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Cinsel Suçlara Yönelen Çocuk Failler: Cinsel Suçların Dinamikleri

Year 2022, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 57 - 64, 31.03.2022


Cinsel eylemi bireye yönelten fail için; suçun işlenişi, failin kişilik özellikleri, failde mevcut ruhsal bozukluklar, suçun tekerrürü ve mağdurun özellikleri bakımından farklı tanımlamalar yapılabilmektedir. Bu çalışma cinsel suçların faili konumunda bulunan ve suça sürüklendiği düşünülen ergenlerin risk faktörlerini ve kişilik özelliklerini belirlemeyi, suçun işlenişi ya da suç öyküsü sınıflandırmalarının nasıl oluşturulduğunu incelemeyi, suç ve davranış bilimlerine, penolojik müdahalelere ve rehabilitasyon girişimlerine farklı bir bakış açısı oluşturarak katkı sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Adli olguların sonuçlarına göre cinsel saldırı failleri çoğunlukla heterojen bir grup olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Dolayısıyla faillerin belirli özelliklerine göre homojen gruplara indirgenmesinin, adalet mekanizmasının doğru bir şekilde işleyebilmesi adına yargı sürecine kolaylık sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.

Supporting Institution

Herhangi bir destekleyen kurum bulunmamaktadır.

