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Merhamet Korkusu: Tanımı, Nedenleri ve Önlenmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 342 - 351, 30.09.2020


Bireyin, ruh sağlığın için yapılan tüm işlemler, olumlu duygu ve düşünceleri arttırmaya ve olumsuz duygu ve düşünceleri da azaltmaya yöneliktir. Fakat bazı bireyler, olumlu duygu ve düşüncelerden kaçarlar, onlardan korkarlar. Merhamet duygusu, kimi insanların farklı nedenlerden dolayı, korktuğu, çekindiği, kendinden uzaklaştırmaya çalıştığı duygulardan biri olabilmektedir. Merhamet korkusu hem merhamet yoksunluğundan hem de merhamet duygusunun varlığından korkmaktan kaynaklanan bir durumdur. Bu korku hem bireyin sağlığını olumsuz etkilemekte hem de toplumsal ilişkilerin bozulmasına neden olabilmektedir. Ayrıca merhamet korkusu, depresyon, stres, empati, aleksitimi, yemek bozukluğu, mutluluk korkusu, post travmatik stres bozukluğu, anksiyete ve panik bozukluğu gibi sağlık sorunlarıyla ilişkilidir. Bu sorunlarla ilgili verilecek herhangi bir tedavinin başarılı olabilmesi için merhamet korkusunun tanımlanabilmesiyle yakın bağlara sahiptir. Merhamet korkusunun kökenin de bazen çocukluk travmaları bazen de çocuklukta anne babayla kurulamayan sıcak ilişki yokluğu önemli bir neden olarak görülmektedir. Bu makalede merhamet korkusu kavramının tanımının yapılması, ilişkili olduğu kavramların açıklanması, konuyla ilgili ölçme araçlarının tanıtılması ve bu yolla konu hakkında yardım farkındalığının arttırılması amaçlanmıştır.


