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 11(1), 1593–1597.
- Rosba, E., Zubaidah, S., Mahanal, S., & Sulisetijono, S. (2021). Digital Mind Map assisted Group Investigation learning for college students’ creativity. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 15(5), 4–23.
- Shih, P. C., Nguyen, D. H., Hirano, S. H., Redmiles, D. F., & Hayes, G. R. (2009). GroupMind: Supporting idea generation through a collaborative mind-mapping tool. Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 139–148.
- Shishigu, A., Hailu, A., & Anibo, Z. (2018). Problem-based learning and conceptual understanding of college female students in physics. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(1), 145–154.
- Shute, V. J., Wang, L., Greiff, S., Zhao, W., & Moore, G. (2016). Measuring problem solving skills via stealth assessment in an engaging video game. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 106–117.
- Sihaloho, R. R., Sahyar, S., & Ginting, E. M. (2017). The effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model toward student’s creative thinking and problem solving ability in Senior High School. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME), 07(04), 11–18.
- Stewart, C., & Edwards, H. (2012). Online collaboration: Using roleplay to develop skills in resolving conflict. International Education Studies, 5(6), 1–10.
- Suhirman, S., Yusuf, Y., Muliadi, A., & Prayogi, S. (2020). The Effect of Problem-Based Learning with Character Emphasis toward Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Characters. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET), 15(06), 183.
- Ültay, E. (2017). Examination of context-based problem-solving abilities of pre-service physics teachers. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(1), 113–122.
- Ulu, M. (2017). The effect of reading comprehension and problem solving strategies on classifying elementary 4th grade students with high and low problem solving success. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(6), 44.
- University of Southern Maine. (2012). Problem solving skills rubric. ProblemSolvingSkills.pdf
- Von Hippel, E., & Von Krogh, G. (2016). Identifying viable “need-solution pairs”: Problem solving without problem formulation. Organization Science, 27(1), 207–221.
- Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., Bokov, D., & Li, O. (2020). Visualization of Learning and Memorizing Processes Using Mobile Devices: Mind Mapping and Charting. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 14(21), 136–152.
- Wan Jusoh, W. N. H., & Ahmad, S. (2016). iMindMap as an innovative tool in teaching and learning accounting: An exploratory study. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 13(1), 71–82.
- Wei, C. A., Deaton, M. L., Shume, T. J., Berardo, R., & Burnside, W. R. (2020). A framework for teaching socio-environmental problem-solving. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 10(4), 467–477.
- Wijaya, A., van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., Doorman, M., & Robitzsch, A. (2014). Difficulties in solving context-based PISA mathematics tasks: An analysis of students’ errors. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 11(3), 555–584.
- Yu, K. C., Fan, S. C., & Lin, K. Y. (2015). Enhancing students’ problem-solving skills through context-based learning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 13(6), 1377–1401.
- Zahedi, M., & Heaton, L. (2016). Mind mapping as a tool, as a process, as a problem/solution space. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Design Education: Collaboration and Cross-Disciplinarity, E and PDE, 166–171.
- Zheng, X., Johnson, T. E., & Zhou, C. (2020). A pilot study examining the impact of collaborative mind mapping strategy in a flipped classroom: Learning achievement, self-efficacy, motivation, and students’. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68, 3527–3545.
Year 2023,
, 166 - 180, 01.07.2023
Liah Badriah
Susriyati Mahanal
Betty Lukiati
Murni Saptasari
Project Number
- Al-Abdullatif, A. M., & Gameil, A. A. (2021). The effect of digital technology integration on students’ academic performance through project-based learning in an e-learning environment. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET), 16(11), 189.
- Al-Khateeb, M. A. (2018). The effect of teaching mathematical problems solving through using mobile learning on the seventh grade students’ ability to solve them in Jordan. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 12(3), 178–191.
- Arajuo, R. C., & Gadanidis, G. (2020). Online collaborative mind mapping in a mathematics teacher education program: A study on student interaction and knowledge construction. ZDM - Mathematics Education, 52(5), 943–958.
- Asiye, B., & Bilge, C. (2016). An investigation of problem-solving skills of pre-service science teachers. Educational Research and Reviews, 11(23), 2108–2115.
