Research Article
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Year 2019, , 1 - 9, 01.06.2019



  • Aktan, O. & Padem, S. (2013). İlköğretim 5.sınıf sosyal bilgiler ders kitabında kullanılan okuma metinlerinde yer alan değerler [Values in the reading passages that are used in elementary school 5th grade social sciences textbook]. Asya Öğretim Dergisi [Asian Journal of Instruction] 1(2): 44-55
  • Aral, D. (2008). Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın hazırladığı 6. sınıf Türkçe ders kitabında yer alan değerler üzerine bir araştırma [A research on the values taught in the Turkish language course book for the 6th grade prepared by the Ministry of National Education]. Master Thesis. Bolu, Turkey.
  • Aslan, R. (2007). Öğretmen görüşlerine göre ilköğretim birinci basamaktaki öğrencilerin temel bilgi, beceri ve değerler kazanma düzeyleri. [ According to the teachers' opinions, the primary level of primary education strategy, basic knowledge, skills and values to gain levels] Master Thesis. Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  • Aslan, R. (2007). Öğretmen görüşlerine göre ilköğretim birinci basamaktaki öğrencilerin temel bilgi, beceri ve değerler kazanma düzeyleri [Levels of acquiring basic knowledge, skills and values of primary school children according to the viewpoints of their teachers]. Master Thesis. Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  • Bilgin, N., (2003). Sosyal psikoloji sözlüğü: kavramlar yaklaşımlar [Dictionary of social psychology: concepts, approaches]. İstanbul: Bağlam Publications.
  • Canatan, A. (2008). Toplumsal değerler ve yaşlılar [Social values and geriatrics]. Research Journal of Elderly Problems, (1), 62-71.
  • Carr D. & Skinner D. (2009). The cultural roots of professional wisdom: Towards a broader view of teacher expertise. Educational Philosophy and Theory 41(2):141-154
  • Cevizci, A., (2002). Felsefe sözlüğü [Dictionary of philosophy]. İstanbul: Paradigma Publications.
  • Cresswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research. Boston: Pearson Education.
  • Dilmaç, B. (2002). İnsanca değerler eğitimi [Humane values education]. Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Dilmaç, B., Bozgeyikli, H. & Çıkılı,Y. (2008). Öğretmen adaylarının değer algılarının farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi [The Investigation of Teacher Candidates’ Value Perceptions in Terms of Various Variables]. The journal of Value Education. 6(16): 69-91.
  • Edgington, D. W. (2002). To promote character education, use literature for children and adolescents. The Social Studies, 93 (3): 113-116
  • Ekinci Çelikpazu, E. Aktaş, E. (2011). Examination of texts at MEB 6, 7 and 8. Grade Turkish course textbooks according to value transmission. Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic 6(2) ss.. 413-422.
  • Erdal, K. (2009). Eğitim değerleri açısından çocuk kitapları [Child boks as to educational values]. Academic View, 17, 1-18.
  • Güleç, Ç. H. & Gönen, M. (1997). The study of Turkish illustrated story books published between 1974-1993, from the viewpoint of physical aspects. Turkish Librarianship, 11(1), 42-53.
  • Güleryüz, H. (2003). Yaratıcı çocuk edebiyatı [Creative children's literature]. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publications.
  • Güngör, E. (1993). Değerler Psikolojisi Üzerine Araştırmalar. İstanbul: Ötüken Publication.
  • Halstead, M. & Taylor, M. (2000).Learning and teaching about values: Areview of recent research. Cambridge Journal of Education, 30, (2).
  • Kan, Ç. (2009). Changing values and global citizenship education. Kastamonu Edcuation Journal, 17(3): 895-904.
  • Kluckohn, C. (1962). Values and value-orientations in the theory of action: An exploration in definition and classification. İn: Parsons, T, ve E. A. Shills, (eds). Toward a general theory of action, New York: Harper and Row Puplishers.
  • Kornblum, W., (1994). Sociology ın a changing world. Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  • Köknel, Ö., (2007). Çatışan değerlerimiz [Our conflicting values] İstanbul: Altın Kitaplar Publications.
  • Kutlu, S. (2011). Okul öncesi çocuk edebiyatı yapıtlarındaki resimlerin çocuğa göreliğinin öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirilmesi (Eskişehir ili örneği)[ Evaluation of suitability of the pictures in the literary works written for the pre-school children for children considering the opinions of teachers: Sample of Eskişehir city]. Master Thesis, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Oğuzkan, F. A. (1998). İyi bir çocuk kitabı dil, anlatım, konu bakımından nasıl olmalıdır? M. R. Şirin (Haz.). 99 Soruda Çocuk Edebiyatı [Child Literature in 99 Questions] (ss. 210-212). Ankara: Çocuk Vakfı Publications.
  • Özgüven, İ. E. (1994). Psikolojik testler [Physchological tests]. Ankara.
  • Padem, S. & Aktan O. (2014). Investigation of values in Turkish language books of elementary 5th grade. Düzce University the Journal of Social Science Institute, 2(21): 1-24
  • Sever, S. (2007). Çocuk edebiyatı [Child literatüre]. Ankara: Kök Publications.
  • Sönmez, H. (2011). Reşat Ekrem Koçu’nun çocuklar için yazdığı eserlerde değer eğitimi ve Türkçe [Reşat Ekrem Koçus works which have written for children value education and Turkish]. Master Thesis. İnönü University, Malatya, Türkiye.
  • Şen, Ü. (2008). Investigation of 6th grade Turkish language books in a view of values. The journal of International Social Research, 1(5) 763-779.
  • Şirin, M. R. (2007). Çocuk edebiyatı kültürü [Culture of child literatüre]. Ankara: Kök Publications.
  • Temizyürek, F. (2003). Türkçe öğretiminde çocuk edebiyatının önemi [Importance of child literature in teaching Turkish]. TÜBAR-XIII, 161-167.
  • Theodorson, G.& Theodorson A.A., (1969). Modern dictionary of sociology, New York and London: Barnes & Noble Publishers.
  • Tür, G. & Turla, A. (1999). Okul öncesinde çocuk, edebiyat ve kitap [Child literatüre and book in early childhood]. İstanbul: Ya-Pa Publications.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek. H. (2008). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri[Qualitative research methodologies in social sciences]. Ankara: Seçkin Publications.
  • Yıldırım, K. (2009). Values education experiences of Turkish class teachers: A phenomenological approach. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 35,165-184.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2003). Learning method and value education. The Journal of Value Education. 2, 120-129