  • Asano K. Tsuchiya M., Ishimura I., Lin S., Matsumoto Y., Miyata H., Kotera Y., Shimizu E. & Gilbert P. (2017). The development of fears of compassion scale Japanese version. PLoS ONE 12, 10:1-17.
  • Boykin D. M., Himmerich S. J., Pinciotti C. M., Miller L. M., Miron L. R. &Orcutt H. K. (2018). Barriersto self-compassion for female survivors of childhood maltreatment: Theroles of fear of self-compassion and psychological inflexibility. Child Abuse & Neglect The International Journal, 76:216-224.
  • Carter S. B. (2014). Are you suffering from compassion fatigue?. Psychology Today. Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2019.
  • Cox M. (2018). Do youhave a fear of compassion?. Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2019.
  • Dias B. S., Ferreria C.& Trindade I. A. (2018). Influence of fears of compassion on body images hame and disorder edeating. Eating and Weight Disorders -Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesit.,
  • Dupasquier J. R., Kelly A. C., Moscovitch D. A. & Vidovic V. (2018). Practicing self-compassion weakens the relationship between fear of receiving compassion and the desire to conceal negative experiences from others. Mindfulness, 9: 500-511.
  • Figley C.R. (2002). Compassion fatigue: psychotherapists' chronic lack of self care. J ClinPsychol, 58, 1433-1441
  • Gilbert P., McEvan K., Catarino F.Baiao & Palmeria L. (2014). Fears of Happiness and compassion in relationship with depression, alexithymia, andattachment security in a depressed sample. British Journal of ClinicalPsychology, 53:228–244
  • Gilbert P., McEwan K., Gibbons L., Chotai S., Duarte J. & Matos M. (2012). Fears of compassion and happiness in relation to alexithymia, mindfulness, and self-criticism. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 85:374-390.
  • Gilbert P., McEwan K., Matos M., & Rivis A. (2011). Fears of compassion: development of three self-report measures. Psychol Psychother. 84,3, 239-55. doi: 10.1348/147608310X526511.
  • Gilbert, P., McEvan, K., Matos, M.&Rivis, A. (2010). Fears of compassion: Development of three self-reportmeasures. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 84:239–255.
  • Hall, L. (2017). What is compassion fatigue? The signs, treatment and prevention. Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2019.
  • Harris, L. D. (2017). The relationship between fear of compassion, attitudes towards emotional expression and subjective well-being among a community adultsample .(Doktora tezi, Essex Üniversitesi, İngiltere).Erişim adresi: ttps://
  • Harris, C., Griffin, M. &Quinn,T. (2015). Nursing on Empty: Compassion Fatigue Signs, Symptoms, and System Interventions. Journal of Christian Nursing, 32, 2, 80-87.
  • Hiçdurmaz, D. ve Arı İnci, F. (2015). Eşduyum Yorgunluğu: Tanımı, Nedenleri ve Önlenmesi CompassionFatigue: Description, Causes and Prevention. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar,7, 3, 295-303 doi: 10.5455/cap.20141128113430
  • Honkalampi, K., Hintikka, J.,Tanskanen, A.,Lehtonen, J. ve Viinamaki, H. (2000). Depression is strongly associated with alexithymia in the general population. Journal of PsychosomaticResearch, 48, 1, 99-104.
  • Joeng, J. R. (2014). The mediating roles of fear of compassion from self and others, self-compassion, andperceptions of socialsupport on the relationships between self-criticism and depressive symptoms. (Doktora tezi, Minnesota Üniversitesi, ABD). Erişim adresi:
  • Joeng, J., &Turner, S. (2015). Mediatorsbetween self-criticismanddepression: Fear of compassion, self-compassion, andimportancetoothers. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(3), 453. doi:10.1037/cou0000071
  • Joshanloo, M., Lepshokova, Z. Kh., Panyusheva, T., Natalia, A.,Poon, W.,Yeung, V. W., Sundaram, S., Achoui, M., Asano, R.,Igarashi, T.,Tsukamoto, S.,Rizwan, M., Khilji, I. A., Ferreira, M. C., Pang, J. S.,Ho, L. S., Han, G.,Bae, J. ve Jiang, D. (2014). Cross-Cultural Validation of Fear of Happiness Scale Across14 NationalGroups. Journal of Cross-CulturalPsychology, 45, 2, 246–264.
  • Koçak, R. (2002). Aleksitimi: Kuramsal çerçeve tedavi yaklaşımları ve ilgili alıştırmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 35, 1-2, 180-212.
  • Lambert, L., Passmore, H. A. ve Joshanloo, M. (2019). A Positive Psychology Intervention Programin a Culturally‑DiverseUniversity: Boosting Happiness and Reducing Fear. J Happiness Stud, 20, 1141-1162.
  • Lambrou, P. (2014). Is fear of happinessreal?.Psychology Today. Erişim Tarihi: 24.06.2019
  • Longe, O., Maratos, F. A., Gilbert, P., Evans, G., Volker, F., Rockliff, H. ve Rippon, G. (2010). Having a word with yourself: Neuralcorrelates of self-criticism and self-reassurance. Neurolmage, 49, 1849-1856.
  • Matos, M., Duarte, J. ve Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2017). Beingafraid of compassion: Fears of compassion as mediators between early emotional memories and psychopathological symptoms in adulthood. 25th EuropeanCongress of Psychiatry / EuropeanPsychiatry 41S S69–S105.
  • Matos, M., Duarte, J. ve Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2017). Theorigins of fears of compassion: Shame and lack of safeness memories, fears of compassion and psychopathology. TheJournal of Psychology, 151, 804-819.
  • Miron, L. R., Sherill, A. M. ve Orcutt, H. K. (2015). Fear of self-compassion and psychological inflexibility interact to predict PTSD symptom severity. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4, 37-41.
  • Miron, L., Miron, L., Seligowski, A., Boykin, D., &Orcutt, H. (2016). The potential indirect effect of childhood abuse on posttrauma pathology through self-compassion and fear of selfcompassion. Mindfulness, 7(3), 596-605. doi:10.1007/s12671-016-0493-0, H. (2016).
  • Sayar, K. (2019). Merhamet (4. Baskı). İstanbul: Kapı Yayınları
  • Silva, C., Ferreira, C., Mendes, A. L. & Marta-Simões, J. (2019). The relation of early positive emotional memories to women’s social safeness: The role of shame and fear of receiving compassion. Women & Health, 59, 4, 420-432. DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2018.1487906
  • Steindl, S. R., Matos, M. & Creed, A. K. (2018). Early shame and safeness memories, and later depressive symptoms and safe affect: The mediating role of self-compassion. Current Psychology.
  • Şaşıoğlu, M., Gülol, Ç. ve Tosun, A.(2013).Aleksitimi Kavramı. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 5, 4, 507-527.
  • Reiss, S. (1991). Expectancy model of fear, anxiety, andpanic. Clinical Psychology Review, 11(2), 141–153.
  • Rockliff, H., Gilbert P.,McEvan, K.,Lightman, S.&Glover, D. (2008). A pilot exploration of heart rate variability and salivary cortisol responses to compassion-focused imagery. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 5, 3, 132-139.
  • Vanderlind, W. M., Stanton, C. H.,Weinbrecht, A.,Velkoff, E. A. ve Joormann,J. (2017). Remembering the Good Ole Days: Fear of Positive Emotion Relates to Affect Repair Using Positive Memories. Cogn Ther Res,41, 362–368.DOI 10.1007/s10608-016-9775-z.
  • Whetsel, T. (2017). Examining fears of compassion as a potenrial mediator between shame and anger. (Yüksek lisans tezi, Eastern Washington Üniversitesi, ABD). Erişim Adresi:

