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Diagnostic Use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Psychiatry

Year 2013, Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 378 - 387, 01.12.2013


Motor evoked potentials from peripheral nerves, spinal cord or muscle can be recorded by stimulation of the motor cortex and motor pathways in the central nervous system with transcranial magnetic stimulation which is a neurophysiological analysis method. This method allows investigation the mechanism of diseases which cause changes in the excitability of cortical motor areas. Similarly, it was used in determining the effects of psychotropic drugs on cortical activity and electrophysiological measurement of aggressive behavior Transcranial magnetic stimulation studies in the field of psychiatry are focused on etiopathogenesis of pathologies such as schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and substance abuse.


  • Kimura J. Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle: Principles and Practice. New York, Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • Kiers L, Cros D, Chiappa KH, Fang J. Variability of motor potentials evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1993; 89:415-423.
  • Perdeci Z, Özmenler KN, Doğruer EA, Özdağ F, Türkbay T. Antisosyal kişilik bozukluğunda saldırganlığın nedenini anlamaya yönelik olarak kortikal eksitabilite ve i‹nhibisyonun elektrofizyolojik incelenmesi. Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi 2009; 46:44-48. Cracco RQ. Evaluation of conduction in central motor pathways: techniques, pathophysiology, and clinical interpretation. Neurosurgery 1987; 20:199-203.
  • Barker AT, Jalinous R, Freeston IL. Non-invasive magnetic stimulation of human motor cortex. Lancet 1985; 1(8437):1106-1107.
  • Barker AT, Freeston IL, Jalinous R, Jarratt JA. Magnetic stimulation of the human brain and peripheral nervous system: an introduction and the results of an initial clinical evaluation. Neurosurgery 1987; 20:100-109.
  • Barker AT. The history and basic principles of magnetic nerve stimulation. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl 1999; 51:3-21.
  • Doksat MK, Aslan S. Tekrarlanan Transkraniyal Manyetik Stimülasyon (rTMS) ve depresyon tedavisi. Yeni Symposium 2006; 44:92-99.
  • Young RR, Cracco RQ. Clinical neurophysiology of conduction in central motor pathways. Ann Neurol 1985; 18:606-610.
  • Mills KR, Murray NM, Hess CW. Magnetic and electrical transcranial brain stimulation: physiological mechanisms and clinical applications. Neurosurgery 1987; 20:164-168.
  • Rossini PM, Barker AT, Berardelli A, Caramia MD, Caruso G, Cracco RQ et al. Non-invasive electrical and magnetic stimulation of the brain, spinal cord and roots: basic principles and procedures for routine clinical application: report of an IFCN committee. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1994; 91:79-92.
  • Ziemann U, Lonnecker S, Steinhoff BJ, Paulus W. The effect of lorazepam on the motor cortical excitability in man. Exp Brain Res 1996; 109:127-135.
  • Weber M, Eisen AA. Magnetic stimulation of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Muscle Nerve 2002; 25:160-175.
  • Lemon R. Basic physiology of transcranial magnetic stimulation. In Handbook of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Eds LA Pascual, NJ Davey, J Rothwell, EM Wasserman, BK Puri):61-77. New York, Arnold, 2002.
  • Curra A, Modugno N, Inghilleri M, Manfredi M, Hallett M, Berardelli A. Transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques in clinical investigation. Neurology 2002; 59:1851-1859.
  • Triggs WJ, Kiers L, Cros D, Fang J, Chiappa KH. Facilitation of magnetic motor evoked potentials during the cortical stimulation silent period. Neurology 1993; 43:2615-2620.
  • Reid A. Chiappa KH, Cros D. Motor threshold, facilitation and the silent period in cortical magnetic stimulation. In Handbook of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Eds LA Pascual, NJ Davey, J Rothwell, EM Wasserman, BK Puri):97-111. New York, Arnold, 2002.
  • Haug BA, Schonle PW, Knobloch C, Kohne M. Silent period measurement revives as a valuable diagnostic tool with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1992; 85:158-160.