Personal and Social Values in Primary Grade Children’s Books

Year 2019, , 1 - 9, 01.06.2019


One requirement of realizing the aims of Turkish National Education is
educating individuals that adopt the values of Turkish Nation. Families,
educational institutions, and teaching materials have important roles to
raise individuals who adopt social values and put them into practice. One
of the important materials is written children books. In this context, the
aim of the study is to determine the personal and social values dealt with
in primary grade children's books. One of the qualitative methods,
document analysis method was used in the study. Universe of the study
was consisted of written children’s books of elementary grades. Sample
was consisted of children books that are sold in the city center of
Kırşehir. The sample a total of 210 children from domestic and foreign
authors who were selected by random sampling among the children’s
books belonging to different publishing house offered for sale in book
stories in the city center of Kırşehir were created from the book. To
collect data, “Values Control List” was developed and used by the
researcher. Study findings showed that the children’s books commonly
include individual values are “responsibility, love, goodness, diligence,
animal love and trust” and social values are “friendship, helpfulness and
unity of family”. The least mentioned individual values are “cleanliness,
being patient, frugality, loyalty, being tactful and morality” and social
values are “patriotism, peace, empathy, love of nature and freedom”.


  • Aktan, O. & Padem, S. (2013). İlköğretim 5.sınıf sosyal bilgiler ders kitabında kullanılan okuma metinlerinde yer alan değerler [Values in the reading passages that are used in elementary school 5th grade social sciences textbook]. Asya Öğretim Dergisi [Asian Journal of Instruction] 1(2): 44-55
  • Aral, D. (2008). Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın hazırladığı 6. sınıf Türkçe ders kitabında yer alan değerler üzerine bir araştırma [A research on the values taught in the Turkish language course book for the 6th grade prepared by the Ministry of National Education]. Master Thesis. Bolu, Turkey.
  • Aslan, R. (2007). Öğretmen görüşlerine göre ilköğretim birinci basamaktaki öğrencilerin temel bilgi, beceri ve değerler kazanma düzeyleri. [ According to the teachers' opinions, the primary level of primary education strategy, basic knowledge, skills and values to gain levels] Master Thesis. Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  • Aslan, R. (2007). Öğretmen görüşlerine göre ilköğretim birinci basamaktaki öğrencilerin temel bilgi, beceri ve değerler kazanma düzeyleri [Levels of acquiring basic knowledge, skills and values of primary school children according to the viewpoints of their teachers]. Master Thesis. Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  • Bilgin, N., (2003). Sosyal psikoloji sözlüğü: kavramlar yaklaşımlar [Dictionary of social psychology: concepts, approaches]. İstanbul: Bağlam Publications.
  • Canatan, A. (2008). Toplumsal değerler ve yaşlılar [Social values and geriatrics]. Research Journal of Elderly Problems, (1), 62-71.
  • Carr D. & Skinner D. (2009). The cultural roots of professional wisdom: Towards a broader view of teacher expertise. Educational Philosophy and Theory 41(2):141-154
  • Cevizci, A., (2002). Felsefe sözlüğü [Dictionary of philosophy]. İstanbul: Paradigma Publications.
  • Cresswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research. Boston: Pearson Education.
  • Dilmaç, B. (2002). İnsanca değerler eğitimi [Humane values education]. Ankara: Nobel Publications.
  • Dilmaç, B., Bozgeyikli, H. & Çıkılı,Y. (2008). Öğretmen adaylarının değer algılarının farklı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi [The Investigation of Teacher Candidates’ Value Perceptions in Terms of Various Variables]. The journal of Value Education. 6(16): 69-91.
  • Edgington, D. W. (2002). To promote character education, use literature for children and adolescents. The Social Studies, 93 (3): 113-116