Project Number





  • Abbey A, Jacques-Tiura AJ, LeBreton JM (2011) Risk factors for sexual aggression in young men: An expansion of the confluence model. Aggress Behav, 37:450-464. doi: 10.1002/ab.20399.
  • Adshead G, Brodrick P, Preston J (2012) Personality disorder in adolescence. BJ Psych Adv, 18:109–118.
  • Aebi M, Vogt G, Plattner B (2012) Steinhausen HC, Bessler C, Offender types and criminality dimensions in male juveniles convicted of sexual offenses. Sex Abuse, 24(3):265–288. doi: 10.1177/1079063211420449.
  • American Psychiatric Association (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition. Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
  • Blanchard R, Bogaert AF (1997) Additive effects of older brothers and homosexual brothers in the prediction of marriage and cohabitation. Behav Genet, 27:45-54.
  • Burt MR, Estep RE (1981) Who is a victim? Definitional problems in sexual victimization. Victimology: An International Journal, 6:15-28.
  • Butler S, Seto M (2002) Distinguishing two types of adolescent sex offenders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 41:83–90.
  • Carr CP, Martins CM, Stingel AM, Maria A, Braga LV (2013) Francisco M. The role of early life stress in adult psychiatric disorders: A systematic review according to childhood trauma subtypes. J Nerv Ment Dis, 201:1007-1020. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000049.
  • Colins O, Vermeiren R, Schuyten G, Broekaert E (2009) Psychiatric disorders in property, violent and versatile offending in detained male adolescents. Am J Orthopsychiatry, 79:31–38.
  • Comeau N, Stewart SH, Loba P (2001) The relations of trait anxiety, anxiety sensitivity, and sensation seeking to adolescents' motivations for alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use. Addict Behav, 26:803-825.
  • Connell RW (2000) The Men and the Boys. Los Angeles: University of California Press
  • Cortoni F, Marshall WL (2001) Sex as a coping strategy and its relationship to juvenile sexual history and intimacy in sexual offenders. Sex Abuse J Res Tr, 13:27-44.
  • D’Urso G, Petruccelli I, Costantino V, Zappulla C, Pace U (2019) The role of moral disengagement and cognitive distortions toward children among sex offenders. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 26(3):414-422.
  • Easton SD, Saltzman LY, Willis DG (2013) Would you tell under circumstances like that? Barriers to disclosure of child sexual abuse for men. Psychol Men Masc, 15:460-469.
  • Fanniff AM, Becker JV (2006) Specialized assessment and treatment of adolescent sex offenders. Aggress Violent Behav, 11:265–282.
  • Farmer M, McAlinden AM, Maruna S (2016) Sex offending and situational motivation: Findings from a qualitative analysis of desistance from sexual offending. Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 60(15):1756-1775. doi: 10.1177/0306624X16668175.
  • Fazel S, Doll H, Langström N (2008) Mental disorders among adolescents in juvenile detention and correctional facilities: A systematic review and metaregression analyses of 25 surveys. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 47:1010-1019.
  • Fe Koch K (2004) Child sexual abuse prevention: feminism, masculinity, and preventing the socialization of future offenders. Master of Arts University of Toronto, Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education, Canada.
  • Finkelhor D (2009) The prevention of childhood sexual abuse. The future of children/center for the future of children, The David and Lucile Packard foundation, 19:169-194.
  • Ford ME, Linney JA (1995) Comparative analysis of juvenile sexual offenders, violent non-sexual offenders, and status offenders. J Interpers Violence, 10:56-70.
  • Gannon TA, Terriere R, Leader T (2012) Ward and Siegert’s pathways model of child sexual offending: A cluster analysis evaluation. Psychol Crime Law, 18:129-153.
  • Glowacz F, Born M (2013) Do adolescent child abusers, peer abusers, and non-sex offenders have different personality profiles? European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 22(2):117–125.
  • Gunby C, Woodhams J (2010) Sexually deviant juveniles: Comparisons between the offender and offence characteristics of “child abusers” and “peer abusers.” Psychol Crime Law, 16:47-64.
