Research Article
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Year 2022, , 41 - 60, 01.01.2022



This research was produced from the the first author’s doctoral thesis titled " CHAMPS Motor Beceriler Protokolü'nün (CMBP) Türkçeye Uyarlanması ve CATCH Programı Hareket Etkinliklerinin Çocukların Lokomotor ve Nesne Kontrolü Becerileri Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi".


  • Baştürk, S. (2009). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods.]. Ankara: Anı Publishing.
  • Bozdemir, S. (1995). Kurum bakımı altında bulunan normal ve zihinsel özürlü çocukların motor gelişimine, eğitim etkisinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi. [The Effect of education on motor development institutionalized normal and mental retardae children]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Cools, W., Martelaer, K., Samaey, C. & Andries, C. (2011). Fundamental movement skill performance of preschool children in relation to family contex. Journal of Sports Science, 29(7), 649-660.
  • Çağlak-Sarı, S. (2011). Okul öncesi çocuk ve hareket eğitimi [Preschool children and movement education]. In M. Ormanlıoğlu Uluğ & G. Karadeniz (Eds.) Okul öncesi çocuk ve… [Preschool child and…] (275-289) Ankara: Nobel Academy Publishing.
  • Çelebi, N. (1979). Süt çocukluğu çağı çocuklarının fizik gelişim parametrelerinin ve motor gelişim durumlarının karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi. [Comparative examination of physical development parameters and motor development status of infants]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Derscheid, L. E., Umoren, J., Kim, S.Y., Henry, B. W. & Zittel, L. L. (2010). Early childhood teachers’ and staff members’ perceptions of nutrition and physical activity practices for preschoolers. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 24(3), 248-265.
  • Fjortoft, I. (2004). Landscape as playscape: the effects of natural environments on children’s play and motor development. Children, Youth and Environments.14(2), 21-44.
  • Galberto dos Santos, F., Pacheco, M. M., Basso, L. & Tani, G. (2016). A comparative study of mastery of fundamental movement skills between different cultures. Motricidade, 12(2), 116-126.
  • Giagazoglou, P., Karagianni, O., Sidiropoulou, M. & Salonikidis, K. (2008). Effects of the characteristics of two different preschool-type setting on children’s gross motor development. European Psychomotricity Journal, 1(2), 54-60.
  • Goodway, J. D., Robinson, L. & Crowe, H. (2010). Gender differences in fundamental motor skills development in disadvantaged preschooler from two geographical regions.Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81(1), 17-24.
  • Gül, Ö. (2012). Oyun ve hareket temelli büyük kas beceri eğitim programlarının 4-5 yaş çocukların büyük kas becerilerine etkisinin karşılaştırılması. [The comparison of the effect of game and motion-based gross motor skills training programmes on the 4-5 year-old children’s gross motor skills]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Selçuk University, Konya.
  • Gülaç, M. (2014). Kütahya’da anaokuluna giden 3-5 yaş grubu çocukların temel motor becerileri düzeylerinin araştırılması. [Research for the level of motor skills of 3-5 years old kindergartners]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Dumlupınar University, Kütahya.
  • Günebakan, T., Saygın, Ö., Gelen, E. & Karacabey, K. (2009). 3-4 yaş grubu çocuklarda 8 haftalık hareket eğitiminin motor performanslarına etkisi. [The effect of 8-week movement educatıon on motor performance among 3-4 years old chıldren]. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy Sports Sciences, 4(4), 266-272.
  • Haktanır, G. (2010). Modern dünyada çocuk olmak [Being a child in the modern world]. In A. Orakçı & N. R. Gürsoy (Eds.). Geçmişten Geleceğe Okul Öncesi Eğitim [Preschool Education from the Past to the Future] (170-177). Ankara: Okul Öncesi Eğitim Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını.
  • Hinkley, T., Crawford, D., Salmon, J., Okely, A. D. & Hesketh, K. (2008). Preschool children and physical activity a review of correlates. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 34(5), 435-441.
  • It’s Fun To Be Healthy, Early Childhood Curriculum (2011). (2nd Edition). New Jersey: FlagHouse.
  • Karasar, N. (2015). Bilimsel araştırma Yöntemi. (28. Baskı) [Scientific research methods (28th ed.)]. Ankara: Nobel Academy Publishing.
  • Kayapınar, F. (2002). 6-7 yaş grubu çocuklarda hareket eğitiminin çift el-göz koordinasyonu ve reaksiyon sürelerine etkisi [Effects on movement education, hand-eye coordination and reaction time between 6-7 years old children]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Kerkez, İ. F. (2006). Oyun ve egzersizin yuva ve anaokuluna giden 5-6 yaş grubu çocuklarda fiziksel ve motor gelişime etkisinin araştırılması [An investigation into a play and movement program on physical and motor features in 5-6 aged children stayed orphanages and preschoolers]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • Kılıç, Z. (2018). Champs motor beceriler protokolü’nün (cmbp) türkçeye uyarlanması ve catch programı hareket etkinliklerinin çocukların lokomotor ve nesne kontrolü becerileri üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi [Adaptation of CHAMPS motor skills protocol (CMSP) to Turkish and examining of the effects of movement activities of CATCH program on locomotor and object control skills of children]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Kırıcı, H. M. (2008). Okulöncesi eğitim kurumlarındaki 4-6 yaş grubu çocuklarda 8 haftalık hareket eğitiminin motor performansa etkisi [The effect of movement education of eight weeks on the motor performance of 4-6 years old children in preschool]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla.
