Research Article
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Mentoring and its Significance in the Formation of Translators' Self-Efficacy Perceptions

Year 2023, , 1 - 13, 01.11.2023


Self-efficacy is defined as the confidence in one's talents and capacity to carry out the tasks assigned to them as well as to address and resolve the issues in their personal and professional lives. On the other hand, the word ‘mentor’ is assumed to have roots in Greek mythology. The term "mentoring" refers to a caring, sharing, and supportive relationship in which one person invests time, knowledge, and effort into promoting the development of another person's skills, abilities, and knowledge. In this study, the role of mentoring in the formation of translator candidates' self-efficacy perception is examined. This study employs a qualitative research methodology to ascertain the translator candidates' opinions on the mentoring practice in the development of their perception of self-efficacy in their workplaces. In the findings, translator candidates state that practical training is important for them to gain self-efficacy in the field of profession. The results indicate that participants’ professional experience is insufficient, they see themselves inadequate in the fields of application and they need mentor help in terms of methods to be used, self-confidence and guidance. They emphasize the value of mentoring in terms of obtaining personal and professional experience and share favourable views on this practice. The results show that the translation candidates' self-efficacy perspective is poor, but the mentoring practice may be helpful in gaining professional experience and developing a self-efficacy perception.


  • Crisp, G., & Cruz, I. (2009). Mentoring college students: A critical review of the literature between 1990 and 2007. Research in higher education, 50(6), 525- 545.
  • D’Abate, C. P., & Eddy, E. R. (2008). Mentoring as a learning tool: enhancing the effectiveness of an undergraduate business mentoring program. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 16(4), 363-378.
  • Davis, A. L. (2005). An investigation of formal mentoring relationships and programs: A meta-analysis. City University of New York.
  • Deane, K. L., Boat, A. A., Haddock, S. A., Henry, K. L., Zimmerman, T. S., & Weiler, L. M. (2022). The Comparative Roles of Mentor Self-Efficacy and Empathy in Fostering Relationship Quality with Youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(4), 805-819.
  • Dennis, G. (1993). Education research consumer guide: Mentoring. Washington, D C: U.S. Department of Education.
  • DiRenzo, M. S., Linnehan, F., Shao, P., & Rosenberg, W. L. (2010). A moderated mediation model of e-mentoring. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76(2), 292-305. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2009.10.003.
  • Dollinger, M., Arkoudis, S., & Marangell, S. (2019). University alumni mentoring programs: a win-win?. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 41(4), 375-389.
  • Dougherty, T. W., & Dreher, G. F. (2007). Mentoring and career outcomes: Conceptual and methodological issues in an emerging literature. In B. R. Ragins & K. E. 68 Kram (Eds.), The Handbook of Mentoring at Work: Theory, Research, and Practice, 51-94. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Dutton, H., Deane, K. L., & Bullen, P. (2018). Distal and experiential perspectives of relationship quality from mentors, mentees, and program staff in a school-based youth mentoring program. Children and Youth Services Review, 85, 53-62.
  • Dybowski, C., Sehner, S., & Harendza, S. (2017). Influence of motivation, self-efficacy and situational factors on the teaching quality of clinical educators. BMC medical education, 17(1), 1-8. doi: 10.1186/s12909-017-0923-2.
  • Ghosh, R., & Reio Jr, T. G. (2013). Career benefits associated with mentoring for mentors: A meta-analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(1), 106-116. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2013.03.011.
  • Haggard, D. L., Dougherty, T. W., Turban, D. B., & Wilbanks, J. E. (2011). Who is a mentor? A review of evolving definitions and implications for research. Journal of management, 37(1), 280-304. doi:10.1177/0149206310386227.
