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Telepsychiatry: Now and Here!

Year 2015, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 136 - 148, 31.05.2015


Telepsychiatry is an application brought out by modern day health system, and beneficial both to the patient and clinician. In recent years, growing usage of portable computers and development of secure communication systems has paved the way for telepsychiatry undertaking in desired place and time. The acceleration of telepsychiatry will increase in proportion to the development of adequate technology, making of legal arrangements, and ensuring the satisfaction of patients, psychiatrists and third companies. Taking into account the experiences acquired thus far, changing economical and social parameters, as well as expectations of growing health care system; clinicians are well advised to prepare for an adaptive platform designed for telepsychiatry in near future.


  • Bouchard S, Dumoulin S, Michaud M, Gougeon V (2011) Telepresence experienced in videoconference varies according to emotions involved in videoconference sessions. Stud Health Technol Inform, 167:128-132.
  • Choi NG, Wilson NL, Sirrianni L (2014) Acceptance of home-based telehealth problem-solving therapy for depressed, low-income homebound older adults: qualitative interviews with the participants and aging-service case managers. Gerontologist, 54:704- 713.
  • Chong J, Moreno F (2012) Feasibility and acceptability of clinic-based telepsychiatry for low-income Hispanic primary care patients. Telemed J E Health, 18:297-304.
  • Chung-Do J, Helm S, Fukuda M, Alicata D, Nishimura S, Else I (2012) Rural mental health: implications for telepsychiatry in clinical service, workforce development, and organizational capacity. Telemed J E Health, 18:244-246.
  • Deen TL, Godleski L, Fortney JC (2012) A description of telemental health services provided by the Veterans Health Administration in 2006-2010. Psychiatr Serv, 63:1131-1133.
  • Deslich SA, Thistlethwaite T, Coustasse A (2013) Telepsychiatry in correctional facilities: using technology to improve access and decrease costs of mental health care in underserved populations. Perm J, 17:80-86.
  • Doolittle GC, Spaulding A, Williams AR (2011) The decreasing cost of telemedicine and telehealth. Telemed J E Health, 17:671– 675.
  • Dunn GW (2004) Legal issues confronting 21st-century telehealth. B C Med J, 46:290-292.
  • Fortney JC, Pyne JM, Kimbrell TA, Hudson TJ, Robinson DE, Schneider R et al. (2015) Telemedicine-based collaborative care for posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 72:58-67.
  • Frueh BC, Monnier J, Grubaugh AL, Elhai JD, Yim E, Knapp R (2007) Therapist adherence and competence with manualized cognitive-behavioral therapy for PTSD delivered via videoconferencing technology. Behav Modif, 34:856-866.
  • Frueh BC, Monnier J, Yim E, Grubaugh AL, Hamner MB, Knapp RG (2007) A randomized trial of telepsychiatry for post-traumatic stress disorder. J Telemed Telecare, 13:142-147.
  • Fussell SR, Benimoff NI (1995) Social and cognitive processes in interpersonal communication: implications for advanced telecommunications technologies. Hum Factors, 37:228-250.
  • Germain V, Marchand A, Bouchard S, Guay S, Drouin MS (2010) Assessment of the therapeutic alliance in face-to-face or videoconference treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 13:29-35.
  • Grady B (2012) Promises and limitations of telepsychiatry in rural adult mental health care. World Psychiatry, 11:199-201.
  • Greysen SR, Chretien KC, Kind T (2012) Physician violations of online professionalism and disciplinary actions: a national survey of state medical boards. JAMA, 307:1141-1142.
  • Grigsby J (2002) Telemedicine/telehealth: an international perspective: the diffusion of telemedicine. Telemed J E Health, 8:79- 94.
  • Hawthorne L, Birrell B (2002) Doctor shortages and their impact on the quality of medical care in Australia. People and Place, 10(3):55-67.
  • Hilty D, Ferrer D, Parish M (2013) The effectiveness of telemental health: a 2013 review. Telemed J E Health, 19:444-454.
  • Hilty D, Luo JS, Marcelo DA, Nesbitt TS (2002)Telepsychiatry: an overview for psychiatrists. CNS Drugs, 16:527-548.
  • Hyler SE, Gangure DP (2004) Legal and ethical challenges in telepsychiatry. J Psychiatr Pract, 10:272-276.
