Research Article
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Year 2015, , 70 - 77, 01.12.2015



  • Bauer, J.& Kenton, J. (2005). Toward technology integration in the schools: Why it isn’t happening. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 13(4), 519–546.
  • Bos, B. (2011). Professional development for elementary teachers using TPACK. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 11(2), 51–67.
  • Bradshaw, L. K. (2002). Technology for teaching and learning: Strategies for staff development and follow-up support. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 10(1), 131–150.
  • ChanLin, L. J. (2005). Development of a questionnaire for determining the factors in technology integration among teachers. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 32(4), 287–292.
  • Byrom, E.& Bingham, M. (2001). Factors influencing the effective use of technology for teaching and learning: Lessons learned from the SEIR-TEC intensive site schools. 2nd Edition.
  • Çakıroğlu, Ü., Akkan, Y., & Güven, B. (2012). Analyzing the effect of web-based instruction applications to school culture within technology integration. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(2), 1043–1048.
  • Feist, L. (2003). Removing barriers to professional development. Technological Horizons in Education Journal, 30(11), 30.
  • Franklin, T., Turner, S., Kariuki, M., & Duran, M. (2001). Mentoring overcomes barriers to technology integration. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 18, 26–31.
  • Gallagher, S. (2000). Classroom-based technology training for inservice teachers. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Chesapeake, VA: 633-635.
  • Glazer, E., Hannafin, M. J., & Song, L. (2005). Promoting technology integration through collaborative apprenticeship. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 57–68.
  • Gökoğlu, S. (2014). Evaluation of technology integration into learning environments by using System Based Mentoring Model.(Unpublished master’s thesis). Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey.
  • Harris, J., Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. (2009). Teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge and learning activity types: Curriculum-based technology integration reframed. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(4), 393–416.
  • Haşlaman, T., Mumcu, F. K., & Usluel, Y. K. (2008). Integration of ICT into the teaching learning process: Toward a unified model, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Vienna, Austria: 2384–2389.
  • Hew, K. F.& Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge, gaps and recommendations for future research. Educational Technology Research and Development, 55(3), 223–252.
  • Hinson, J., LaPrairie, K., & Heroman, D. (2006). A failed effort to overcome tech barriers in a K-12 setting: What went wrong and why? International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 2(2), 148–158.
  • Hsu, S. (2010). Developing a scale for teacher integration of information and communication technology in grades 1-9. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(3), 175–189.
  • Hughes, J. E. (2004). Technology learning principles for preservice and in-service teacher education. Contemporary Issues on Technology in Education, 4(3), 345–362.
  • Hughes, J. E. & Ooms, A. (2004). Content-focused technology inquiry groups: Preparing urban teachers to integrate technology to transform student learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(4), 397–411.
  • Kabakçı Yurdakul, I. (2011). Examining technopedagogical knowledge competencies of preservice teachers based on ICT usage. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 40, 397–408.
  • Koehler, M. J.& Mishra, P. (2005). Teachers learning technology by design. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 21(3), 94–102.
  • Koehler, M. J., Mishra, P., & Yahya, K. (2007). Tracing the development of teacher knowledge in a design seminar: Integrating content, pedagogy and technology. Computers &Education, 49(3), 740–762.
  • Kopcha, T. J. (2010). A systems-based approach to technology integration using mentoring and communities of practice. Educational Technology Research and Development, 58(2), 175–190.
  • Lim, C. P.& Khine, M. (2006). Managing teachers’ barriers to ICT integration in Singapore schools. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 14(1), 97–125.
  • Marcovitz, D. M. (2000). The roles of computer coordinators in supporting technology in schools. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 8(3), 259–273.
  • Mishra, P. & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1017–1054.
  • McLeod, S. (2003). National district technology coordinators study-Technical report 1: Personal and professional characteristics. University of Minnesota.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 2: Do they really think differently? On the Horizon, 9(6), 1.
  • Rakes, G. C., Fields, V. S., & Cox, K. E. (2006). The influence of teachers’ technology use on instructional practices. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 38(4), 409.
  • Roblyer, M. D. (2006). Integrating educational technology into teaching. Pearson: Prentice Hall.
  • Smith, S. J.& Smith, S. B. (2004). Technology integration solutions: Preservice student interns as mentors. Assistive Technology: Benefits and Outcomes, 1(1), 42–56.
  • Toledo, C. (2005). A five-stage model of computer technology infusion into teacher education curriculum. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 5(2), 177–191.
  • Tondeur, J., Valcke, M., & van Braak, J. (2008). A multidimensional approach to determinants of computer use in primary education: Teacher and school characteristics. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(6), 494–506.
  • Usluel, Y. K. & Demiraslan, Y. (2005). A framework to investigate ICT integration into teaching-learning process: Activity theory. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 28, 134–142.
  • Vanderlinde, R. & van Braak, J. (2010). The e-capacity of primary schools: Development of a conceptual model and scale construction from a school improvement perspective. Computers & Education, 55(2), 541–553.
  • Waight, N.& Abd-El-Khalick, F. (2007). The impact of technology on the enactment of “Inquiry” in a technology enthusiast’s sixth grade science classroom. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(1), 154–182.
  • Wang, Q. (2008). A generic model for guiding the integration of ICT into teaching and learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(4), 411–419.
  • Wang, Q. & Woo, H. L. (2007). Systematic planning for ICT integration in topic learning. Educational Technology and Society, 10(1), 148–156.
  • Whitehead, B. M., Jensen, D. F. N., & Boschee, F. (2003). Planning for technology: A guide for school administrators, technology coordinators, and curriculum leaders. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press.
  • Zhao, Y., Pugh, K., Sheldon, S., & Byers, J. (2002). Conditions for classroom technology innovations. Teachers College Record, 104(3), 482–515.