- Astriani, D., Susilo, H., Suwono, H., Lukiati, B., & Purnomo, A. R. (2020). Mind mapping in learning models: A tool to improve student metacognitive skills. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 15(6), 4–17.
- Baran, M., & Sozbilir, M. (2018). An Application of Context- and Problem-Based Learning (C-PBL) into Teaching Thermodynamics. Research in Science Education, 48(4), 663–689.
- Bishara, S. (2016). Creativity in unique problem-solving in mathematics and its influence on motivation for learning. Cogent Education, 3(1).
- Buzan, T. (2006). Use your head: Innovative learning and thinking techniques to fulfl your potential (mind set). BBC Active.
- Calfee, R., & Miler, R. G. (2004). Making thinking visible national science education standards. Blackwell.
- Chen, T.-J., Mohanty, R. R., Hoffmann Rodriguez, M. A., & Krishnamurthy, V. R. (2019, August). Collaborative mind-mapping: A Study of patterns, strategies, and evolution of maps created by peer-pairs. Paper Presented at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference.
- Davies, D., Jindal-Snape, D., Collier, C., Digby, R., Hay, P., & Howe, A. (2013). Creative learning environments in education—A systematic literature review. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 8, 80–91.
- Garner, W. I. (1984). Reading is a problem-solving process. Reading Teacher, 38(1), 36–39.
- Guilford, J. P. (1956). Fundamental statistics in psychology and education, 3rd ed (pp. xi, 565). McGraw-Hill.
- Hakim, H., Santoso, H. B., & Junus, K. (2020). An online collaborative mind mapping feature on student-centered e-learning environment. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1566(1).
- He, Y., Du, X., Toft, E., Zhang, X., Qu, B., Shi, J., Zhang, H., & Zhang, H. (2018). A comparison between the effectiveness of PBL and LBL on improving problem-solving abilities of medical students using questioning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 55(1), 44–54.
- Hidayati, N., Zubaidah, S., & Amnah, S. (2021). The PBL vs. Digital Mind Maps Integrated PBL: Choosing Between the two with a view to Enhance Learners’ Critical Thinking. Participatory Educational Research, 9(3), 330–343.
- Hoi, P. T. T., Bao, D. Q., Nghe, P. K., & Nga, N. T. H. (2018). Developing problem-solving competency for students in teaching biology at high school in Vietnam. American Journal of Educational Research, 6(5), 539–545.
- Hung, C. M., Hwang, G. J., & Wang, S. Y. (2014). Effects of an integrated mind-mapping and problem-posing approach on students’ in-field mobile learning performance in a natural science course. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 8(3), 187–200.
- Jonassen, D. H. (1997). Instructional design models for well-structured and III-structured problem-solving learning outcomes. Educational Technology Research and Development, 45(1), 65–94.
- Kamrozzaman, N. A., Badusah, J., & Mohammad, W. M. R. W. (2018). Coggle: SWOT analysis in lifelong learning education using online collaborative mind-mapping. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 2195–2206.
- Kolte, V. (2015). Item analysis of Multiple Choice Questions in Physiology examination. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research, 4(4), 320–326.
- Lin, H., & Faste, H. (2011). Digital mind mapping: Innovations for real-time collaborative thinking. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2137–2142.
- Lin, Y.-T., Chang, C.-H., Hou, H.-T., & Wu, K.-C. (2016). Exploring the effects of employing Google Docs in collaborative concept mapping on achievement, concept representation, and attitudes. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(7), 1552–1573.
- Mahanal, S., Zubaidah, S., Sumiati, I. D., Sari, T. M., & Ismirawati, N. (2019). RICOSRE: A learning model to develop critical thinking skills for students with different academic abilities. International Journal of Instruction, 12(2), 417–434.
- Marriott, R. de C. V., & Torres, P. L. (2008). Enhancing collaborative and meaningful language learning through concept mapping BT-knowledge cartography: Software tools and mapping techniques (pp. 47–72). Springer London.
- Morris, Steve, Smith, & Jane. (1998). Understanding Mind Maps in a week. Hodder & Stoughton.
- Muhlisin, A., Sarwanti, S., Jalunggono, G., Yusliwidaka, A., Mazid, S., & Mohtar, L. E. (2022). Improving students’ problem-solving skills through RIAS model in science classes. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 41(1), 284–294.
- Mulnix, J. W. (2012). Thinking critically about critical thinking. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44(5), 464–479.