  • Hanson RK, Bussière MT (1998) Predicting relapse: A meta-analysis of sexual offender recidivism studies. J Consult Clin Psychol, 66:348-362.
  • Hanson RK, Morton-Bourgon KE (2004) Predictors of sexual recidivism: An updated meta-analysis. Ottawa, Public Safety, Canada.
  • Harkins L, Beech AR (2007) A review of the factors that can influence the effectivenessof sexual offender treatment: Risk, need, responsivity, and process issues. Aggress Violent Behav, 12:615-627.
  • Hendriks J, Bijleveld CCJH (2004). Juvenile sexual delinquents: Contrasting child abusers with peer abusers. Crim Behav Ment Health, 14:238-250.
  • Howell JC, Kriberg B, Jones M (1995) Trends in juvenile crime and youth violence. A sourcebook: Serious, violent, & chronic juvenile offending, Howell JC, Krisberg B, Hawkins JD, Wilson JJ (Ed), California, SAGE.
  • Hsu LKG, Starzynski J (1990) Adolescent rapists and adolescent child sexual assaulters. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 34(1):23–30.
  • Hunter JA (2017) The sexual crimes of juveniles. Practical aspects of rape investigation: A multidisciplinary approach 5th Edition, RR Hazelwood, AW Burgess (Ed), New York, CRC Press.
  • Hunter JA, Figueredo AJ, Malamuth NM, Becker JV (2003) Juvenile sex offenders: Toward the development of a typology. Sex Abuse, 15(1):27-48.
  • Joyal CC, Carpentier J, Martin C (2016) Discriminant factors for adolescent sexual offending: On the usefulness of considering both victim age and sibling incest. Child Abuse Negl, 54:10–22.
  • Kara B, Biçer Ü, Gökalp A (2004) Çocuk istismarı. Çocuk Hastalıkları ve Sağlığı Dergisi, 47: 140-151.
  • Kaseweter K, Woodworth M, Logan M, Freimuth T (2016) High-risk sexual offenders: Towards a new typology. J Crim Justice, 47:123-132.
  • Keelan CM, Fremouw WJ (2013) Child versus peer/adult offenders: A critical review of the juvenile sex offender literature. Aggress Violent Behav, 18:732–744.
  • Knight RA, Thornton D (2007) Evaluating and improving risk assessment schemes for sexual recidivism: A long-term follow-up of convicted sexual offenders. Document No. 217618, Washington, U.S. Department of Justice.
  • Kurtay D, Özkök S, Barlık Y, Kurtay A, Akman E (2004) Çocuk ihmal ve istismarına multidisipliner yaklaşım. T.C. Başbakanlık Sosyal Hizmetler ve Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu, Aydın.
  • Langevin R, Curnoe S (2014) Psychological profile of sex offenders using weapons in their crimes. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 20(1):55–68. 13552600.2013.769636.
  • Långström N, Sjöstedt G, Grann M (2004) Psychiatric disorders and recidivism among sexual offenders. Sex Abuse J Res Tr, 16:139-150. Laws DR, O’Donohue WT (2008) Sexual deviance: Theory, assessment, and treatment. 2. Baskı, New York, Guilford.
  • LeBlanc M, Loeber R (1998) Developmental criminology updated. J Crime Justice, 23:115-198.
  • Leroux EJ, Pullman LE, Motayne G (2016) Victim age and the generalist versus specialist distinction in adolescent sexual offending. Sex Abuse, 28(2):79–95. doi: 10.1177/1079063214535814.
  • Loeber R, Farrington DP, Stouthamer-Loeber M, Moffitt TE, Caspi A, Lynam D (2001) Male mental health problems, psychopathy, and personality traits: Key findings from the first 14 years of the Pittsburgh Youth Study. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev, 4:273-297.
  • Loeber R, Hay DF (1994) Developmental approaches to aggression and conduct problems. Development through life: A handbook for clinicians, M. Rutter, D.F. Hay (Ed), London, Blackwell Scientific Publications.
  • Loeber R, Wung P, Keenan K, Giroux B, Southamer-Loeber M, Van Kammen WB et al. (1993). Developmental pathways in disruptive child behavior. Dev Psychopathol, 5:103-133.
  • MacMillan HL, Tanaka M, Duku E, Vaillancourt T, Boyle MH (2013) Child physical and sexual abuse in a community sample of young adults: Results from the Ontario Child Health Study. Child Abuse Negl, 37:14-21.
  • Mann RE, Hanson RK, Thornton D (2010) Assessing risk for sexual recidivism: Some proposals on the nature of psychologically meaningful risk factors. Sex Abuse 22:191-217.
  • Mann RE, Shingler J (2006) Schema-driven cognition in sexual offenders: Theory, assessment and treatment. Sexual Offender Treatment: Controversial Issues, W.L. Marshall, Y.M. Fernandez, L.E. Marshall, G.A. Serran (Ed), New York, Wiley, 173-185.
