Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 213 - 223, 28.09.2020



  • Alptekin, C., & Tatar, S. (2011). Research on foreign language teaching and learning in Turkey (2005– 2009). Language Teaching, 44(3), 328-353.
  • Aydin, M. (2013). Cross cultural pragmatics: A study of apology speech acts by Turkish speakers, American English speakers and advance nonnative speakers of English in Turkey. Unpublished Master’s thesis, Minnesota University, Mankado, Minnesota. Retrieved May 4, 2020; available from tds.
  • Aygün, Z. K., Arslan, M., & Güney, S. (2008). Work values of Turkish and American university students. Journal of Business Ethics, 80(2), 205-223.
  • Bektaş, Y., Demir, A., & Bowden, R. (2009). Psychological adaptation of Turkish students at US campuses. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 31(2), 130-143.
  • Birgin, O., & Baki, A. (2009). An investigation of primary school teachers’ proficiency perceptions about measurement and assessment methods: The case of Turkey. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1(1), 681-685.
  • Buluş, M. (2004). The level of academı�c settı�ng satı�sfactı�on among Pamukkale Unıversıty academıcıans. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(16), 1-7.
  • Carden, A. I., & Feicht, R. (1991). Homesickness among American and Turkish college students. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 22(3), 418-428.
  • Cheng, M., Friesen, A., & Adekola, O. (2019). Using emotion regulation to cope with challenges: a study of Chinese students in the United Kingdom. Cambridge Journal of Education, 49(2), 133-145.
  • Cicek, V., Ulker, R., & Tarman, B. (2012). Comparison of character education in US and Turkish educational systems: Globalizing American education system. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 4(3), 1311-1322.
  • Coffman, J. E. (2000). Study abroad in Africa considered within the new world economy. African Issues, 28(1- 2), 49-53.
  • Costello, J. (2015). Students’ stories of studying abroad: Reflections upon return. Journal of International Students, 2015 Vol. 5 (1), 50-59.
  • Costello, J. (2019). Students’ stories of studying abroad: Reflections upon return. Journal of International Students, 2015 Vol. 5 (1), 5(1), 50-59.
  • Cubillos, J. H., & Ilvento, T. (2012). The impact of study abroad on students' self-efficacy perceptions. Foreign Language Annals, 45(4), 494-511.
  • Demir, M., Özen, A., & Doğan, A. (2012). Friendship, perceived mattering and happiness: A study of American and Turkish college students. The Journal of social psychology, 152(5), 659-664.
  • Demir, S. (2017). An Evaluation of Oral Language: The Relationship between Listening, Speaking and SelfEfficacy. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(9), 1457-1467.
  • Dewald, B., Jimenez, A. C., & Self, J. T. (2016). Comparing pre-and post-perceptions of studying abroad: An Italy programme case study. Anatolia, 27(4), 444-455.
  • Di Pietro, G. (2012). Does studying abroad cause international labor mobility? Evidence from Italy. Economics Letters, 117(3), 632-635.
  • Di Pietro, G. (2019). Changes in socioeconomic inequality in access to study abroad programs: A crosscountry analysis. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 66, 1-16.
  • Duru, E., & Poyrazli, S. (2011). Perceived discrimination, social connectedness, and other predictors of adjustment difficulties among Turkish international students. International Journal of Psychology, 46(6), 446-454.
  • Dwyer, M. M. (2004). More is better: The impact of study abroad program duration. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 10, 151-163.
  • Erffmeyer, R. C., & Al-Khatib, J. A. (1997). Students’ study abroad experiences: Gaijin in Japan. Marketing Education Review, 7(1), 63-69.
  • Farrell, E. F. (2007). Study Abroad Blossoms into Big Business. Chronicle of Higher Education, 54(1-8).
  • Fu, J. (2017). Assessing the Impact of Study Abroad Experience on the Creative Abilities of Design Students (Unpublished dissertation). North Carolina State University, North Carolina.
  • Gao, S., & Kennedy, T. J. (2019). Intercultural competence cevelopment of Chinese students after a short-term study abroad experience. Sino-US English Teaching, 16(5), 177-196.
  • Goldoni, F. (2015). Preparing students for studying abroad. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(4), 1-20.
  • Göktürk-Tunceroğlu, A. (2008). Gurbet Dediğin. Ankara: Ötüken.
  • Hadis, B. F. (2005). Why are they better students when they come back? Determinants of academic focusing gains in the study abroad experience. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 11, 57-70.
