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Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1 - 15, 19.02.2020



  • Acar, R. (2003). Issues encountered while delivering the content of social studies course and solutions suggested to address them. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Eskisehir: A.U. Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Açıkgöz, K.U. (2003). Effective Learning and Teaching, İzmir: World of Education Publishers.
  • Alkan, C. & Kurt M. (1998). Special Teaching Methods. Ankara: Anı Publishers
  • Arslantaş, S. (2006). Investigation of the issues encountered in grades 6 and 7 th during the implementations of social studies course program from teachers’ perspectives. (The example of Malatya province). Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Malatya: F.U. Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Aycan S., Türkoğuz, Ş., Arı, E & Kaynar, Ü. (2002). Teaching periodic table and elements through bingo technique and identifying the permanence in memory. Congress of National Physical Sciences and Mathematics Education, Proceedings Book. METU, Ankara.
  • Barbara, L. (2002). Building social studies resources in the constructivist classroom. Business Source Complete, Library Talk, 15(1), 14-15.
  • Bayat, S., Kılıçarslan, H., & Şentürk, Ş. (2014). Investigating the effect of educational games in science and tehnology course on the academic success of students at grade 7. Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Education Journal, 14(2), 204-216.
  • Bayram, E., Özgül, E., Kaplan, G., Ünal, H. A., Yapağılı, H., Demir, K., Morgül, M., Uğurlu, N., Tantoğlu, S., Özünel, Ş., & Ömür, Ü. (1999). Drama at Primary School. Ankara: MEB Publishers.Binbaşıoğlu, C.(l981). Special Teaching Methods. Ankara: Binbaşıoğlu Yayınevi.
  • Brufee, K. (1993). Collaborative Learning: Higher Education, Interdependence and the Authority of Knowledge, Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Can, İ. (2010). The effect of teaching sciences through games at primary education on the attitude and success of grade 8 students for the unit about the structure and features of matter. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Canbay, İ. (2012). Investigation of educational games in Mathematics on the pre-regulatory learning strategies, motivational beliefs, and academic success of grade 7 students. Master’s Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, İstanbul.
  • Chen, C. (2003). A Constructivist Approach to Teaching; Implications in Teaching Computer Networking. Information Technology, Learning and Performance Journal, 21(2), 17‐27.
  • Coşkun, H. (2012). The effect of teaching sciences through games with scientific stories on students’ academic success. Master’s Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Kayseri.
  • Coşkun, H., Kariper, A. & Akarsu, B. (2012). The effect of educational games involving scientific stories on the academic success of the students in science and technology course. Ahi Evran University Kırşehir Faculty of Education Journal, 13(1), 93-109.
  • Demir, M. (2012). The effect of teaching the systems of human body unit in grade 7 with game-based learning on students’ academic success and their attitude towards science and technology course. 10. A conference paper presented in National Science and Mathematics Education Congress. Niğde.
  • EL-Deghaidy, H., & Nouby, A. (2008). Effectiveness of a blended e-learning cooperative approach in an Egyptian teacher education programme. Computers & Education, 51(3), 988-1006. George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update (10. ed.) Boston: Pearson
  • Gibson, D., Ostashewski, N., Flintoff, K., Grant, S., & Knight, E. (2015). Digital badges in education. Education and Information Technologies, 20, 403–410.
  • Gömleksiz, M. (1993). The effect of cooperative learning and traditional learning on democratic attitudes and gain. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Çukurova University.
  • Güler, T. D. (2011). The effect of teaching ‘cell and its organelles’ subject in grade 6 with educational game method on the students’ academic success. Master’s Thesis. Atatürk University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Erzurum.
  • Hanbaba, L. & Bektaş, M. (2011). The Effect of Game-based Teaching Method on the students’ success in life science course and their attitude towards the course. Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Education Journal, 11(2), 115-126.
  • Hanus, M. D., & Fox, J. (2015). Assessing the effects of gamification in the classroom: A longitudinal study on intrinsic motivation, social comparison, satisfaction, effort, and academic performance. Computers & Education, 80, 52-161
  • Hazne, M., & Berger, R. (2007). Cooperative learning, motivational effects, and student characteristics: An experimental study comparing cooperative learning and direct instruction in 12th grade physics classes. Learning and Instruction, 17(1), 29-41.
