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Atypical Depression

Year 2013, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 276 - 289, 01.09.2013


Atypical depression is defined as a specifier of major depressive disorder. Columbia criteria for atypical depression are commonly used to make a diagnosis. Female sex, onset at early age, chronic course, and higher rate of comorbidity (especially anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder) is noteworthy in atypical depression. Although, the atypical depression seems to support the familial genetic transition, there is not any specific study supporting these data. In the treatment of atypical depression, monoamine oxidase inhibitors are reported to be more effective than tricyclic antidepressants. In recent studies, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have also proven to be efficient.


  • Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Rabkin JG, Quitkin FM. Atypical depression: a valid clinical entity? Psychiatr Clin North Am 1993; 16:479-495.
  • Matza LS, Revicki DA, Davidson JR, Stewart JW. Depression with atypical features in the National Comorbidity Survey: classification, descirption, and consequences. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2003; 141:288-289.
  • Perugi G, Toni C, Akiskal HS. Anxious-bipolar comorbidity: diagnostic and treatment challenges. Psychiatr Clin North Am 1999; 22:565-583.
  • Aydemir Ö. Atipik depresyon. Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi 2004; 7(Ek 2):49-53.
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Washington, D.C, American Psychiatric Association, 1994. Kendler KS, Eaves LJ, Walters EE, Neale MC, Heath AC, Kessler RC. The identification and validation of distinct depressive syndromes in a population-based sample of female twins. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1996; 53:391-399.
  • Horwath E, Johnson J, Weissman MM, Hornig CD. The validity of major depression with atypical features based on a community study. J Affect Disord 1992; 26:117-126.
  • Levitan RD, Lesage A, Parikh SV, Goering P, Kennedy SH. Reversed neurovegetative symptoms of depression: a community study of Ontario. Am J Psychiatry 1997; 154:934-940.
  • Sullivan PF, Kessler RC, Kendler KS. Latent class analysis of lifetime depressive symptoms in the National Comorbidity Survey. Am J Psychiatry 1998; 155:1398140
  • Thase ME. Recognition and diagnosis of atypical depression. J Clin Psychiatry 2007; 68(Suppl 8):11-16.
  • Angst J, Gamma A, Sellaro R, Zhang H, Merikangas K. Toward validation of atypical depression in the community: results of the Zurich Cohort Study. J Affect Disord 2002; 72:125-138.
  • Ağargün MY, Kara H, Kıncır F, Bilgin H. Atipik depresyonlu hastaların klinik özellikleri: karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma. Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi 1996; 33:200-204.
  • Novick JS, Stewart JW, Wisniewski SR, Cook IA, Manev R, Nierenberg AA et al. Clinical and demographic features of atypical depression in outpatients with major depressive disorder: preliminary findings from STAR*D. J Clin Psychiatry 2005; 66:1002-1011.
  • Derecho CN, Wetzler S, McGinn LK, Sanderson WC, Asnis GM. Atypical depression among psychiatric inpatients: clinical features and personality traits. J Affect Disord. 1996; 20:55-59.
  • Zisook S, Shucter SR. Uncomplicated bereavement. J Clin Psychiatry 1993; 54:3653
  • Posternak MA, Zimmerman M. Partial validation of the atypical features subtype of major depressive disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2002; 59:70-76.
  • Asnis GM, McGinn LK, Sanderson WC. Atypical depression: clinical aspects and noradrenergic function. Am J Psychiatry 1995; 152:31-36.
  • Parker G, Roy K, Mitchell P, Wilhelm K, Malhi G, Hadzi-Pavlovic D. Atypical depression: a reappraisal. Am J Psychiatry 2002; 159:1470-1479.
  • Benazzi F. Atypical depression in private practice depressed outpatients: a 203-case study. Compr Psychiatry 1999; 40:80-83.
  • Benazzi F. Prevalence and clinical features of atypical depression in depressed outpatients: a 467-case study. Psychiatry Res 1999; 86:259-265.
  • Benazzi F. Prevalence of bipolar 2 disorder in atypical depression. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1999; 249:62-65.
