Research Article
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Year 2022, , 173 - 191, 01.01.2022



  • Abdisa, G., & Getinet, T. (2012). The effect of guided discovery on students’ Physics achievement. Latin-American Journal of Physics Education, 6(4), 530–537.
  • Akçay, B. (2009). Problem-based learning in science education. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 6(1), 26–36.
  • Arozaq, M., Aman, & Sunarhadi, M. A. (2016). Implementation of reading guide strategy in global climate change material for enhancement of student learning outcome. International Journal of Active Learning, 2(2), 82–89.
  • Astuti, L., Wihardi, Y., & Rochintaniawati, D. (2020). The development of web-based learning using interactive media for science learning on levers in human body topic. Journal of Science Learning, 3(2), 89–98.
  • Ateş, H., & Gül, K. S. (2018). Investigating of pre-service science teachers’ beliefs on education for sustainable development and sustainable behaviors. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, 8(2), 105–122. Retrieved from
  • Bahtiar, & Dukomalamo, N. (2019). Basic science process skills of biology laboratory: improving through discovery learning. Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 12(1), 83–93.
  • Browne, M. N., & Keeley, S. M. (2007). Asking the right questions: a guide to critical thinking. Analysis.<9823::AID-ANIE9823>3.3.CO;2-C
  • Bustami, Y., Riyati, Y., & Julung, H. (2019). Think talk write with pictured cards on human digestive system: impact of critical thinking skills. Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 12(1), 13–23.
  • Bustami, Y., Syafruddin, D., & Afriani, R. (2018). The implementation of contextual learning to enhance biology students’ critical thinking skills. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7(4), 451–457.
  • Butchart, S., Bigelow, J., Oppy, G., Forster, D., Serrenti, A., Korb, K., & Gold, I. (2009). Improving critical thinking using web based argument mapping exercises with automated feedback. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(2), 268–291.
  • Camacho, D., & Legare, J. (2015). Opportunities to create active learning techniques in the classroom. Journal of Instructional Research, 4(2015), 38–45.
  • Casanoves, M., Salvadó, Z., González, Á., Valls, C., & Novo, M. T. (2017). Learning genetics through a scientific inquiry game. Journal of Biological Education, 51(2), 99–106.
  • Chang, R. C., Chung, L. Y., & Huang, Y. M. (2016). Developing an interactive augmented reality system as a complement to plant education and comparing its effectiveness with video learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(6), 1245–1264.
  • Chiang, K. H., Fan, C. Y., Liu, H. H., & Chen, G. D. (2016). Effects of a computer-assisted argument map learning strategy on sixth-grade students’ argumentative essay reading comprehension. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75, 9973–9990.
  • Davies, M. (2011). Concept mapping, mind mapping and argument mapping: What are the differences and do they matter? Higher Education, 62, 279–301.
  • DeDonno, M. A. (2016). The influence of IQ on pure discovery and guided discovery learning of a complex real-world task. Learning and Individual Differences, 49, 11–16.
  • Dewiyanti, S., & Kommers, P. (2005). Virtual reality for spatial topics in biology. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning.
  • Djamahar, R., Ristanto, R. H., Sartono, N., & Darmawan, E. (2020). Approaches to Respiratory and Excretion Systems Teaching: An Innovative Learning through Cirsa. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(6), 2204–2210.
  • Djamahar, R., Ristanto, R. H., Sartono, N., Ichsan, I. Z., & Muhlisin, A. (2018). Cirsa: designing instructional kits to empower 21st century skill. Educational Process: International Journal, 7(3), 200–208.
  • Durand, M. de T., Restini, C. B. A., Wolff, A. C. D., Faria Jr., M., Couto, L. B., & Bestetti, R. B. (2019). Students’ perception of animal or virtual laboratory in physiology practical classes in PBL medical hybrid curriculum. Advances in Physiology Education, 43(4), 451–457.
  • Duron, R., Limbach, B., & Waugh, W. (2006). Critical Thinking Framework For Any Discipline. Interrnational Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 17(2), 160–166.
