Research Article
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Participant Opinions on the Effectiveness and Classroom Applicability of Erasmus+ School Education Staff Mobility (KA101) Projects on New Technologies - Digital Skills

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 195 - 211, 01.03.2024


This study aimed to determine the contribution of teachers and administrators who took part in the projects on ICT - new technologies - digital skills carried out in the field of Erasmus+ main action 1 school education staff mobility KA101, one of the EU education programmes. In this study, mixed research method was used, and an embedded mixed design was applied. The interview form was used to collect qualitative data and the Participants' Opinions on the Effectiveness and Classroom Implementation of ICT New Technologies - Digital Skills Themed Erasmus+ School Education Staff Mobility (KA101) Projects were used to collect quantitative data. The research group consists of teachers and administrators who have carried out ICT New Technologies - Digital Skills themed Erasmus+ projects between 2014-2020 in different schools and levels in Konya city centre and districts. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the participants learned new teaching methods and techniques after the project and started to apply them in their classrooms. In addition, it was observed that the training received by the participants was innovative, improved their digital skills, increased the quality of education at school, provided permanent learning and increased the motivation of the participants. It was also revealed that teachers' and administrators' participation in projects improves their digital skills, they learn new teaching methods and techniques, they can transfer the skills they have acquired to the classroom environment and thus contribute positively to permanent learning and increasing the quality of education.


  • Alonso de Castro, M. G., & García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2020). Methodological guide for the successful use of digital technologies in education: Improvement of learning through European educational projects. In Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 962-968).
  • Androniceanu, A., and Dragulanescu, I. (2017). Loan Policies and Economic Development in A Globalised Environment. International Scientific Conference "New Challenges of Economic and Business Development - 2017. Digital Economy": Abstracts O.
  • Arabacı, I., Akilli, C. (2021). English Teachers' Views on the Use of Web 2.0 Tools in Educational Environments. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2(7), 115-125.
  • Arslan, F., & Korkmaz, Ö. (2019). İlahiyat Lisans Tamamlama Uzaktan Eğitim Öğrencilerinin Etkileşim Kaygıları ve Uzaktan Eğitime Dönük Tutumları. [Interaction Concerns and Attitudes Towards Distance Education of Theology Undergraduate Completion Distance Education Students]. Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 12-25.
  • Arslankara V. B. ve Usta, E. (2020). Lise öğrencilerinde sanal risk algısı: problemli internet kullanımı ve eleştirel düşünme bağlamında bir araştırma. [Virtual risk perception among high school students: a research in the context of problematic internet use and critical thinking]. Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 134-153.
  • Avcı, U.U. (2023). Avrupa Birliği projeleri. Sosyal bilgiler ve coğrafya eğitiminde proje tabanlı öğrenme uygulamaları. [European Union projects. Project-based learning applications in social studies and geography education]. Holistence Publication.
  • Aydogmus, M. (2013). Öğretmen algısına göre Comenius projelerinin amacına uygun gerçekleşme düzeyinin bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi Yüksek Lisans Tezi. [Investigation of the level of realisation of Comenius projects according to teacher perception in terms of some variables, Master's Thesis], Necmettin Erbakan University.
  • Basaran, M., Kumru, S., Acar, D., Kayıklık, F., & Vural, Ö. F. (2021). Ar-Ge Çalışmalarının Okullar Üzerine Etkisinin Erasmus+ Projeleri Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Effect of R&D Studies on Schools in the Context of Erasmus+ Projects]. International Journal of Education Science and Technology, 7(3), 183-200.
  • Bond, M., Zawacki-Richter, O., & Nichols, M. D. (2018). Revisiting Five Decades Of Educational Technology Research: a Content And Authorship Analysis Of The British Journal Of Educational Technology. Br J Educ Technol, 1(50), 12-63.
  • Buyukozturk, S., Cakmak, E. K., Akgun, O. E., Karadeniz, Ş. and Demirel, F. (2013). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. [Scientific research methods]. Pegem Academy.
  • Cebeci, E. K. (2022). Erasmus+ KA101 hareketlilik programının (okul eğitimi personel hareketliliği) öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirilmesi. [Evaluation of Erasmus+ KA101 mobility programme (school education staff mobility) according to teachers' opinions]. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2018). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (3rd ed.). Sage.
  • Damkuvienė, M., Valuckienė, J. and Balčiūnas, S. (2015). Impact and sustainability of the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 mobility projects for school education staff. Research report.