The Systems-Based Mentoring Model within the process of technology integration

Year 2015, , 70 - 77, 01.12.2015


In recent, numerous attempts, approaches, and models related to the technology integration process are introduced. In those models, generally the teachers are located at the center of the process. Thus, it is important to choose a technology integration model in order to prepare the teachers for the technology integration, enable them to use the current and new technologies, intensify their belief related to new teaching technologies, and eliminate the barriers they may encounter during this process. In this context, the Systems-Based Mentoring Model comes into prominence at the point of resolving the problems that the teachers encounter in the learning environments. In the model, technology leadership is adopted as the main approach to the professional development of the teachers. It is stated that technology leader could play a supportive role against various barriers which the teachers are willing to integrate the technology (time, attitude, access, culture, professional development, etc.) and various strategies are presented in order to create a vision for technology integration, modelling the use of technology and training leader teachers. In the model, the teachers pass throughout various stages and they are encouraged to utilize the technology. The final objective of the model is to perform the technology integration through evaluating the current resources in schools and establish an integrated culture within the system which is supported by the teachers and the school administrators. It is important that supporting teachers by the experts for them to realize the technology integration transformation. Accordingly, the Systems-Based Mentoring Model has an importance of emphasizing the importance of technology leaders in encouraging and supporting the teachers during the integration process to reveal the roles of those leaders that should take over