  • Dwyer, C. P., Hogan, M. J., & Stewart, I. (2014). An integrated critical thinking framework for the 21st century. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 12, 43–52.
  • Dwyer, C. P., Hogan, M. J., & Stewart, I. (2015). The effects of argument mapping-infused critical thinking instruction on reflective judgement performance. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 16, 11–26.
  • Eftekhari, M., & Sotoudehnama, E. (2018). Effectiveness of computer-assisted argument mapping for comprehension, recall, and retention. ReCALL, 30(3), 337–354.
  • Fakhriyah, F. (2014). Penerapan problem based learning dalam upaya mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 3(1), 95–101.
  • Fuad, N. M., Zubaidah, S., Mahanal, S., & Suarsini, E. (2017). Improving junior high schools’ critical thinking skills based on test three different models of learning. International Journal of Instruction, 10(01), 101–116.
  • Genlott, A. A., & Grönlund, Å. (2013). Improving literacy skills through learning reading by writing: The iWTR method presented and tested. Computers & Education, 67, 98–104.
  • Gokhale, A. A. (2012). Collaborative learning enhances critical thinking. Journal of Technology Education, 634–636. Goode, A. B. C., & Halbritter, D. (2019). Entomological research in the classroom: the dispersal of biological control agents. The American Biology Teacher, 81(4), 242–247.
  • Großmann, N., & Wilde, M. (2019). Experimentation in biology lessons: guided discovery through incremental scaffolds. International Journal of Science Education, 41(6), 759–781.
  • Gündüz, A. Y., Alemdağ, E., Yaşar, S., & Erdem, M. (2016). Design of a problem-based online learning environment and evaluation of its effectiveness. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 15(3), 49–57.
  • Handoko, A., Sajidan, & Maridi. (2016). Pengembangan modul biologi berbasis discovery learning (part of inquiry spectrum learning-wenning) pada materi bioteknologi kelas xii Ipa di sma negeri 1 magelang tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Jurnal Inkuiri, 5(3), 144–154. Retrieved from
  • Harahap, L. J., Ristanto, R. H., & Komala, R. (2020). Getting critical thinking about ecosystem: How impact and responses of students about the CirGi learning model? Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 13(1), 86–100.
  • Harrell, M. (2008). No computer program required: Even pencil-and-paper argument mapping improves critical-thinking skills. Teaching Philosophy, 31(4), 351–374.
  • Ismirawati, N., Corebima, A. D., Zubaidah, S., Ristanto, R. H., & Nuddin, A. (2020). Implementing ercore in learning: Will metacognitive skills correlate to cognitive learning result? Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(4), 51–58.
  • Ismirawati, N., Corebima, A. D., Zubaidah, S., & Syamsuri, I. (2018). Ercore learning model potential for enhancing student retention among different academic ability. Egitim Arastirmalari - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research.
  • Kholifah, A. N., Rinanto, Y., & Ramli, M. (2015). Kajian penerapan model guided discovery learning disertai concept map terhadap pemahaman konsep siswa sma kelas xi pada materi sistem imun. Bio-Pedagogi, 4(1), 12–18.
  • Kirby, C. K., Fleming-Davies, A., & White, P. J. T. (2019). The figure of the day: A classroom activity to improve students’ figure creation skills in biology. The American Biology Teacher, 81(5), 317–325.
  • Kivunja, C. (2014). Teaching students to learn and to work well with 21st century skills: unpacking the career and life skills domain of the new learning paradigm. International Journal of Higher Education, 4(1), 1–11.
  • Kohar, S., Jatmiko, B., & Raharjo. (2017). Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri terbimbing menggunakan simulasi phet untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa. Pendidikan Sains Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya, 6(2), 1289–1301.
  • Kuhn, D. (2007). A Developmental Model of Critical Thinking. Educational Researcher. Kunsch, D. W., Schnarr, K., & van Tyle, R. (2014). The use of argument mapping to enhance critical thinking skills in business education. Journal of Education for Business, 89(8), 403–410.