  • Benazzi F, Rihmer Z. Sensitivity and specificity of DSM-IV atypical features for bipolar II disorder diagnosis. Psychiatry Res 2000; 93:257-262.
  • Thase ME, Carpenter L, Kupfer DJ, Frank E. Clinical significance of reversed vegetative subtypes of recurrent major depression. Psychopharmacol Bull 1991; 27:17-22. Agosti V, Stewart JW. Atypical and non-atypical subtypes of depression: comparison of social functioning, symptoms, course of illness, co-morbidity and demographic features. J Affect Disord 2001; 65:75-79.
  • Thase ME. Atypical depression: useful concept, but it's time to revise the DSM-IV criteria. Neuropsychopharmacology 2009; 34:2633-2641.
  • Blanco C, Vesga-López O, Stewart JW, Liu SM, Grant BF, Hasin DS. Epidemiology of major depression with atypical features: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). J Clin Psychiatry 2012; 73:224-232.
  • Alpert KE, Uebelacker LA, McLean NE, Nierenberg AA, Pava JA, Worthington J J et al. Social phobia, avoidant personality disorder and atypical depression: co-occurrence and clinical implications. Psychol Med 1997; 27:627-633.
  • Perugi G, Akiskal HS, Lattanzi L, Cecconi D, Mastrocingue C, Patronelli A et al. The high prevalence of 'soft' bipolar (2) features in atypical depression. Compr Psychiatry 1998; 39:63-71.
  • Akiskal HS, Benazzi F. Atypical depression: a variant of bipolar 2 or a bridge between unipolar and bipolar 2? J Affect Disord 2005; 84:209-217.
  • Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Quitkin FM. Do age of onset and course of illness predict different treatment outcome among DSM-IV depressive disorders with atypical features? Neuropsychopharmacology 2002; 26:237-245.
  • McGinn LK, Asnis GM, Rubinson E. Biological and clinical validation of atypical depression. Psychiatry Res 1996; 60:191-198.
  • Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Quitkin FM, Klein DF. DSM-IV depression with atypical features: is it valid? Neuropsychopharmacology 2009; 34:2625-2632.
  • Zisook S, Rush AJ, Albala Z, Alpert J, Balasubramani GK, Fava M et al . Factors that differentiate early vs. later onset of major depression disorder. Psychiatry Res 2004; 129:127-140.
  • Pilowsky DJ, Wickramaratne PJ, Rush AJ, Hughes CW, Garber J, Malloy E et al. Children of currently depressed mothers: a STAR*D ancillary study. J Clin Psychiatry. 2006; 67:126-136.
  • Henkel V, Mergl R, Coyne JC, Kohnen R, Allgaier AK, Ruhl E et al. Depression with atypical features in a sample of primary care outpatients: prevalence, specific characteristics and consequences. J Affect Disord 2004; 83:237-242.
  • Anisman H, Ravindran AV, Griffiths J, Merali Z. Endocrine and cytokine correlates of major depression and dysthymia with typical or atypical features. Mol Psychiatry 1999; 4:182-188.
  • Stewart JW, Quitkin FM, McGrath PJ, Klein DF. Defining the boundaries of atypical depression: evidence from the HPA axis supports course of illness distinctions. J Affect Disord 2005; 86:161–167.
  • Levitan RD, Vaccarino FJ, Brown GM, Kennedy SH. Low-dose dexamethasone challenge in women with atypical major depression: pilot study. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2002; 27:47-51.
  • Gold PW, Chrousos GP. Organization of the stress system and its dysregulation in melancholic and atypical depression: high vs low CRH/NE states. Mol Psychiatry 2002; 7:254-275.
  • Stein DJ, Kupfer DJ, Schatzberg AF. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Mood Disorders. Washington D.C., American Psychiatric Publishing, 2005.
  • Sogaard J, Lane R, Latimer P, Behnke K, Christiansen PE, Nielsen B. A 12-week study comparing moclobemide and sertraline in the treatment of outpatients with atypical depression. J Psychopharmacol 1999; 13:406-414.
  • Pande A, Birkett M, Fechner-Bates S, Haskett R, Greden J. Fluoxetine versus phenelzine in atypical depression. Biol Psychiatry 1996; 40:1017-1020.
  • McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Janal MN, Petkova E, Quitkin FM, Klein DF. A placebocontrolled study of fluoxetine versus imipramine in the acute treatment of atypical depression. Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:344-350.
  • Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Quitkin FM, Klein DF. Atypical depression: current status and relevance to melancholia. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2007; 115(Suppl.433):58-71.
