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Çocukluk Çağında Yaşanan Olumsuz Yaşantıların Evlilik Durumu Üzerindeki Etkisi ve Erken Dönem Uyum Bozucu Şemaların Aracı Rolü

Year 2024, , 11 - 21, 29.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Çocukluk çağı olumsuz yaşantıları (ÇÇOY) yetişkinlik döneminde evlilik durumu üzerindeki etkisi ve erken dönem uyum bozucu şemaların (EDUBŞ) aracı rolünün olup olmadığını incelemesi amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntem: Çalışma 304 gönüllü katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katılımcılara Sosyodemografik Veri Formu, Çocukluk Çağı Olumsuz Yaşantılar Ölçeği (ÇÇOYÖ), Young Şema Ölçeği Kısa Form-3 (YŞÖ) ve Golombok-Rust Evlilik Durumu Envanteri (GREDE) uygulanmıştır. İstatistiksel değerlendirmede çok değişkenli bir yapısal eşitlik modeli oluşturulmuştur ve yol analizi ile model test edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan katılımcıların yaş ortalaması 44,31±12,09 yıl olarak bulunmuştur. Kadın katılımcılar toplamın %59,2’sini (n=180) oluşturduğu görülmüştür. GREDE sonuçlarına göre katılımcıların çalışmanın amacına göre evlilikte sorun yok (%44,4, n=135) ve evlilikte sorun var (%43,8, n=133) olarak iki gruba ayrılmıştır. Buna göre iki grup arasında evlilik süresi ve evlilik nedeni değişkenlerinde istatistiksel olarak farklılık saptanmıştır. Ayrıca iki grup arasında ÇÇOYÖ, duygusal yoksunluk, başarısızlık, karamsarlık, sosyal izolasyon/güvensizlik, duyguları bastırma, iç içe geçme/bağımlılık, terk edilme ve kusurluluk alt ölçeklerinde istatistiksel olarak fark saptanmıştır. ÇÇOYÖ skoru evlilikte sorun varlığının bağımsız yordayıcısı olarak bulunmuştur (OR:1.403 %95 GA 1.209-1.628). Katılımcılarda çocukluk çağı olumsuz yaşantıları, evlilik durumu üzerine direkt ve YŞÖ üzerinden dolaylı olarak etki etmektedir.
Sonuç: ÇÇOY’nin evlilikte problemin bir yordayıcısı olduğu ve EDUBŞ’ların ÇÇOY ile evlilik durumu arasındaki ilişkiye aracılık ettiği gösterilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar evlilik ile ilgili sorunların ÇÇOY ve EDUBŞ ile ilişkili olabileceğini düşündürmektedir.