  • Siebner HR, Dressnandt J, Auer C, Conrad B. Continuous intrathecal baclofen infusions induced a marked increase of the transcranially evoked silent period in a patient with generalized dystonia. Muscle Nerve 1998; 21:1209-1212.
  • Puri BK, Davey NJ, Ellaway PH, Lewis SW. An investigation of motor function in schizophrenia using transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex. Br J Psychiatry 1996; 169:690-695.
  • Abarbanel JM, Lemberg T, Yaroslavski U, Grisaru N, Belmaker RH. Electrophysiological responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression and schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 1996; 40:148-150.
  • Pascual-Leone A, Manoach DS, Birnbaum R, Goff DC. Motor cortical excitability in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2002; 52:24-31.
  • Hasan A, Nitsche MA, Herrmann M, Schneider-Axmann T, Marshall L, Gruber O et al. Impaired long-term depression in schizophrenia: a cathodal tDCS pilot study. Brain Stimul 2012; 5:475-483.
  • Soubasi E, Chroni E, Gourzis P, Zisis A, Beratis S, Papathanasopoulos P. Cortical motor neurophysiology of patients with schizophrenia: a study using transcranial magnetic stimulation. Psychiatry Res 2010; 176:132-136.
  • Wobrock T, Hasan A, Malchow B, Wolff-Menzler C, Guse B, Lang N et al. Increased cortical inhibition deficits in first-episode schizophrenia with comorbid cannabis abuse. Psychopharmacology 2010; 208:353-363.
  • Greenberg BD, Ziemann U, Cora-Locatelli G, Harmon A, Murphy DL, Keel JC et al. Altered cortical excitability in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neurology 2000; 54:142-147.
  • Richter MA, de Jesus DR, Hoppenbrouwers S, Daigle M, Deluce J, Ravindran LN et al. Evidence for cortical inhibitory and excitatory dysfunction in obsessive compulsive disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology 2012; 37:1144-1151.
  • Bolu A. Travma sonrası stres bozukluğunda kortikal eksitabilitenin transkraniyal manyetik stimulasyon ile ölçümü ve saldırgan davranışla ilişkisi (Tıpta uzmanlık tezi). Ankara, GATA, 2012.
  • Harvey BH, Oosthuizen F, Brand L, Wegener G, Stein DJ. Stress-restress evokes sustained iNOS activity and altered GABA levels and NMDA receptors in rat hippocampus. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2004; 175:494-502.
  • Matsumoto K, Puia G, Dong E, Pinna G. GABA(A) receptor neurotransmission dysfunction in a mouse model of social isolation-induced stress: possible insights into a non-serotonergic mechanism of action of SSRIs in mood and anxiety disorders. Stress 2007; 10:3-12.
  • Geuze E, van Berckel BN, Lammertsma AA, Boellaard R, de Kloet CS, Vermetten E et al. Reduced GABAA benzodiazepine receptor binding in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Mol Psychiatry 2008; 13:74-83.
  • Centonze D, Palmieri MG, Boffa L, Pierantozzi M, Stanzione P, Brusa L et al. Cortical hyperexcitability in post-traumatic stress disorder secondary to minor accidental head trauma: a neurophysiologic study. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2005; 30:127-132.
  • Nutt DJ. The psychobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 2000; 61:24-29.
  • Nair J, Singh AS. The role of the glutamatergic system in posttraumatic stress disorder. CNS Spectr 2008; 13:585-591.
  • Rossi S, De Capua A, Tavanti M, Calossi S, Polizzotto NR, Mantovani A et al. Dysfunctions of cortical excitability in drug-naive posttraumatic stress disorder patients. Biol Psychiatry 2009; 66:54-61.
  • Yücel M, Öz O, Demir O, Akgün H, Karadaş Ö, Ulaş ÜH et al. Korpus kallozum hipogenezisi ve ayna hareketi ilişkisi: transkranial magnetik stimülasyon çalışması. Journal of Neurological Sciences [Turkish] 2012; 29:351-356. Abdullah Bolu, Uzm. Dr., USAEM Başkanlığı, Eskişehir; Murat Erdem, Doç. Dr., GATA Psikiyatri A.D, Ankara; Taner Öznur, Dr., GATA Psikiyatri A.D, Ankara. Yazışma Adresi/Correspondence: Abdullah Bolu, Uzm Dr., USAEM Başkanlığı, Eskişehir, Turkey. E-mail: Yazarlar bu makale ile ilgili herhangi bir çıkar çatışması bildirmemişlerdir. The authors reported no conflict of interest related to this article. Çevrimiçi adresi / Available online at: Çevrimiçi yayım / Published online 22 Ekim/October 22, 2013; doi:10.5455/cap.20130525