  • De Castro, M. G. A., & García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2021). Erasmus+ educational projects on elearning and related methodologies: Data from Erasmus+ project results platform. In Information Technology Trends for a Global and Interdisciplinary Research Community (pp. 111-133). IGI Global.
  • Demirer, M., & Dak, G. (2019). Üst düzey yöneticiler, okul yöneticileri ve öğretmenlerin Erasmus+ projelerine ilişkin oluşturdukları görsel metaforlar. [Visual metaphors created by senior managers, school administrators and teachers about Erasmus+ projects]. IBAD Journal of Social Sciences, (5), 255-266.
  • Draghici, A., Dermol, V., & Stankevičiūtė, Ž. (2022). Exploiting multimedia technologies in education, research, and university-community projects. MATEC Web of Conferences
  • Duman, S. N. (2020). Erasmus programına katılan öğretmen adaylarının deneyimleri. [Experiences of pre-service teachers participating in Erasmus programme]. Kırıkkale University Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 239-256.
  • Erasmus+ Programme Guide, (2016). Accessed from
  • Erturk, R. (2016). Öğretmenlerin İş Motivasyonları. [Work Motivations of Teachers]. Journal of Educational Theory and Practice Research. c.2 s.3:1-15.
  • Fernandez, L., Medina, J. L. V., Benito, M. T. V., & Misra, S. (2017). Lessons from Intensive Educational Experiences for Ict Students in Multinational Settings. Teh. vjesn., 4(24).
  • García-Peñalvo, F. J., & Alonso de Castro, M. G. (2021). ICT methodologies for teacher professional development in Erasmus+ projects related to eLearning.
  • George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update (10a ed.). Pearson.
  • Georgieva, D. (2019). Erasmus+ (key action 1) mobility of students in distance learning programmes. Empirical analysis based on the example of International Business School-Botevgrad, Bulgaria.
  • Greene, J. C., Caracelli, V. J., & Graham, W. D. (1989). Toward a conceptual framework for mixed-method evaluation designs. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 11(3), 255-274.
  • Gunbayi, I., & Vezne, R. (2016). Opinions of Teachers on Erasmus+ Key Action 1: A Case Study. Online Submission, 7(1), 1-12.
  • Harro-Loit, H., Jaani, J., Piksööt, J., Lapp, R., Niemelä, S., Schäfer-Koch, K., & Pachocki, M. (2017). Impact and sustainability of the Erasmus+ programme key action 1 mobility projects for school education staff. Research Report. Retrieved from
  • Hui, Z. (2009). Integration Of Traditional Course Teaching and Multimedia Courseware Aided Teaching Mode, A Case Study. 2009 Second Pacific-Asia Conference on Web Mining and Web-Based Application.
  • Jasper, M. A. (1994). Issues in phenomenology for researchers of nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 19, 309- 314.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. [Scientific Research Method]. Ankara Nobel Publishing.
  • Korucu, A. T. ve Ertekin, H. (2020). Kpss kursunda eğitim gören aday öğretmenlerin e-öğrenmeye yönelik tutumları, Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 100-113.
  • Korucu, A. T., & Taşdöndüren, T. (2019). Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Blok Temelli Programlamaya İlişkin Öz-Yeterlik Algılarının ve Robotiğe Yönelik Tutumlarının İncelenmesi. Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 44-58.
  • Kunnari, I., Jiang, L. & Myllykoski-Laine, S. (2021). Emvitet- Project Developing Education 4.0 Competencies - Impacts and Experiences During Covid-19. JTE, 62, 3-16. McDonagh, A., Engen, B., Engen, B., McGarr, O. (2021). Introducing the Peat Model to Frame Professional Digital Competence in Teacher Education. NJCIE, 4(5), 5-17.
  • Kurt, A. A., Bardakcı, S., & Karal H. (2022). Eğitim ve Değişim. [Education and Change]. Pegem Academy
  • Mahdi, H. S., & Al-Dera, A. S. A. (2013). The Impact of Teachers' Age, Gender and Experience on the Use of Information and Communication Technology in EFL Teaching. English Language Teaching, 6(6), 57-67.
  • Miller, S. (2003). Analysis of phenomenological data generated with children as research participants. Nurse Researcher, 10(4), 68-82.
  • Naydenova, E., & Stoyanova, V. (2020). Digital Environment – Innovative Teachers
  • Nowakowska, H., & Skrzypek-Czerko, M. (2016). Student Mobility. Between Theory and Practice? Prog Health Sci, 1(6), 0-0.
