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Determining and Evaluating the Qualities of Portfolios Used in Design Professions

Yıl 2021, , 28 - 44, 30.07.2021


Design portfolios used by designer candidates and professionals especially for professional inquiries, are documents prepared for various institutions, employers and studios. In educational life, students visualize their educative background, skills and expertise through portfolio documents (Goldsby & Fazal, 2001: 607-616; DiMarco, 2005). The main hypothesis of the qualitative research can be explained as, 'Portfolio documents may allow the explanation of individual vision and skill sets due to education centered differences of designers'. The results of the portfolio design course carried out by the author in different institutions and Industrial Design, Interior Architecture and Ship and Yacht Design departments are presented and are evaluated in order to determine the differences and similarities according to the established literature criteria. The study establishes relevant relations between the design sector and the academic field, aiming to provide guidelines and hints to designer candidates and professionals by explaining the principles of portfolio design.


  • Blauw, Ed (1995). 'Corporate Image', 4th Edition, De Viergang, Amsterdam. In C.B.M. van Riel (ed.), Principles of Corporate Communication. London: Prentice- Hall.
  • Danielson, C. ve Abrutyn, L. (1997). An Introduction to Using Portfolios in the Classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Di Marco, John (2006). 'Web Portfolio Design and Applications'. Idea Group Inc. ISBN: 1591408563, 9781591408567.
  • Gartner Research (2012). 'The Future of the Social Customer'.
  • Goldsby, D. ve Fazal, M. (2001). 'Now That Your Students Have Created Web-based Digital Portfolios, How do You Evaluate Them?' Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 9(4): pp. 607–616.
  • Greenberg, Gary (2004). The Digital Convergence: Extending the Portfolio Model. EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 4 (July/August 2004): pp. 28–37.
  • Ivers, K. ve Barron, A.E. (1998). Multimedia Projects in Education. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc.
  • Kavut, İsmail Emre (2019). 'Technological Effects in Fictional Spaces; Computer Games and Cinema Case', International Journal of Advanced Research and Review, IJARR, 4(11), 2019; pp. 63-71.
  • Lambert, Andrew (1989). Corporate Identity and Facilities Management. Vol 7, No 12, December 1989.
  • Moya, S. ve O’ Malley, M. (1994). A Portfolio Assessment Model for ESL. The Journal of Issues of Language Minority Students.13(13), 13-36.
  • Paulson, F.L., Paulson, P.R. ve Meyer, C.A. (1991). 'What Makes a Portfolio a Portfolio?', Educational Leadership, 48(5), pp. 60- 63.
  • Rogers, Y., Sharp, H. ve Preece, J. (2011). Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, Wiley Publishing.
  • Sanders, Mark (2000). 'Web-based Portfolios for Technology Education: A Personal Case Study'. Journal of Technology Studies, 26(1), pp. 11-18.
  • Schmidt, Klaus (1995). 'The Quest for Identity'. London: Cassell.
  • Seva, R.R., Duh, H.B.L. ve Helander, M.G. (2007). The Marketing Implications of Affective Product Design, Applied Ergonomics 38 (6) (2007), pp. 723–731.
  • Valencia, Sheila (1990). 'A Portfolio Approach to Clasroom Assessment: The Why's, What's and How's'. The Reading Teacher, 43(4), pp. 338-340.

Tasarım Mesleklerinde Hazırlanan Portfolyolara Ait Özelliklerin Belirlenerek Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2021, , 28 - 44, 30.07.2021