  • Kobal, G. (2000). Erken eğitim programına devam eden down sendromlu bebeklere verilen motor beceri eğitiminin büyük kas gelişimlerine etkisinin incelenmesi [A Research on the effects of motor skills training on the gross motor development of infants with down's syndrome, attending the early intervention program]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Müniroğlu, R. S. (1995). Anaokullarına devam eden dört-beş yaş grubu çocukların motor gelişim düzeylerine etki eden bazı faktörler üzerine bir araştırma [A Research on some factors effecting the motor development of four-five years old kindergarden children]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Nalbant, S. (2015). Psikomotor gelişim [Psychomotor development]. In E. Demir (Ed.) Spor Bilimlerine Giriş [Introduction to Sports Science] (149-176). Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Özdenk, Ç. (2007). 6 yaş grubu öğrencilerinin psikomotor gelişimlerinin sağlanmasında oyunun yeri ve önemi [The place and importance of play for pschomotor development of six-years age-group nursery students]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Fırat University, Elazığ.
  • Reunamo, J., Hakala, L., Lehto, S., Kyhala, A. L. & Valtonen, J. (2014). Children’s physical activity in day care and preschool. Early Years, 34(1), 32-48.
  • Robinson, L. E., Webster, E. K., Logan, S.W., Lucas, W. A. & Barber, L. T. (2012). Teaching practices that promote motor skills in early childhood settings. Early Childhood Education Journal, 40, 79-86.
  • Sarı, K. (2001). Temel psikomotor becerilerin gelişimine farklı eğitim kurumları ve deneklerin özlük niteliklerine bağlı değişkenlerin etkisi [The Effect of different education establishments and variables based on subject characteristics on essential psikomotor skill development. Unpublished master’s thesis. Selçuk University, Konya.
  • Scheffer, C., Ketelhut, K. & Mohasseb, I. (2007). Does pyhsical education modify the body composition? – results of a longitudinal study of pre-school children. Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 65(2), 193-201.
  • Sevimay-Özer, D. & Özer, K. (2014). Çocuklarda Motor Gelişim. (8. Baskı). [Motor Development in Children. (8th Edition)]. Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Sharma, S., Chuang, R.J, & Hedberg, A.M. (2011). Pilot-testing CATCH early childhood: a preschool-based healty nutrition and physical activity program. American Journal of Health Education. 42(1), 12-23.
  • Şen, M. (2004). Anaokuluna devam eden altı yaş çocukların motor gelişimlerine beden eğitimi çalışmalarının etkisinin incelenmesi [A study on the effect of physical education studies on motor development of six-years old children attending kindergarten]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Timurkaan, (2003). Farklı fiziki özelliklere sahip yerleşim bölgelerinde yaşayan altı yaş grubu çocukların psikomotor gelişimlerinin karşılaştırılması [In The research the differences in the psychomotor development of six-year-old children who live in neighbourhoods that have different physical characteristic has been compared]. Unpublished master’s thesis. İnönü University, Malatya.
  • Ulutaş, A., Demir, E. & Yayan, E. H. (2017). Motor gelişim eğitim programının 5-6 yaş çocukların kaba ve ince motor becerilerine etkisinin incelenmesi [The effect of the motor development training program on rough and fine motor development of five-six-year old children]. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(3), 1523-1538.
  • Venetsanou, F. & Kambas, A. (2009). Environmental factors affecting preschoolers’ motor development. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37, 319-327.
  • Wang, J. (2004). A study on gross motor skills of preschool children. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 19 (1), 32-43.
  • Williams, H. G., Pfeiffer, K. A., Dowda, M., Jeter, C. Jones, S. & Pate, R. (2009) a field-based testing protocol for assessing gross motor skills in preschool children: the champs motor skills protocol (cmsp). Meas Pyhs Educ Exerc Sci. 13(3), 151-165.
  • Yarımkaya, E. & Ulucan, H. (2015). Çocuklarda hareket eğitimi programının motor gelişim üzerine etkisi [The effect of movement education program on the motor development of children]. International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education, 4(1), 37-48.
  • Zecevic, C. A., Tremblay, L., Lovsin, T. & Michel, L. (2010). Parental influence on young children’s physical activity. International Journal of Pediatrics, 2010(7), 1-9.