  • Hampton, D., Culp-Roche, A., Hensley, A., Wilson, J., Otts, J. A., Thaxton-Wiggins, A., ... & Moser, D. K. (2020). Self-efficacy and satisfaction with teaching in online courses. Nurse educator, 45(6), 302-306. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000805.
  • Kent, R. (2007). Marketing research: approaches, methods and applications in Europe. London: Thomson Learning.
  • Köksal, O., Güler, M., & Çeti̇n, F. (2015). Öz-yeterlilik algısı, yaşam doyumu ve bir role tutulma etkileşimi: Sosyal bilişsel bir yaklaşım. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi (Interaction between self-efficacy perception, life satisfaction, and involvement in a role: A social cognitive approach. Erciyes University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal), (54), 193-207.
  • Kram, K. E. (1985). Mentoring at work: Developmental relationships in organizational life. Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman.
  • Kram, K. E., & Isabella, L. A. (1985). Mentoring alternatives: The role of peer relationships in career development. Academy of management Journal, 28(1), 110-132.
  • Larose, S. (2013). Trajectories of mentors’ perceived self-efficacy during an academic mentoring experience: What they look like and what are their personal and experimental correlates?. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 21(2), 150-174..
  • Little, C. A., Kearney, K. L., & Britner, P. A. (2010). Students' self-concept and perceptions of mentoring relationships in a summer mentorship program for talented adolescents. Roeper Review, 32(3), 189-199.
  • Miller, A. (2002). Mentoring students & young people: A handbook of effective practice. London: Kogan Page.
  • Morse, J. M. (1995). The significance of saturation. Qualitative health research, 5(2), 147-149.
  • Morse, J. M. (2000). Determining sample size. Qualitative health research, 10(1), 3-5.
  • Nettles, M. T., & Millett, C. M. (2006). Three magic letters: Getting to PhD. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Ng, K. Y., Ang, S., & Chan, K. Y. (2008). Personality and leader effectiveness: a moderated mediation model of leadership self-efficacy, job demands, and job autonomy. Journal of Applied psychology, 93(4), 733–743.
  • Pascal, J. (2010). Phenomenology as a research method for social work contexts: Understanding the lived experience of cancer survival. Currents: New Scholarship in the Human Services, 9(2),1–23.
  • Pietkiewicz, I., & Smith, J. A. (2014). A practical guide to using interpretative phenomenological analysis in qualitative research psychology. Psychological Journal, 20(1), 7-14.
  • Potter, J., & Wetherell, M. (1987). Discourse and Social Psychology: beyond attitudes and behaviour. London: Sage Publications.
  • Ragins, B. R., & Kram, K. E. (2007). The handbook of mentoring at work: Theory, research, and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Ragins, B. R., & Verbos, A. K. (2017). Positive relationships in action: Relational mentoring and mentoring schemas in the workplace. In Exploring positive relationships at work (pp. 91-116). Psychology Press. New York: Psychology Press.
  • Raposa, E. B., Rhodes, J. E., & Herrera, C. (2016). The impact of youth risk on mentoring relationship quality: Do mentor characteristics matter?. American Journal of Community Psychology, 57(3-4), 320-329.
  • Shea, G.F. (1994). Mentoring: Helping employees reach their full potential. New York: American Management Association, Memberships Publications Division.
  • Strapp, C. M., Gilles, A. W., Spalding, A. E., Hughes, C. T., Baldwin, A. M., Guy, K. L., Feakin, K. R., & Lamb, A. D. (2014). Changes in mentor efficacy and perceptions following participation in a youth mentoring program. Mentoring &Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 22(3), 190–209.
  • Wang, M., Kammeyer-Mueller, J., Liu, Y., & Li, Y. (2015). Context, socialization, and newcomer learning. Organizational Psychology Review, 5(1), 3-25. doi:10.1177/2041386614528832.
  • Welman, J. C., & Kruger, S. J. (1999). Research methodology for the business and administrative sciences. Johannesburg, South Africa: Oxford University Press.
  • Wilbanks, J. E. (2014). E-mentoring: Examining the feasibility of electronic, online, or distance mentoring. Journal of higher education theory and practice, 14(5), 24.
  • Willig, C. (2008). Introducing qualitative research in psychology. Maidenhead: McGare Hill/Open University Press.
Year 2023, , 1 - 13, 01.11.2023