  • Ikelheimer DM (2008) Treatment of opioid dependence via home-based telepsychiatry. Psychiatr Serv, 59:1218-1219.
  • Jefee H, Moustafa MK, Shebl FM, Barkil-Oteo A (2014) Pilot assessment and survey of Syrian refugees' psychological stress and openness to referral for telepsychiatry (PASSPORT Study). Telemed J E Health, 20:977-979.
  • LeRouge C, Garfield M. (2013) Crossing the telemedicine chasm: have the U.S. barriers to widespread adoption of telemedicine been significantly reduced? Int J Environ Res, 10:6472-6484.
  • Mair F WP (2000) International telepsychiatry: a study of patient acceptability. J Telemed Telecare, 14:241-243.
  • Mair F WP (2000) Systematic review of studies of patient satisfaction with telemedicine. Br Med J, 320:1517-1520.
  • Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S, Shah R (2013) Telepsychiatry: promise, potential and challenges. Indian J Psychiatry, 55:3-11.
  • Manning TR, Goetz ET, Street RL (2000) Signal delay effects on rapport in telepsychiatry. Cyber Psychol Behav, 3:119-127.
  • Maritz J, Holroyd S (2006) Characteristics of telephone calls in a psychiatric outpatient practice. J Psychiatr Pract, 12:195-199.
  • Mars M, Ramlall S, Kaliski S (2012) Forensic telepsychiatry: a possible solution for South Africa? Afr J Psychiatry, 15:244-247.
  • Modai I, Jabarin M, Kurs R (2006) Cost effectiveness, safety, and satisfaction with video telepsychiatry versus face-to-face care in ambulatory settings. Telemed J E Health, 12:515-520.
  • Mohr DC, Hart SL, Julian L, Catledge C, Honos L, Vella L et al. (2005) Telephone-administered psychotherapy for depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 62:1007-1014.
  • Myers K, Cain S (2008) Practice parameter for telepsychiatry with children and adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 47):1468–1483
  • Myers KM, Valentine JM (2008) Child and adolescent telepsychiatry: utilization and satisfaction. Telemed J E Health, 14:131-137.
  • Nesbitt TS, Hilty DM, Kuenneth CA, Siefkin A (2000) Development of a telemedicine program: a review of 1.000 videoconferencing consultations. West J Med, 173:169-174.
  • Norman S (2006) The use of telemedicine in psychiatry. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs, 13:771-777.
  • Özkan B, Erdem E, Özsoy SD, Zararsız G (2013) Şizofreni hastalarına verilen ruhsal eğitim ve telepsikiyatrik izlemenin hasta işlevselliği ve ilaç uyumuna etkisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 14:192-199.
  • Palmer N, Myers M, Stoep A, McCarty C (2010) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and telemental health. Curr Psychiatry Rep, 12:409-417.
  • Rabinowitz T, Murphy KM, Amour JL (2010) Benefits of a telepsychiatry consultation service for rural nursing home residents. Telemed J E Health, 16:34-40.
  • Shore JH, Hilty DM, Yellowlees P (2007) Emergency management guidelines for telepsychiatry. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 29:199-206.
  • Shore JH, Manson SM (2005) A developmental model for rural telepsychiatry. Psychiatr Serv, 56:976-980.
  • Simpson J, Doze S, Urness D, Hailey D, Jacobs P (2001) Telepsychiatry as a routine service--the perspective of the patient. J Telemed Telecare, 7:155-160.
  • Simpson SG, Reid CL (2014) Therapeutic alliance in videoconferencing psychotherapy: a review. Aust J Rural Health, 22:280-299.
  • Sisti DA (2013) Telepsychiatry program eases patient crowding in the ED, expedites mental health services to patients and providers. ED Manag, 25:121-124.
  • Tutty S, Ludman EJ, Simon G (2005) Feasibility and acceptability of a telephone psychotherapy program for depressed adults treated in primary care. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 27: 400-410.
  • Valentine JM, Melzer SM (2008) Child and adolescent telepsychiatry: utilization and satisfaction. Telemed J E Health, 14:131-137.
  • Whitten PS, Mackert MS (2005) Addressing telehealth’s foremost barrier: provider as initial gatekeeper. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 21: 517-521.
  • Zaidan B, Zaidan A, Mat M (2001) Impact of data privacy and confidentiality on developing applications:a review participates opinion and expert review. Int J Pharma, 7:1-6.

Telepsikiyatri: Şimdi ve Burada!