Fear of Compassion: Description, Causes and Prevention

Year 2020, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 342 - 351, 30.09.2020


All the procedures performed for the individual's mental health are aimed at increasing positive feelings and thoughts and reducing negative feelings and thoughts. But some individuals escape from positive emotions and thoughts and fear them. The sense of compassion may be one of the emotions that some people are afraid of, and try to remove from themselves for different reasons. Fear of compassion is caused by both the lack of compassion and the fear of the presence of compassion. This fear both affects the health of the individual negatively and may cause deterioration of social relations. Fear of compassion is also associated with health problems such as depression, stress, empathy, alexithymia, eating disorder, fear of happiness, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and panic disorder. Any treatment for these problems is closely linked to the identification of fear of compassion to be successful. The origin of fear of compassion is sometimes seen as an important cause of childhood traumas and sometimes the lack of a warm relationship with parents in childhood. The aim of this article is to define the concept of fear of compassion, to explain related concepts, to introduce related measurement tools and to raise awareness of help in this way.


  • Asano K. Tsuchiya M., Ishimura I., Lin S., Matsumoto Y., Miyata H., Kotera Y., Shimizu E. & Gilbert P. (2017). The development of fears of compassion scale Japanese version. PLoS ONE 12, 10:1-17.
  • Boykin D. M., Himmerich S. J., Pinciotti C. M., Miller L. M., Miron L. R. &Orcutt H. K. (2018). Barriersto self-compassion for female survivors of childhood maltreatment: Theroles of fear of self-compassion and psychological inflexibility. Child Abuse & Neglect The International Journal, 76:216-224.
  • Carter S. B. (2014). Are you suffering from compassion fatigue?. Psychology Today. Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2019.
  • Cox M. (2018). Do youhave a fear of compassion?. Erişim Tarihi: 02.07.2019.
  • Dias B. S., Ferreria C.& Trindade I. A. (2018). Influence of fears of compassion on body images hame and disorder edeating. Eating and Weight Disorders -Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesit.,
  • Dupasquier J. R., Kelly A. C., Moscovitch D. A. & Vidovic V. (2018). Practicing self-compassion weakens the relationship between fear of receiving compassion and the desire to conceal negative experiences from others. Mindfulness, 9: 500-511.
  • Figley C.R. (2002). Compassion fatigue: psychotherapists' chronic lack of self care. J ClinPsychol, 58, 1433-1441
  • Gilbert P., McEvan K., Catarino F.Baiao & Palmeria L. (2014). Fears of Happiness and compassion in relationship with depression, alexithymia, andattachment security in a depressed sample. British Journal of ClinicalPsychology, 53:228–244
  • Gilbert P., McEwan K., Gibbons L., Chotai S., Duarte J. & Matos M. (2012). Fears of compassion and happiness in relation to alexithymia, mindfulness, and self-criticism. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 85:374-390.
  • Gilbert P., McEwan K., Matos M., & Rivis A. (2011). Fears of compassion: development of three self-report measures. Psychol Psychother. 84,3, 239-55. doi: 10.1348/147608310X526511.
  • Gilbert, P., McEvan, K., Matos, M.&Rivis, A. (2010). Fears of compassion: Development of three self-reportmeasures. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 84:239–255.
  • Hall, L. (2017). What is compassion fatigue? The signs, treatment and prevention. Erişim Tarihi: 01.07.2019.
  • Harris, L. D. (2017). The relationship between fear of compassion, attitudes towards emotional expression and subjective well-being among a community adultsample .(Doktora tezi, Essex Üniversitesi, İngiltere).Erişim adresi: ttps://
  • Harris, C., Griffin, M. &Quinn,T. (2015). Nursing on Empty: Compassion Fatigue Signs, Symptoms, and System Interventions. Journal of Christian Nursing, 32, 2, 80-87.
  • Hiçdurmaz, D. ve Arı İnci, F. (2015). Eşduyum Yorgunluğu: Tanımı, Nedenleri ve Önlenmesi CompassionFatigue: Description, Causes and Prevention. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar,7, 3, 295-303 doi: 10.5455/cap.20141128113430
  • Honkalampi, K., Hintikka, J.,Tanskanen, A.,Lehtonen, J. ve Viinamaki, H. (2000). Depression is strongly associated with alexithymia in the general population. Journal of PsychosomaticResearch, 48, 1, 99-104.