  • Martínez-Catena A, Redondo S, Frerich N, Beech AR (2017) A dynamic risk factors–based typology of sexual offenders. Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 61(14):1623-1647. doi: 10.1177/0306624X16629399.
  • McCuish EC, Lussier P, Corrado RR (2015) Examining antisocial behavioral antecedents of juvenile sexual offenders and juvenile non-sexual offenders. Sexual Abuse, 27(4):414-438.
  • McKibben A, Proulx J, Lusignan R (1994) Relationships between conflict, affect and deviant sexual behaviors in rapists and pedophiles. Behav Res Ther, 32:571-575.
  • Moffitt TE (1993) Life-course-persistent and adolescent-limited antisocial behavior: A developmental taxonomy. Psychol Rev, 100:674-701.
  • Nurcombe B (2000) Child sexual abuse I: Psychopathology. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 34:85-91.
  • Polat O (2000) Çocukta Cinsel İstismar. Adli Tıp Der Yayınları, ss. 207-231.
  • Polat O (2017) Tüm Boyutlarıyla Çocuk İstismarı-I, 2. Baskı, Ankara, Seçkin Yayıncılık, ss. 93-158.
  • Reitzel LR, Carbonell JL (2006) The effectiveness of sexual offender treatment for Juveniles as measured by recidivism: A meta-analysis. Sex Abuse, 18:401–421.
  • Seto MC, Lalumière ML (2010) What is so special about male adolescent sexual offending? A review and test of explanations through meta-analysis. Psychol Bull, 136(4):526-75. doi: 10.1037/a0019700.
  • Spertus KW, Yehuda R, Wong CM, Halligan S, Seremetis SV (2003) Childhood emotional abuse and neglect as predictors of psychological and physical symptoms in women presenting to a primary care practice. Child Abuse Negl, 27:1247-1258.
  • Stewart AJ, Steiman M, Cauce AM, Cochran BN, Whitbeck LB, Hoyt DR (2004) Victimization and posttraumatic stress disorder among homeless adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 43:325–331.
  • Szlachcic R, Fox S, Conway C, Lord A, Christie A (2015) The relationship between schemas and offence supportive attitudes in mentally disordered sexual offenders. J Sex Aggress, 21:318-336.
  • Taner Y, Bahar G (2004) Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali, psikiatrik yönleri. Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi, 35:82-85.
  • Türk Ceza Kanunu (TCK). (2004). Ankara. Erişim Tarihi: 18 Ocak 2020.
  • Ueda M (2017) Developmental risk factors of juvenile sex offenders by victim age: An implication for specialized treatment programs. Aggress Violent Behav, 37:122-128.
  • van der Put CE, Asscher JJ (2015) Protective factors in male adolescents with a history of sexual and/or violent offending: A comparison between three subgroups. Sex Abuse, 27:109-126.
  • van Wijk A, Mali S, Bullens R (2007) Juvenile sex-only and sex-plus offenders: An exploratory study on criminal profiles. Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 51:407-419.
  • van Wijk A, van Horn J, Bullens R, Bijleveld C. Doreleijers TA (2005) Juvenile sex offenders: A group on its own? Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 49:25-36.
  • van Wijk A, Vermeiren R, Loeber R ve ark. (2006) Juvenile sex offenders compared to non-sex offenders: A review of the literature 1995-2005. Trauma Violence Abuse, 7:227-243.
  • Vess J, Skelton A (2010) Sexual and violent recidivism by offender type and actuarial risk: Reoffending rates for rapists, child molesters and mixed-victim offenders. Psychol Crime Law, 16:541-554.
  • Whitaker DJ, Le B, Hanso KR, Baker CK ve ark. (2008) Risk factors for the perpetration of child sexual abuse: A review and metaanalysis. Child Abuse Negl, 32:529-548.
  • Woodworth M, Freimuth T, Hutton EL, Carpentera T, Agar AD, Logan M (2013) High-risk sexual offenders: An examination of sexual fantasy, sexual paraphilia, psychopathy, and offence characteristics. Int J Law Psychiatry, 36(2):144–156.
  • World Health Organization (2002) World report on violence and health- Sexual Violence. World Health Organization, Geneva 2002.
  • World Health Organization (2011) Violence against women – Intimate partner and sexual violence against women. World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • Worling JR, Curwen T (2000) Adolescent sexual offender recidivism: Success of specialized treatment and implications for risk prediction. Child Abuse Negl, 24:965-982.