Transkranial Manyetik Stimülasyonun Psikiyatride Tanısal Amaçlı Kullanımı

Year 2013, Volume: 5 Issue: 4, 378 - 387, 01.12.2013


Bir nörofizyolojik inceleme yöntemi olan transkraniyal manyetik stimulasyon ile merkezi sinir sistemi içindeki motor yolların veya motor korteksin stimu-lasyonu yoluyla spinal kord, periferik sinirler veya kastan elektriksel motor uyarılmış potansiyeller kaydedilir. Bu yöntem kortikal motor sahaların uyarı-labilirliğinde değişikliklere neden olan hastalıkların mekanizmasının araştırıl-masına olanak sağlar. Benzer şekilde psikotropik ilaçların kortikal aktivite üzerine olan etkisinin ve saldırganlık davranışının elektrofizyolojik ölçümü-nün belirlenmesinde de kullanılmıştır. Transkraniyal manyetik stimulasyon ile psikiyatri alanında yapılan tanısal çalışmalar, şizofreni, obsesif kompulsif bozukluk, dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu ve madde kötüye kullanımı gibi patolojilerin etiyopatogenezinin araştırılması üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır


  • Kimura J. Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle: Principles and Practice. New York, Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • Kiers L, Cros D, Chiappa KH, Fang J. Variability of motor potentials evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1993; 89:415-423.
  • Perdeci Z, Özmenler KN, Doğruer EA, Özdağ F, Türkbay T. Antisosyal kişilik bozukluğunda saldırganlığın nedenini anlamaya yönelik olarak kortikal eksitabilite ve i‹nhibisyonun elektrofizyolojik incelenmesi. Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi 2009; 46:44-48. Cracco RQ. Evaluation of conduction in central motor pathways: techniques, pathophysiology, and clinical interpretation. Neurosurgery 1987; 20:199-203.
  • Barker AT, Jalinous R, Freeston IL. Non-invasive magnetic stimulation of human motor cortex. Lancet 1985; 1(8437):1106-1107.
  • Barker AT, Freeston IL, Jalinous R, Jarratt JA. Magnetic stimulation of the human brain and peripheral nervous system: an introduction and the results of an initial clinical evaluation. Neurosurgery 1987; 20:100-109.
  • Barker AT. The history and basic principles of magnetic nerve stimulation. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl 1999; 51:3-21.
  • Doksat MK, Aslan S. Tekrarlanan Transkraniyal Manyetik Stimülasyon (rTMS) ve depresyon tedavisi. Yeni Symposium 2006; 44:92-99.
  • Young RR, Cracco RQ. Clinical neurophysiology of conduction in central motor pathways. Ann Neurol 1985; 18:606-610.
  • Mills KR, Murray NM, Hess CW. Magnetic and electrical transcranial brain stimulation: physiological mechanisms and clinical applications. Neurosurgery 1987; 20:164-168.
  • Rossini PM, Barker AT, Berardelli A, Caramia MD, Caruso G, Cracco RQ et al. Non-invasive electrical and magnetic stimulation of the brain, spinal cord and roots: basic principles and procedures for routine clinical application: report of an IFCN committee. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1994; 91:79-92.
  • Ziemann U, Lonnecker S, Steinhoff BJ, Paulus W. The effect of lorazepam on the motor cortical excitability in man. Exp Brain Res 1996; 109:127-135.
  • Weber M, Eisen AA. Magnetic stimulation of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Muscle Nerve 2002; 25:160-175.
  • Lemon R. Basic physiology of transcranial magnetic stimulation. In Handbook of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Eds LA Pascual, NJ Davey, J Rothwell, EM Wasserman, BK Puri):61-77. New York, Arnold, 2002.
  • Curra A, Modugno N, Inghilleri M, Manfredi M, Hallett M, Berardelli A. Transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques in clinical investigation. Neurology 2002; 59:1851-1859.
  • Triggs WJ, Kiers L, Cros D, Fang J, Chiappa KH. Facilitation of magnetic motor evoked potentials during the cortical stimulation silent period. Neurology 1993; 43:2615-2620.
  • Reid A. Chiappa KH, Cros D. Motor threshold, facilitation and the silent period in cortical magnetic stimulation. In Handbook of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Eds LA Pascual, NJ Davey, J Rothwell, EM Wasserman, BK Puri):97-111. New York, Arnold, 2002.
  • Haug BA, Schonle PW, Knobloch C, Kohne M. Silent period measurement revives as a valuable diagnostic tool with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1992; 85:158-160.
  • Siebner HR, Dressnandt J, Auer C, Conrad B. Continuous intrathecal baclofen infusions induced a marked increase of the transcranially evoked silent period in a patient with generalized dystonia. Muscle Nerve 1998; 21:1209-1212.