Examining the Effects of Movement Activities of Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) Program on Locomotor and Manipulative Skills of 4-5 Years Old Children

Year 2022, , 41 - 60, 01.01.2022


The main objective of the research is to examine the impact of regular implementation of Education Program made of CATCH Program Movement Activities on the locomotor and manipulative skills of preschool children. Implementation of Education Program made of CATCH Program Movement Activities was carried out in an independent preschool located in Kadıköy District in Anatolian Side of İstanbul Province, Turkey. Purposeful sampling method was used to determine the school where the experimental designed study will be conducted. The study group of the research consists of 64 children, 32 in experiment group and 32 in control group. To determine the efficiency of Education Program made of CATCH Program Movement Activities, education program was implemented with experiment groups for two days a week during 9 weeks. According to the results of pre-test and post-test measurements of experiment and control groups, no significant difference was determined between the locomotor subdimension, manipulative subdimension of the measurement instrument and measurement instrument total scores in pre-test measurements of the children (p>.05). According to the analysis results of post-test measurements following movement program, it was determined that there is a significant difference in locomotor subdimension, manipulative subdimension of the measurement instrument and measurement instrument total scores of both 4 and 5 years old children in favour of the experiment group (p<.05).


  • Baştürk, S. (2009). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods.]. Ankara: Anı Publishing.
  • Bozdemir, S. (1995). Kurum bakımı altında bulunan normal ve zihinsel özürlü çocukların motor gelişimine, eğitim etkisinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi. [The Effect of education on motor development institutionalized normal and mental retardae children]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Cools, W., Martelaer, K., Samaey, C. & Andries, C. (2011). Fundamental movement skill performance of preschool children in relation to family contex. Journal of Sports Science, 29(7), 649-660.
  • Çağlak-Sarı, S. (2011). Okul öncesi çocuk ve hareket eğitimi [Preschool children and movement education]. In M. Ormanlıoğlu Uluğ & G. Karadeniz (Eds.) Okul öncesi çocuk ve… [Preschool child and…] (275-289) Ankara: Nobel Academy Publishing.
  • Çelebi, N. (1979). Süt çocukluğu çağı çocuklarının fizik gelişim parametrelerinin ve motor gelişim durumlarının karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesi. [Comparative examination of physical development parameters and motor development status of infants]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Hacettepe University, Ankara.
  • Derscheid, L. E., Umoren, J., Kim, S.Y., Henry, B. W. & Zittel, L. L. (2010). Early childhood teachers’ and staff members’ perceptions of nutrition and physical activity practices for preschoolers. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 24(3), 248-265.
  • Fjortoft, I. (2004). Landscape as playscape: the effects of natural environments on children’s play and motor development. Children, Youth and Environments.14(2), 21-44.
  • Galberto dos Santos, F., Pacheco, M. M., Basso, L. & Tani, G. (2016). A comparative study of mastery of fundamental movement skills between different cultures. Motricidade, 12(2), 116-126.
  • Giagazoglou, P., Karagianni, O., Sidiropoulou, M. & Salonikidis, K. (2008). Effects of the characteristics of two different preschool-type setting on children’s gross motor development. European Psychomotricity Journal, 1(2), 54-60.
  • Goodway, J. D., Robinson, L. & Crowe, H. (2010). Gender differences in fundamental motor skills development in disadvantaged preschooler from two geographical regions.Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81(1), 17-24.