Juvenile Sexual Offenders: Dynamics of The Sexual Offenses

Year 2022, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 57 - 64, 31.03.2022


For the perpetrator who directs the sexual act to the individual; different definitions can be made in terms of the modus operandi, the personality characteristics, the mental disorders, the repetition of the crime and the characteristics of the victim. This study aims to determine the risk factors and personality traits of adolescents who are perpetrators of sexual crimes and who are thought to be driven to crime, to examine how crime is committed or how crime history classifications are created, and to contribute to crime and behavioral sciences, penological interventions and rehabilitation initiatives by creating a different perspective. According to the results of the cases, perpetrators of sexual assault are mostly characterized as a heterogeneous group. Therefore, it is thought that reducing the perpetrators into homogeneous groups regarding their specific characteristics will facilitate the judicial process in order for the justice mechanism to function correctly.

Project Number



  • Abbey A, Jacques-Tiura AJ, LeBreton JM (2011) Risk factors for sexual aggression in young men: An expansion of the confluence model. Aggress Behav, 37:450-464. doi: 10.1002/ab.20399.
  • Adshead G, Brodrick P, Preston J (2012) Personality disorder in adolescence. BJ Psych Adv, 18:109–118.
  • Aebi M, Vogt G, Plattner B (2012) Steinhausen HC, Bessler C, Offender types and criminality dimensions in male juveniles convicted of sexual offenses. Sex Abuse, 24(3):265–288. doi: 10.1177/1079063211420449.
  • American Psychiatric Association (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition. Washington DC, American Psychiatric Association.
  • Blanchard R, Bogaert AF (1997) Additive effects of older brothers and homosexual brothers in the prediction of marriage and cohabitation. Behav Genet, 27:45-54.
  • Burt MR, Estep RE (1981) Who is a victim? Definitional problems in sexual victimization. Victimology: An International Journal, 6:15-28.
  • Butler S, Seto M (2002) Distinguishing two types of adolescent sex offenders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 41:83–90.
  • Carr CP, Martins CM, Stingel AM, Maria A, Braga LV (2013) Francisco M. The role of early life stress in adult psychiatric disorders: A systematic review according to childhood trauma subtypes. J Nerv Ment Dis, 201:1007-1020. doi: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000049.
  • Colins O, Vermeiren R, Schuyten G, Broekaert E (2009) Psychiatric disorders in property, violent and versatile offending in detained male adolescents. Am J Orthopsychiatry, 79:31–38.
  • Comeau N, Stewart SH, Loba P (2001) The relations of trait anxiety, anxiety sensitivity, and sensation seeking to adolescents' motivations for alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use. Addict Behav, 26:803-825.
  • Connell RW (2000) The Men and the Boys. Los Angeles: University of California Press
  • Cortoni F, Marshall WL (2001) Sex as a coping strategy and its relationship to juvenile sexual history and intimacy in sexual offenders. Sex Abuse J Res Tr, 13:27-44.
  • D’Urso G, Petruccelli I, Costantino V, Zappulla C, Pace U (2019) The role of moral disengagement and cognitive distortions toward children among sex offenders. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 26(3):414-422.
  • Easton SD, Saltzman LY, Willis DG (2013) Would you tell under circumstances like that? Barriers to disclosure of child sexual abuse for men. Psychol Men Masc, 15:460-469.
  • Fanniff AM, Becker JV (2006) Specialized assessment and treatment of adolescent sex offenders. Aggress Violent Behav, 11:265–282.
  • Farmer M, McAlinden AM, Maruna S (2016) Sex offending and situational motivation: Findings from a qualitative analysis of desistance from sexual offending. Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 60(15):1756-1775. doi: 10.1177/0306624X16668175.
  • Fazel S, Doll H, Langström N (2008) Mental disorders among adolescents in juvenile detention and correctional facilities: A systematic review and metaregression analyses of 25 surveys. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 47:1010-1019.
  • Fe Koch K (2004) Child sexual abuse prevention: feminism, masculinity, and preventing the socialization of future offenders. Master of Arts University of Toronto, Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education, Canada.
  • Finkelhor D (2009) The prevention of childhood sexual abuse. The future of children/center for the future of children, The David and Lucile Packard foundation, 19:169-194.
  • Ford ME, Linney JA (1995) Comparative analysis of juvenile sexual offenders, violent non-sexual offenders, and status offenders. J Interpers Violence, 10:56-70.