Supporting Institution

İstanbul Kent Üniversitesi


  • Atmaca S, Gençöz T (2016) Exploring revictimization process among turkish women: The role of early maladaptive schemas on the link between child abuse and partner violence. Child Abuse Negl, 52:85-93.
  • Blumenthal A (2015) Child Neglect I: Scope Consequences, and Risk and Protective Factors. Montreal, QC, Centre for Research on Children and Families..
  • Busby MD, Walker CE, Holman BT (2011) The association of childhood trauma with perceptions of self and the partner in adult romantic relationships. Pers Relats, 18:547-561.
  • DiFrancesco-Simeone C, Roediger E, Stevens AB (2017) Çiftlerle Şema Terapi-Klinisyenin İlişkileri İyileştirme Rehberi. İstanbul, Nobel Akademik.
  • DiLillo D, Lewis T, Colgan-Loreto A (2007) Child maltreatment history and subsequent romantic relationships. J Agress Maltreat Trauma, 15:19-36.
  • DiLillo D, Long JP (1999) Perceptions of couple functioning among female survivors of child sexual abuse. J Child Sex Abuse, 7:59-76.
  • Dunlop WB et al. (2015) Mediators of sexual functioning and marital quality in chronically depressed adults with and without a history of childhood sexual abuse, J Sex Med, 12:813-823.
  • Duyan V, Duyan ÇG (2014) Golombok-Rust Evlilik Durumu Envanteri’nin Türkçe sürümünün bir grup evli çift üzerinde geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 8:82-89.
  • Gay EL, Harding GH, Jackson LJ, Burns EE, Baker DB (2013) Attachment style and early maladaptive schemas as mediators of the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and intimate partner violence. J Agress Maltreat Trauma, 22:408-424.
  • Gilbert R, Widom CS, Browne K, Fergusson D, Webb E, Janson S (2009) Burden and consequences of child maltreatment in high-income countries. Lancet, 373:68-81.
  • Gündüz A, Yaşar BA, Gündoğmuş İ, Savran C, Konuk E (2018) Çocukluk çağı olumsuz yaşantılar ölçeği türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg, 19:68-75.
  • Hendrix H (2014) Hakkettiğiniz Aşkı Yaşayın-Çiftler İçin Rehber Kitap. İstanbul, Sistem Yayıncılık.
  • Herman LJ (2019) Travma ve İyileşme. İstanbul, Literatür Yayınları.
  • Khatamsaz B, Forouzandeh E, Ghaderi D (2017) Effectiveness of schema therapy on marital satisfaction and marital relationship quality in married women. J Psychol Educ Res, 3:11-16.
  • Kronmüller TK et al. (2011) Quality of marital relationship and depression: results of a 10-year prospective follow-up study. J Affect Disord, 128:64-71.
  • Larson HJ, LaMont C (2005) The relationship of childhood sexual abuse to the marital attitudes and readiness for marriage of single young adult women. J Fam Issues, 26:415-430.
  • Lee JS, Kim HJ, Kim EJ, Won HS, Rim DH, Kim SB (2013) The role of childhood trauma on early maladaptive schema domain. J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc, 52:334-341.
  • Liang B, Williams ML, Siegel AJ (2006) Relational outcomes of childhood sexual trauma in female survivors: a longitudinal study. J Interpers Violence, 21:42-57.
  • Liu S, Wang Z, Lu S, Shi J (2018) Dyadic analysis of childhood emotional maltreatment and marital satisfaction during the transition to parenthood: the mediating effects of emotion regulation strategies and psychological distress. J Agress Maltreat Trauma, 28:1216-1231.
  • Mcgloin MJ, Widom SC (2001) Resilience among abused and neglected children grown up. Dev Psychopathol, 13:1021-1038.
  • Messman-Moore L T, Coates AA (2007) The impact of childhood psychological abuse on adult interpersonal conflict: the role of early maladaptive schemas and patterns of interpersonal behaviour. J Emot Abuse, 7:75-92.
  • Nguyen PT, Karney RB, Bradbury NT (2017) Childhood abuse and later marital outcomes: do partner characteristics moderate the association? J Fam Psychol, 31:82-92.
  • Nichols PM (2013) Aile Terapisi-Kavramlar ve Yöntemler. İstanbul, Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Paradis A, Boucher S (2010) Child maltreatment history and interpersonal problems in adult couple relationships. J Agress Maltreat Trauma, 19:138-158.
  • Roediger E, Behary TW, Zarbock G (2016) Demek ki Oluyormuş-Şema Terapi ile Eşler Arası Anlaşmazlıkları Anlamak ve Çözmek. İstanbul, Psikonet.
  • Soygüt G, Karaosmanoğlu A, Çakır Z (2009) Erken dönem uyumsuz şemaların değerlendirilmesi: Young Şema Ölçeği Kısa Form-3'ün psikometrik özelliklerine ilişkin bir inceleme. Turk Psikiyatri Derg, 20:75-84.
  • Tezel KF, Kışlak TŞ, Boysan M (2015) Relationships between childhood traumatic experiences, early maladaptive schemas and interpersonal styles. Noro Psikiyatri Ars, 52:226-232.
  • Walker CW, Holman BT, Busby MD (2009) Childhood sexual abuse, other childhood factors, and pathways to survivors’ adult relationship quality. J Fam Violence, 24:397-406.
  • Walker CW, Sheffield R, Larson HJ, Holman BT (2011) Contempt and defensiveness in couple relationships related to childhood sexual abuse histories for self and partner. J Marital Fam Ther, 37:37-50.
  • Watson B, Halford WK (2010) Classes of childhood sexual abuse and women’s adult couple relationships. Violence Vict, 25:518-535.
  • Whisman AM (2006) Childhood trauma and marital outcomes in adulthood. Personal relationships. Pers Relatsh, 13:375-386.
  • Wolynn M (2020) Seninle Başlamadı-Kalıtsal Aile Travmalarının Kim Olduğumuza Etkileri ve Sorunların Üstesinden Gelmenin Yolları. İstanbul: Sola Unitas.
  • WHO (1999) Report of the Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention. Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • WHO (2006) Preventing Child Maltreatment: A Guide To Taking Action and Generating Evidence. Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • Yoosefi N, Etemadi O, Bahrami F, Fatehizade AM, Ahmadi AS (2010) An investigation on early maladaptive schema in marital relationship as predictors of divorce. J Divorce Remarriage, 51:269-292.
  • Young EJ, Klosko SJ (2016) Hayatı Yeniden Keşfedin. İstanbul, Psikonet.
  • Young EJ, Klosko SJ, Weishaar EM (2019) Şema Terapi. İstanbul, Litera Yayıncılık.

Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Marital Status and the Mediating Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas

Year 2024, , 11 - 21, 29.12.2024


Objective: The present study aimed to analyze the effect of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) on marital status in adulthood and whether there is a mediating role for early maladaptive schemas (EMS).
Method: The study was conducted with 304 volunteer participants. The participants were administered the Sociodemographic Data Form, the Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (ACE-Q), the Young Schema Questionnaire Short Form-3 (YSQ), and the Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS). A multivariate structural equation model was constructed for the purpose of statistical evaluation and subsequently subjected to route analysis for testing.
Results: The average age of participants was 44.31 ± 12.09 years, with females comprising 59.2% (n=180) of the total. Based on GRIMS results, participants were categorized into two groups: those without marital problems (44.4%, n=135) and those facing marital issues (43.8%, n=133). Significant statistical differences were observed between the groups regarding marriage duration and reasons. Additionally, substantial variations existed between groups across ACE subscales such as emotional deprivation, failure, pessimism, social isolation/mistrust, emotional inhibition, enmeshment/dependency, abandonment, and defectiveness. ACE-Q score emerged as an independent predictor of marital problems (OR: 1.403, 95% CI: 1.209–1.628). Adverse childhood experiences not only directly impacted marital status but also indirectly influenced it through YSQ mediation.
Conclusion: The study underscores ACE's predictive role in marital problems, with EMS mediating the relationship between ACE and marital status. These findings suggest a link between marital issues and both ACE and EMS.