- Noviyanti, N. I., Mahanal, S., Mukti, W. R., Yuliskurniawati, I. D., Zubaidah, S., & Setiawan, D. (2021). Narrowing the gaps of scientific argumentation skills between the high and low academic achievers. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2330, 1–8.
- Papushina, I., Maksimenkova, O., & Kolomiets, A. (2017). Digital educational mind maps: A computer supported collaborative learning practice on marketing master program. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 544, 17–30.
- Polat, Ö., Sezer, T., & Atış-Akyol, N. (2022). Collaborative learning with mind mapping in the development of social skills of children. Participatory Educational Research, 9(1), 463–480.
- Pólya, G. (1988). How to Solve It. Princeton University Press.
- Qi, A. (2018). A Study of the Effect of Implementing Intellectual Property Education with Digital Teaching on Learning Motivation and Achievements. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(6).
- Rezapour-Nasrabad, R. (2019). Mind map learning technique: An educational interactive approach. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 11(1), 1593–1597.
- Rosba, E., Zubaidah, S., Mahanal, S., & Sulisetijono, S. (2021). Digital Mind Map assisted Group Investigation learning for college students’ creativity. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 15(5), 4–23.
- Shih, P. C., Nguyen, D. H., Hirano, S. H., Redmiles, D. F., & Hayes, G. R. (2009). GroupMind: Supporting idea generation through a collaborative mind-mapping tool. Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 139–148.
- Shishigu, A., Hailu, A., & Anibo, Z. (2018). Problem-based learning and conceptual understanding of college female students in physics. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(1), 145–154.
- Shute, V. J., Wang, L., Greiff, S., Zhao, W., & Moore, G. (2016). Measuring problem solving skills via stealth assessment in an engaging video game. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 106–117.
- Sihaloho, R. R., Sahyar, S., & Ginting, E. M. (2017). The effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model toward student’s creative thinking and problem solving ability in Senior High School. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSRJRME), 07(04), 11–18.
- Stewart, C., & Edwards, H. (2012). Online collaboration: Using roleplay to develop skills in resolving conflict. International Education Studies, 5(6), 1–10.
- Suhirman, S., Yusuf, Y., Muliadi, A., & Prayogi, S. (2020). The Effect of Problem-Based Learning with Character Emphasis toward Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Characters. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET), 15(06), 183.
- Ültay, E. (2017). Examination of context-based problem-solving abilities of pre-service physics teachers. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(1), 113–122.
- Ulu, M. (2017). The effect of reading comprehension and problem solving strategies on classifying elementary 4th grade students with high and low problem solving success. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(6), 44.
- University of Southern Maine. (2012). Problem solving skills rubric. ProblemSolvingSkills.pdf
- Von Hippel, E., & Von Krogh, G. (2016). Identifying viable “need-solution pairs”: Problem solving without problem formulation. Organization Science, 27(1), 207–221.
- Vorona-Slivinskaya, L., Bokov, D., & Li, O. (2020). Visualization of Learning and Memorizing Processes Using Mobile Devices: Mind Mapping and Charting. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 14(21), 136–152.
- Wan Jusoh, W. N. H., & Ahmad, S. (2016). iMindMap as an innovative tool in teaching and learning accounting: An exploratory study. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 13(1), 71–82.
- Wei, C. A., Deaton, M. L., Shume, T. J., Berardo, R., & Burnside, W. R. (2020). A framework for teaching socio-environmental problem-solving. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 10(4), 467–477.
- Wijaya, A., van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., Doorman, M., & Robitzsch, A. (2014). Difficulties in solving context-based PISA mathematics tasks: An analysis of students’ errors. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 11(3), 555–584.
- Yu, K. C., Fan, S. C., & Lin, K. Y. (2015). Enhancing students’ problem-solving skills through context-based learning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 13(6), 1377–1401.
- Zahedi, M., & Heaton, L. (2016). Mind mapping as a tool, as a process, as a problem/solution space. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Design Education: Collaboration and Cross-Disciplinarity, E and PDE, 166–171.
- Zheng, X., Johnson, T. E., & Zhou, C. (2020). A pilot study examining the impact of collaborative mind mapping strategy in a flipped classroom: Learning achievement, self-efficacy, motivation, and students’. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68, 3527–3545.