  • Ife, A., Vives Boix, G., & Meara, P. (2000). The impact of study abroad on the vocabulary development of different proficiency groups. Spanish Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 55-84.
  • Ingraham, E. C., & Peterson, D. L. (2004). Assessing the impact of study abroad on student learning at Michigan State University. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 10, 83-100.
  • Kaya, I. (2004). Turkish-American immigration history and identity formations. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 24(2), 295-308.
  • Kaya, I. (2009). Identity across generations: A Turkish American case study. The Middle East Journal, 63(4), 617-632.
  • Kaya, N., & Weber, M. J. (2003). Cross-cultural differences in the perception of crowding and privacy regulation: American and Turkish students. Journal of Eenvironmental Psychology, 23(3), 301-309.
  • Kizildag, A. (2009). Teaching English in Turkey: Dialogues with teachers about the challenges in public primary schools. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 1(3), 188-201.
  • Kronholz, J. F., & Osborn, D. S. (2016). The İmpact of study abroad experiences on vocational identity among college students. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 27, 70-84.
  • Lecompte, W. F., & Lecompte, G. K. (1973). Generational attribution in Turkish and American youth: A study of social norms involving the family. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 4(2), 175-191.
  • Lörz, M., Netz, N., & Quast, H. (2016). Why do students from underprivileged families less often intend to study abroad?. Higher Education, 72(2), 153-174.
  • Mendelson, V. G. (2004). "Hindsight Is 20/20:" Student Perceptions of Language Learning and the Study Abroad Experience. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 10, 43-63.
  • Ono, H., & Piper, N. (2004). Japanese women studying abroad, the case of the United States. In Women's Studies International Forum, 27(2), 101-118. Pergamon.
  • Ortactepe, D. (2013). “This is called free-falling theory not culture shock!”: A narrative inquiry on second language socialization. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 12(4), 215-229.
  • Öhrstedt, M., & Scheja, M. (2018). Targeting efficient studying–first-semester psychology students’ experiences. Educational Research, 60(1), 80-96.
  • Ölçer, N., & Koçer, S. (2015). Örgütsel iletişim: Kocaeli üniversitesi akademik personeli üzerine bir inceleme. Global Media Journal TR Edition, 6(11), 339-383.
  • Parey, M., & Waldinger, F. (2011). Studying abroad and the effect on international labour market mobility: Evidence from the introduction of ERASMUS. The Economic Journal, 121(551), 194-222.
  • Pilonieta, P., Medina, A. L., & Hathaway, J. I. (2017). The Impact of a Study Abroad Experience on Preservice Teachers' Dispositions and Plans for Teaching English Language Learners. The Teacher Educator, 52(1), 22-38.
  • Rawwas, M. Y., Swaidan, Z., & Oyman, M. (2005). Consumer ethics: A cross-cultural study of the ethical beliefs of Turkish and American consumers. Journal of Business Ethics, 57(2), 183-195.
  • Sağır, A. (2012). Bir yemek sosyolojisi denemesi örneği olarak tokat mutfağı. Electronic Turkish Studies, 7(4), 2675-2695.
  • Schmidt, S., & Pardo, M. (2017). The contribution of study abroad to human capital formation. The Journal of Higher Education, 88(1), 135-157.
  • Take, H., & Shoraku, A. (2018). Universities’ expectations for study-abroad programs fostering internationalization: Educational policies. Journal of Studies in International Education, 22(1), 37-52.
  • Titrek, O., & Cobern, W. W. (2011). Valuing Science: A Turkish–American Comparison. International Journal of Science Education, 33(3), 401-421.
  • Tompkins, D., Galbraith, D., & Tompkins, P. (2010). Universalism, Particularism and cultural self-awareness: a comparison of American and Turkish university students. Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies, 3, 1-8.
  • Trower, H., & Lehmann, W. (2017). Strategic escapes: Negotiating motivations of personal growth and instrumental benefits in the decision to study abroad. British Educational Research Journal, 43(2), 275- 289.
  • Waibel, S., Petzold, K., & Rüger, H. (2018). Occupational status benefits of studying abroad and the role of occupational specificity–A propensity score matching approach. Social Science Research, 74, 45-61.
  • Wasti, S. A. (1998). Cultural barriers in the transferability of Japanese and American human resources practices to developing countries: the Turkish case. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 9(4), 608-631.
  • Wilson, K. B. (2018). Examining the Impact of Study Abroad for Community College Students: Five Case Studies (Unpublished dissertation). CUNY Academic Works.