  • Selvi Y, Beşiroğlu L, Aydın A. Kronobiyoloji ve duygudurum bozuklukları. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar 2011; 3:368-386.
  • Karamustafalıoğlu O, Yumrukçal H. Depresyon ve anksiyete bozuklukları. Şişli Etfal Hastanesi Tıp Bülteni 2011; 45:65-74.
  • Robinson DS, Nies A, Ravaris CL, Lamborn KR. The monoamine oxidase inhibitor, phenelzine, in the treatment of depressive anxiety states: a controlled clinical trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1973; 29:407-413
  • Davidson JR, Giller EL, Zisook S, Overall JE. An efficacy study of isocarboxazid and placebo in depression, and its relationship to depressive nosology. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1988; 45:120-127.
  • McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Harrison W, Wager S, Nunes EN, Quitkin FM et al. A placebo controlled trial of L-deprenyl in atypical depression. Psychopharmacol Bull 1989; 25:63-67.
  • Quitkin FM, Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Liebowitz MR, Harrison WM, Tricoma E et al. Phenelzine versus imipramine in the treatment of probable atypical depression: defining syndrome boundaries of selective MAOI responders. Am J Psychiatry 1988; 145:306-311.
  • Quitkin FM, McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Harrison W, Wager SG, Nunes E et al. Phenelzine and imipramine in mood reactive depressives: further delineation of the syndrome of atypical depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1989; 46:787-793.
  • Quitkin FM, McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Harrison W, Tricoma E, Wager SG et al. Atypical depression, panic attacks, and response to imipramine and phenelzine: a replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1990; 47:935-941.
  • Quitkin FM, Harrison W, Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Tricoma E, Ocepek-Welikson K et al. Response to phenelzine and imipramine in placebo nonresponders with atypical depression: a new application of the crossover design. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1991; 48:319-323.
  • Liebowitz MR, Quitkin FM, Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Harrison W, Rabkin J et al. Phenelzine v imipramine in atypical depression: a preliminary report. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1984; 41:669-677.
  • Liebowitz MR, Quitkin FM, Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Harrison WM, Markowitz JS et al. Antidepressant specificity in atypical depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1988; 45:129-137.
  • McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Nunes EV, Ocepek-Welikson K, Rabkin JG, Quitkin FM et al. A double-blind crossover trial of imipramine and phenelzine for outpatients with treatment-refractory depression. Am J Psychiatry 1993; 150:118-123.
  • Parsons B, Quitkin FM, McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Tricoam E, Ocepek-Welikson K et al. Phenelzine, imipramine, and placebo in borderline patients meeting criteria for atypical depression. Psychopharmacol Bull 1989; 25:524-534.
  • Henkel V, Mergl R, Allgaier A, Kohnen R, Moller H, Heger U. Treatment of depression with atypical features: a meta-analytic approach Psychiatry Res 2006; 141:89
  • Pae C, Tharwani H, Marks D, Masand P, Patkar A. Atypical depression: a comprehensive review. CNS Drugs 2009; 23:1023-1037.
  • Stewart JW, Deliyannides DA, McGrath PJ. Is duloxetine effective treatment for depression with atypical features? Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2008 ;23:333-336. Ahmet Koyuncu, Uzm. Dr., Batı Bahat Hastaneler Grubu, İstanbul; Zerrin Binbay, Uzm. Dr., Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul; Erhan Ertekin, Dr., İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri ABD, İstanbul; Selim Sağır, Uzm. Dr., Bağcılar Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul. Yazışma Adresi/Correspondence: Zerrin Binbay, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul, Turkey. E-mail: Yazarlar bu makale ile ilgili herhangi bir çıkar çatışması bildirmemişlerdir. The authors reported no conflict of interest related to this article. Çevrimiçi adresi / Available online at: Çevrimiçi yayım / Published online 12 Ağustos/August 12, 2013; doi:10.5455/cap.20130518