  • Hennessy, D., & Evans, R. (2006). Small-group learning in the community college classroom. The Community College Enterprise,12(1), 93-110.
  • Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T. & Holubec, EJ. (1994). The Nuts & Bolts of Cooperative Learning. Edina: Interaction Book Company.
  • Johnson, D.W., & Johnson, R.T. (1996). Meaningful and Managable Assessment Through Cooperative Learning. Edina. InteractionBook Company.
  • Jones, M. (2001). Game and child. Translated by Ayda Çayır. Kaknüs Publishers, İstanbul.
  • Karabacak, N. (1996). The effect of educational games on the achievement level of the students in social studies course. Unpublished master’s thesis. Hacettepe University. Institute of Social Sciences. Ankara.
  • Karamustafaoğlu O., & Kaya M. (2013). Teaching ‘reflection and mirror’ subject with educational games: Reflective subject sample. Research Based Activity Journal (RBAJ), 3(2), 41 49.
  • Karasan, E. (2013). Educational games that can be played in ethics and religious culture course for grades 4 and 5. Master’s Thesis, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Institute of Social Sciences, Rize.
  • Kaya, Ü. Ü. (2007). The effect of game technique on the achievement level in primary school grade 1. Unpublished master’s thesis. Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar.
  • Kısakürek, M. A. (1996). Social studies teaching with special teaching methods. A.Ö.F. Publishers, 221:30-34
  • Kiper, A. (2016). Cooperative Learning Scale: Validity and Reliability Study. International Journal of Educational Research Review. 1(2): 42-48.
  • Kramer, W. (2000, December). What is a Game? The Games Journal. Retrieved from: http://www.thegamesjournal.com/articles/WhatIsaGame.shtml
  • Kula, A., & Erdem, M. (2005). The effect of educational computer games on the improvement of basic arithmetic skills. Hacettepe University, Journal of Education, 29:127-136.
  • Maroney, K. (2001). My entire waking life. The Games Journal. Retrieved from: http://www.thegamesjournal.com/articles/MyEntireWakingLife.shtml
  • MONE, (2018). Social Studies Curriculum. http://mufredat.meb.gov.tr/Dosyalar/201812103847686-SOSYAL%20B%C4%B0LG%C4%B0LER%20%C3%96%C4%9ERET%C4%B0M%20PROGRAMI%20.pdf
  • Miller, A. K. (1989). Enhancing Early Childhood Mainstreaming Through Cooperative Learning: A Brief Literature Review. Child Study Journal, 19: 4, 285-291.
  • Muntean, C. I. (2011). Raising engagement in e-learning through gamification. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL, University of Bucharest and "Babeş Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca. http://icvl.eu/2011/disc/icvl/documente/pdf/met/ICVL_ModelsAndMethodologies_pape r42.pdf
  • Öztemiz, S. & Önal, H. İ. (2013). Opinions of teachers on helping students gain literacy skills at primary school through game technique: Ankara Beytepe Primary School Example. Bitlis Eren University Institute of Social Sciences Journal, 2(1), 70-85.
  • Polat, Y. (2014). A case study: Gamification method and its effect on students in English course (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çağ University, Mersin.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants’ part 1. On the horizon, 9(5): 1-6.
  • Prensky, M. (2002). The motivation of gameplay: The real twenty‐first century learning revolution. On the Horizon, 10(1): 5-1.
  • Saracaloğlu, A. S., & Aldan Karademir, Ç. (2009). The effect of educational game-based science and technology instruction on student success. VIII. National School Teachers Education Symposium, Proceedings Book. 21-23 May, Osmangazi University: Eskişehir, 1098-1107.
  • Sarı, A., & Altun, T. (2016). The investigation of student opinions on computer courses with gamification method. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education,7(3), 553-577.
  • Sönmez, V. (1996). Social Studies Instruction (Extended 2nd Edition) Ankara: Pegem Publishers.
  • Şenol, M. (2007). Vocabulary instruction for primary school students through games. Unpublished master’s thesis. Selçuk University, Konya.