  • Kurt, H., Ekİcİ, G., Aksu, Ö., & Aktaş, M. (2013). The most important concept of transport and circulatory systems: Turkish biology student teachers’ cognitive structure. Educational Research and Reviews, 8(17), 1574–1593.
  • Lee, E. A., Reed, B., & Laverty, C. (2012). Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Information Literacy and Their Perceptions of the School Library Program. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian.
  • Lestari, P., Ristanto, R. H., & Miarsyah, M. (2019). Metacognitive and conceptual understanding of pteridophytes: development and validity testing of an integrated assessment tool. Indonesian Journal of Biology Education, 2(1), 15–24.
  • Loes, C. N., & Pascarella, E. T. (2017). Collaborative learning and critical thinking: testing the link. Journal of Higher Education, 88(5), 726–753.
  • Martineau, C., Traphagen, S., & Sparkes, T. C. (2013). A guided inquiry methodology to achieve authentic science in a large undergraduate biology course. Journal of Biological Education, 47(4), 240–245.
  • Martini, Rosdiana, L., Subekti, H., & Setiawan, B. (2018). Strengthening students’ characters and ecopreneurship through science, environment, technology, and society course. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7(2), 162–171.
  • Miarsyah, M., & Ristanto, R. H. (2019). Memberdayakan keterampilan mengembangkan soal hots pada guru biologi di kabupaten bekasi. BAKTIMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 1(4), 151–159. Retrieved from
  • Moon, J. (2007). Critical thinking: An exploration of theory and practice. Critical Thinking: An Exploration of Theory and Practice.
  • Muhlisin, A. (2019). Reading, mind mapping, and sharing (RMS): Innovation of new learning model on science lecture to improve understanding concepts. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(2), 323–340.
  • Muhlisin, A., Susilo, H., Amin, M., & Rohman, F. (2016). Improving critical thinking skills of college students through RMS model for learning basic concepts in science. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 17(1), 1–24.
  • Mulnix, J. W. (2012). Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Mungawanah, K., Supriyati, Y., & Marpaung, M. A. (2018). The Influence of Contextual Learning Model and Critical Thinking to Science Literacy of High School First Year Students. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1108(1), 1–7.
  • Noviyanti, E., Rusdi, R., & Ristanto, R. H. (2019). Guided discovery learning based on internet and self concept: enhancing student’s critical thinking in biology. Indonesian Journal of Biology Education, 2(1), 7–14.
  • Orozco, J. A., & Yangco, R. T. (2016). Problem-based learning : effects on critical and creative thinking skills in biology. Asian Journal of Biology Education, 9, 1–10.
  • Ostrovsky, B., Poole, P. H., Sciortino, F., Eugene Stanley, H., & Trunfio, P. (1991). Learning science through guided discovery: liquid water and molecular networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 177(1–3), 281–293.
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  • Prastiwi, L., Sigit, D. V., & Ristanto, R. H. (2019). Relationship between academic ability and environmental problem-solving skill: a case study at adiwiyata schools in tangerang city, indonesia. Üniversitepark Bülten, 8(1), 76–86.
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  • Ristanto, R. H., Zubaidah, S., Amin, M., & Rohman, F. (2018). From a reader to a scientist: developing cirgi learning to empower scientific literacy and mastery of biology concept. Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 11(2), 90–100.
