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Narsisizm ve Başkasının Talihsizliğine Sevinme (Schadenfreude) Duygusunun Benlik Saygısı, Sosyal Karşılaştırma ve Haset Duygusu Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi

Year 2025, , 69 - 83, 31.03.2025


Bu gözden geçirme çalışmasında narsisizm ile başkasının talihsizliğine sevinme (schadenfreude) duygusu arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda alanyazındaki narsisizm ve başkasının talihsizliğine sevinme kavramlarını inceleyen araştırmalar taranmıştır. Hem narsisizm hem de başkasının talihsizliğine sevinme duygusu ile çalışırken ele alınan kavramlar (benlik saygısı, haset ve sosyal karşılaştırma) benzer olsa da bu iki kavramın ilişkisinin incelendiği çok az çalışma olduğu görülmüştür. Mevcut çalışmada narsisizm ve başkasının talihsizliğine sevinme kavramlarının tanımlarına, aralarındaki ilişkiyi açıklamada kullanılan benlik saygısı, sosyal karşılaştırma ve haset kavramlarına ve narsisizm ve başkasının talihsizliğine sevinme duygusu arasındaki ilişkiyi farklı yönleriyle ele alan araştırmaların bulgularına yer verilmiştir. Son olarak, yapılan bu derleme çalışması neticesinde narsisizm ve başkasının talihsizliğine sevinme duygusu arasındaki ilişkiyi ele alan araştırmalar ve sonuçları tartışılmış; ayrıca gelecekte yapılacak araştırmalara ve ruh sağlığı çalışanlarına önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • APA (1980) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 3rd edition (DSM-III). Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
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  • APA (2023) APA Dictionary of Psychology. Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
  • Aristoteles (2009) Nikomakhos’a Etik, 2. Baskı (Çeviri Ed. S Babür). İstanbul, Bilgesu Yayınları.
  • Barry CT, Doucette H, Loflin DC, Rivera-Hudson N, Herrington LL (2017) “Let me take a selfie”:associations between self-photography, narcissism, and self-esteem. Psychol Pop Media Cult, 6:48-60.
  • Ben-Ze'ev A (1990) Envy and jealousy. Can J Philos, 20:487-516.
  • Bing JF, McLaughlin F, Marburg R (1959) The metapsychology of narcissism. Psychoanal Study Child, 14:9-28.
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  • Bosson JK, Lakey CE, Campbell WK, Zeigler‐Hill V, Jordan CH, Kernis MH (2008) Untangling the links between narcissism and self‐esteem: a theoretical and empirical review. Soc Personal Psychol Compass, 2:1415-1439.
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  • Erzi S (2020b) Zararına sevinme (schadenfreude) ve yardım davranışlarının karanlık üçlü; benlik saygısı, empati ve bakış açısı alma bakımından incelenmesi. Kalem Uluslararası Eğitim ve İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 10:215-236.
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  • Kampe L, Bohn J, Remmers C, Hörz-Sagstetter S (2021) It's not that great anymore: the central role of defense mechanisms in grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Front Psychiatry, 12:661948.
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An Examination of Narcissism and Schadenfreude within the Framework of Self-Esteem, Social Comparison and Envy

Year 2025, , 69 - 83, 31.03.2025


This review study aims to investigate the correlation between narcissism and schadenfreude (the pleasure gained from the misfortunes of others). In this regard, literature investigating the concepts of narcissism and schadenfreude was reviewed. Despite the similarities among the terms self-esteem, envy, and social comparison in the context of both narcissism and schadenfreude, there exists a paucity of studies investigating the relationship between narcissism, including vulnerable and grandiose, and schadenfreude. This study encompasses definitions of narcissism and schadenfreude, as well as concepts of self-esteem, social comparison, and envy, which elucidate their interrelationship, alongside findings from various studies exploring the connection between narcissism and schadenfreude from multiple perspectives. This review study culminated in an examination of the relationship between narcissism and schadenfreude, discussing the findings and offering recommendations for future research and mental health professionals.