  • Tabachnick, B.G., & and Fidell L.S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics (sixth ed.). Pearson, Boston
  • Tannenberg, J. (1995). Using Cooperative Learning in The Undergraduate Computer Science Classroom, Proceedings of The Midwest Smail College Computing Conference, Available http://Phoenix.Isub.Edu/JostılCooplPapers/Mwscc95.Html
  • Poyrazoğlu O. N. (1987). Social Studies Instruction in Secondary Education Institutions and its Problems. Ankara: Türk Eğitim Derneği Yayınları
  • Uberman, A. (1998). The use of games for vocabulary presentation and revision, Forum Online. 36(1), 20.
  • Uzun, N (2012). A sample of active learning application in science education: The thema “cell” with educational games. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences,46, 2932 – 2936
  • Ülküdür, M. A. (2016). The effect of project-based and game-based educational activities on students’ academic success, attitude and motivation. Master’s Thesis, Amasya University, Institute of Science, Amasya.
  • Varışoğlu, B., Şeref, İ., Gedik, M., & Yılmaz, İ. (2013). The attitude scale on the educational games played in Turkish course: Validity and reliability study. Adıyaman University Institute of Social Sciences Journal Turkish Education and Training Special Volume, 6(11), 1059-1081
  • Werbach, K., & Hunter, D. (2012). For the Win How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business. Philadelphia: Wharton Digital Press.
  • Yurt E. (2007). Science instruction through educational game technique and its role in new primary education curriculum. (Muğla Province Example). Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Muğla University, Institute of Science , Muğla.

The Effect of Gamification Activities on Students' Academic Achievements in Social Studies Course, Attitudes towards the Course and Cooperative Learning Skills

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1 - 15, 19.02.2020


The aim of this study is to determine the
effects of educational games on students' academic achievement, attitudes
towards the course and cooperative learning skills. Semi-experimental research
design with pretest posttest control group was used. The study group consisted
of 60 students at 5th grade secondary school. In this process, the topics
identified were reinforced by educational games in experimental group and
control group were strengthened by traditional methods for 6 weeks. Research
data were collected by using Social Studies Course Attitude Scale (Cronbach
Alpha=0.61), Cooperative Learning Scale (α=0.80) and Social Studies Course
Academic Achievement Scale (kr-20=0.78). The mean, standard deviation, and
Anova analyses were performed As a result: Social Studies Education reinforced
by gamification contributes significantly more to students ' attitudes towards
social studies course than traditional method. However, it was determined that
it did not contribute significantly to the benefit factor. Social studies
education, which is reinforced by educational games, contributes significantly
more to students ' cooperative learning skills than the traditional method.
Social studies education, which is reinforced by educational games, contributes
significantly more to students ' academic achievement towards social studies
course than the traditional method.


  • Acar, R. (2003). Issues encountered while delivering the content of social studies course and solutions suggested to address them. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Eskisehir: A.U. Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Açıkgöz, K.U. (2003). Effective Learning and Teaching, İzmir: World of Education Publishers.
  • Alkan, C. & Kurt M. (1998). Special Teaching Methods. Ankara: Anı Publishers
  • Arslantaş, S. (2006). Investigation of the issues encountered in grades 6 and 7 th during the implementations of social studies course program from teachers’ perspectives. (The example of Malatya province). Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Malatya: F.U. Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Aycan S., Türkoğuz, Ş., Arı, E & Kaynar, Ü. (2002). Teaching periodic table and elements through bingo technique and identifying the permanence in memory. Congress of National Physical Sciences and Mathematics Education, Proceedings Book. METU, Ankara.
  • Barbara, L. (2002). Building social studies resources in the constructivist classroom. Business Source Complete, Library Talk, 15(1), 14-15.
  • Bayat, S., Kılıçarslan, H., & Şentürk, Ş. (2014). Investigating the effect of educational games in science and tehnology course on the academic success of students at grade 7. Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Education Journal, 14(2), 204-216.
  • Bayram, E., Özgül, E., Kaplan, G., Ünal, H. A., Yapağılı, H., Demir, K., Morgül, M., Uğurlu, N., Tantoğlu, S., Özünel, Ş., & Ömür, Ü. (1999). Drama at Primary School. Ankara: MEB Publishers.Binbaşıoğlu, C.(l981). Special Teaching Methods. Ankara: Binbaşıoğlu Yayınevi.
  • Brufee, K. (1993). Collaborative Learning: Higher Education, Interdependence and the Authority of Knowledge, Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Can, İ. (2010). The effect of teaching sciences through games at primary education on the attitude and success of grade 8 students for the unit about the structure and features of matter. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Gazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara.