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Critical Thinking Skills of Environmental Changes: A Biological Instruction Using Guided Discovery Learning-Argument Mapping (GDL-AM)

Year 2022, , 173 - 191, 01.01.2022


Based on the development of education in Indonesia today, teachers still teach in ways that make students memorize lessons. A learning model is needed that can support students to think critically. One of the learning models that can support students to think critically is through guided discovery learning model with argument mapping. This study aims to find out the influence of guided discovery learning models with an argument mapping to develop critical thinking skills. The research method used was quasi experimental and pretest-posttest control group design, the sample of the study consisted of 66 students drawn from 89 Senior High School Jakarta. This sample was divided into two groups to assign the experimental and control group. The experimental group was exposed to guided discovery learning and argument mapping, while the control group with conventional learning. The result of independent sample t-test with a significance level of α = 0.05 experimental group showed that p-value was 0.000. It can be concluded that there is the influence of the guided discovery learning with argument mapping on senior high school students’ critical thinking skills. The result of Normalized gain also show that the experimental group was effective to develop critical thinking skills (N-gain = 0.45). Furthermore, the study found out that N-gain for each indicator of critical thinking skills in the experimental group was higher than the control group. Basic clarification (N-gain = 0.31), bases for decision (N-gain = 0.68), inference (N-gain = 0.19), and advance clarification (N-gain = 1.2) were reported. Guided discovery learning with argument mapping should be an alternative learning medium to develop critical thinking skills.


  • Abdisa, G., & Getinet, T. (2012). The effect of guided discovery on students’ Physics achievement. Latin-American Journal of Physics Education, 6(4), 530–537.
  • Akçay, B. (2009). Problem-based learning in science education. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 6(1), 26–36.
  • Arozaq, M., Aman, & Sunarhadi, M. A. (2016). Implementation of reading guide strategy in global climate change material for enhancement of student learning outcome. International Journal of Active Learning, 2(2), 82–89.
  • Astuti, L., Wihardi, Y., & Rochintaniawati, D. (2020). The development of web-based learning using interactive media for science learning on levers in human body topic. Journal of Science Learning, 3(2), 89–98.
  • Ateş, H., & Gül, K. S. (2018). Investigating of pre-service science teachers’ beliefs on education for sustainable development and sustainable behaviors. International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, 8(2), 105–122. Retrieved from
  • Bahtiar, & Dukomalamo, N. (2019). Basic science process skills of biology laboratory: improving through discovery learning. Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 12(1), 83–93.
  • Browne, M. N., & Keeley, S. M. (2007). Asking the right questions: a guide to critical thinking. Analysis.<9823::AID-ANIE9823>3.3.CO;2-C
  • Bustami, Y., Riyati, Y., & Julung, H. (2019). Think talk write with pictured cards on human digestive system: impact of critical thinking skills. Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 12(1), 13–23.
  • Bustami, Y., Syafruddin, D., & Afriani, R. (2018). The implementation of contextual learning to enhance biology students’ critical thinking skills. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7(4), 451–457.
  • Butchart, S., Bigelow, J., Oppy, G., Forster, D., Serrenti, A., Korb, K., & Gold, I. (2009). Improving critical thinking using web based argument mapping exercises with automated feedback. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(2), 268–291.
  • Camacho, D., & Legare, J. (2015). Opportunities to create active learning techniques in the classroom. Journal of Instructional Research, 4(2015), 38–45.
  • Casanoves, M., Salvadó, Z., González, Á., Valls, C., & Novo, M. T. (2017). Learning genetics through a scientific inquiry game. Journal of Biological Education, 51(2), 99–106.
  • Chang, R. C., Chung, L. Y., & Huang, Y. M. (2016). Developing an interactive augmented reality system as a complement to plant education and comparing its effectiveness with video learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(6), 1245–1264.
  • Chiang, K. H., Fan, C. Y., Liu, H. H., & Chen, G. D. (2016). Effects of a computer-assisted argument map learning strategy on sixth-grade students’ argumentative essay reading comprehension. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75, 9973–9990.
  • Davies, M. (2011). Concept mapping, mind mapping and argument mapping: What are the differences and do they matter? Higher Education, 62, 279–301.
  • DeDonno, M. A. (2016). The influence of IQ on pure discovery and guided discovery learning of a complex real-world task. Learning and Individual Differences, 49, 11–16.
  • Dewiyanti, S., & Kommers, P. (2005). Virtual reality for spatial topics in biology. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning.
