Al, U. (2008). Scientific publication policy of Turkey: A bibliometric approach based on citation indexes. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Science, Information and Records Management, Ankara.
Alfaro, E., Sala, F. G., Tortosa, M., & Lluch, J. O. (2019). Análisis bibliométrico de The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context entre 2009-2018. Revista de investigación en educación, 17(3), 179-195.
Altın, B.N., & Atçı, A.Ş. (2014). Sosyal bilgiler dersinde sınıf içinde sınıf dışı eğitim etkinlikleri. In Safran, M. (Ed.), Sosyal bilgiler öğretimi (pp. 545-583). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
Altın, B.N., & Demirtaş, S. (2014). Sosyal bilgiler dersinde sınıf dışı eğitim etkinlikleri. In Safran, M. (Ed.), Sosyal bilgiler öğretimi (pp.. 509-543). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
Arıcı, V.A. (2013). A study on 3D-virtual reality in science education programs: "Solar system and beyond: Space puzzle" unit sample. Unpublished master dissertation, Adnan Menderes University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Primary Education, Aydın.
Ata, B. (2015). Sosyal bilgiler eğitiminde müzelerin önemi. In R. Turan & K. Ulusoy (Eds.). Sosyal bilgilerin temelleri (pp. 326-338). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
Avelar, A. B. A., da Silva-Oliveira, K. D., & da Silva Pereira, R. (2019). Education for advancing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals: A systematic approach. The International Journal of Management Education, 17(3), 100322.
Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Alegre, I., & Ribeiro-Soriano, D. (2018). Entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa: A Bibliometric Analysis. In Entrepreneurship Education and Research in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (pp. 273-290). Springer, Cham.
Blasco, R. Q., Riquelme, A. G., & Casal, G. B. (2019). Análisis bibliométrico de las revistas de Psicología afines al ámbito Jurídico-Forense atendiendo a la WoS y el JCR (2018). Revista de investigación en educación, 17(3), 165-178.
Bordons, M., & Barrigón, S. (1992). Bibliometric analysis of publications of Spanish pharmacologists in the SCI (1984–89). Part II. Scientometrics, 25(3), 425-446.
Bostan-Sarıoğlan, A., & Küçüközer, H. (2017). Investigation of Preservice Science Teachers' Opinions Regarded to Outdoor School Learning Environments. Journal of Research in Informal Environments (JRINEN), 2 (1), 1-15.
Bozdoğan, A.E. (2008). The Assessment of The Science Centers of The Pre-Service Science Teachers in Terms of Science Education: The Case of Feza Gürsey Science Center. Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education, 21(1), 19-41.
Bozdoğan, A.E. (2020). A Bibliometric Analysis Based on Web of Science Database: Articles Published on Science Centres / Museums Related to Educational Researches. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research, 14(31), 174-194. doi: 10.29329/mjer.2020.234.9
Bozdoğan, K., & Sünbül, A. M. (2016). The Metaphors Developed By Secondary School 7th Class Students On The Concept Of ‘Museum’. Sakarya University Journal of Education Faculty, (31), 107-127.
Buyurgan, S. (2019). Müzede eğitim “öğrenme ortamı olarak müzeler”. In Buyurgan, S. (Ed.). Müzede eğitim (pp. 1-4). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. A., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (18th ed.). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
Chao, C. C., Yang, J. M., & Jen, W. Y. (2007). Determining technology trends and forecasts of RFID by a historical review and bibliometric analysis from 1991 to 2005. Technovation, 27(5), 268-279.
Chen, X., Yu, G., Cheng, G., & Hao, T. (2019). Research topics, author profiles, and collaboration networks in the top-ranked journal on educational technology over the past 40 years: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Computers in Education, 6(4), 563-585.
Chen, X., Zou, D., & Xie, H. (2020). Fifty years of British Journal of Educational Technology: A topic modeling based bibliometric perspective. British Journal of Educational Technology. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12907
Chiu, W. T., & Ho, Y. S. (2007). Bibliometric analysis of tsunami research. Scientometrics, 73(1), 3-17.
Ciftci, S. K., Danisman, S., Yalcin, M., Tosuntas, S. B., Ay, Y., Sölpük, N., & Karadag, E. (2016). Map of Scientific Publication in the Field of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education in Turkey: A Bibliometric Study. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 16(4), 1097-1123.
Ciomaga, B. (2015). Convergence Challenges in Sport-Related Applied Disciplines: The Case of Sport Management. Quest, 67(3), 300-316.
Diaz, F. M., & Silveira, J. M. (2014). Music and affective phenomena: A 20-year content and bibliometric analysis of research in three eminent journals. Journal of Research in Music Education, 62(1), 66-77.
Doğru, M., Güzeller, C., & Çelik, M. (2019). A Bibliometric analysis in the field of sustainable development and education from past to present. Adıyaman University Journal of Educational Sciences, 9(1), 42-68.
Ertaş, H. (2012). The effects of critical thinking education supported by out-of-school activities on critical thinking disposition and attitude toward physics course. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Hacettepe University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Science and Mathematics for Secondary Education, Ankara.
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Fombona, J., Pascual-Sevillana, Á., & González-Videgaray, M. (2017). M-learning and augmented reality: A review of the scientific literature on the WoS Repository. Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal, 25(2).
Guerrero, A. J. M., Rodríguez, J. M. R., Parejo, M. R. N., & Alonso-García, S. (2020). Análisis bibliométrico sobre inspección educativa en la base de datos Web of Science. REICE: Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 18(1), 83-103.
Güven, İ., Bıkmaz, F., İşcan, C.D., & Keleşoğlu, S. (2014). Tarih öğretimi: kuram ve uygulama. (Rev.2nd ed.). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
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A Bibliometric Analysis of Educational Studies About “Museum Education
Year 2020,
Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 161 - 179, 01.12.2020
This study aimed at analyzing the scientific publications about museum education with regard to bibliometric indicators. The study was carried out as a case study, one of the qualitative research methods. The bibliometric data were taken from the WoS database produced by Clarivate Analytics. An online scanning was performed in WoS database. The scan interval involved the dates between 1975 and April 4, 2020. 359 studies related to the museum education were detected in this scan. It was determined that out of these records, 148 of them (%41,22) were included in education/educational research category. The analyses revealed that the type of publications which was encountered mostly were academic articles with 148 studies. In addition to this, it was found that 109 articles were published in the last five years. This rate exhibits that the educational research about the museum education has gained acceleration in recent years. It was detected in the analyses that a total of 470 different key words were used in 148 articles. Moreover, the analyses revealed that the most effective journal was “Journal of Museum Education”. It was determined by the analyses that the researchers from 25 different countries published articles that made contributions to the field. Within this context, it was found that the most active country was the USA and it was followed by Italy, Canada and England. Turkey is ranked 6 out of 25 countries with 7 publications and this shows that serious contributions are made in this field.
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Guerrero, A. J. M., Rodríguez, J. M. R., Parejo, M. R. N., & Alonso-García, S. (2020). Análisis bibliométrico sobre inspección educativa en la base de datos Web of Science. REICE: Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 18(1), 83-103.
Güven, İ., Bıkmaz, F., İşcan, C.D., & Keleşoğlu, S. (2014). Tarih öğretimi: kuram ve uygulama. (Rev.2nd ed.). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
Hallinger, P. (2019). Science mapping the knowledge base on educational leadership and management from the emerging regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America, 1965–2018. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 1741143218822772.
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