  • Gül, Ö. (2012). Oyun ve hareket temelli büyük kas beceri eğitim programlarının 4-5 yaş çocukların büyük kas becerilerine etkisinin karşılaştırılması. [The comparison of the effect of game and motion-based gross motor skills training programmes on the 4-5 year-old children’s gross motor skills]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Selçuk University, Konya.
  • Gülaç, M. (2014). Kütahya’da anaokuluna giden 3-5 yaş grubu çocukların temel motor becerileri düzeylerinin araştırılması. [Research for the level of motor skills of 3-5 years old kindergartners]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Dumlupınar University, Kütahya.
  • Günebakan, T., Saygın, Ö., Gelen, E. & Karacabey, K. (2009). 3-4 yaş grubu çocuklarda 8 haftalık hareket eğitiminin motor performanslarına etkisi. [The effect of 8-week movement educatıon on motor performance among 3-4 years old chıldren]. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy Sports Sciences, 4(4), 266-272.
  • Haktanır, G. (2010). Modern dünyada çocuk olmak [Being a child in the modern world]. In A. Orakçı & N. R. Gürsoy (Eds.). Geçmişten Geleceğe Okul Öncesi Eğitim [Preschool Education from the Past to the Future] (170-177). Ankara: Okul Öncesi Eğitim Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını.
  • Hinkley, T., Crawford, D., Salmon, J., Okely, A. D. & Hesketh, K. (2008). Preschool children and physical activity a review of correlates. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 34(5), 435-441.
  • It’s Fun To Be Healthy, Early Childhood Curriculum (2011). (2nd Edition). New Jersey: FlagHouse.
  • Karasar, N. (2015). Bilimsel araştırma Yöntemi. (28. Baskı) [Scientific research methods (28th ed.)]. Ankara: Nobel Academy Publishing.
  • Kayapınar, F. (2002). 6-7 yaş grubu çocuklarda hareket eğitiminin çift el-göz koordinasyonu ve reaksiyon sürelerine etkisi [Effects on movement education, hand-eye coordination and reaction time between 6-7 years old children]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Kerkez, İ. F. (2006). Oyun ve egzersizin yuva ve anaokuluna giden 5-6 yaş grubu çocuklarda fiziksel ve motor gelişime etkisinin araştırılması [An investigation into a play and movement program on physical and motor features in 5-6 aged children stayed orphanages and preschoolers]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon.
  • Kılıç, Z. (2018). Champs motor beceriler protokolü’nün (cmbp) türkçeye uyarlanması ve catch programı hareket etkinliklerinin çocukların lokomotor ve nesne kontrolü becerileri üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi [Adaptation of CHAMPS motor skills protocol (CMSP) to Turkish and examining of the effects of movement activities of CATCH program on locomotor and object control skills of children]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Kırıcı, H. M. (2008). Okulöncesi eğitim kurumlarındaki 4-6 yaş grubu çocuklarda 8 haftalık hareket eğitiminin motor performansa etkisi [The effect of movement education of eight weeks on the motor performance of 4-6 years old children in preschool]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla.
  • Kobal, G. (2000). Erken eğitim programına devam eden down sendromlu bebeklere verilen motor beceri eğitiminin büyük kas gelişimlerine etkisinin incelenmesi [A Research on the effects of motor skills training on the gross motor development of infants with down's syndrome, attending the early intervention program]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Müniroğlu, R. S. (1995). Anaokullarına devam eden dört-beş yaş grubu çocukların motor gelişim düzeylerine etki eden bazı faktörler üzerine bir araştırma [A Research on some factors effecting the motor development of four-five years old kindergarden children]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Nalbant, S. (2015). Psikomotor gelişim [Psychomotor development]. In E. Demir (Ed.) Spor Bilimlerine Giriş [Introduction to Sports Science] (149-176). Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Özdenk, Ç. (2007). 6 yaş grubu öğrencilerinin psikomotor gelişimlerinin sağlanmasında oyunun yeri ve önemi [The place and importance of play for pschomotor development of six-years age-group nursery students]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Fırat University, Elazığ.