  • Ozdamar, K. (2002). Paket Programlarla İstatistiksel Veri Analizi-1. 4. [Package Programmes and Statistical Data Analysis-1. 4th Edition]. Kaan Bookstore.
  • Ozdemir, E. (2023). The Impact of Erasmus+ On Self-efficacy Of English Language Teachers. 5019, 2(12), 97-106.
  • Özdoğru, M. (2022). Investigation of “Erasmus+ School Education Staff Mobility (KA101)” projects in the context of contribution to teachers: The Example of the Future Model in Education, Flipped Classrooms Project. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists
  • Piksööt, J., Jaani, J., Harro-Loit, H., & Treier, K. (2016). Impact and sustainability of the Erasmus+ programme KA1 mobility projects for school education staff: results of Estonian research. 95pir% C3% A4ndem% C3% B5ju_l% C3% B5ppversioon. pdf, accessed from.
  • Salcedo-López, D., & Cuevas-López, M. (2021). Analysis and assessment of new permanent teacher training activities under the Erasmus+ programme from the perspective of the participants of spain in times of COVID-19. Sustainability, 13(20), 11222.
  • Samancıoglu, M. (2011). Mesleki ve teknik eğitim kurumlarında teknoloji entegrasyonunun değerlendirilmesi. [Evaluation of technology integration in vocational and technical education institutions]. (Doctoral Thesis). Gaziantep University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Sims, P. G. and Stone, S. (2011). Educational Technology. Education.
  • Teddlie C. and Tashakkori A. (2006) A general typology of research designs featuring mixed methods. Research in the Schools, 13: 12-28.
  • UNESCO. (2002). Information and Communication Technology in Education: A Curriculum for Schools and Programme of Teacher Development (Editors J. Anderson and T. van Weert). UNESCO, Paris. Retrieved 02 April, 2011, from
  • Virkus, S., Bamigbola, A. A. (2011). Students' Conceptions and Experiences of Web 2.0 Tools. New Library World, 11/12(112), 479-489.
  • Yıldırım, A. and Simsek, H. (2018). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. [Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences]. Ankara: Seckin Publishing.
  • Zengin, E. (2022). Okul yöneticilerinin Erasmus+ projelerine olan katkılarının proje sürekliliği açısından AB-Türkiye bağlamında değerlendirilmesi. [Evaluation of school administrators' contributions to Erasmus+ projects in terms of project continuity in the context of EU-Türkiye]. (Published Master Thesis). Eskisehir: Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Zhou, G., & Xu, J. (2007). Adoption of educational technology: How does gender gatter? International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 19(2), 140-153.
Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 195 - 211, 01.03.2024



  • Alonso de Castro, M. G., & García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2020). Methodological guide for the successful use of digital technologies in education: Improvement of learning through European educational projects. In Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 962-968).
  • Androniceanu, A., and Dragulanescu, I. (2017). Loan Policies and Economic Development in A Globalised Environment. International Scientific Conference "New Challenges of Economic and Business Development - 2017. Digital Economy": Abstracts O.
  • Arabacı, I., Akilli, C. (2021). English Teachers' Views on the Use of Web 2.0 Tools in Educational Environments. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2(7), 115-125.
  • Arslan, F., & Korkmaz, Ö. (2019). İlahiyat Lisans Tamamlama Uzaktan Eğitim Öğrencilerinin Etkileşim Kaygıları ve Uzaktan Eğitime Dönük Tutumları. [Interaction Concerns and Attitudes Towards Distance Education of Theology Undergraduate Completion Distance Education Students]. Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 12-25.
  • Arslankara V. B. ve Usta, E. (2020). Lise öğrencilerinde sanal risk algısı: problemli internet kullanımı ve eleştirel düşünme bağlamında bir araştırma. [Virtual risk perception among high school students: a research in the context of problematic internet use and critical thinking]. Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 134-153.
  • Avcı, U.U. (2023). Avrupa Birliği projeleri. Sosyal bilgiler ve coğrafya eğitiminde proje tabanlı öğrenme uygulamaları. [European Union projects. Project-based learning applications in social studies and geography education]. Holistence Publication.
  • Aydogmus, M. (2013). Öğretmen algısına göre Comenius projelerinin amacına uygun gerçekleşme düzeyinin bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi Yüksek Lisans Tezi. [Investigation of the level of realisation of Comenius projects according to teacher perception in terms of some variables, Master's Thesis], Necmettin Erbakan University.