  • Gannon TA, Terriere R, Leader T (2012) Ward and Siegert’s pathways model of child sexual offending: A cluster analysis evaluation. Psychol Crime Law, 18:129-153.
  • Glowacz F, Born M (2013) Do adolescent child abusers, peer abusers, and non-sex offenders have different personality profiles? European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 22(2):117–125.
  • Gunby C, Woodhams J (2010) Sexually deviant juveniles: Comparisons between the offender and offence characteristics of “child abusers” and “peer abusers.” Psychol Crime Law, 16:47-64.
  • Hanson RK, Bussière MT (1998) Predicting relapse: A meta-analysis of sexual offender recidivism studies. J Consult Clin Psychol, 66:348-362.
  • Hanson RK, Morton-Bourgon KE (2004) Predictors of sexual recidivism: An updated meta-analysis. Ottawa, Public Safety, Canada.
  • Harkins L, Beech AR (2007) A review of the factors that can influence the effectivenessof sexual offender treatment: Risk, need, responsivity, and process issues. Aggress Violent Behav, 12:615-627.
  • Hendriks J, Bijleveld CCJH (2004). Juvenile sexual delinquents: Contrasting child abusers with peer abusers. Crim Behav Ment Health, 14:238-250.
  • Howell JC, Kriberg B, Jones M (1995) Trends in juvenile crime and youth violence. A sourcebook: Serious, violent, & chronic juvenile offending, Howell JC, Krisberg B, Hawkins JD, Wilson JJ (Ed), California, SAGE.
  • Hsu LKG, Starzynski J (1990) Adolescent rapists and adolescent child sexual assaulters. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 34(1):23–30.
  • Hunter JA (2017) The sexual crimes of juveniles. Practical aspects of rape investigation: A multidisciplinary approach 5th Edition, RR Hazelwood, AW Burgess (Ed), New York, CRC Press.
  • Hunter JA, Figueredo AJ, Malamuth NM, Becker JV (2003) Juvenile sex offenders: Toward the development of a typology. Sex Abuse, 15(1):27-48.
  • Joyal CC, Carpentier J, Martin C (2016) Discriminant factors for adolescent sexual offending: On the usefulness of considering both victim age and sibling incest. Child Abuse Negl, 54:10–22.
  • Kara B, Biçer Ü, Gökalp A (2004) Çocuk istismarı. Çocuk Hastalıkları ve Sağlığı Dergisi, 47: 140-151.
  • Kaseweter K, Woodworth M, Logan M, Freimuth T (2016) High-risk sexual offenders: Towards a new typology. J Crim Justice, 47:123-132.
  • Keelan CM, Fremouw WJ (2013) Child versus peer/adult offenders: A critical review of the juvenile sex offender literature. Aggress Violent Behav, 18:732–744.
  • Knight RA, Thornton D (2007) Evaluating and improving risk assessment schemes for sexual recidivism: A long-term follow-up of convicted sexual offenders. Document No. 217618, Washington, U.S. Department of Justice.
  • Kurtay D, Özkök S, Barlık Y, Kurtay A, Akman E (2004) Çocuk ihmal ve istismarına multidisipliner yaklaşım. T.C. Başbakanlık Sosyal Hizmetler ve Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu, Aydın.
  • Langevin R, Curnoe S (2014) Psychological profile of sex offenders using weapons in their crimes. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 20(1):55–68. 13552600.2013.769636.
  • Långström N, Sjöstedt G, Grann M (2004) Psychiatric disorders and recidivism among sexual offenders. Sex Abuse J Res Tr, 16:139-150. Laws DR, O’Donohue WT (2008) Sexual deviance: Theory, assessment, and treatment. 2. Baskı, New York, Guilford.
  • LeBlanc M, Loeber R (1998) Developmental criminology updated. J Crime Justice, 23:115-198.
  • Leroux EJ, Pullman LE, Motayne G (2016) Victim age and the generalist versus specialist distinction in adolescent sexual offending. Sex Abuse, 28(2):79–95. doi: 10.1177/1079063214535814.
  • Loeber R, Farrington DP, Stouthamer-Loeber M, Moffitt TE, Caspi A, Lynam D (2001) Male mental health problems, psychopathy, and personality traits: Key findings from the first 14 years of the Pittsburgh Youth Study. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev, 4:273-297.
  • Loeber R, Hay DF (1994) Developmental approaches to aggression and conduct problems. Development through life: A handbook for clinicians, M. Rutter, D.F. Hay (Ed), London, Blackwell Scientific Publications.
  • Loeber R, Wung P, Keenan K, Giroux B, Southamer-Loeber M, Van Kammen WB et al. (1993). Developmental pathways in disruptive child behavior. Dev Psychopathol, 5:103-133.
  • MacMillan HL, Tanaka M, Duku E, Vaillancourt T, Boyle MH (2013) Child physical and sexual abuse in a community sample of young adults: Results from the Ontario Child Health Study. Child Abuse Negl, 37:14-21.
  • Mann RE, Hanson RK, Thornton D (2010) Assessing risk for sexual recidivism: Some proposals on the nature of psychologically meaningful risk factors. Sex Abuse 22:191-217.
  • Mann RE, Shingler J (2006) Schema-driven cognition in sexual offenders: Theory, assessment and treatment. Sexual Offender Treatment: Controversial Issues, W.L. Marshall, Y.M. Fernandez, L.E. Marshall, G.A. Serran (Ed), New York, Wiley, 173-185.