  • APA (1980) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 3rd edition (DSM-III). Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
  • APA (2000) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders text revised 4th edition (DSM-IV-TR). Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association..
  • APA (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM-5). Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
  • APA (2023) APA Dictionary of Psychology. Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
  • Aristoteles (2009) Nikomakhos’a Etik, 2. Baskı (Çeviri Ed. S Babür). İstanbul, Bilgesu Yayınları.
  • Barry CT, Doucette H, Loflin DC, Rivera-Hudson N, Herrington LL (2017) “Let me take a selfie”:associations between self-photography, narcissism, and self-esteem. Psychol Pop Media Cult, 6:48-60.
  • Ben-Ze'ev A (1990) Envy and jealousy. Can J Philos, 20:487-516.
  • Bing JF, McLaughlin F, Marburg R (1959) The metapsychology of narcissism. Psychoanal Study Child, 14:9-28.
  • Blanton H, Crocker J, Miller DT (2000) The effects of in-group versus out-group social comparison on self-esteem in the context of a negative stereotype. J Exp Soc Psychol, 36:519-530.
  • Blashfield RK, Herkov MJ (1996) Investigating clinician adherence to diagnosis by criteria: a replication of Morey and Ochoa (1989). J Pers Disord, 10:219-228.
  • Bogart LM, Benotsch EG, Pavlovic JDP (2004) Feeling superior but threatened: the relation of narcissism to social comparison. Basic Appl Soc Psych, 26:35-44.
  • Bos AER, Huijding J, Muris P, Vogel LRR, Biesheuvel J (2010) Global, contingent and implicit self-esteem and psychopathological symptoms in adolescents. Pers Individ Dif, 48:311-316.
  • Bosson JK, Lakey CE, Campbell WK, Zeigler‐Hill V, Jordan CH, Kernis MH (2008) Untangling the links between narcissism and self‐esteem: a theoretical and empirical review. Soc Personal Psychol Compass, 2:1415-1439.
  • Cain NM, Pincus AL, Ansell EB (2008) Narcissism at the crossroads: phenotypic description of pathological narcissism across clinical theory, social/personality psychology, and psychiatric diagnosis. Clin Psychol Rev, 28:638-656.
  • Cikara M, Fiske ST (2012) Stereotypes and schadenfreude: affective and physiological markers of pleasure at outgroup misfortunes. Soc Psychol Personal Sci, 3:63-71.
  • Dickinson K, Pincus A (2003) Interpersonal analysis of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. J Pers Disord, 17:188-207.
  • Erzi S (2019) Başkasının Zararına Sevinme-Schadenfreude. Ankara, Nobel Yayınevi.
  • Erzi S (2020a) Dark triad and schadenfreude: mediating role of moral disengagement and relational aggression. Pers Individ Dif, 157:109827.
  • Erzi S (2020b) Zararına sevinme (schadenfreude) ve yardım davranışlarının karanlık üçlü; benlik saygısı, empati ve bakış açısı alma bakımından incelenmesi. Kalem Uluslararası Eğitim ve İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi, 10:215-236.
  • Feather NT (1989) Attitudes towards the high achiever: the fall of the tall poppy. Aust J Psychol, 41:239-267.
  • Feather NT, Nairn K (2005) Resentment, envy, schadenfreude and sympathy: effects on own and other’s deserved or undeserved status. Aust J Psychol, 57:87-102.
  • Feather NT (2006) Deservingness and emotions: applying the structural model of deservingness to the analysis of affective reactions to outcomes. Eur Rev Soc Psychol, 17:38-73.
  • Festinger L (1954) A theory of social comprasion processes. Hum Relat, 7:117-140.
  • Freud, S. (1914) On narcissism: an introduction. In The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (Ed. J Strachey). 14:67-102.
  • Furnham A, Richards CS, Paulhus DL (2013) The dark triad of personality: a 10 year review. Soc Personal Psychol Compass, 7:199-216.
  • Gabbard GO (1989) Two subtypes of narcissistic personality disorder. Bull Menninger Clin, 53:527-532.
  • Ginter A (2006) Separate paece revisited: reactionns to having hurt an envied other (Psychology Honors Theses). Dublin, Trinity University.
  • Grieve R, March E, Watkinson J (2020) Inauthentic self-presentation on facebook as a function of vulnerable narcissism and lower self-esteem. Comput Human Behav, 102:144-150.
  • Hendin HM, Cheek JM (1997) Assessing hypersensitive narcissism: a reexamination of Murray’s Narcissism Scale. J Res Pers, 31:588-599.
  • Hepper EG, Hart CM, Meek R, Cisek S, Sedikides C (2014) Narcissism and empathy in young offenders and non–offenders. Eur J Pers, 28:201-210.
  • James S, Kavanagh PS, Jonason PK, Chonody JM, Scrutton HE (2014) The Dark Triad, schadenfreude, and sensational interests: dark personalities, dark emotions, and dark behaviors. Pers Individ Dif, 68:211-216.
  • Jones DN, Paulhus DL (2014) Introducing the short dark triad (SD3) a brief measure of dark personality traits. Assessment, 21:28-41.
  • Jung K (2017) Happiness as an additional antecedent of schadenfreude. J Posit Psychol, 12:186-196.
  • Kampe L, Bohn J, Remmers C, Hörz-Sagstetter S (2021) It's not that great anymore: the central role of defense mechanisms in grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Front Psychiatry, 12:661948.
  • Kernberg OF (2020) Sınır Durumlar ve Patolojik Narsisizm (Çeviri Ed. M Atakay). İstanbul, Metis.
  • Klein M (2020) Haset ve Şükran (Çeviri Ed. O Koçak, Y Erten). İstanbul, Metis.
  • Kohut H (1998) Kendiliğin Çözümlenmesi (Çeviri Ed. C Atbaşoğlu ve ark.). İstanbul, Metis.
  • Kohut H (2013) Kendiliğin Yeniden Yapılanması. (Çeviri Ed. M Atakay). İstanbul, Metis.
  • Kong F, Tang F, Zhang H, Sun X, Zhang Y (2020) Does downward social comoarisons affect mobile phone addiction? narcissism matters. J Technol Behav Sci, 5:266-272.
  • Kong F, Wang M, Zhang X, Li X, Sun X (2021) Vulnerable narcissism in social networking sites: the role of upward and downward social comparisons. Front Psychol, 12:711909.
  • Krizan Z, Bushman BJ (2011) Better than my loved ones: social comparison tendencies among narcissists. Pers Individ Dif, 50:212-216.
  • Krizan Z, Johar O (2012) Envy divides the two faces of narcissism. J Pers, 80:1415-1451.
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There are 108 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Psychology
Journal Section Review

Ecem Karaosmanoğlu 0009-0001-0787-2042

Fatma Kandemir 0000-0003-3114-5328

Publication Date March 31, 2025
Submission Date February 8, 2024
Acceptance Date May 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


AMA Karaosmanoğlu E, Kandemir F. An Examination of Narcissism and Schadenfreude within the Framework of Self-Esteem, Social Comparison and Envy. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. March 2025;17(1):69-83. doi:10.18863/pgy.1433552

Cited By

Schadenfreude: A Conceptual Review
Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry

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