  • Reunamo, J., Hakala, L., Lehto, S., Kyhala, A. L. & Valtonen, J. (2014). Children’s physical activity in day care and preschool. Early Years, 34(1), 32-48.
  • Robinson, L. E., Webster, E. K., Logan, S.W., Lucas, W. A. & Barber, L. T. (2012). Teaching practices that promote motor skills in early childhood settings. Early Childhood Education Journal, 40, 79-86.
  • Sarı, K. (2001). Temel psikomotor becerilerin gelişimine farklı eğitim kurumları ve deneklerin özlük niteliklerine bağlı değişkenlerin etkisi [The Effect of different education establishments and variables based on subject characteristics on essential psikomotor skill development. Unpublished master’s thesis. Selçuk University, Konya.
  • Scheffer, C., Ketelhut, K. & Mohasseb, I. (2007). Does pyhsical education modify the body composition? – results of a longitudinal study of pre-school children. Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 65(2), 193-201.
  • Sevimay-Özer, D. & Özer, K. (2014). Çocuklarda Motor Gelişim. (8. Baskı). [Motor Development in Children. (8th Edition)]. Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Sharma, S., Chuang, R.J, & Hedberg, A.M. (2011). Pilot-testing CATCH early childhood: a preschool-based healty nutrition and physical activity program. American Journal of Health Education. 42(1), 12-23.
  • Şen, M. (2004). Anaokuluna devam eden altı yaş çocukların motor gelişimlerine beden eğitimi çalışmalarının etkisinin incelenmesi [A study on the effect of physical education studies on motor development of six-years old children attending kindergarten]. Unpublished master’s thesis. Ankara University, Ankara.
  • Timurkaan, (2003). Farklı fiziki özelliklere sahip yerleşim bölgelerinde yaşayan altı yaş grubu çocukların psikomotor gelişimlerinin karşılaştırılması [In The research the differences in the psychomotor development of six-year-old children who live in neighbourhoods that have different physical characteristic has been compared]. Unpublished master’s thesis. İnönü University, Malatya.
  • Ulutaş, A., Demir, E. & Yayan, E. H. (2017). Motor gelişim eğitim programının 5-6 yaş çocukların kaba ve ince motor becerilerine etkisinin incelenmesi [The effect of the motor development training program on rough and fine motor development of five-six-year old children]. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(3), 1523-1538.
  • Venetsanou, F. & Kambas, A. (2009). Environmental factors affecting preschoolers’ motor development. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37, 319-327.
  • Wang, J. (2004). A study on gross motor skills of preschool children. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 19 (1), 32-43.
  • Williams, H. G., Pfeiffer, K. A., Dowda, M., Jeter, C. Jones, S. & Pate, R. (2009) a field-based testing protocol for assessing gross motor skills in preschool children: the champs motor skills protocol (cmsp). Meas Pyhs Educ Exerc Sci. 13(3), 151-165.
  • Yarımkaya, E. & Ulucan, H. (2015). Çocuklarda hareket eğitimi programının motor gelişim üzerine etkisi [The effect of movement education program on the motor development of children]. International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education, 4(1), 37-48.
  • Zecevic, C. A., Tremblay, L., Lovsin, T. & Michel, L. (2010). Parental influence on young children’s physical activity. International Journal of Pediatrics, 2010(7), 1-9.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Zeynep Kılıç 0000-0001-6481-4765

Gülden Uyanık 0000-0001-9947-8159

Saime Çağlak Sarı 0000-0002-9393-9492

Publication Date January 1, 2022
Acceptance Date June 21, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kılıç, Z., Uyanık, G., & Çağlak Sarı, S. (2022). Examining the Effects of Movement Activities of Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) Program on Locomotor and Manipulative Skills of 4-5 Years Old Children. Participatory Educational Research, 9(1), 41-60.