  • Martínez-Catena A, Redondo S, Frerich N, Beech AR (2017) A dynamic risk factors–based typology of sexual offenders. Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 61(14):1623-1647. doi: 10.1177/0306624X16629399.
  • McCuish EC, Lussier P, Corrado RR (2015) Examining antisocial behavioral antecedents of juvenile sexual offenders and juvenile non-sexual offenders. Sexual Abuse, 27(4):414-438.
  • McKibben A, Proulx J, Lusignan R (1994) Relationships between conflict, affect and deviant sexual behaviors in rapists and pedophiles. Behav Res Ther, 32:571-575.
  • Moffitt TE (1993) Life-course-persistent and adolescent-limited antisocial behavior: A developmental taxonomy. Psychol Rev, 100:674-701.
  • Nurcombe B (2000) Child sexual abuse I: Psychopathology. Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 34:85-91.
  • Polat O (2000) Çocukta Cinsel İstismar. Adli Tıp Der Yayınları, ss. 207-231.
  • Polat O (2017) Tüm Boyutlarıyla Çocuk İstismarı-I, 2. Baskı, Ankara, Seçkin Yayıncılık, ss. 93-158.
  • Reitzel LR, Carbonell JL (2006) The effectiveness of sexual offender treatment for Juveniles as measured by recidivism: A meta-analysis. Sex Abuse, 18:401–421.
  • Seto MC, Lalumière ML (2010) What is so special about male adolescent sexual offending? A review and test of explanations through meta-analysis. Psychol Bull, 136(4):526-75. doi: 10.1037/a0019700.
  • Spertus KW, Yehuda R, Wong CM, Halligan S, Seremetis SV (2003) Childhood emotional abuse and neglect as predictors of psychological and physical symptoms in women presenting to a primary care practice. Child Abuse Negl, 27:1247-1258.
  • Stewart AJ, Steiman M, Cauce AM, Cochran BN, Whitbeck LB, Hoyt DR (2004) Victimization and posttraumatic stress disorder among homeless adolescents. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 43:325–331.
  • Szlachcic R, Fox S, Conway C, Lord A, Christie A (2015) The relationship between schemas and offence supportive attitudes in mentally disordered sexual offenders. J Sex Aggress, 21:318-336.
  • Taner Y, Bahar G (2004) Çocuk istismarı ve ihmali, psikiatrik yönleri. Hacettepe Tıp Dergisi, 35:82-85.
  • Türk Ceza Kanunu (TCK). (2004). Ankara. Erişim Tarihi: 18 Ocak 2020.
  • Ueda M (2017) Developmental risk factors of juvenile sex offenders by victim age: An implication for specialized treatment programs. Aggress Violent Behav, 37:122-128.
  • van der Put CE, Asscher JJ (2015) Protective factors in male adolescents with a history of sexual and/or violent offending: A comparison between three subgroups. Sex Abuse, 27:109-126.
  • van Wijk A, Mali S, Bullens R (2007) Juvenile sex-only and sex-plus offenders: An exploratory study on criminal profiles. Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 51:407-419.
  • van Wijk A, van Horn J, Bullens R, Bijleveld C. Doreleijers TA (2005) Juvenile sex offenders: A group on its own? Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 49:25-36.
  • van Wijk A, Vermeiren R, Loeber R ve ark. (2006) Juvenile sex offenders compared to non-sex offenders: A review of the literature 1995-2005. Trauma Violence Abuse, 7:227-243.
  • Vess J, Skelton A (2010) Sexual and violent recidivism by offender type and actuarial risk: Reoffending rates for rapists, child molesters and mixed-victim offenders. Psychol Crime Law, 16:541-554.
  • Whitaker DJ, Le B, Hanso KR, Baker CK ve ark. (2008) Risk factors for the perpetration of child sexual abuse: A review and metaanalysis. Child Abuse Negl, 32:529-548.
  • Woodworth M, Freimuth T, Hutton EL, Carpentera T, Agar AD, Logan M (2013) High-risk sexual offenders: An examination of sexual fantasy, sexual paraphilia, psychopathy, and offence characteristics. Int J Law Psychiatry, 36(2):144–156.
  • World Health Organization (2002) World report on violence and health- Sexual Violence. World Health Organization, Geneva 2002.
  • World Health Organization (2011) Violence against women – Intimate partner and sexual violence against women. World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • Worling JR, Curwen T (2000) Adolescent sexual offender recidivism: Success of specialized treatment and implications for risk prediction. Child Abuse Negl, 24:965-982.
There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Behaviour-Personality Assessment in Psychology
Journal Section Review

Sunay Fırat 0000-0002-9960-0836

Mehmet Aykut Erk 0000-0002-4362-2729

Project Number -
Publication Date March 31, 2022
Acceptance Date August 3, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


AMA Fırat S, Erk MA. Cinsel Suçlara Yönelen Çocuk Failler: Cinsel Suçların Dinamikleri. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry. March 2022;14(1):57-64. doi:10.18863/pgy.952137

Creative Commons License
Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.