Atipik Depresyon

Year 2013, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 276 - 289, 01.09.2013


Atipik depresyon major depresif bozukluğun bir belirteci olarak tanımlanmıştır. Columbia ölçütleri atipik depresyon tanısı koymak için günümüzde yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Atipik depresyonla kadın cinsiyet, erken yaşlarda başlangıç, kronik seyir ve eştanı fazlalığı dikkati çekmektedir. Atipik depresyon ailesel genetik geçişi destekliyor gibi görünse de, bu bilgileri destekleyecek özgül bir çalışmanın bulunmamaktadır. Atipik depresyonun tedavisinde monoamin oksidaz inhibitörlerinin trisiklik antidepresanlara göre daha yüksek etkinlik gösterdiği bildirilmiştir. Son dönemde ise seçici serotonin geri alım inhibitörlerinin atipik depresyonda etkinliği gösterilmiştir.


  • Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Rabkin JG, Quitkin FM. Atypical depression: a valid clinical entity? Psychiatr Clin North Am 1993; 16:479-495.
  • Matza LS, Revicki DA, Davidson JR, Stewart JW. Depression with atypical features in the National Comorbidity Survey: classification, descirption, and consequences. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2003; 141:288-289.
  • Perugi G, Toni C, Akiskal HS. Anxious-bipolar comorbidity: diagnostic and treatment challenges. Psychiatr Clin North Am 1999; 22:565-583.
  • Aydemir Ö. Atipik depresyon. Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi 2004; 7(Ek 2):49-53.
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Washington, D.C, American Psychiatric Association, 1994. Kendler KS, Eaves LJ, Walters EE, Neale MC, Heath AC, Kessler RC. The identification and validation of distinct depressive syndromes in a population-based sample of female twins. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1996; 53:391-399.
  • Horwath E, Johnson J, Weissman MM, Hornig CD. The validity of major depression with atypical features based on a community study. J Affect Disord 1992; 26:117-126.
  • Levitan RD, Lesage A, Parikh SV, Goering P, Kennedy SH. Reversed neurovegetative symptoms of depression: a community study of Ontario. Am J Psychiatry 1997; 154:934-940.
  • Sullivan PF, Kessler RC, Kendler KS. Latent class analysis of lifetime depressive symptoms in the National Comorbidity Survey. Am J Psychiatry 1998; 155:1398140
  • Thase ME. Recognition and diagnosis of atypical depression. J Clin Psychiatry 2007; 68(Suppl 8):11-16.
  • Angst J, Gamma A, Sellaro R, Zhang H, Merikangas K. Toward validation of atypical depression in the community: results of the Zurich Cohort Study. J Affect Disord 2002; 72:125-138.
  • Ağargün MY, Kara H, Kıncır F, Bilgin H. Atipik depresyonlu hastaların klinik özellikleri: karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma. Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi 1996; 33:200-204.
  • Novick JS, Stewart JW, Wisniewski SR, Cook IA, Manev R, Nierenberg AA et al. Clinical and demographic features of atypical depression in outpatients with major depressive disorder: preliminary findings from STAR*D. J Clin Psychiatry 2005; 66:1002-1011.
  • Derecho CN, Wetzler S, McGinn LK, Sanderson WC, Asnis GM. Atypical depression among psychiatric inpatients: clinical features and personality traits. J Affect Disord. 1996; 20:55-59.
  • Zisook S, Shucter SR. Uncomplicated bereavement. J Clin Psychiatry 1993; 54:3653
  • Posternak MA, Zimmerman M. Partial validation of the atypical features subtype of major depressive disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2002; 59:70-76.
  • Asnis GM, McGinn LK, Sanderson WC. Atypical depression: clinical aspects and noradrenergic function. Am J Psychiatry 1995; 152:31-36.
  • Parker G, Roy K, Mitchell P, Wilhelm K, Malhi G, Hadzi-Pavlovic D. Atypical depression: a reappraisal. Am J Psychiatry 2002; 159:1470-1479.
  • Benazzi F. Atypical depression in private practice depressed outpatients: a 203-case study. Compr Psychiatry 1999; 40:80-83.
  • Benazzi F. Prevalence and clinical features of atypical depression in depressed outpatients: a 467-case study. Psychiatry Res 1999; 86:259-265.
  • Benazzi F. Prevalence of bipolar 2 disorder in atypical depression. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1999; 249:62-65.
  • Benazzi F, Rihmer Z. Sensitivity and specificity of DSM-IV atypical features for bipolar II disorder diagnosis. Psychiatry Res 2000; 93:257-262.