  • Crisp, G., & Cruz, I. (2009). Mentoring college students: A critical review of the literature between 1990 and 2007. Research in higher education, 50(6), 525- 545.
  • D’Abate, C. P., & Eddy, E. R. (2008). Mentoring as a learning tool: enhancing the effectiveness of an undergraduate business mentoring program. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 16(4), 363-378.
  • Davis, A. L. (2005). An investigation of formal mentoring relationships and programs: A meta-analysis. City University of New York.
  • Deane, K. L., Boat, A. A., Haddock, S. A., Henry, K. L., Zimmerman, T. S., & Weiler, L. M. (2022). The Comparative Roles of Mentor Self-Efficacy and Empathy in Fostering Relationship Quality with Youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(4), 805-819.
  • Dennis, G. (1993). Education research consumer guide: Mentoring. Washington, D C: U.S. Department of Education.
  • DiRenzo, M. S., Linnehan, F., Shao, P., & Rosenberg, W. L. (2010). A moderated mediation model of e-mentoring. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76(2), 292-305. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2009.10.003.
  • Dollinger, M., Arkoudis, S., & Marangell, S. (2019). University alumni mentoring programs: a win-win?. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 41(4), 375-389.
  • Dougherty, T. W., & Dreher, G. F. (2007). Mentoring and career outcomes: Conceptual and methodological issues in an emerging literature. In B. R. Ragins & K. E. 68 Kram (Eds.), The Handbook of Mentoring at Work: Theory, Research, and Practice, 51-94. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Dutton, H., Deane, K. L., & Bullen, P. (2018). Distal and experiential perspectives of relationship quality from mentors, mentees, and program staff in a school-based youth mentoring program. Children and Youth Services Review, 85, 53-62.
  • Dybowski, C., Sehner, S., & Harendza, S. (2017). Influence of motivation, self-efficacy and situational factors on the teaching quality of clinical educators. BMC medical education, 17(1), 1-8. doi: 10.1186/s12909-017-0923-2.
  • Ghosh, R., & Reio Jr, T. G. (2013). Career benefits associated with mentoring for mentors: A meta-analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(1), 106-116. doi:10.1016/j.jvb.2013.03.011.
  • Haggard, D. L., Dougherty, T. W., Turban, D. B., & Wilbanks, J. E. (2011). Who is a mentor? A review of evolving definitions and implications for research. Journal of management, 37(1), 280-304. doi:10.1177/0149206310386227.
  • Hampton, D., Culp-Roche, A., Hensley, A., Wilson, J., Otts, J. A., Thaxton-Wiggins, A., ... & Moser, D. K. (2020). Self-efficacy and satisfaction with teaching in online courses. Nurse educator, 45(6), 302-306. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000805.
  • Kent, R. (2007). Marketing research: approaches, methods and applications in Europe. London: Thomson Learning.
  • Köksal, O., Güler, M., & Çeti̇n, F. (2015). Öz-yeterlilik algısı, yaşam doyumu ve bir role tutulma etkileşimi: Sosyal bilişsel bir yaklaşım. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi (Interaction between self-efficacy perception, life satisfaction, and involvement in a role: A social cognitive approach. Erciyes University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal), (54), 193-207.
  • Kram, K. E. (1985). Mentoring at work: Developmental relationships in organizational life. Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman.
  • Kram, K. E., & Isabella, L. A. (1985). Mentoring alternatives: The role of peer relationships in career development. Academy of management Journal, 28(1), 110-132.
  • Larose, S. (2013). Trajectories of mentors’ perceived self-efficacy during an academic mentoring experience: What they look like and what are their personal and experimental correlates?. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 21(2), 150-174..
  • Little, C. A., Kearney, K. L., & Britner, P. A. (2010). Students' self-concept and perceptions of mentoring relationships in a summer mentorship program for talented adolescents. Roeper Review, 32(3), 189-199.
  • Miller, A. (2002). Mentoring students & young people: A handbook of effective practice. London: Kogan Page.
  • Morse, J. M. (1995). The significance of saturation. Qualitative health research, 5(2), 147-149.
  • Morse, J. M. (2000). Determining sample size. Qualitative health research, 10(1), 3-5.
  • Nettles, M. T., & Millett, C. M. (2006). Three magic letters: Getting to PhD. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Ng, K. Y., Ang, S., & Chan, K. Y. (2008). Personality and leader effectiveness: a moderated mediation model of leadership self-efficacy, job demands, and job autonomy. Journal of Applied psychology, 93(4), 733–743.
  • Pascal, J. (2010). Phenomenology as a research method for social work contexts: Understanding the lived experience of cancer survival. Currents: New Scholarship in the Human Services, 9(2),1–23.
  • Pietkiewicz, I., & Smith, J. A. (2014). A practical guide to using interpretative phenomenological analysis in qualitative research psychology. Psychological Journal, 20(1), 7-14.
  • Potter, J., & Wetherell, M. (1987). Discourse and Social Psychology: beyond attitudes and behaviour. London: Sage Publications.
  • Ragins, B. R., & Kram, K. E. (2007). The handbook of mentoring at work: Theory, research, and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Ragins, B. R., & Verbos, A. K. (2017). Positive relationships in action: Relational mentoring and mentoring schemas in the workplace. In Exploring positive relationships at work (pp. 91-116). Psychology Press. New York: Psychology Press.
  • Raposa, E. B., Rhodes, J. E., & Herrera, C. (2016). The impact of youth risk on mentoring relationship quality: Do mentor characteristics matter?. American Journal of Community Psychology, 57(3-4), 320-329.
  • Shea, G.F. (1994). Mentoring: Helping employees reach their full potential. New York: American Management Association, Memberships Publications Division.
  • Strapp, C. M., Gilles, A. W., Spalding, A. E., Hughes, C. T., Baldwin, A. M., Guy, K. L., Feakin, K. R., & Lamb, A. D. (2014). Changes in mentor efficacy and perceptions following participation in a youth mentoring program. Mentoring &Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 22(3), 190–209.
  • Wang, M., Kammeyer-Mueller, J., Liu, Y., & Li, Y. (2015). Context, socialization, and newcomer learning. Organizational Psychology Review, 5(1), 3-25. doi:10.1177/2041386614528832.
  • Welman, J. C., & Kruger, S. J. (1999). Research methodology for the business and administrative sciences. Johannesburg, South Africa: Oxford University Press.
  • Wilbanks, J. E. (2014). E-mentoring: Examining the feasibility of electronic, online, or distance mentoring. Journal of higher education theory and practice, 14(5), 24.
  • Willig, C. (2008). Introducing qualitative research in psychology. Maidenhead: McGare Hill/Open University Press.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Haldun Vural 0000-0002-4638-4084

Early Pub Date November 2, 2023
Publication Date November 1, 2023
Acceptance Date September 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Vural, H. (2023). Mentoring and its Significance in the Formation of Translators’ Self-Efficacy Perceptions. Participatory Educational Research, 10(6), 1-13.