  • Ekinci Çelikpazu, E. Aktaş, E. (2011). Examination of texts at MEB 6, 7 and 8. Grade Turkish course textbooks according to value transmission. Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic 6(2) ss.. 413-422.
  • Erdal, K. (2009). Eğitim değerleri açısından çocuk kitapları [Child boks as to educational values]. Academic View, 17, 1-18.
  • Güleç, Ç. H. & Gönen, M. (1997). The study of Turkish illustrated story books published between 1974-1993, from the viewpoint of physical aspects. Turkish Librarianship, 11(1), 42-53.
  • Güleryüz, H. (2003). Yaratıcı çocuk edebiyatı [Creative children's literature]. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publications.
  • Güngör, E. (1993). Değerler Psikolojisi Üzerine Araştırmalar. İstanbul: Ötüken Publication.
  • Halstead, M. & Taylor, M. (2000).Learning and teaching about values: Areview of recent research. Cambridge Journal of Education, 30, (2).
  • Kan, Ç. (2009). Changing values and global citizenship education. Kastamonu Edcuation Journal, 17(3): 895-904.
  • Kluckohn, C. (1962). Values and value-orientations in the theory of action: An exploration in definition and classification. İn: Parsons, T, ve E. A. Shills, (eds). Toward a general theory of action, New York: Harper and Row Puplishers.
  • Kornblum, W., (1994). Sociology ın a changing world. Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  • Köknel, Ö., (2007). Çatışan değerlerimiz [Our conflicting values] İstanbul: Altın Kitaplar Publications.
  • Kutlu, S. (2011). Okul öncesi çocuk edebiyatı yapıtlarındaki resimlerin çocuğa göreliğinin öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirilmesi (Eskişehir ili örneği)[ Evaluation of suitability of the pictures in the literary works written for the pre-school children for children considering the opinions of teachers: Sample of Eskişehir city]. Master Thesis, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Oğuzkan, F. A. (1998). İyi bir çocuk kitabı dil, anlatım, konu bakımından nasıl olmalıdır? M. R. Şirin (Haz.). 99 Soruda Çocuk Edebiyatı [Child Literature in 99 Questions] (ss. 210-212). Ankara: Çocuk Vakfı Publications.
  • Özgüven, İ. E. (1994). Psikolojik testler [Physchological tests]. Ankara.
  • Padem, S. & Aktan O. (2014). Investigation of values in Turkish language books of elementary 5th grade. Düzce University the Journal of Social Science Institute, 2(21): 1-24
  • Sever, S. (2007). Çocuk edebiyatı [Child literatüre]. Ankara: Kök Publications.
  • Sönmez, H. (2011). Reşat Ekrem Koçu’nun çocuklar için yazdığı eserlerde değer eğitimi ve Türkçe [Reşat Ekrem Koçus works which have written for children value education and Turkish]. Master Thesis. İnönü University, Malatya, Türkiye.
  • Şen, Ü. (2008). Investigation of 6th grade Turkish language books in a view of values. The journal of International Social Research, 1(5) 763-779.
  • Şirin, M. R. (2007). Çocuk edebiyatı kültürü [Culture of child literatüre]. Ankara: Kök Publications.
  • Temizyürek, F. (2003). Türkçe öğretiminde çocuk edebiyatının önemi [Importance of child literature in teaching Turkish]. TÜBAR-XIII, 161-167.
  • Theodorson, G.& Theodorson A.A., (1969). Modern dictionary of sociology, New York and London: Barnes & Noble Publishers.
  • Tür, G. & Turla, A. (1999). Okul öncesinde çocuk, edebiyat ve kitap [Child literatüre and book in early childhood]. İstanbul: Ya-Pa Publications.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek. H. (2008). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri[Qualitative research methodologies in social sciences]. Ankara: Seçkin Publications.
  • Yıldırım, K. (2009). Values education experiences of Turkish class teachers: A phenomenological approach. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 35,165-184.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2003). Learning method and value education. The Journal of Value Education. 2, 120-129
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayfer Şahin 0000-0001-9903-1445

Publication Date June 1, 2019
Acceptance Date January 9, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Şahin, A. (2019). Personal and Social Values in Primary Grade Children’s Books. Participatory Educational Research, 6(1), 1-9.