  • Thase ME, Carpenter L, Kupfer DJ, Frank E. Clinical significance of reversed vegetative subtypes of recurrent major depression. Psychopharmacol Bull 1991; 27:17-22. Agosti V, Stewart JW. Atypical and non-atypical subtypes of depression: comparison of social functioning, symptoms, course of illness, co-morbidity and demographic features. J Affect Disord 2001; 65:75-79.
  • Thase ME. Atypical depression: useful concept, but it's time to revise the DSM-IV criteria. Neuropsychopharmacology 2009; 34:2633-2641.
  • Blanco C, Vesga-López O, Stewart JW, Liu SM, Grant BF, Hasin DS. Epidemiology of major depression with atypical features: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). J Clin Psychiatry 2012; 73:224-232.
  • Alpert KE, Uebelacker LA, McLean NE, Nierenberg AA, Pava JA, Worthington J J et al. Social phobia, avoidant personality disorder and atypical depression: co-occurrence and clinical implications. Psychol Med 1997; 27:627-633.
  • Perugi G, Akiskal HS, Lattanzi L, Cecconi D, Mastrocingue C, Patronelli A et al. The high prevalence of 'soft' bipolar (2) features in atypical depression. Compr Psychiatry 1998; 39:63-71.
  • Akiskal HS, Benazzi F. Atypical depression: a variant of bipolar 2 or a bridge between unipolar and bipolar 2? J Affect Disord 2005; 84:209-217.
  • Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Quitkin FM. Do age of onset and course of illness predict different treatment outcome among DSM-IV depressive disorders with atypical features? Neuropsychopharmacology 2002; 26:237-245.
  • McGinn LK, Asnis GM, Rubinson E. Biological and clinical validation of atypical depression. Psychiatry Res 1996; 60:191-198.
  • Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Quitkin FM, Klein DF. DSM-IV depression with atypical features: is it valid? Neuropsychopharmacology 2009; 34:2625-2632.
  • Zisook S, Rush AJ, Albala Z, Alpert J, Balasubramani GK, Fava M et al . Factors that differentiate early vs. later onset of major depression disorder. Psychiatry Res 2004; 129:127-140.
  • Pilowsky DJ, Wickramaratne PJ, Rush AJ, Hughes CW, Garber J, Malloy E et al. Children of currently depressed mothers: a STAR*D ancillary study. J Clin Psychiatry. 2006; 67:126-136.
  • Henkel V, Mergl R, Coyne JC, Kohnen R, Allgaier AK, Ruhl E et al. Depression with atypical features in a sample of primary care outpatients: prevalence, specific characteristics and consequences. J Affect Disord 2004; 83:237-242.
  • Anisman H, Ravindran AV, Griffiths J, Merali Z. Endocrine and cytokine correlates of major depression and dysthymia with typical or atypical features. Mol Psychiatry 1999; 4:182-188.
  • Stewart JW, Quitkin FM, McGrath PJ, Klein DF. Defining the boundaries of atypical depression: evidence from the HPA axis supports course of illness distinctions. J Affect Disord 2005; 86:161–167.
  • Levitan RD, Vaccarino FJ, Brown GM, Kennedy SH. Low-dose dexamethasone challenge in women with atypical major depression: pilot study. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2002; 27:47-51.
  • Gold PW, Chrousos GP. Organization of the stress system and its dysregulation in melancholic and atypical depression: high vs low CRH/NE states. Mol Psychiatry 2002; 7:254-275.
  • Stein DJ, Kupfer DJ, Schatzberg AF. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Mood Disorders. Washington D.C., American Psychiatric Publishing, 2005.
  • Sogaard J, Lane R, Latimer P, Behnke K, Christiansen PE, Nielsen B. A 12-week study comparing moclobemide and sertraline in the treatment of outpatients with atypical depression. J Psychopharmacol 1999; 13:406-414.
  • Pande A, Birkett M, Fechner-Bates S, Haskett R, Greden J. Fluoxetine versus phenelzine in atypical depression. Biol Psychiatry 1996; 40:1017-1020.
  • McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Janal MN, Petkova E, Quitkin FM, Klein DF. A placebocontrolled study of fluoxetine versus imipramine in the acute treatment of atypical depression. Am J Psychiatry 2000; 157:344-350.
  • Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Quitkin FM, Klein DF. Atypical depression: current status and relevance to melancholia. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2007; 115(Suppl.433):58-71.
  • Selvi Y, Beşiroğlu L, Aydın A. Kronobiyoloji ve duygudurum bozuklukları. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar 2011; 3:368-386.
  • Karamustafalıoğlu O, Yumrukçal H. Depresyon ve anksiyete bozuklukları. Şişli Etfal Hastanesi Tıp Bülteni 2011; 45:65-74.