  • Bauer, J.& Kenton, J. (2005). Toward technology integration in the schools: Why it isn’t happening. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 13(4), 519–546.
  • Bos, B. (2011). Professional development for elementary teachers using TPACK. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 11(2), 51–67.
  • Bradshaw, L. K. (2002). Technology for teaching and learning: Strategies for staff development and follow-up support. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 10(1), 131–150.
  • ChanLin, L. J. (2005). Development of a questionnaire for determining the factors in technology integration among teachers. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 32(4), 287–292.
  • Byrom, E.& Bingham, M. (2001). Factors influencing the effective use of technology for teaching and learning: Lessons learned from the SEIR-TEC intensive site schools. 2nd Edition.
  • Çakıroğlu, Ü., Akkan, Y., & Güven, B. (2012). Analyzing the effect of web-based instruction applications to school culture within technology integration. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(2), 1043–1048.
  • Feist, L. (2003). Removing barriers to professional development. Technological Horizons in Education Journal, 30(11), 30.
  • Franklin, T., Turner, S., Kariuki, M., & Duran, M. (2001). Mentoring overcomes barriers to technology integration. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 18, 26–31.
  • Gallagher, S. (2000). Classroom-based technology training for inservice teachers. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Chesapeake, VA: 633-635.
  • Glazer, E., Hannafin, M. J., & Song, L. (2005). Promoting technology integration through collaborative apprenticeship. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 57–68.
  • Gökoğlu, S. (2014). Evaluation of technology integration into learning environments by using System Based Mentoring Model.(Unpublished master’s thesis). Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey.
  • Harris, J., Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. (2009). Teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge and learning activity types: Curriculum-based technology integration reframed. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(4), 393–416.
  • Haşlaman, T., Mumcu, F. K., & Usluel, Y. K. (2008). Integration of ICT into the teaching learning process: Toward a unified model, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Vienna, Austria: 2384–2389.
  • Hew, K. F.& Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge, gaps and recommendations for future research. Educational Technology Research and Development, 55(3), 223–252.
  • Hinson, J., LaPrairie, K., & Heroman, D. (2006). A failed effort to overcome tech barriers in a K-12 setting: What went wrong and why? International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 2(2), 148–158.
  • Hsu, S. (2010). Developing a scale for teacher integration of information and communication technology in grades 1-9. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(3), 175–189.
  • Hughes, J. E. (2004). Technology learning principles for preservice and in-service teacher education. Contemporary Issues on Technology in Education, 4(3), 345–362.
  • Hughes, J. E. & Ooms, A. (2004). Content-focused technology inquiry groups: Preparing urban teachers to integrate technology to transform student learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(4), 397–411.
  • Kabakçı Yurdakul, I. (2011). Examining technopedagogical knowledge competencies of preservice teachers based on ICT usage. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 40, 397–408.
  • Koehler, M. J.& Mishra, P. (2005). Teachers learning technology by design. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 21(3), 94–102.
  • Koehler, M. J., Mishra, P., & Yahya, K. (2007). Tracing the development of teacher knowledge in a design seminar: Integrating content, pedagogy and technology. Computers &Education, 49(3), 740–762.
  • Kopcha, T. J. (2010). A systems-based approach to technology integration using mentoring and communities of practice. Educational Technology Research and Development, 58(2), 175–190.
  • Lim, C. P.& Khine, M. (2006). Managing teachers’ barriers to ICT integration in Singapore schools. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 14(1), 97–125.
  • Marcovitz, D. M. (2000). The roles of computer coordinators in supporting technology in schools. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 8(3), 259–273.
  • Mishra, P. & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1017–1054.
  • McLeod, S. (2003). National district technology coordinators study-Technical report 1: Personal and professional characteristics. University of Minnesota.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 2: Do they really think differently? On the Horizon, 9(6), 1.
  • Rakes, G. C., Fields, V. S., & Cox, K. E. (2006). The influence of teachers’ technology use on instructional practices. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 38(4), 409.
  • Roblyer, M. D. (2006). Integrating educational technology into teaching. Pearson: Prentice Hall.
  • Smith, S. J.& Smith, S. B. (2004). Technology integration solutions: Preservice student interns as mentors. Assistive Technology: Benefits and Outcomes, 1(1), 42–56.
  • Toledo, C. (2005). A five-stage model of computer technology infusion into teacher education curriculum. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 5(2), 177–191.
  • Tondeur, J., Valcke, M., & van Braak, J. (2008). A multidimensional approach to determinants of computer use in primary education: Teacher and school characteristics. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 24(6), 494–506.
  • Usluel, Y. K. & Demiraslan, Y. (2005). A framework to investigate ICT integration into teaching-learning process: Activity theory. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 28, 134–142.
  • Vanderlinde, R. & van Braak, J. (2010). The e-capacity of primary schools: Development of a conceptual model and scale construction from a school improvement perspective. Computers & Education, 55(2), 541–553.
  • Waight, N.& Abd-El-Khalick, F. (2007). The impact of technology on the enactment of “Inquiry” in a technology enthusiast’s sixth grade science classroom. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(1), 154–182.
  • Wang, Q. (2008). A generic model for guiding the integration of ICT into teaching and learning. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(4), 411–419.
  • Wang, Q. & Woo, H. L. (2007). Systematic planning for ICT integration in topic learning. Educational Technology and Society, 10(1), 148–156.
  • Whitehead, B. M., Jensen, D. F. N., & Boschee, F. (2003). Planning for technology: A guide for school administrators, technology coordinators, and curriculum leaders. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press.
  • Zhao, Y., Pugh, K., Sheldon, S., & Byers, J. (2002). Conditions for classroom technology innovations. Teachers College Record, 104(3), 482–515.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Seyfullah Gökoğlu

Mücahit Öztürk This is me

Ünal Çakıroğlu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Acceptance Date January 30, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Gökoğlu, S., Öztürk, M., & Çakıroğlu, Ü. (2015). The Systems-Based Mentoring Model within the process of technology integration. Participatory Educational Research, 2(5), 70-77.