  • Djamahar, R., Ristanto, R. H., Sartono, N., & Darmawan, E. (2020). Approaches to Respiratory and Excretion Systems Teaching: An Innovative Learning through Cirsa. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(6), 2204–2210.
  • Djamahar, R., Ristanto, R. H., Sartono, N., Ichsan, I. Z., & Muhlisin, A. (2018). Cirsa: designing instructional kits to empower 21st century skill. Educational Process: International Journal, 7(3), 200–208.
  • Durand, M. de T., Restini, C. B. A., Wolff, A. C. D., Faria Jr., M., Couto, L. B., & Bestetti, R. B. (2019). Students’ perception of animal or virtual laboratory in physiology practical classes in PBL medical hybrid curriculum. Advances in Physiology Education, 43(4), 451–457.
  • Duron, R., Limbach, B., & Waugh, W. (2006). Critical Thinking Framework For Any Discipline. Interrnational Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 17(2), 160–166.
  • Dwyer, C. P., Hogan, M. J., & Stewart, I. (2014). An integrated critical thinking framework for the 21st century. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 12, 43–52.
  • Dwyer, C. P., Hogan, M. J., & Stewart, I. (2015). The effects of argument mapping-infused critical thinking instruction on reflective judgement performance. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 16, 11–26.
  • Eftekhari, M., & Sotoudehnama, E. (2018). Effectiveness of computer-assisted argument mapping for comprehension, recall, and retention. ReCALL, 30(3), 337–354.
  • Fakhriyah, F. (2014). Penerapan problem based learning dalam upaya mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 3(1), 95–101.
  • Fuad, N. M., Zubaidah, S., Mahanal, S., & Suarsini, E. (2017). Improving junior high schools’ critical thinking skills based on test three different models of learning. International Journal of Instruction, 10(01), 101–116.
  • Genlott, A. A., & Grönlund, Å. (2013). Improving literacy skills through learning reading by writing: The iWTR method presented and tested. Computers & Education, 67, 98–104.
  • Gokhale, A. A. (2012). Collaborative learning enhances critical thinking. Journal of Technology Education, 634–636. Goode, A. B. C., & Halbritter, D. (2019). Entomological research in the classroom: the dispersal of biological control agents. The American Biology Teacher, 81(4), 242–247.
  • Großmann, N., & Wilde, M. (2019). Experimentation in biology lessons: guided discovery through incremental scaffolds. International Journal of Science Education, 41(6), 759–781.
  • Gündüz, A. Y., Alemdağ, E., Yaşar, S., & Erdem, M. (2016). Design of a problem-based online learning environment and evaluation of its effectiveness. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 15(3), 49–57.
  • Handoko, A., Sajidan, & Maridi. (2016). Pengembangan modul biologi berbasis discovery learning (part of inquiry spectrum learning-wenning) pada materi bioteknologi kelas xii Ipa di sma negeri 1 magelang tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Jurnal Inkuiri, 5(3), 144–154. Retrieved from
  • Harahap, L. J., Ristanto, R. H., & Komala, R. (2020). Getting critical thinking about ecosystem: How impact and responses of students about the CirGi learning model? Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, 13(1), 86–100.
  • Harrell, M. (2008). No computer program required: Even pencil-and-paper argument mapping improves critical-thinking skills. Teaching Philosophy, 31(4), 351–374.
  • Ismirawati, N., Corebima, A. D., Zubaidah, S., Ristanto, R. H., & Nuddin, A. (2020). Implementing ercore in learning: Will metacognitive skills correlate to cognitive learning result? Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(4), 51–58.
  • Ismirawati, N., Corebima, A. D., Zubaidah, S., & Syamsuri, I. (2018). Ercore learning model potential for enhancing student retention among different academic ability. Egitim Arastirmalari - Eurasian Journal of Educational Research.
  • Kholifah, A. N., Rinanto, Y., & Ramli, M. (2015). Kajian penerapan model guided discovery learning disertai concept map terhadap pemahaman konsep siswa sma kelas xi pada materi sistem imun. Bio-Pedagogi, 4(1), 12–18.