Year 2015, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 136 - 148, 31.05.2015


Telepsikiyatri, günümüzün hızla değişen sağlık sisteminin ortaya çıkardığı, hem hastaya hem de klinisyene yararları olan bir uygulamadır. Son yıllarda taşınabilir bilgisayarların yaygınlaşması ve güvenilir iletişim sistemlerinin geliştirilmesi, telepsikiyatrinin dilenen yer ve zamanda sunumunun önünü açmıştır. Uygun teknolojinin geliştirilmesi, yasal düzenlemelerin yapılması, psikiyatristlerin, hastaların ve üçüncü kuruluşların memnuniyetlerinin sağlanması oranında telepsikiyatrinin ivmesi artacaktır. Bugüne kadar elde edilen deneyimler, değişen ekonomik ve sosyal parametreler ile büyüyen sağlık sisteminin beklentileri göz önünde tutulduğunda; klinisyenlerin yakın bir gelecekte telepsikiyatriye uyum sağlayacak bir platforma hazırlıklı olması önerilebilir.



  • Bouchard S, Dumoulin S, Michaud M, Gougeon V (2011) Telepresence experienced in videoconference varies according to emotions involved in videoconference sessions. Stud Health Technol Inform, 167:128-132.
  • Choi NG, Wilson NL, Sirrianni L (2014) Acceptance of home-based telehealth problem-solving therapy for depressed, low-income homebound older adults: qualitative interviews with the participants and aging-service case managers. Gerontologist, 54:704- 713.
  • Chong J, Moreno F (2012) Feasibility and acceptability of clinic-based telepsychiatry for low-income Hispanic primary care patients. Telemed J E Health, 18:297-304.
  • Chung-Do J, Helm S, Fukuda M, Alicata D, Nishimura S, Else I (2012) Rural mental health: implications for telepsychiatry in clinical service, workforce development, and organizational capacity. Telemed J E Health, 18:244-246.
  • Deen TL, Godleski L, Fortney JC (2012) A description of telemental health services provided by the Veterans Health Administration in 2006-2010. Psychiatr Serv, 63:1131-1133.
  • Deslich SA, Thistlethwaite T, Coustasse A (2013) Telepsychiatry in correctional facilities: using technology to improve access and decrease costs of mental health care in underserved populations. Perm J, 17:80-86.
  • Doolittle GC, Spaulding A, Williams AR (2011) The decreasing cost of telemedicine and telehealth. Telemed J E Health, 17:671– 675.
  • Dunn GW (2004) Legal issues confronting 21st-century telehealth. B C Med J, 46:290-292.
  • Fortney JC, Pyne JM, Kimbrell TA, Hudson TJ, Robinson DE, Schneider R et al. (2015) Telemedicine-based collaborative care for posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 72:58-67.
  • Frueh BC, Monnier J, Grubaugh AL, Elhai JD, Yim E, Knapp R (2007) Therapist adherence and competence with manualized cognitive-behavioral therapy for PTSD delivered via videoconferencing technology. Behav Modif, 34:856-866.
  • Frueh BC, Monnier J, Yim E, Grubaugh AL, Hamner MB, Knapp RG (2007) A randomized trial of telepsychiatry for post-traumatic stress disorder. J Telemed Telecare, 13:142-147.
  • Fussell SR, Benimoff NI (1995) Social and cognitive processes in interpersonal communication: implications for advanced telecommunications technologies. Hum Factors, 37:228-250.
  • Germain V, Marchand A, Bouchard S, Guay S, Drouin MS (2010) Assessment of the therapeutic alliance in face-to-face or videoconference treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 13:29-35.
  • Grady B (2012) Promises and limitations of telepsychiatry in rural adult mental health care. World Psychiatry, 11:199-201.
  • Greysen SR, Chretien KC, Kind T (2012) Physician violations of online professionalism and disciplinary actions: a national survey of state medical boards. JAMA, 307:1141-1142.
  • Grigsby J (2002) Telemedicine/telehealth: an international perspective: the diffusion of telemedicine. Telemed J E Health, 8:79- 94.
  • Hawthorne L, Birrell B (2002) Doctor shortages and their impact on the quality of medical care in Australia. People and Place, 10(3):55-67.
  • Hilty D, Ferrer D, Parish M (2013) The effectiveness of telemental health: a 2013 review. Telemed J E Health, 19:444-454.
  • Hilty D, Luo JS, Marcelo DA, Nesbitt TS (2002)Telepsychiatry: an overview for psychiatrists. CNS Drugs, 16:527-548.
  • Hyler SE, Gangure DP (2004) Legal and ethical challenges in telepsychiatry. J Psychiatr Pract, 10:272-276.
  • Ikelheimer DM (2008) Treatment of opioid dependence via home-based telepsychiatry. Psychiatr Serv, 59:1218-1219.