  • Robinson DS, Nies A, Ravaris CL, Lamborn KR. The monoamine oxidase inhibitor, phenelzine, in the treatment of depressive anxiety states: a controlled clinical trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1973; 29:407-413
  • Davidson JR, Giller EL, Zisook S, Overall JE. An efficacy study of isocarboxazid and placebo in depression, and its relationship to depressive nosology. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1988; 45:120-127.
  • McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Harrison W, Wager S, Nunes EN, Quitkin FM et al. A placebo controlled trial of L-deprenyl in atypical depression. Psychopharmacol Bull 1989; 25:63-67.
  • Quitkin FM, Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Liebowitz MR, Harrison WM, Tricoma E et al. Phenelzine versus imipramine in the treatment of probable atypical depression: defining syndrome boundaries of selective MAOI responders. Am J Psychiatry 1988; 145:306-311.
  • Quitkin FM, McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Harrison W, Wager SG, Nunes E et al. Phenelzine and imipramine in mood reactive depressives: further delineation of the syndrome of atypical depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1989; 46:787-793.
  • Quitkin FM, McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Harrison W, Tricoma E, Wager SG et al. Atypical depression, panic attacks, and response to imipramine and phenelzine: a replication. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1990; 47:935-941.
  • Quitkin FM, Harrison W, Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Tricoma E, Ocepek-Welikson K et al. Response to phenelzine and imipramine in placebo nonresponders with atypical depression: a new application of the crossover design. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1991; 48:319-323.
  • Liebowitz MR, Quitkin FM, Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Harrison W, Rabkin J et al. Phenelzine v imipramine in atypical depression: a preliminary report. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1984; 41:669-677.
  • Liebowitz MR, Quitkin FM, Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, Harrison WM, Markowitz JS et al. Antidepressant specificity in atypical depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1988; 45:129-137.
  • McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Nunes EV, Ocepek-Welikson K, Rabkin JG, Quitkin FM et al. A double-blind crossover trial of imipramine and phenelzine for outpatients with treatment-refractory depression. Am J Psychiatry 1993; 150:118-123.
  • Parsons B, Quitkin FM, McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Tricoam E, Ocepek-Welikson K et al. Phenelzine, imipramine, and placebo in borderline patients meeting criteria for atypical depression. Psychopharmacol Bull 1989; 25:524-534.
  • Henkel V, Mergl R, Allgaier A, Kohnen R, Moller H, Heger U. Treatment of depression with atypical features: a meta-analytic approach Psychiatry Res 2006; 141:89
  • Pae C, Tharwani H, Marks D, Masand P, Patkar A. Atypical depression: a comprehensive review. CNS Drugs 2009; 23:1023-1037.
  • Stewart JW, Deliyannides DA, McGrath PJ. Is duloxetine effective treatment for depression with atypical features? Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2008 ;23:333-336. Ahmet Koyuncu, Uzm. Dr., Batı Bahat Hastaneler Grubu, İstanbul; Zerrin Binbay, Uzm. Dr., Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul; Erhan Ertekin, Dr., İstanbul Üniversitesi, İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri ABD, İstanbul; Selim Sağır, Uzm. Dr., Bağcılar Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul. Yazışma Adresi/Correspondence: Zerrin Binbay, Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul, Turkey. E-mail: Yazarlar bu makale ile ilgili herhangi bir çıkar çatışması bildirmemişlerdir. The authors reported no conflict of interest related to this article. Çevrimiçi adresi / Available online at: Çevrimiçi yayım / Published online 12 Ağustos/August 12, 2013; doi:10.5455/cap.20130518
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review

Ahmet Koyuncu This is me

Zerrin Binbay This is me

Erhan Ertekin This is me

Selim Sağır This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


AMA Koyuncu A, Binbay Z, Ertekin E, Sağır S. Atipik Depresyon. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry. September 2013;5(3):276-289. doi:10.5455/cap.20130518

Creative Commons License
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.