Year 2015,
, 11 - 23, 30.04.2015
Stephens Oluyemi Adetunji
Krog Soezin
Nel Norma Margaret
- Akinboye J.O (2003). Creativity, Innovation and Success. Ibadan: Stirling Holden Publishers (Nig) Ltd.
- Akinboye, J.O., (2006). Manual for Users of EQ Tests. Ibadan: CYFO Behaviour Services.
- Animasahun RA 2002. Effect of Six Thinking Hats and Practical Creativity in the reduction of psychopathological behaviour among some adolescents in Nigeria prisons. Ibadan Journal of EducationalStudies, 2(2): 573-587.
- Animasahun RA 2003. The effect of Six Thinking Hats in Enhancing the Decision Making Behaviour of Nigeria Prisoners. Nigerian Journal of Applied Psychology, 7(2): 66-79
- Animasahun, R. A. (2005). Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence Training in Enhancing the Positive Life Skills of Nigerian Prison Inmates. A paper presented at the Faculty of Education University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
- Ceriaco,C.B(2007).Factors influencing the commission of crime. Available at https// of crime on October 21,2014
- Cote, S., DeCelles,K.A.,McCarthy, J.M.,Van Kleef,G. A &Hideg,I(2011).The Jekyll and Hide of emotional intelligence. Emotion regulation knowledge and interpersonalty deviant behavior .Psychological Science 22(8) 1073-1080
- Creswell, J.W (2003).Research Design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (2nd eds) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- Davies, S. (2010) Leadership in Action, Emotional intelligence and Leadership. Egon Zehnder International. Available at Retrieved on24/09/2010
- Dooley, B.D., Seals A., & Skarbek D (2014). The effect of prison gang membership on recidivism. Journal of Criminal Justice 42 (2014):265-275.
- Frederickson, N., Petrides, K.V., Simmonds,E (2011).Trait emotional intelligence as a predictor of socio emotional outcomes in early adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences 52(2012) 323-328.
- Goleman D(2011).Working with emotional intelligence. Random House Publishers:NY
- Greco,C (2012). Reducing recidivism: Whose responsibility is it? Available at http// on October 2, 2014.
- Grohol,J.M (2013). Importance of emotional intelligence validated. Available at on October 3,2014.
- Haye J.M& O’Relly G (in press). Psychiatric disorder, IQ and emotional intelligence among adolescent detainees: A comparative study. Legal and Criminological Psychology DOI:10.IIII/j. 2044-8333.2011.0207
- Kouhdast,R.N,Mahdian,M.J&Naeini,M.A(2013).The relationship between emotional intelligence and thinking styles in male and female students in Tehran,Iran.International Journal of Learning and Development.3(3)110-119.
- Mayer J.D.,Salovey, P& Caruso,D.R (2008) Emotional intelligence: new ability or eclectic traits? American Psychologist 63:503-517.
- Mayer, J.D., & Salovey, P (1993). The intelligence of emotional intelligence: Intelligence 17:443-42
- McMurran, M & McGuire J (2005). Social problem solving and offending: evidence, evaluation . John Wiley& Sons: Chi Chester, UK.
- Megreya AM 2013.Criminal thinking style and emotional intelligence in Egyptians offenders. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 23:56-71.
- Nelis,D.,Quaidbach,J., Mikolajczak, M& Hansenne, M(2009).Increasing emotional intelligence(How) is it possible? Personality and Individual Differences 47:36-41. Organizations.
- Perkings,D(1994).Outsmarting: The emerging science of learnable intelligence. New York: The Free Press
- Quatler P, Ireland J & Gardner K (2010).Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the Schutte self – report emotional intelligence scale (SSREI) in a sample of offenders. British Journal of Forensic Practice, 12:43-51.
- Salovey,P& Mayer,J.D (1990).Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9:185-211.
- Schutt ,R.K(2006) Investigating the social world: The process and practice of research(5th eds) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- Scuderi,R (2014)Emotional intelligence-Why it is important. Available at on October 3, 2014.
- Stenberg,RJ(1996).Successful intelligence. New York: Simon Schutter.
- Stephens O.A. and Badejo, A.O. (2010a). Emotional intelligence training as an intervention strategy in remediating anti-social behaviour of some selected prison inmates from dysfunctional families. The Counsellor, 27, 29-37.April 2010.
- Stephens, O, Badejo, A. O and Gandonu, M.B. (2010b). A study of the patterns of Emotional Intelligence of Female offenders; Implication for Counselling; The Counsellor, 28, 13- 20.August 2010
Effects of Emotional Intelligence and Creativity Thinking Training on Improving the Emotional Intelligence of Recidivists in Lagos State, Nigeria
Year 2015,
, 11 - 23, 30.04.2015
Stephens Oluyemi Adetunji
Krog Soezin
Nel Norma Margaret
The study was designed to explore the effects of emotional intelligence and
creativity thinking on improving the emotional intelligence of recidivists in
Lagos State, Nigeria. The researchers adopted the quantitative research
method using the quasi experimental, pre -test, post- test and control group
design. The sample consisted of eighty five male recidivists who have been
convicted more than once. The multi stage sampling technique was
employed to obtain the sample for the study. Two instruments namely
Akinboye emotional intelligence test and the Male Recidivist Personal Data
Questionnaire were used to obtain data from the participants. Data obtained
was analysed statistically with the SPSS version 22 employing the OneWay Analysis of Variance and Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons. The
result reveals that the two techniques; emotional intelligence and six
thinking hats were effective in improving the emotional intelligence of male
recidivists. Based on the findings of the study it is recommended that
emotional intelligence and creativity thinking techniques be included in a
prison’s rehabilitation programme to improve the emotional intelligence of
it’s inmates. It is also suggested that counseling clinics managed by
professional counselors be established in prisons to attend to the emotional,
psychological and mental needs of the prison inmates. These
recommendations will ensure effective rehabilitation of prison inmates and
in the long run reduce the rate of recidivism.