  • Jefee H, Moustafa MK, Shebl FM, Barkil-Oteo A (2014) Pilot assessment and survey of Syrian refugees' psychological stress and openness to referral for telepsychiatry (PASSPORT Study). Telemed J E Health, 20:977-979.
  • LeRouge C, Garfield M. (2013) Crossing the telemedicine chasm: have the U.S. barriers to widespread adoption of telemedicine been significantly reduced? Int J Environ Res, 10:6472-6484.
  • Mair F WP (2000) International telepsychiatry: a study of patient acceptability. J Telemed Telecare, 14:241-243.
  • Mair F WP (2000) Systematic review of studies of patient satisfaction with telemedicine. Br Med J, 320:1517-1520.
  • Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S, Shah R (2013) Telepsychiatry: promise, potential and challenges. Indian J Psychiatry, 55:3-11.
  • Manning TR, Goetz ET, Street RL (2000) Signal delay effects on rapport in telepsychiatry. Cyber Psychol Behav, 3:119-127.
  • Maritz J, Holroyd S (2006) Characteristics of telephone calls in a psychiatric outpatient practice. J Psychiatr Pract, 12:195-199.
  • Mars M, Ramlall S, Kaliski S (2012) Forensic telepsychiatry: a possible solution for South Africa? Afr J Psychiatry, 15:244-247.
  • Modai I, Jabarin M, Kurs R (2006) Cost effectiveness, safety, and satisfaction with video telepsychiatry versus face-to-face care in ambulatory settings. Telemed J E Health, 12:515-520.
  • Mohr DC, Hart SL, Julian L, Catledge C, Honos L, Vella L et al. (2005) Telephone-administered psychotherapy for depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 62:1007-1014.
  • Myers K, Cain S (2008) Practice parameter for telepsychiatry with children and adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 47):1468–1483
  • Myers KM, Valentine JM (2008) Child and adolescent telepsychiatry: utilization and satisfaction. Telemed J E Health, 14:131-137.
  • Nesbitt TS, Hilty DM, Kuenneth CA, Siefkin A (2000) Development of a telemedicine program: a review of 1.000 videoconferencing consultations. West J Med, 173:169-174.
  • Norman S (2006) The use of telemedicine in psychiatry. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs, 13:771-777.
  • Özkan B, Erdem E, Özsoy SD, Zararsız G (2013) Şizofreni hastalarına verilen ruhsal eğitim ve telepsikiyatrik izlemenin hasta işlevselliği ve ilaç uyumuna etkisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 14:192-199.
  • Palmer N, Myers M, Stoep A, McCarty C (2010) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and telemental health. Curr Psychiatry Rep, 12:409-417.
  • Rabinowitz T, Murphy KM, Amour JL (2010) Benefits of a telepsychiatry consultation service for rural nursing home residents. Telemed J E Health, 16:34-40.
  • Shore JH, Hilty DM, Yellowlees P (2007) Emergency management guidelines for telepsychiatry. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 29:199-206.
  • Shore JH, Manson SM (2005) A developmental model for rural telepsychiatry. Psychiatr Serv, 56:976-980.
  • Simpson J, Doze S, Urness D, Hailey D, Jacobs P (2001) Telepsychiatry as a routine service--the perspective of the patient. J Telemed Telecare, 7:155-160.
  • Simpson SG, Reid CL (2014) Therapeutic alliance in videoconferencing psychotherapy: a review. Aust J Rural Health, 22:280-299.
  • Sisti DA (2013) Telepsychiatry program eases patient crowding in the ED, expedites mental health services to patients and providers. ED Manag, 25:121-124.
  • Tutty S, Ludman EJ, Simon G (2005) Feasibility and acceptability of a telephone psychotherapy program for depressed adults treated in primary care. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 27: 400-410.
  • Valentine JM, Melzer SM (2008) Child and adolescent telepsychiatry: utilization and satisfaction. Telemed J E Health, 14:131-137.
  • Whitten PS, Mackert MS (2005) Addressing telehealth’s foremost barrier: provider as initial gatekeeper. Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 21: 517-521.
  • Zaidan B, Zaidan A, Mat M (2001) Impact of data privacy and confidentiality on developing applications:a review participates opinion and expert review. Int J Pharma, 7:1-6.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Review

Ufuk Bal This is me

Ertan Yılmaz This is me

Lut Tamam

Soner Çakmak This is me

Publication Date May 31, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


AMA Bal U, Yılmaz E, Tamam L, Çakmak S. Telepsychiatry: Now and Here!. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry. May 2015;7(2):136-148. doi:10.18863/pgy.43008

Creative Commons License
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.