  • Canbay, İ. (2012). Investigation of educational games in Mathematics on the pre-regulatory learning strategies, motivational beliefs, and academic success of grade 7 students. Master’s Thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Educational Sciences, İstanbul.
  • Chen, C. (2003). A Constructivist Approach to Teaching; Implications in Teaching Computer Networking. Information Technology, Learning and Performance Journal, 21(2), 17‐27.
  • Coşkun, H. (2012). The effect of teaching sciences through games with scientific stories on students’ academic success. Master’s Thesis, Erciyes University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Kayseri.
  • Coşkun, H., Kariper, A. & Akarsu, B. (2012). The effect of educational games involving scientific stories on the academic success of the students in science and technology course. Ahi Evran University Kırşehir Faculty of Education Journal, 13(1), 93-109.
  • Demir, M. (2012). The effect of teaching the systems of human body unit in grade 7 with game-based learning on students’ academic success and their attitude towards science and technology course. 10. A conference paper presented in National Science and Mathematics Education Congress. Niğde.
  • EL-Deghaidy, H., & Nouby, A. (2008). Effectiveness of a blended e-learning cooperative approach in an Egyptian teacher education programme. Computers & Education, 51(3), 988-1006. George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update (10. ed.) Boston: Pearson
  • Gibson, D., Ostashewski, N., Flintoff, K., Grant, S., & Knight, E. (2015). Digital badges in education. Education and Information Technologies, 20, 403–410.
  • Gömleksiz, M. (1993). The effect of cooperative learning and traditional learning on democratic attitudes and gain. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Çukurova University.
  • Güler, T. D. (2011). The effect of teaching ‘cell and its organelles’ subject in grade 6 with educational game method on the students’ academic success. Master’s Thesis. Atatürk University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Erzurum.
  • Hanbaba, L. & Bektaş, M. (2011). The Effect of Game-based Teaching Method on the students’ success in life science course and their attitude towards the course. Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Education Journal, 11(2), 115-126.
  • Hanus, M. D., & Fox, J. (2015). Assessing the effects of gamification in the classroom: A longitudinal study on intrinsic motivation, social comparison, satisfaction, effort, and academic performance. Computers & Education, 80, 52-161
  • Hazne, M., & Berger, R. (2007). Cooperative learning, motivational effects, and student characteristics: An experimental study comparing cooperative learning and direct instruction in 12th grade physics classes. Learning and Instruction, 17(1), 29-41.
  • Hennessy, D., & Evans, R. (2006). Small-group learning in the community college classroom. The Community College Enterprise,12(1), 93-110.
  • Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T. & Holubec, EJ. (1994). The Nuts & Bolts of Cooperative Learning. Edina: Interaction Book Company.
  • Johnson, D.W., & Johnson, R.T. (1996). Meaningful and Managable Assessment Through Cooperative Learning. Edina. InteractionBook Company.
  • Jones, M. (2001). Game and child. Translated by Ayda Çayır. Kaknüs Publishers, İstanbul.
  • Karabacak, N. (1996). The effect of educational games on the achievement level of the students in social studies course. Unpublished master’s thesis. Hacettepe University. Institute of Social Sciences. Ankara.
  • Karamustafaoğlu O., & Kaya M. (2013). Teaching ‘reflection and mirror’ subject with educational games: Reflective subject sample. Research Based Activity Journal (RBAJ), 3(2), 41 49.
  • Karasan, E. (2013). Educational games that can be played in ethics and religious culture course for grades 4 and 5. Master’s Thesis, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Institute of Social Sciences, Rize.
  • Kaya, Ü. Ü. (2007). The effect of game technique on the achievement level in primary school grade 1. Unpublished master’s thesis. Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar.
  • Kısakürek, M. A. (1996). Social studies teaching with special teaching methods. A.Ö.F. Publishers, 221:30-34
  • Kiper, A. (2016). Cooperative Learning Scale: Validity and Reliability Study. International Journal of Educational Research Review. 1(2): 42-48.
  • Kramer, W. (2000, December). What is a Game? The Games Journal. Retrieved from: http://www.thegamesjournal.com/articles/WhatIsaGame.shtml
  • Kula, A., & Erdem, M. (2005). The effect of educational computer games on the improvement of basic arithmetic skills. Hacettepe University, Journal of Education, 29:127-136.