  • Puri BK, Davey NJ, Ellaway PH, Lewis SW. An investigation of motor function in schizophrenia using transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex. Br J Psychiatry 1996; 169:690-695.
  • Abarbanel JM, Lemberg T, Yaroslavski U, Grisaru N, Belmaker RH. Electrophysiological responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression and schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 1996; 40:148-150.
  • Pascual-Leone A, Manoach DS, Birnbaum R, Goff DC. Motor cortical excitability in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2002; 52:24-31.
  • Hasan A, Nitsche MA, Herrmann M, Schneider-Axmann T, Marshall L, Gruber O et al. Impaired long-term depression in schizophrenia: a cathodal tDCS pilot study. Brain Stimul 2012; 5:475-483.
  • Soubasi E, Chroni E, Gourzis P, Zisis A, Beratis S, Papathanasopoulos P. Cortical motor neurophysiology of patients with schizophrenia: a study using transcranial magnetic stimulation. Psychiatry Res 2010; 176:132-136.
  • Wobrock T, Hasan A, Malchow B, Wolff-Menzler C, Guse B, Lang N et al. Increased cortical inhibition deficits in first-episode schizophrenia with comorbid cannabis abuse. Psychopharmacology 2010; 208:353-363.
  • Greenberg BD, Ziemann U, Cora-Locatelli G, Harmon A, Murphy DL, Keel JC et al. Altered cortical excitability in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neurology 2000; 54:142-147.
  • Richter MA, de Jesus DR, Hoppenbrouwers S, Daigle M, Deluce J, Ravindran LN et al. Evidence for cortical inhibitory and excitatory dysfunction in obsessive compulsive disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology 2012; 37:1144-1151.
  • Bolu A. Travma sonrası stres bozukluğunda kortikal eksitabilitenin transkraniyal manyetik stimulasyon ile ölçümü ve saldırgan davranışla ilişkisi (Tıpta uzmanlık tezi). Ankara, GATA, 2012.
  • Harvey BH, Oosthuizen F, Brand L, Wegener G, Stein DJ. Stress-restress evokes sustained iNOS activity and altered GABA levels and NMDA receptors in rat hippocampus. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2004; 175:494-502.
  • Matsumoto K, Puia G, Dong E, Pinna G. GABA(A) receptor neurotransmission dysfunction in a mouse model of social isolation-induced stress: possible insights into a non-serotonergic mechanism of action of SSRIs in mood and anxiety disorders. Stress 2007; 10:3-12.
  • Geuze E, van Berckel BN, Lammertsma AA, Boellaard R, de Kloet CS, Vermetten E et al. Reduced GABAA benzodiazepine receptor binding in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Mol Psychiatry 2008; 13:74-83.
  • Centonze D, Palmieri MG, Boffa L, Pierantozzi M, Stanzione P, Brusa L et al. Cortical hyperexcitability in post-traumatic stress disorder secondary to minor accidental head trauma: a neurophysiologic study. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2005; 30:127-132.
  • Nutt DJ. The psychobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 2000; 61:24-29.
  • Nair J, Singh AS. The role of the glutamatergic system in posttraumatic stress disorder. CNS Spectr 2008; 13:585-591.
  • Rossi S, De Capua A, Tavanti M, Calossi S, Polizzotto NR, Mantovani A et al. Dysfunctions of cortical excitability in drug-naive posttraumatic stress disorder patients. Biol Psychiatry 2009; 66:54-61.
  • Yücel M, Öz O, Demir O, Akgün H, Karadaş Ö, Ulaş ÜH et al. Korpus kallozum hipogenezisi ve ayna hareketi ilişkisi: transkranial magnetik stimülasyon çalışması. Journal of Neurological Sciences [Turkish] 2012; 29:351-356. Abdullah Bolu, Uzm. Dr., USAEM Başkanlığı, Eskişehir; Murat Erdem, Doç. Dr., GATA Psikiyatri A.D, Ankara; Taner Öznur, Dr., GATA Psikiyatri A.D, Ankara. Yazışma Adresi/Correspondence: Abdullah Bolu, Uzm Dr., USAEM Başkanlığı, Eskişehir, Turkey. E-mail: Yazarlar bu makale ile ilgili herhangi bir çıkar çatışması bildirmemişlerdir. The authors reported no conflict of interest related to this article. Çevrimiçi adresi / Available online at: Çevrimiçi yayım / Published online 22 Ekim/October 22, 2013; doi:10.5455/cap.20130525
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review

Abdullah Bolu This is me

Murat Erdem This is me

Taner Öznur This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 5 Issue: 4


AMA Bolu A, Erdem M, Öznur T. Transkranial Manyetik Stimülasyonun Psikiyatride Tanısal Amaçlı Kullanımı. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry. December 2013;5(4):378-387. doi:10.5455/cap.20130525

Creative Commons License
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.