  • Basaran, M., Kumru, S., Acar, D., Kayıklık, F., & Vural, Ö. F. (2021). Ar-Ge Çalışmalarının Okullar Üzerine Etkisinin Erasmus+ Projeleri Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the Effect of R&D Studies on Schools in the Context of Erasmus+ Projects]. International Journal of Education Science and Technology, 7(3), 183-200.
  • Bond, M., Zawacki-Richter, O., & Nichols, M. D. (2018). Revisiting Five Decades Of Educational Technology Research: a Content And Authorship Analysis Of The British Journal Of Educational Technology. Br J Educ Technol, 1(50), 12-63.
  • Buyukozturk, S., Cakmak, E. K., Akgun, O. E., Karadeniz, Ş. and Demirel, F. (2013). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. [Scientific research methods]. Pegem Academy.
  • Cebeci, E. K. (2022). Erasmus+ KA101 hareketlilik programının (okul eğitimi personel hareketliliği) öğretmen görüşlerine göre değerlendirilmesi. [Evaluation of Erasmus+ KA101 mobility programme (school education staff mobility) according to teachers' opinions]. (Master's thesis). Retrieved from
  • Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2018). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (3rd ed.). Sage.
  • Damkuvienė, M., Valuckienė, J. and Balčiūnas, S. (2015). Impact and sustainability of the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 mobility projects for school education staff. Research report.
  • De Castro, M. G. A., & García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2021). Erasmus+ educational projects on elearning and related methodologies: Data from Erasmus+ project results platform. In Information Technology Trends for a Global and Interdisciplinary Research Community (pp. 111-133). IGI Global.
  • Demirer, M., & Dak, G. (2019). Üst düzey yöneticiler, okul yöneticileri ve öğretmenlerin Erasmus+ projelerine ilişkin oluşturdukları görsel metaforlar. [Visual metaphors created by senior managers, school administrators and teachers about Erasmus+ projects]. IBAD Journal of Social Sciences, (5), 255-266.
  • Draghici, A., Dermol, V., & Stankevičiūtė, Ž. (2022). Exploiting multimedia technologies in education, research, and university-community projects. MATEC Web of Conferences
  • Duman, S. N. (2020). Erasmus programına katılan öğretmen adaylarının deneyimleri. [Experiences of pre-service teachers participating in Erasmus programme]. Kırıkkale University Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 239-256.
  • Erasmus+ Programme Guide, (2016). Accessed from
  • Erturk, R. (2016). Öğretmenlerin İş Motivasyonları. [Work Motivations of Teachers]. Journal of Educational Theory and Practice Research. c.2 s.3:1-15.
  • Fernandez, L., Medina, J. L. V., Benito, M. T. V., & Misra, S. (2017). Lessons from Intensive Educational Experiences for Ict Students in Multinational Settings. Teh. vjesn., 4(24).
  • García-Peñalvo, F. J., & Alonso de Castro, M. G. (2021). ICT methodologies for teacher professional development in Erasmus+ projects related to eLearning.
  • George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update (10a ed.). Pearson.
  • Georgieva, D. (2019). Erasmus+ (key action 1) mobility of students in distance learning programmes. Empirical analysis based on the example of International Business School-Botevgrad, Bulgaria.
  • Greene, J. C., Caracelli, V. J., & Graham, W. D. (1989). Toward a conceptual framework for mixed-method evaluation designs. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 11(3), 255-274.
  • Gunbayi, I., & Vezne, R. (2016). Opinions of Teachers on Erasmus+ Key Action 1: A Case Study. Online Submission, 7(1), 1-12.
  • Harro-Loit, H., Jaani, J., Piksööt, J., Lapp, R., Niemelä, S., Schäfer-Koch, K., & Pachocki, M. (2017). Impact and sustainability of the Erasmus+ programme key action 1 mobility projects for school education staff. Research Report. Retrieved from
  • Hui, Z. (2009). Integration Of Traditional Course Teaching and Multimedia Courseware Aided Teaching Mode, A Case Study. 2009 Second Pacific-Asia Conference on Web Mining and Web-Based Application.
  • Jasper, M. A. (1994). Issues in phenomenology for researchers of nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 19, 309- 314.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. [Scientific Research Method]. Ankara Nobel Publishing.
  • Korucu, A. T. ve Ertekin, H. (2020). Kpss kursunda eğitim gören aday öğretmenlerin e-öğrenmeye yönelik tutumları, Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 100-113.
  • Korucu, A. T., & Taşdöndüren, T. (2019). Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Blok Temelli Programlamaya İlişkin Öz-Yeterlik Algılarının ve Robotiğe Yönelik Tutumlarının İncelenmesi. Ahmet Keleşoğlu Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(1), 44-58.