  • Maroney, K. (2001). My entire waking life. The Games Journal. Retrieved from: http://www.thegamesjournal.com/articles/MyEntireWakingLife.shtml
  • MONE, (2018). Social Studies Curriculum. http://mufredat.meb.gov.tr/Dosyalar/201812103847686-SOSYAL%20B%C4%B0LG%C4%B0LER%20%C3%96%C4%9ERET%C4%B0M%20PROGRAMI%20.pdf
  • Miller, A. K. (1989). Enhancing Early Childhood Mainstreaming Through Cooperative Learning: A Brief Literature Review. Child Study Journal, 19: 4, 285-291.
  • Muntean, C. I. (2011). Raising engagement in e-learning through gamification. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL, University of Bucharest and "Babeş Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca. http://icvl.eu/2011/disc/icvl/documente/pdf/met/ICVL_ModelsAndMethodologies_pape r42.pdf
  • Öztemiz, S. & Önal, H. İ. (2013). Opinions of teachers on helping students gain literacy skills at primary school through game technique: Ankara Beytepe Primary School Example. Bitlis Eren University Institute of Social Sciences Journal, 2(1), 70-85.
  • Polat, Y. (2014). A case study: Gamification method and its effect on students in English course (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çağ University, Mersin.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants’ part 1. On the horizon, 9(5): 1-6.
  • Prensky, M. (2002). The motivation of gameplay: The real twenty‐first century learning revolution. On the Horizon, 10(1): 5-1.
  • Saracaloğlu, A. S., & Aldan Karademir, Ç. (2009). The effect of educational game-based science and technology instruction on student success. VIII. National School Teachers Education Symposium, Proceedings Book. 21-23 May, Osmangazi University: Eskişehir, 1098-1107.
  • Sarı, A., & Altun, T. (2016). The investigation of student opinions on computer courses with gamification method. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education,7(3), 553-577.
  • Sönmez, V. (1996). Social Studies Instruction (Extended 2nd Edition) Ankara: Pegem Publishers.
  • Şenol, M. (2007). Vocabulary instruction for primary school students through games. Unpublished master’s thesis. Selçuk University, Konya.
  • Tabachnick, B.G., & and Fidell L.S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics (sixth ed.). Pearson, Boston
  • Tannenberg, J. (1995). Using Cooperative Learning in The Undergraduate Computer Science Classroom, Proceedings of The Midwest Smail College Computing Conference, Available http://Phoenix.Isub.Edu/JostılCooplPapers/Mwscc95.Html
  • Poyrazoğlu O. N. (1987). Social Studies Instruction in Secondary Education Institutions and its Problems. Ankara: Türk Eğitim Derneği Yayınları
  • Uberman, A. (1998). The use of games for vocabulary presentation and revision, Forum Online. 36(1), 20.
  • Uzun, N (2012). A sample of active learning application in science education: The thema “cell” with educational games. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences,46, 2932 – 2936
  • Ülküdür, M. A. (2016). The effect of project-based and game-based educational activities on students’ academic success, attitude and motivation. Master’s Thesis, Amasya University, Institute of Science, Amasya.
  • Varışoğlu, B., Şeref, İ., Gedik, M., & Yılmaz, İ. (2013). The attitude scale on the educational games played in Turkish course: Validity and reliability study. Adıyaman University Institute of Social Sciences Journal Turkish Education and Training Special Volume, 6(11), 1059-1081
  • Werbach, K., & Hunter, D. (2012). For the Win How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business. Philadelphia: Wharton Digital Press.
  • Yurt E. (2007). Science instruction through educational game technique and its role in new primary education curriculum. (Muğla Province Example). Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Muğla University, Institute of Science , Muğla.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Özgen Korkmaz 0000-0002-4726-7453

Çilem Öztürk This is me 0000-0003-4359-5692

Publication Date February 19, 2020
Acceptance Date December 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Korkmaz, Ö., & Öztürk, Ç. (2020). The Effect of Gamification Activities on Students’ Academic Achievements in Social Studies Course, Attitudes towards the Course and Cooperative Learning Skills. Participatory Educational Research, 7(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.17275/per.

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