Studying Abroad from the Perspectives of Turkish Graduate Students in the USA

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 4, 213 - 223, 28.09.2020


Studying abroad is a unique experience including social and cultural practices and affects students’
education, life styles, habits and identities. For a better insight about this unique experience, the
experiences of students studying abroad need to be analyzed deeply. In this context, this study aims
to understand the experiences of eight Turkish graduate students studying in the U.S. The study was
designed as a qualitative study and phenomenology was used as a research method. The data of the
study was obtained through semi-structured interviews conducted face-to-face by the researcher. All
participants finished their undergraduate education in Turkey, and pursue their education in the
U.S. with different scholarship and funds. The interviews were recorded with participant consent
and the data was analyzed with content analysis technique. The findings reveal educational, social
and cultural dimensions of studying abroad experience.


  • Alptekin, C., & Tatar, S. (2011). Research on foreign language teaching and learning in Turkey (2005– 2009). Language Teaching, 44(3), 328-353.
  • Aydin, M. (2013). Cross cultural pragmatics: A study of apology speech acts by Turkish speakers, American English speakers and advance nonnative speakers of English in Turkey. Unpublished Master’s thesis, Minnesota University, Mankado, Minnesota. Retrieved May 4, 2020; available from tds.
  • Aygün, Z. K., Arslan, M., & Güney, S. (2008). Work values of Turkish and American university students. Journal of Business Ethics, 80(2), 205-223.
  • Bektaş, Y., Demir, A., & Bowden, R. (2009). Psychological adaptation of Turkish students at US campuses. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 31(2), 130-143.
  • Birgin, O., & Baki, A. (2009). An investigation of primary school teachers’ proficiency perceptions about measurement and assessment methods: The case of Turkey. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1(1), 681-685.
  • Buluş, M. (2004). The level of academı�c settı�ng satı�sfactı�on among Pamukkale Unıversıty academıcıans. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(16), 1-7.
  • Carden, A. I., & Feicht, R. (1991). Homesickness among American and Turkish college students. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 22(3), 418-428.
  • Cheng, M., Friesen, A., & Adekola, O. (2019). Using emotion regulation to cope with challenges: a study of Chinese students in the United Kingdom. Cambridge Journal of Education, 49(2), 133-145.
  • Cicek, V., Ulker, R., & Tarman, B. (2012). Comparison of character education in US and Turkish educational systems: Globalizing American education system. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 4(3), 1311-1322.
  • Coffman, J. E. (2000). Study abroad in Africa considered within the new world economy. African Issues, 28(1- 2), 49-53.
  • Costello, J. (2015). Students’ stories of studying abroad: Reflections upon return. Journal of International Students, 2015 Vol. 5 (1), 50-59.
  • Costello, J. (2019). Students’ stories of studying abroad: Reflections upon return. Journal of International Students, 2015 Vol. 5 (1), 5(1), 50-59.
  • Cubillos, J. H., & Ilvento, T. (2012). The impact of study abroad on students' self-efficacy perceptions. Foreign Language Annals, 45(4), 494-511.
  • Demir, M., Özen, A., & Doğan, A. (2012). Friendship, perceived mattering and happiness: A study of American and Turkish college students. The Journal of social psychology, 152(5), 659-664.
  • Demir, S. (2017). An Evaluation of Oral Language: The Relationship between Listening, Speaking and SelfEfficacy. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5(9), 1457-1467.
  • Dewald, B., Jimenez, A. C., & Self, J. T. (2016). Comparing pre-and post-perceptions of studying abroad: An Italy programme case study. Anatolia, 27(4), 444-455.
  • Di Pietro, G. (2012). Does studying abroad cause international labor mobility? Evidence from Italy. Economics Letters, 117(3), 632-635.
  • Di Pietro, G. (2019). Changes in socioeconomic inequality in access to study abroad programs: A crosscountry analysis. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 66, 1-16.
  • Duru, E., & Poyrazli, S. (2011). Perceived discrimination, social connectedness, and other predictors of adjustment difficulties among Turkish international students. International Journal of Psychology, 46(6), 446-454.
  • Dwyer, M. M. (2004). More is better: The impact of study abroad program duration. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 10, 151-163.
  • Erffmeyer, R. C., & Al-Khatib, J. A. (1997). Students’ study abroad experiences: Gaijin in Japan. Marketing Education Review, 7(1), 63-69.
  • Farrell, E. F. (2007). Study Abroad Blossoms into Big Business. Chronicle of Higher Education, 54(1-8).
  • Fu, J. (2017). Assessing the Impact of Study Abroad Experience on the Creative Abilities of Design Students (Unpublished dissertation). North Carolina State University, North Carolina.
  • Gao, S., & Kennedy, T. J. (2019). Intercultural competence cevelopment of Chinese students after a short-term study abroad experience. Sino-US English Teaching, 16(5), 177-196.
  • Goldoni, F. (2015). Preparing students for studying abroad. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(4), 1-20.