Tasarımcı adaylarının ve profesyonellerin özellikle mesleki arayışlarında kullandıkları tasarım portfolyoları, farklı kurum, işveren ve stüdyolara yönelik hazırlanan belgelerdir. Portfolyo tasarımı, renk, biçim, tipografi ve görsel kullanımına dayanan bir görsel iletişim yöntemidir. Mesleki ifade biçimlerine uygun olarak hazırlanan portfolyo belgelerinde öğrenciler eğitimlerini, becerilerini ve uzmanlıklarını görselleştirirler (Goldsby ve Fazal, 2001: 607-616; DiMarco, 2005). Portfolyolar profesyonellerin ve öğrencilerin kendilerini sektörde konumlandırlamalarına olanak vermektedir. Kalitatif bir araştırma olan çalışmanın ana hipotezi 'Portfolyo belgeleri, tasarımcıların sahip olduğu mesleki farklılıklara bağlı bireysel vizyonun açıklanmasına imkan verebilir' şeklindedir. Bu amaçla araştırmada yazarın farklı kurumlarda, Endüstriyel Tasarım, İç Mimarlık ile Gemi ve Yat Tasarımı bölümlerinde gerçekleştirmiş olduğu portfolyo tasarımı dersine ait üretimler sunulmakta, sunulan çalışmalar oluşturulan literatür ölçütlerine göre farklılıkların ve benzerliklerin tespiti amacıyla değerlendirilmektedir. Tasarım sektörü ile akademik alan arasında ilişkiler kuran çalışmada sunulan örneklerin açıklanmasıyla, tasarım eğitiminde mesleki eğilimlerin portfolyo belgelerine yansıtılmasına yönelik kazanımlar sağlanması hedeflenmektedir.


  • Blauw, Ed (1995). 'Corporate Image', 4th Edition, De Viergang, Amsterdam. In C.B.M. van Riel (ed.), Principles of Corporate Communication. London: Prentice- Hall.
  • Danielson, C. ve Abrutyn, L. (1997). An Introduction to Using Portfolios in the Classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Di Marco, John (2006). 'Web Portfolio Design and Applications'. Idea Group Inc. ISBN: 1591408563, 9781591408567.
  • Gartner Research (2012). 'The Future of the Social Customer'.
  • Goldsby, D. ve Fazal, M. (2001). 'Now That Your Students Have Created Web-based Digital Portfolios, How do You Evaluate Them?' Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 9(4): pp. 607–616.
  • Greenberg, Gary (2004). The Digital Convergence: Extending the Portfolio Model. EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 4 (July/August 2004): pp. 28–37.
  • Ivers, K. ve Barron, A.E. (1998). Multimedia Projects in Education. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, Inc.
  • Kavut, İsmail Emre (2019). 'Technological Effects in Fictional Spaces; Computer Games and Cinema Case', International Journal of Advanced Research and Review, IJARR, 4(11), 2019; pp. 63-71.
  • Lambert, Andrew (1989). Corporate Identity and Facilities Management. Vol 7, No 12, December 1989.
  • Moya, S. ve O’ Malley, M. (1994). A Portfolio Assessment Model for ESL. The Journal of Issues of Language Minority Students.13(13), 13-36.
  • Paulson, F.L., Paulson, P.R. ve Meyer, C.A. (1991). 'What Makes a Portfolio a Portfolio?', Educational Leadership, 48(5), pp. 60- 63.
  • Rogers, Y., Sharp, H. ve Preece, J. (2011). Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, Wiley Publishing.
  • Sanders, Mark (2000). 'Web-based Portfolios for Technology Education: A Personal Case Study'. Journal of Technology Studies, 26(1), pp. 11-18.
  • Schmidt, Klaus (1995). 'The Quest for Identity'. London: Cassell.
  • Seva, R.R., Duh, H.B.L. ve Helander, M.G. (2007). The Marketing Implications of Affective Product Design, Applied Ergonomics 38 (6) (2007), pp. 723–731.
  • Valencia, Sheila (1990). 'A Portfolio Approach to Clasroom Assessment: The Why's, What's and How's'. The Reading Teacher, 43(4), pp. 338-340.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mimarlık
Bölüm Araştırma

Mehmet Sinan Yum

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Yum, M. S. (2021). Tasarım Mesleklerinde Hazırlanan Portfolyolara Ait Özelliklerin Belirlenerek Değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye Peyzaj Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 28-44.