  • Kunnari, I., Jiang, L. & Myllykoski-Laine, S. (2021). Emvitet- Project Developing Education 4.0 Competencies - Impacts and Experiences During Covid-19. JTE, 62, 3-16. McDonagh, A., Engen, B., Engen, B., McGarr, O. (2021). Introducing the Peat Model to Frame Professional Digital Competence in Teacher Education. NJCIE, 4(5), 5-17.
  • Kurt, A. A., Bardakcı, S., & Karal H. (2022). Eğitim ve Değişim. [Education and Change]. Pegem Academy
  • Mahdi, H. S., & Al-Dera, A. S. A. (2013). The Impact of Teachers' Age, Gender and Experience on the Use of Information and Communication Technology in EFL Teaching. English Language Teaching, 6(6), 57-67.
  • Miller, S. (2003). Analysis of phenomenological data generated with children as research participants. Nurse Researcher, 10(4), 68-82.
  • Naydenova, E., & Stoyanova, V. (2020). Digital Environment – Innovative Teachers
  • Nowakowska, H., & Skrzypek-Czerko, M. (2016). Student Mobility. Between Theory and Practice? Prog Health Sci, 1(6), 0-0.
  • Ozdamar, K. (2002). Paket Programlarla İstatistiksel Veri Analizi-1. 4. [Package Programmes and Statistical Data Analysis-1. 4th Edition]. Kaan Bookstore.
  • Ozdemir, E. (2023). The Impact of Erasmus+ On Self-efficacy Of English Language Teachers. 5019, 2(12), 97-106.
  • Özdoğru, M. (2022). Investigation of “Erasmus+ School Education Staff Mobility (KA101)” projects in the context of contribution to teachers: The Example of the Future Model in Education, Flipped Classrooms Project. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists
  • Piksööt, J., Jaani, J., Harro-Loit, H., & Treier, K. (2016). Impact and sustainability of the Erasmus+ programme KA1 mobility projects for school education staff: results of Estonian research. 95pir% C3% A4ndem% C3% B5ju_l% C3% B5ppversioon. pdf, accessed from.
  • Salcedo-López, D., & Cuevas-López, M. (2021). Analysis and assessment of new permanent teacher training activities under the Erasmus+ programme from the perspective of the participants of spain in times of COVID-19. Sustainability, 13(20), 11222.
  • Samancıoglu, M. (2011). Mesleki ve teknik eğitim kurumlarında teknoloji entegrasyonunun değerlendirilmesi. [Evaluation of technology integration in vocational and technical education institutions]. (Doctoral Thesis). Gaziantep University, Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Sims, P. G. and Stone, S. (2011). Educational Technology. Education.
  • Teddlie C. and Tashakkori A. (2006) A general typology of research designs featuring mixed methods. Research in the Schools, 13: 12-28.
  • UNESCO. (2002). Information and Communication Technology in Education: A Curriculum for Schools and Programme of Teacher Development (Editors J. Anderson and T. van Weert). UNESCO, Paris. Retrieved 02 April, 2011, from
  • Virkus, S., Bamigbola, A. A. (2011). Students' Conceptions and Experiences of Web 2.0 Tools. New Library World, 11/12(112), 479-489.
  • Yıldırım, A. and Simsek, H. (2018). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri. [Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences]. Ankara: Seckin Publishing.
  • Zengin, E. (2022). Okul yöneticilerinin Erasmus+ projelerine olan katkılarının proje sürekliliği açısından AB-Türkiye bağlamında değerlendirilmesi. [Evaluation of school administrators' contributions to Erasmus+ projects in terms of project continuity in the context of EU-Türkiye]. (Published Master Thesis). Eskisehir: Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Institute of Educational Sciences.
  • Zhou, G., & Xu, J. (2007). Adoption of educational technology: How does gender gatter? International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 19(2), 140-153.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Specialist Studies in Education (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Tokgöz 0000-0002-0941-5179

Agah Tuğrul Korucu 0000-0002-8334-1526

Early Pub Date February 29, 2024
Publication Date March 1, 2024
Submission Date January 8, 2024
Acceptance Date February 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Tokgöz, M., & Korucu, A. T. (2024). Participant Opinions on the Effectiveness and Classroom Applicability of Erasmus+ School Education Staff Mobility (KA101) Projects on New Technologies - Digital Skills. Participatory Educational Research, 11(2), 195-211.