  • Göktürk-Tunceroğlu, A. (2008). Gurbet Dediğin. Ankara: Ötüken.
  • Hadis, B. F. (2005). Why are they better students when they come back? Determinants of academic focusing gains in the study abroad experience. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 11, 57-70.
  • Ife, A., Vives Boix, G., & Meara, P. (2000). The impact of study abroad on the vocabulary development of different proficiency groups. Spanish Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 55-84.
  • Ingraham, E. C., & Peterson, D. L. (2004). Assessing the impact of study abroad on student learning at Michigan State University. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 10, 83-100.
  • Kaya, I. (2004). Turkish-American immigration history and identity formations. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 24(2), 295-308.
  • Kaya, I. (2009). Identity across generations: A Turkish American case study. The Middle East Journal, 63(4), 617-632.
  • Kaya, N., & Weber, M. J. (2003). Cross-cultural differences in the perception of crowding and privacy regulation: American and Turkish students. Journal of Eenvironmental Psychology, 23(3), 301-309.
  • Kizildag, A. (2009). Teaching English in Turkey: Dialogues with teachers about the challenges in public primary schools. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 1(3), 188-201.
  • Kronholz, J. F., & Osborn, D. S. (2016). The İmpact of study abroad experiences on vocational identity among college students. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 27, 70-84.
  • Lecompte, W. F., & Lecompte, G. K. (1973). Generational attribution in Turkish and American youth: A study of social norms involving the family. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 4(2), 175-191.
  • Lörz, M., Netz, N., & Quast, H. (2016). Why do students from underprivileged families less often intend to study abroad?. Higher Education, 72(2), 153-174.
  • Mendelson, V. G. (2004). "Hindsight Is 20/20:" Student Perceptions of Language Learning and the Study Abroad Experience. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 10, 43-63.
  • Ono, H., & Piper, N. (2004). Japanese women studying abroad, the case of the United States. In Women's Studies International Forum, 27(2), 101-118. Pergamon.
  • Ortactepe, D. (2013). “This is called free-falling theory not culture shock!”: A narrative inquiry on second language socialization. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 12(4), 215-229.
  • Öhrstedt, M., & Scheja, M. (2018). Targeting efficient studying–first-semester psychology students’ experiences. Educational Research, 60(1), 80-96.
  • Ölçer, N., & Koçer, S. (2015). Örgütsel iletişim: Kocaeli üniversitesi akademik personeli üzerine bir inceleme. Global Media Journal TR Edition, 6(11), 339-383.
  • Parey, M., & Waldinger, F. (2011). Studying abroad and the effect on international labour market mobility: Evidence from the introduction of ERASMUS. The Economic Journal, 121(551), 194-222.
  • Pilonieta, P., Medina, A. L., & Hathaway, J. I. (2017). The Impact of a Study Abroad Experience on Preservice Teachers' Dispositions and Plans for Teaching English Language Learners. The Teacher Educator, 52(1), 22-38.
  • Rawwas, M. Y., Swaidan, Z., & Oyman, M. (2005). Consumer ethics: A cross-cultural study of the ethical beliefs of Turkish and American consumers. Journal of Business Ethics, 57(2), 183-195.
  • Sağır, A. (2012). Bir yemek sosyolojisi denemesi örneği olarak tokat mutfağı. Electronic Turkish Studies, 7(4), 2675-2695.
  • Schmidt, S., & Pardo, M. (2017). The contribution of study abroad to human capital formation. The Journal of Higher Education, 88(1), 135-157.
  • Take, H., & Shoraku, A. (2018). Universities’ expectations for study-abroad programs fostering internationalization: Educational policies. Journal of Studies in International Education, 22(1), 37-52.
  • Titrek, O., & Cobern, W. W. (2011). Valuing Science: A Turkish–American Comparison. International Journal of Science Education, 33(3), 401-421.
  • Tompkins, D., Galbraith, D., & Tompkins, P. (2010). Universalism, Particularism and cultural self-awareness: a comparison of American and Turkish university students. Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies, 3, 1-8.
  • Trower, H., & Lehmann, W. (2017). Strategic escapes: Negotiating motivations of personal growth and instrumental benefits in the decision to study abroad. British Educational Research Journal, 43(2), 275- 289.
  • Waibel, S., Petzold, K., & Rüger, H. (2018). Occupational status benefits of studying abroad and the role of occupational specificity–A propensity score matching approach. Social Science Research, 74, 45-61.
  • Wasti, S. A. (1998). Cultural barriers in the transferability of Japanese and American human resources practices to developing countries: the Turkish case. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 9(4), 608-631.
  • Wilson, K. B. (2018). Examining the Impact of Study Abroad for Community College Students: Five Case Studies (Unpublished dissertation). CUNY Academic Works.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Genç Osman İlhan

Şahin Oruç

Publication Date September 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 4


APA İlhan, G. O., & Oruç, Ş. (2020). Studying Abroad from the Perspectives of Turkish Graduate Students in the USA. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 7(4), 213-223.