  • Atmaca S, Gençöz T (2016) Exploring revictimization process among turkish women: The role of early maladaptive schemas on the link between child abuse and partner violence. Child Abuse Negl, 52:85-93.
  • Blumenthal A (2015) Child Neglect I: Scope Consequences, and Risk and Protective Factors. Montreal, QC, Centre for Research on Children and Families..
  • Busby MD, Walker CE, Holman BT (2011) The association of childhood trauma with perceptions of self and the partner in adult romantic relationships. Pers Relats, 18:547-561.
  • DiFrancesco-Simeone C, Roediger E, Stevens AB (2017) Çiftlerle Şema Terapi-Klinisyenin İlişkileri İyileştirme Rehberi. İstanbul, Nobel Akademik.
  • DiLillo D, Lewis T, Colgan-Loreto A (2007) Child maltreatment history and subsequent romantic relationships. J Agress Maltreat Trauma, 15:19-36.
  • DiLillo D, Long JP (1999) Perceptions of couple functioning among female survivors of child sexual abuse. J Child Sex Abuse, 7:59-76.
  • Dunlop WB et al. (2015) Mediators of sexual functioning and marital quality in chronically depressed adults with and without a history of childhood sexual abuse, J Sex Med, 12:813-823.
  • Duyan V, Duyan ÇG (2014) Golombok-Rust Evlilik Durumu Envanteri’nin Türkçe sürümünün bir grup evli çift üzerinde geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 8:82-89.
  • Gay EL, Harding GH, Jackson LJ, Burns EE, Baker DB (2013) Attachment style and early maladaptive schemas as mediators of the relationship between childhood emotional abuse and intimate partner violence. J Agress Maltreat Trauma, 22:408-424.
  • Gilbert R, Widom CS, Browne K, Fergusson D, Webb E, Janson S (2009) Burden and consequences of child maltreatment in high-income countries. Lancet, 373:68-81.
  • Gündüz A, Yaşar BA, Gündoğmuş İ, Savran C, Konuk E (2018) Çocukluk çağı olumsuz yaşantılar ölçeği türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg, 19:68-75.
  • Hendrix H (2014) Hakkettiğiniz Aşkı Yaşayın-Çiftler İçin Rehber Kitap. İstanbul, Sistem Yayıncılık.
  • Herman LJ (2019) Travma ve İyileşme. İstanbul, Literatür Yayınları.
  • Khatamsaz B, Forouzandeh E, Ghaderi D (2017) Effectiveness of schema therapy on marital satisfaction and marital relationship quality in married women. J Psychol Educ Res, 3:11-16.
  • Kronmüller TK et al. (2011) Quality of marital relationship and depression: results of a 10-year prospective follow-up study. J Affect Disord, 128:64-71.
  • Larson HJ, LaMont C (2005) The relationship of childhood sexual abuse to the marital attitudes and readiness for marriage of single young adult women. J Fam Issues, 26:415-430.
  • Lee JS, Kim HJ, Kim EJ, Won HS, Rim DH, Kim SB (2013) The role of childhood trauma on early maladaptive schema domain. J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc, 52:334-341.
  • Liang B, Williams ML, Siegel AJ (2006) Relational outcomes of childhood sexual trauma in female survivors: a longitudinal study. J Interpers Violence, 21:42-57.
  • Liu S, Wang Z, Lu S, Shi J (2018) Dyadic analysis of childhood emotional maltreatment and marital satisfaction during the transition to parenthood: the mediating effects of emotion regulation strategies and psychological distress. J Agress Maltreat Trauma, 28:1216-1231.
  • Mcgloin MJ, Widom SC (2001) Resilience among abused and neglected children grown up. Dev Psychopathol, 13:1021-1038.
  • Messman-Moore L T, Coates AA (2007) The impact of childhood psychological abuse on adult interpersonal conflict: the role of early maladaptive schemas and patterns of interpersonal behaviour. J Emot Abuse, 7:75-92.
  • Nguyen PT, Karney RB, Bradbury NT (2017) Childhood abuse and later marital outcomes: do partner characteristics moderate the association? J Fam Psychol, 31:82-92.
  • Nichols PM (2013) Aile Terapisi-Kavramlar ve Yöntemler. İstanbul, Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Paradis A, Boucher S (2010) Child maltreatment history and interpersonal problems in adult couple relationships. J Agress Maltreat Trauma, 19:138-158.
  • Roediger E, Behary TW, Zarbock G (2016) Demek ki Oluyormuş-Şema Terapi ile Eşler Arası Anlaşmazlıkları Anlamak ve Çözmek. İstanbul, Psikonet.
  • Soygüt G, Karaosmanoğlu A, Çakır Z (2009) Erken dönem uyumsuz şemaların değerlendirilmesi: Young Şema Ölçeği Kısa Form-3'ün psikometrik özelliklerine ilişkin bir inceleme. Turk Psikiyatri Derg, 20:75-84.
  • Tezel KF, Kışlak TŞ, Boysan M (2015) Relationships between childhood traumatic experiences, early maladaptive schemas and interpersonal styles. Noro Psikiyatri Ars, 52:226-232.
  • Walker CW, Holman BT, Busby MD (2009) Childhood sexual abuse, other childhood factors, and pathways to survivors’ adult relationship quality. J Fam Violence, 24:397-406.
  • Walker CW, Sheffield R, Larson HJ, Holman BT (2011) Contempt and defensiveness in couple relationships related to childhood sexual abuse histories for self and partner. J Marital Fam Ther, 37:37-50.
  • Watson B, Halford WK (2010) Classes of childhood sexual abuse and women’s adult couple relationships. Violence Vict, 25:518-535.
  • Whisman AM (2006) Childhood trauma and marital outcomes in adulthood. Personal relationships. Pers Relatsh, 13:375-386.
  • Wolynn M (2020) Seninle Başlamadı-Kalıtsal Aile Travmalarının Kim Olduğumuza Etkileri ve Sorunların Üstesinden Gelmenin Yolları. İstanbul: Sola Unitas.
  • WHO (1999) Report of the Consultation on Child Abuse Prevention. Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • WHO (2006) Preventing Child Maltreatment: A Guide To Taking Action and Generating Evidence. Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • Yoosefi N, Etemadi O, Bahrami F, Fatehizade AM, Ahmadi AS (2010) An investigation on early maladaptive schema in marital relationship as predictors of divorce. J Divorce Remarriage, 51:269-292.
  • Young EJ, Klosko SJ (2016) Hayatı Yeniden Keşfedin. İstanbul, Psikonet.
  • Young EJ, Klosko SJ, Weishaar EM (2019) Şema Terapi. İstanbul, Litera Yayıncılık.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Trauma Psychology
Journal Section Research

Hazal Ekşi 0000-0002-2823-0372

Anıl Gündüz 0000-0002-5159-238X

İbrahim Gündoğmuş 0000-0002-1921-1495

Early Pub Date November 24, 2024
Publication Date December 29, 2024
Acceptance Date January 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


AMA Ekşi H, Gündüz A, Gündoğmuş İ. Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Marital Status and the Mediating Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. December 2024;16(Supplement 1):11-21. doi:10.18863/pgy.1361117

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar Creative Commons Atıf-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.