- Akinboye J.O (2003). Creativity, Innovation and Success. Ibadan: Stirling Holden Publishers (Nig) Ltd.
- Akinboye, J.O., (2006). Manual for Users of EQ Tests. Ibadan: CYFO Behaviour Services.
- Animasahun RA 2002. Effect of Six Thinking Hats and Practical Creativity in the reduction of psychopathological behaviour among some adolescents in Nigeria prisons. Ibadan Journal of EducationalStudies, 2(2): 573-587.
- Animasahun RA 2003. The effect of Six Thinking Hats in Enhancing the Decision Making Behaviour of Nigeria Prisoners. Nigerian Journal of Applied Psychology, 7(2): 66-79
- Animasahun, R. A. (2005). Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence Training in Enhancing the Positive Life Skills of Nigerian Prison Inmates. A paper presented at the Faculty of Education University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
- Ceriaco,C.B(2007).Factors influencing the commission of crime. Available at https// of crime on October 21,2014
- Cote, S., DeCelles,K.A.,McCarthy, J.M.,Van Kleef,G. A &Hideg,I(2011).The Jekyll and Hide of emotional intelligence. Emotion regulation knowledge and interpersonalty deviant behavior .Psychological Science 22(8) 1073-1080
- Creswell, J.W (2003).Research Design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (2nd eds) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- Davies, S. (2010) Leadership in Action, Emotional intelligence and Leadership. Egon Zehnder International. Available at Retrieved on24/09/2010
- Dooley, B.D., Seals A., & Skarbek D (2014). The effect of prison gang membership on recidivism. Journal of Criminal Justice 42 (2014):265-275.
- Frederickson, N., Petrides, K.V., Simmonds,E (2011).Trait emotional intelligence as a predictor of socio emotional outcomes in early adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences 52(2012) 323-328.
- Goleman D(2011).Working with emotional intelligence. Random House Publishers:NY
- Greco,C (2012). Reducing recidivism: Whose responsibility is it? Available at http// on October 2, 2014.
- Grohol,J.M (2013). Importance of emotional intelligence validated. Available at on October 3,2014.
- Haye J.M& O’Relly G (in press). Psychiatric disorder, IQ and emotional intelligence among adolescent detainees: A comparative study. Legal and Criminological Psychology DOI:10.IIII/j. 2044-8333.2011.0207
- Kouhdast,R.N,Mahdian,M.J&Naeini,M.A(2013).The relationship between emotional intelligence and thinking styles in male and female students in Tehran,Iran.International Journal of Learning and Development.3(3)110-119.
- Mayer J.D.,Salovey, P& Caruso,D.R (2008) Emotional intelligence: new ability or eclectic traits? American Psychologist 63:503-517.
- Mayer, J.D., & Salovey, P (1993). The intelligence of emotional intelligence: Intelligence 17:443-42
- McMurran, M & McGuire J (2005). Social problem solving and offending: evidence, evaluation . John Wiley& Sons: Chi Chester, UK.
- Megreya AM 2013.Criminal thinking style and emotional intelligence in Egyptians offenders. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 23:56-71.
- Nelis,D.,Quaidbach,J., Mikolajczak, M& Hansenne, M(2009).Increasing emotional intelligence(How) is it possible? Personality and Individual Differences 47:36-41. Organizations.
- Perkings,D(1994).Outsmarting: The emerging science of learnable intelligence. New York: The Free Press
- Quatler P, Ireland J & Gardner K (2010).Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the Schutte self – report emotional intelligence scale (SSREI) in a sample of offenders. British Journal of Forensic Practice, 12:43-51.
- Salovey,P& Mayer,J.D (1990).Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9:185-211.
- Schutt ,R.K(2006) Investigating the social world: The process and practice of research(5th eds) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
- Scuderi,R (2014)Emotional intelligence-Why it is important. Available at on October 3, 2014.
- Stenberg,RJ(1996).Successful intelligence. New York: Simon Schutter.
- Stephens O.A. and Badejo, A.O. (2010a). Emotional intelligence training as an intervention strategy in remediating anti-social behaviour of some selected prison inmates from dysfunctional families. The Counsellor, 27, 29-37.April 2010.
- Stephens, O, Badejo, A. O and Gandonu, M.B. (2010b). A study of the patterns of Emotional Intelligence of Female offenders; Implication for Counselling; The Counsellor, 28, 13- 20.August 2010