  • Kirby, C. K., Fleming-Davies, A., & White, P. J. T. (2019). The figure of the day: A classroom activity to improve students’ figure creation skills in biology. The American Biology Teacher, 81(5), 317–325.
  • Kivunja, C. (2014). Teaching students to learn and to work well with 21st century skills: unpacking the career and life skills domain of the new learning paradigm. International Journal of Higher Education, 4(1), 1–11.
  • Kohar, S., Jatmiko, B., & Raharjo. (2017). Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis inkuiri terbimbing menggunakan simulasi phet untuk mereduksi miskonsepsi siswa. Pendidikan Sains Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya, 6(2), 1289–1301.
  • Kuhn, D. (2007). A Developmental Model of Critical Thinking. Educational Researcher. Kunsch, D. W., Schnarr, K., & van Tyle, R. (2014). The use of argument mapping to enhance critical thinking skills in business education. Journal of Education for Business, 89(8), 403–410.
  • Kurt, H., Ekİcİ, G., Aksu, Ö., & Aktaş, M. (2013). The most important concept of transport and circulatory systems: Turkish biology student teachers’ cognitive structure. Educational Research and Reviews, 8(17), 1574–1593.
  • Lee, E. A., Reed, B., & Laverty, C. (2012). Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Information Literacy and Their Perceptions of the School Library Program. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian.
  • Lestari, P., Ristanto, R. H., & Miarsyah, M. (2019). Metacognitive and conceptual understanding of pteridophytes: development and validity testing of an integrated assessment tool. Indonesian Journal of Biology Education, 2(1), 15–24.
  • Loes, C. N., & Pascarella, E. T. (2017). Collaborative learning and critical thinking: testing the link. Journal of Higher Education, 88(5), 726–753.
  • Martineau, C., Traphagen, S., & Sparkes, T. C. (2013). A guided inquiry methodology to achieve authentic science in a large undergraduate biology course. Journal of Biological Education, 47(4), 240–245.
  • Martini, Rosdiana, L., Subekti, H., & Setiawan, B. (2018). Strengthening students’ characters and ecopreneurship through science, environment, technology, and society course. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7(2), 162–171.
  • Miarsyah, M., & Ristanto, R. H. (2019). Memberdayakan keterampilan mengembangkan soal hots pada guru biologi di kabupaten bekasi. BAKTIMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 1(4), 151–159. Retrieved from
  • Moon, J. (2007). Critical thinking: An exploration of theory and practice. Critical Thinking: An Exploration of Theory and Practice.
  • Muhlisin, A. (2019). Reading, mind mapping, and sharing (RMS): Innovation of new learning model on science lecture to improve understanding concepts. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(2), 323–340.
  • Muhlisin, A., Susilo, H., Amin, M., & Rohman, F. (2016). Improving critical thinking skills of college students through RMS model for learning basic concepts in science. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 17(1), 1–24.
  • Mulnix, J. W. (2012). Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Mungawanah, K., Supriyati, Y., & Marpaung, M. A. (2018). The Influence of Contextual Learning Model and Critical Thinking to Science Literacy of High School First Year Students. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1108(1), 1–7.
  • Noviyanti, E., Rusdi, R., & Ristanto, R. H. (2019). Guided discovery learning based on internet and self concept: enhancing student’s critical thinking in biology. Indonesian Journal of Biology Education, 2(1), 7–14.
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There are 74 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Rizhal Rıstanto 0000-0001-8655-2030

Arin Sabrina 0000-0002-0100-7461

Ratna Komala 0000-0002-1127-6235

Publication Date January 1, 2022
Acceptance Date June 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Rıstanto, R., Sabrina, A., & Komala, R. (2022). Critical Thinking Skills of Environmental Changes: A Biological Instruction Using Guided Discovery Learning-Argument Mapping (GDL-AM). Participatory Educational Research, 9(1), 173-191.