  • Joeng, J. R. (2014). The mediating roles of fear of compassion from self and others, self-compassion, andperceptions of socialsupport on the relationships between self-criticism and depressive symptoms. (Doktora tezi, Minnesota Üniversitesi, ABD). Erişim adresi:
  • Joeng, J., &Turner, S. (2015). Mediatorsbetween self-criticismanddepression: Fear of compassion, self-compassion, andimportancetoothers. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(3), 453. doi:10.1037/cou0000071
  • Joshanloo, M., Lepshokova, Z. Kh., Panyusheva, T., Natalia, A.,Poon, W.,Yeung, V. W., Sundaram, S., Achoui, M., Asano, R.,Igarashi, T.,Tsukamoto, S.,Rizwan, M., Khilji, I. A., Ferreira, M. C., Pang, J. S.,Ho, L. S., Han, G.,Bae, J. ve Jiang, D. (2014). Cross-Cultural Validation of Fear of Happiness Scale Across14 NationalGroups. Journal of Cross-CulturalPsychology, 45, 2, 246–264.
  • Koçak, R. (2002). Aleksitimi: Kuramsal çerçeve tedavi yaklaşımları ve ilgili alıştırmalar. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 35, 1-2, 180-212.
  • Lambert, L., Passmore, H. A. ve Joshanloo, M. (2019). A Positive Psychology Intervention Programin a Culturally‑DiverseUniversity: Boosting Happiness and Reducing Fear. J Happiness Stud, 20, 1141-1162.
  • Lambrou, P. (2014). Is fear of happinessreal?.Psychology Today. Erişim Tarihi: 24.06.2019
  • Longe, O., Maratos, F. A., Gilbert, P., Evans, G., Volker, F., Rockliff, H. ve Rippon, G. (2010). Having a word with yourself: Neuralcorrelates of self-criticism and self-reassurance. Neurolmage, 49, 1849-1856.
  • Matos, M., Duarte, J. ve Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2017). Beingafraid of compassion: Fears of compassion as mediators between early emotional memories and psychopathological symptoms in adulthood. 25th EuropeanCongress of Psychiatry / EuropeanPsychiatry 41S S69–S105.
  • Matos, M., Duarte, J. ve Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2017). Theorigins of fears of compassion: Shame and lack of safeness memories, fears of compassion and psychopathology. TheJournal of Psychology, 151, 804-819.
  • Miron, L. R., Sherill, A. M. ve Orcutt, H. K. (2015). Fear of self-compassion and psychological inflexibility interact to predict PTSD symptom severity. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4, 37-41.
  • Miron, L., Miron, L., Seligowski, A., Boykin, D., &Orcutt, H. (2016). The potential indirect effect of childhood abuse on posttrauma pathology through self-compassion and fear of selfcompassion. Mindfulness, 7(3), 596-605. doi:10.1007/s12671-016-0493-0, H. (2016).
  • Sayar, K. (2019). Merhamet (4. Baskı). İstanbul: Kapı Yayınları
  • Silva, C., Ferreira, C., Mendes, A. L. & Marta-Simões, J. (2019). The relation of early positive emotional memories to women’s social safeness: The role of shame and fear of receiving compassion. Women & Health, 59, 4, 420-432. DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2018.1487906
  • Steindl, S. R., Matos, M. & Creed, A. K. (2018). Early shame and safeness memories, and later depressive symptoms and safe affect: The mediating role of self-compassion. Current Psychology.
  • Şaşıoğlu, M., Gülol, Ç. ve Tosun, A.(2013).Aleksitimi Kavramı. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 5, 4, 507-527.
  • Reiss, S. (1991). Expectancy model of fear, anxiety, andpanic. Clinical Psychology Review, 11(2), 141–153.
  • Rockliff, H., Gilbert P.,McEvan, K.,Lightman, S.&Glover, D. (2008). A pilot exploration of heart rate variability and salivary cortisol responses to compassion-focused imagery. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 5, 3, 132-139.
  • Vanderlind, W. M., Stanton, C. H.,Weinbrecht, A.,Velkoff, E. A. ve Joormann,J. (2017). Remembering the Good Ole Days: Fear of Positive Emotion Relates to Affect Repair Using Positive Memories. Cogn Ther Res,41, 362–368.DOI 10.1007/s10608-016-9775-z.
  • Whetsel, T. (2017). Examining fears of compassion as a potenrial mediator between shame and anger. (Yüksek lisans tezi, Eastern Washington Üniversitesi, ABD). Erişim Adresi:
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Psychology
Journal Section Review

Özlem Çevik 0000-0002-4637-2147

Fuat Tanhan 0000-0002-1990-4988

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Acceptance Date November 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


AMA Çevik Ö, Tanhan F. Merhamet Korkusu: Tanımı, Nedenleri ve Önlenmesi. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry. September 2020;12(3):342-351. doi:10.18863/pgy.626941

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.